tv [untitled] January 2, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PST
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good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, december 17, 2013. madam clerk please call the roll. the clerk: supervisor avalos, chiu, cohen absent, ferrel present, supervisor kim, present, supervisor mar, present, supervisor tang, present, supervisor wiener, present, supervisor yee, pre. mr. president you have a
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quorum. thank you. ladies and gentlemen can you join us on the pledge of allegiance. >> pledge of allegiance. madam clerk, any communications? speaker: there are no communications. this week representing the even districts specifically district eight and 10. the mayor may address the board up to 5 minutes. the president will recognize the supervisors in question so long it does not exceed. i want to pensacola you back to the final question in time in
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the year 2013. if you have any open comments, i would love to hear them. speaker: thank you president chiu. happy holidays! during the winter months it's important to think of our most vulnerable. that's why i want to thank the inter faith council for providing shelter. tht the 8th year. the congregation has provided shelter to homeless. these protocols mean that every vacant shelter bed is available after 8:00 p.m. without a reservation. both the homeless outreach teams and the san
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francisco police department through over night wellness checks and we increase transportation to and from shelters. mayor edwin m. lee: really we really appreciate their partnership. while giving and volunteering should be at the forefront of all of our thoughts on a year round basis, it's especially important for each of us to put others first during this holiday season. so during the season of giving, i encourage not only our city residents, our businesses and our visitors, but also you, supervisors, our city department heads and staff and those joining us here today in the audience to don't whatever you can to organizations that are so important to our city's social safety net and those organizations that serve our
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homeless, veterans and our most in need during the holidays and throughout the year. thank you and let's go to your questions, supervisor. chiu president david chiu: chiu thank you mr. mayor. let's go to supervisor supervisor mark farrell: mr. mayor, g gnra is a recreation area. as the recreational use for decades has been dog walking. thousands of city of
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san francisco has long walked their dogs for dog walking. they are imposing restrictions that would severely limit san franciscans ability to utilize ggnra and result in a shift from many dogs from the federal urban recreation areas to already over crowded city parks. board of supervisors recently unanimously passed the resolution that i authored to oppose this proposal by the national parks service. congresswoman jackie spears has been very supportive in the opposition to the park services plan and our federal representative democratic leader, nancy pelosi recently sent a letter to the park service asking the park service to extend the public comment
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period which it subsequently did and also take into account the recreational needs of dog walker's and dog owners at the g gnra. mr. mayor, do you agree that the ggnra plan goes too far in restricting dog access? will you work with the board of supervisors and our federal representative to encourage the national park service to alter the plan, to take into account of the needs of dog owners and dog walker's to use these properties? mayor edwin m. lee: supervisor wiener thank you for the questions. the parks managed by the ggnra include you the city's crown tools, al alcatraz
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and others. the center had over 17 million visitors. the visitors alike enjoy the ggnra in other ways. biking and relaxing and for many includes walking their dogs. the ggnra revised the plan with dog owners and habitat even in an urban area. the city faces some of these same challenges in our own park system and balance recreation and conversation. while responsive to some of the concerns raised in the first round of outreach. many residents believe the ggnra plans go too far to those
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available to walker's. one of the concerns to the ggnra revised plan will impact resources. i ask them to fully the consider the totality and impact on the streets. they need to adequately address the concerns and concerns of our residents before finalizing the dog management plan. i'm confident the ggnra will work with residents before moving any plan forward. they have been partners with the city since the recreation area was created in 19726789 . i have great respect for director jean and the wonderful acts they
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have entrusted to protect. most recently the partnership with the 34th america's cup which drew millions of people to the water front to see the teams. all while people enjoyed the beautiful water front open space. i asked the ggnra while finalized the management plan to take the public service outreach process and i will work with you on that. supervisor scott weiner: thank you, mr. mayor. president david chiu: our next question by supervisor cohen. i understand she's stuck in traffic. i will read her question to the mayor. mr. mayor, many of us at the board of supervisors have worked with legislation to increase job access opportunities for
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residents in our city. while there are some integrated in the work force development system, i think we can do a lot more to bring a broader range of prior employers to bring residents to complete a job program. you have recently launched a techs to work and can you describe how that's going to fit with the outreach and what is the plan for this outreach tool. mayor edwin m. lee: thank you for supervisor cohen's question. as you all know we are living in an extraordinary time in an extraordinary city. we are seeing economic recovery all around us, new homes, offices, neighborhood developments and homes built and getting back to work. as i took office in 2011, today unemployment is 5.3 percent.
