tv [untitled] December 31, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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president david chiu: supervisor farrell. supervisor mark farrell: i want to take this opportunity to thank lionel for your contributions, for sharing your thoughts. and i do think that i did a better job as a supervisor because of your advocacy. president david chiu: do we have a motion? supervisor jane kim: we have a motion to recognize from the floor lolita and -- from action network to speak. president david chiu: supervisor kim has asked for these two individuals to take the floor. can we have approval for that. can we do it unanimously? without objection that should be the case. why don't we hear from
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these two individuals. speaker: thank you supervisors for helping us call attention to lionel. there is a lot of important work here. i just want to acknowledge and say there is a lot of people out there, a lot of folks who come out here to city hall to talk and a lot of people in the community and streets. they are not just another voice talking and another person talking. they are a person with a very rich life which a lot of us care for a lot. there is a lot of people that pass away. lionel, was a cool guy. he was really great. i'm going miss him. it's really really sad. we brought him up here, even in passing. he's still making trouble. here is a picture of lionel doing what he liked to do best. there he is singing.
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he had a great voice. so lionel was great. i just want to thank you for all the respect and for the seniors. thank you, we love you lionel. you are the best and we love you all. thank you. >> good afternoon, everyone. i'm lolita. i'm from the san francisco senior center. we would like to take this opportunity to thank the board of supervisors and everyone who are paying tribute to lionel today. i have known him for 16 years. he was able to get a home when he was homeless. we would like to thank supervisor john avalos who came to join us last friday. i would like to read this short oed to lionel.
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i will miss you that much i know. your happy smile, your warm hell o. you showed your kindness in many ways. you warmed our hearts. yes, i will miss you. we never sang a duet. many memories of you will linger for years. when i think of you, i will think he did it his way. rest in peace lionel. thank you so much. president david chiu: we have one other colleague who would like to say a few words. supervisor cohen. supervisor malia cohen: thank you. i did spend some time and began to know lionel and he was very special. he was sitting
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there not far from the banister. i was sad to hear he passed away. i hope he's able to rest easy now. president david chiu: thank you, supervisor cohen. lionel, rest in peace. we have a number of other guest that our next colleague will recognize. supervisor breed? supervisor london breed: i'm going to ask coach win and galileo football team to come to the front of the podium. today we are honoring both the alma mater of myself and supervisor norman yee. as you know, not only the lions run the field, they run the board of supervisors. [ laughter ] c'mon up, fellows. thank you all so much for coming here. i think the principal marcus -- is here. thank you so much for taking time out of your
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business schedule for being here. i know you are all very busy preparing for finals. you look good today. i love the ties and outfits. i'm really proud of you all because it takes a lot of hard work and teamwork to come together to win a championship. you brought so many people from galileo from many years came out to watch you all play and you inspired us. it was probably one of the behind -- best football games in many many years. it was one of the best football games that many people have seen and maybe some of the old guys that said we used to do it this way or that way. they were very impressed by how you played on the field and it was clear that you guys were a team and you worked hard for it and came together. i'm so proud of our coach here mr. win. i'm here to honor you as the san
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francisco board of supervisors because you earned that. you brought not only your team together band the school together and the community together. that's what people do. they inspire people and make them want to work harder and you do that. you were 12-1. and when coach played back in the day, he was older than i am. i just want to be clear about that. i was at galileo when he played and he was a part of something that's never been done in the history of our football public high school since i was there and that is we had a three-peat at galileo. that is 88, 89 and 90 and you were a part of that winning team. and you were senior class president in 1990. did i fudge
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your year? sorry. but what i appreciate about you is you grew up here in the tenderloin. your parents, migrated from veet -- vietnam. you worked hard and played hard and you have friendships that have lasted a lifetime. and you continue to work with these young men and continue to work on the yearbook for the school. make sure the picture you take today is front and center in the yearbook. i'm happy to have you all here and so happy to recognize you for your hard work and commitment. this was the 90th turkey day and 17th time that galileo has won this championship. it is an outstanding accomplishment. i'm
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here to say, congratulations, gentlemen. when you work hard, truly you make things happen. i want to make sure you understand that not only did you inspire your school and your team. you inspired your community and inspired an entire city and clearly the san francisco board of supervisors which is why you are here to be honored today. congratulations and thanks for your hard work and coming together and just being role models and being here and showing how teamwork makes a difference. thank you. [ applause ] i'm kind of excited but i think supervisor yee wanted to say a few words. you went back in what year? supervisor norman yee: never