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making san francisco the fastest growing county in the nation. this nation is not result of one industry. san francisco is facing job growth in every sector in the job economy and beating the growth rate. we work to create a strong climate of jobs, reforming our business tax and attracting and retaining businesses in the sector and making san francisco the growing capital of the world. we must work together by supporting residents by helping them find jobs in all of our sector academies. tech, manufacturing and hospitality and clean tech. we are working i don't think traditional methods of connecting people to jobs. this project developed
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through our city's partnership, tech to work connects job seekers through job openings through mobile phones. it worked job seekers through posting through text message. job seekers can dial a phone number to listen to job descriptions and apply for jobs using a telephone key pad. this allows those looking for work to review for job postings and apply for work 24 hours a day without a connection to the internet. text to work has great empowerment for those limited with will literacy -- and language. it's compiling the text to work application as part of the labor work force innovation fund grant. the
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initial pilot is purposely small scale focusing on city participants an allowing to accurately access the effectiveness before making the tool more available. if text to work is effective, it will be expanded to a broader pool for participants. i look forward to working with you supervisor cohen and your colleagues to continue to connect city san franciscans to good jobs. president david chiu: that concludes our questions for 2013, mayor. happy holidays!. madam clerk, call items 2-12. speaker: the clerk: these items are considered routine. if a member objects these items will be considered separately. chiu.
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items 2-12. supervisor chiu, aye, cohen aye, ferrel aye, kim, aye, mar aye, tang, aye, wiener, aye, yee, aye, avalos aye, campos, aye. there are 11 ayes. president david chiu: those items are approved. next item. item 13: chiu13.130041[planning code - conversion, demolition, merger, and conformity of residential uses]sponsors: avalos; camposordinance amending the planning code to revise the criteria for residential demolition, merger and conversion, and to standardize those definitions across use districts and prohibit residential mergers where certain evictions of tenants have occurred; establish a strong presumption in favor of preserving dwelling units in enforcement of code requirements; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1.12341234 president david chiu: colleagues, same house same call. this is passed. next item. speaker: item 14: 14.130783[planning code - nonconforming uses: enlargement, alteration or
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reconstruction]sponsors: avalos; camposordinance amending the planning code to permit the enlargement, alteration or reconstruction of a dwelling or other housing structure that exceeds the permitted density of the district if dwelling units are principally permitted in the district and the enlargement, alteration or reconstruction does not extend beyond the building envelope as it existed on january 1, 2013, and if no tenants were evicted under certain provisions of the rent ordinance; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1.12341234 president david chiu: same house, same call, this ordinance is finally passed. item 15. speaker: the clerk: item 15: avalos15.131140[appropriation - recreation and park department's capital improvements - fy2013-2014 - $9,191,670]sponsor: mayorordinance appropriating $9,191,670 including de-appropriating $2,338,558 of 2000 recreation and park facilities improvement bond capital projects; appropriating $36,401 of 2000 recreation and park facilities improvement bond proceeds; de-appropriating $3,000,000 of 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond capital projects; and appropriating $3,816,711 of 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond proceeds interest earnings to recreation and park and neighborhood park contingency funds to fund capital projects within 2000 recreation and park facilities improvement bond and 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond approved projects and program parameters. fiscal impactt 12341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this ordinance is passed in the first reading. next item. speaker: item 16: mar16.131054[airport professional services agreement - elevator maintenance services - not to exceed $11,000,000]resolution approving award of professional services agreement for airport contract no. 9312 - elevator maintenance service to provide for maintenance, repair, testing, and on-call emergency services for approximately 170 elevators at san francisco international airport, between thyssenkrupp elevator corporation and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not to exceed $11,000,000 pursuant to charter, section 9.1188bb, for the period of january 1, 2014, through december 31, 2018. airport commissionn12341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. next
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item. speaker: item 17: agenda17.131055[airport professional services agreement - escalator and electric walk maintenance services - not to exceed $17,000,000]resolution approving award of professional services agreement for airport contract no. 9313 - escalator and electric walk maintenance service to provide for maintenance, repair, testing, and on-call emergency services for approximately 133 escalators and 43 electric walks at san francisco international airport, between thyssenkrupp elevator corporation and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not to exceed $17,000,000 pursuant to charter, section 9.1188bb, for the period of january 1, 2014, through december 31, 2018. airport commissionn12341234 president david chiu: same house same call, this resolution is adopted. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 18: 18.131067[accept and expend grant - defibrillator and training - $1,771,421]sponsor: farrellresolution retroactively authorizing the fire department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,771,421 from the federal emergency management agency to upgrade and replace its defibrillator inventory for the period of march 8, 2013, through march 7, 2014, and conduct regional training for the period of may 1, 2013, through april 30, 2014. 12341234 president david chiu: same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 19: 19.131080[prevailing wage rates - various workers performing work under city contracts]resolution fixing prevailing wage rates for workers performing work under city contracts for public work and improvement; workers performing work under city contracts for janitorial services; workers performing work in public off-street parking lots, garages, or storage facilities for automobiles on property owned or leased by the city; workers engaged in theatrical or technical services for shows on property owned by the city; workers engaged in the hauling of solid waste generated by the city in the course of city operations, pursuant to a contract with the city; and workers performing moving services under city contracts at facilities owned or leased by the city. civil service commissionn12341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 20: 20.131092[lease termination agreement - literacy for environmental justice - lease no. l-13816 - ecocenter]sponsor:
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cohenresolution authorizing the mutual termination agreement between the port and literacy for environmental justice for lease no. l-13816, for the ecocenter at heron's head park, located at jennings and cargo way, item 20: 20.131092[lease termination agreement - literacy for environmental justice - lease no. l-13816 - ecocenter]sponsor: cohenresolution authorizing the mutual termination agreement between the port and literacy for environmental justice for lease no. l-13816, for the ecocenter at heron's head park, located at jennings and cargo way, pending item 20: 20.131092[lease termination agreement - literacy for environmental justice - lease no. l-13816 - ecocenter]sponsor: cohenresolution authorizing the mutual termination agreement between the port and literacy for environmental justice for lease no. l-13816, for the ecocenter at heron's head park, located at jennings and cargo way, pending board approval. 1234 president david chiu: same house same call. next item. speaker: item 21: agenda21.131098[lease - airport amenities and business services - $1,260,000]resolution approving the airport amenities and business services lease, between airport travel agency, inc., and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a seven year term with a minimum annual guarantee of $180,000 and a total minimum amount of $1,260,000 to commence following board approval, over the entire speaker: sf 2112341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. speaker: item 22: 22.131126[transfer of real property - mcallister street and ash alley - $4,584,000]sponsors: mayor; breedresolution approving the jurisdictional transfer of real property comprised of portions of block no. 0785, lot nos. 030 and 033, in the city and county of san francisco, from the real estate division to the mayor's office of housing and community development for $4,584,000 to commence speaker: item 22: 22.131126[transfer of real property - mcallister street and ash alley - $4,584,000]sponsors: mayor; breedresolution approving the jurisdictional transfer of real property comprised of portions of block no. 0785, lot nos. 030 and 033, in the city and county of san francisco, from the real estate division to the mayor's office of housing and community development for $4,584,000 to commence following speaker: item 22: 22.131126[transfer of real property - mcallister street and ash alley -