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mind. way before you were born. i am so proud of you, lions. yes. i have to say this is really exciting for me to be in this position to be able to honor you because during years when i was going to galileo, we had some great athletes. in fact we had a really team in varsity that took to cities in a row and these guys were really fast but we never won a championship. for me to have all you standing here, well, with a trophy, it makes me really proud to be part of the galileo family. so, i'm glad you are here. you guys look great. you were great on the football team and you look like you are ready to take on other things in life, probably your prom coming up. congratulations. supervisor london breed: thank
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you. i also want to mention. supervisor norman yee: can i also add my name. supervisor london breed: yes, also supervisor yee, jane kim, avalos serve on the school board and they are doing a lot for the district and the work that you are doing is really making us wanting to work harder to continue to support our public schools and do everything welcome -- we can here at the board of supervisors where other schools can also continue to thrive. i want to give you both principals and coach an opportunity to say a few words. president david chiu: mr. principal? >> good afternoon, everyone. i just want to say how proud i am
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of you boys. many of you were sophomores and you stayed together and worked hard. it's all about teamwork and carried on that galileo pride. i was from wilson and i graduated in 88 and i know the true tradition that galileo has. congratulations coach, and congratulations to the team. [ applause ] >> thank you for having us here. i think it's really nice for the boys to see what is going on in the city. there is a lot of stuff going on that they see sometimes but not too much. it's definitely a privilege and blessing for themg -- them to be here and it is a privilege for leading these moment field -- men on the field and through the school. we have something for
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you. isaac? you have to walk it up there. isaac just pointed out the me he has a cousin. thanks for having us out here. we appreciate the time. [ applause ] supervisor london breed: thank you. so then i can get a nice picture, we are going to step outside in the rotundum. thank you again, colleagues. congratulations lions. [ applause ] president david chiu: okay, colleagues. why don't we continue our business. madam clerk read reports item 30-40.
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without item 36. >> speaker: the clerk: item 30-40 were sent to the board, minus item 36. the resolution approving the mills act property contracts under code 71 item 30. item 30: 2013.30.130463[mills act historical property contract - 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn]sponsor: farrellresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between john moran the owner of 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act historical property contracts under code 71 item 30. item 30: 2013.30.130463[mills act historical property contract - 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn]sponsor: farrellresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between john moran the owner of 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act historical property contracts under code 71 item 30. item 30: 2013.30.130463[mills act historical property contract - 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn]sponsor: farrellresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between john moran the owner of 1772 vallejo street burr mansionn, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor
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to execute the mills act historical property contract. planning departmentt, sf 1234 item 31: 31.130479[mills act historical property contract - 2550 webster street]sponsor: farrellresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between pacific heights, llc, the owners of 2550 webster street, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act historical property contract., 1234 item 32: 32.130506[mills act historical property contract - 1019 market street]sponsor: kimresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between 1019 market st. properties, llc, the owners of 1019 market street, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act historical property contract., 1234 sf item 33: 33.130521[mills act historical property contract - 3769 20th street]sponsor: wienerresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between brian jackson and thomas ranese, the owners of 3769 20th street, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act property contract., 1234 sf sf 331234 sfitem 34: 34.130522[mills act historical property contract - 50 carmelita street]sponsor: wienerresolution approving a mills act historical property contract, under administrative code, chapter 71, between adam spiegel and guillemette broulliat-spiegel, the owners of 50 carmelita street, and the city and county of san francisco; and authorizing the planning director and assessor to execute the mills act historical property contract.1234 item 25: 25.131046[liquor license - 678 geary street]resolution determining that the issuance of a type 42 on-sale beer and wine public premises license to justin beem and daniel brooker for resolute drinks, llc, dba resolute, located at 678 geary street district 33, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4, and recommending that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. neighborhood services mills act historical property contract.1234 item 25: 25.131046[liquor license - 678
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geary street]resolution determining that the issuance of a type 42 on-sale beer and wine public premises license to justin beem and daniel brooker for resolute drinks, llc, dba resolute, located at 678 geary street district 33, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4, and recommending that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. neighborhood services and safety committeee shgs 1234 president david chiu: call the roll. speaker: cohen, aye, ferrel, aye, supervisor tang, aye, mar, aye, yee, absent. supervisor avalos, ay supervisor breed, absent. supervisor campos, aye. there are 9 ayes. president david chiu: those resolutions are adopted. item 41-45. speaker: the clerk: item 41:2013.41.131061[administrative code - hearings on tenant allegations of landlord harassment to recover possession of the tenant's unit]sponsors: campos; avalos, mar, chiu, cohen and kimordinance amending administrative code, chapter 37, "residential rent stabilization and arbitration ordinance," by providing for hearings at the rent board on tenant allegations of landlord harassment constituting a wrongful endeavor to recover possession of the tenant's unit.1234 item 42: 42.131149[adding the name "donaldina cameron alley" to old chinatown lane]sponsors: chiu; marresolution adding the name "donaldina cameron alley" to old chinatown lane in recognition of donaldina cameron and her many contributions to san francisco president david chiu: supervisor campos? supervisor david campos: thank you very much. i would like to thank my colleagues who are sponsoring these items, supervisor mar, chiu, supervisor cohen and kim. i have been talking for some time about how we've had a tale of two cities in san francisco and how with all the prosperity there are many people being left behind. and as part of our discussion of the affordability crisis that we are facing, one of the things that has stood out is the challenges that tenants are facing in san francisco. i want to take this opportunity to thank all the
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advocates, scott ajusta who has brought these issues to not only the attention of this body in city hall but really the entire elected family. i am proud to be introducing and we are going to be voting today on this piece of legislation that provides an additional protection for tenants as we are dealing with this housing crisis. we are acutely aware of the fact that because of this crisis many families are being displaced and one of the things we have heard from tenants is the fact that many of them feel that they are being harassed and we have heard story after story from tenants who have been subjected to different forms of harassment by landlords. we have heard the
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stories of landlords consistently calling tenants not only at home but actually work to the point where some have gotten in trouble with their employer and some tenants being locked out of their apartment and how there is loud construction work that is done in some of these properties for the purpose of harassing the tenant and making it clear that they are not welcome there. we had a report issued by the budget and legislative analyst that shows we are dealing with an eviction crisis here in san francisco and we have a report that shows the ellis act evictions are up by 69 percent. we know by every ellis act
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eviction are 2-3 by outs that are not being reported. the way these by outs report that in many cases you have landlords that intimidate people to agreeing to a buy out. most of the time agreeing to being paid a sum that is not going to enable them to stay in san francisco. the problem with the law today is that in the face of this harassment, the only recourse that is presentlily available to tenants is that they can go and file an action in california superior court. as ted of the san francisco tenants union indicated in order to file in superior court things to have get so bad that you as a tenant have to convince an attorney that you are actually suffering damages including perhaps medical
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damages, but for most tenants the ability to file something in court, san francisco superior court is not an option available to them. litigation is so costly and so expensive that it's really prohibitive. what this legislation does is it creates an intermediary cost of action at the rent force that if there is any harassment that the matter can be brought to the rent board so there can be a hearing before an administrative law judge so they will be able to present their facts, their sides of the case and the administrative law judge would provide the rent board with a summary presented by each side and depending on what that evidence shows, the rent board may decide to refer the matter to the city attorney
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to initiate civil litigation or to the district attorney to initiate criminal proceedings. the point of this is that it creates a forum byway of the rent board where these kinds of allegations can be dealt with without the parties having to go to court to resolve the issue. i think that this legislation is not only needed in terms of the practice impact of the legislation, but i think it will also send an a very clear message that the kind of harassment that we have heard of that has been presented to us that is something that it's not going to be tolerated in san francisco. i'm very proud to submit this piece of legislation and ask my colleagues for their support and i also want to thank the san francisco apartment
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association. we have approached them to make sure their side is taken into consideration and we have incorporated some of the suggestions they had. i think this is something a long time coming and something that will provide an additional tool for us to ensure that we protect tenants in san francisco and i respectfully ask for your support. i want to thank my colleagues for cosponsoring and for their work on this piece of legislation. president david chiu: supervisor mar? supervisor eric mar: thank you for addressing this legislation and the budget analyst report that you did and the humanist stories that came from many organizations and individuals that came to tell their stories iechl want -- i want to say this is setting up a fair and
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impartial setting and mechanism that will allow those to be heard. when we have such a crazy and over heated housing market that the hearings have shown that sometimes it's illegally forcing the tenants out through intimidation and harassment. this process creates a fair and i impartial what the tenants can be heard and also further legislative efforts to support our communities and help stem the tied of displacements going on in our city. thank you supervisor campos. president david chiu: supervisor yee. supervisor norman yee: thank you for bringing this to our attention. i'm glad that we are
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finding some solutions to as you say some bad apples who maybe harassing renters. the question i have on this and neighbor apartment association asked the same question, maybe not. but i wanted to at least be where there are not, something like this where most renters are good renters and most landlords are good landlords but there is bad apples on both sides of the issues. the question i had is could this amendment, these amendments be where some of the bad anticipate -- apples of the renters be used to the landlords. maybe this is a question to the city attorney. i'm just curious if that's been discussed or not?
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president david chiu: supervisor campos for the city attorney. speaker: i don't know if the city attorney would like to chime in. what i would say supervisor yee is that i think this is a tool, but let me say this, that as supervisor march indicated, -- we believe the forum can deal with these issues. it's not a one-sided situation. nothing will happen if a frivolous case is presented and the facts don't really support and allegation of harassment. the other side that is opportunity to submit their open perspective and their own evidences as to what actually happened. does it mean that it's possible that someone
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is going to bring a frivolous claim, that's always a possibility. that's a possibility in superior court as well. but the point here is that we want to provide an opportunity to be legitimate concerns brought forward. if the concern is not legitimate then the administrative law judge will be able to let the rent board know that. so, i think the possibility for an abuse is something that exist regardless of what we are talking about. but i think the imbalances is such right now in terms of the power that a landlord and property owner has visa via the tenant, filing something with the rent board is not easy either. there is an
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additional step that has to be taken. it's not as onerous as filing a lawsuit. it's not something that can also be taken lightly. president david chiu: any other comments? our deputy city attorney. speaker: because supervisor yee directed to me the question as well. this is what the board, what complaints the tenants might file is hard for us to fore see as a legal question. it's more of a policy question for the board. president david chiu: thank you supervisor campos for answering the question. president david chiu: colleagues, any additional discussion. roll call on the item. speaker: the clerk: item 41,
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supervisor chiu, aye, cohen, aye, ferrel, aye, kim aye, supervisor mar, aye, tang, aye, supervisor wiener aye, yee, aye, supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, there are 11 ayes. president david chiu: the ordinance is passed. call items 42-44. speaker: they were recommended with the same title. item 42: 42.131149[adding the name "donaldina cameron alley" to old chinatown lane]sponsors: chiu; marresolution adding the name "donaldina cameron alley" to old chinatown lane in recognition of donaldina cameron and her many contributions to san francisco1234, item 43: 43.131150[adding the name "harold 'bud' moose lane" to merchant street]sponsor: chiuresolution adding the name "harold 'bud' moose lane" to merchant street in recognition of bud moose and his many contributions sf 431234 item 44: 44.131151[adding the name "enid ng lim alley" to bartol street]sponsors: chiu;
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marresolution adding the name "enid ng lim alley" to bartol street in recognition of enid ng lim and her many contributions sf 441234 president david chiu: colleagues can we take these items same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 45. speaker: the clerk: item 45: 45.131191[administrative code - clarifying employer definition for family friendly workplace]sponsor: chiuordinance amending the administrative code to clarify the group of employers required to comply with the family friendly workplace ordinance.1234 president david chiu: colleagues can we take this item same house same call. this ordinance is passed on the first reading. why don't we go to roll call. speaker: m -- mr. president, you are first to introduce new items. president david chiu: i'm introducing this item with mayor lee to support state law amendments to support control over the ellis act to prevent abuse and no fault evictions. we all note that the city has seen significant job growth and
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unemployment growth in the past few years since our unemployment rate has declined from 10 percent to 5 percent. while our population has increased we have seen an increased demand for housing. the ellis act has allowed 6,000 units to be withdrawn from our rental market. the ellis act has been used by new owners who purchase the building of evoking the ellis act for their own reasons. we have seen trends where they are buying the rental units and then
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changing them. we also know that speculators who have used the ellis act to evict tenants and those most vulnerable of our city. given the fact that we do not have time to wait for ellis act evictions to take place before establishing more local control that we need do everything we can to stem the tie of speculative evictions. this calls for our may and -- mayor and board of supervisors to restrict ellis act evictions to restrain the ellis act evictions and disrupting our efforts to grow according to our general plan and our neighborhood plans. so
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