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$4,584,000]sponsors: mayor; breedresolution approving the jurisdictional transfer of real property comprised of portions of block no. 0785, lot nos. 030 and 033, in the city and county of san francisco, from the real estate division to the mayor's office of housing and community development for $4,584,000 to commence following board approval.? ? 1234 president david chiu: supervisor supervisor jane kim: i just want to mention that we final come to agreement. i'm really excited about the other half something that i have been working on along commissioners sandy feuer and sfks san francisco board of education. the other appeal was 1950 mission and now supervisor campos district and 11 oh 1 connecticut which is supervisor cohen's district which is now available for affordable housing and mixed use income housing. this was really a project long time and coming i am years before me. when sfusd first delved into our system of property something to deal with as much as land generating revenue for school district or value for community such as affordable housing. it's exciting that we are able to do this swap now with parcel e in london breed's district. i want to thank olson lee who was able to make this happen along
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with commissioners mendoza at the school board who helped this with this challenging process. i want to thank supervisors yee campos for your support as well. i'm looking forward to moving forward. i know there is so much that is owned by the city and public schools and this is a way to help generate and create value through our public lands, thank you. i would also like to add my name. president david chiu: thank you, supervisor kim. can we take this same call same house. this resolution is adopted. item 23. speaker: the clerk: item 23: yee23.131001[health care services master plan]sponsor: camposresolution adopting the
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health care services master plan and commending the department of public health and planning department for running a robust data driven process infused with widespread community input to create the plan. question: shall this resolution be adopted?12341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 24. speaker: the clerk: item 24: 24.131021[county refugee services annual plan - federal fy2012-2013]resolution approving the city and county of san francisco's refugee services annual plan for federal fy2012-2013. sf 241234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 25. speaker: the clerk: item 25: 25.131046[liquor license - 678 geary street]resolution determining that the issuance of a type 42 on-sale beer and wine public premises license to justin beem and daniel brooker for resolute drinks, llc, dba resolute, located at 678 geary street district 33, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4, and recommending that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. neighborhood services speaker: the clerk: sf 2512341234 president david chiu: same house, same call. this motion is approved. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 26: cohen26.130741[appointments, workforce investment community advisory committee - douglas parrish and dion jay brookter]motion appointing doug parrish, term ending february 19, 2015, and dion jay brookter, term ending february 19, 2014, residency requirement waived, to the workforce investment community advisory committee. clerk of the boardd1234 president david chiu: same house, same call. this motion is approved. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 27:
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breed27.130910[appointment, soma community stabilization fund community advisory committee - john elberling]motion appointing john elberling, term ending april 27, 2014, to the soma community stabilization fund community advisory committee. clerk of the boardd12341234 president david chiu: same house same call. this motion is approved. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 28: 28.131103[appointment, child care planning advisory council - deepa mehta]motion appointing deepa mehta, term ending march 19, 2016, to the child care planning and advisory council, residency requirement waived. clerk of the boardd12341234 president david chiu: same house, same call. this motion is approved. next item. speaker: the clerk: item 29: 29.131166[appointment, public utilities revenue bond oversight committee - marina pelosi]motion appointing marina pelosi, term ending january 1, 2016, to the public utilities revenue bond oversight committee. clerk of the board president david chiu: same house, same call. this motion is approved. colleagues, it is 2:30 i want to recognize our special accommodations. i would like to start with our district 5 colleague supervisor breed. supervisor london breed: mr. president, i don't see the folks here yet. president david chiu: why don't we skip those for now and come back to you. supervisor kim.
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supervisor jane kim: we are also waiting for folks. which supervisor jane kim: no. we are ready. my apology. they were both hidden. it's actually with a lot of sadness that we are doing this special commendation today. it's in fact a memoriam. at the last board meeting of the year. so it's for one of our beloved residents, a family -- familiar face. he was always dressed in his sunday best with his signature fad era hat. sometimes he would come and sit in our chambers for hours and waiting for our meetings to begin and sometimes just waiting for someone to listen what was on his mind lionel
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passed a from a stroke. lionel was someone who left a significant impression from those who he came in contact with. for that reason, over 70 people including supervisor john avalos were at his memorial this past friday. lionel was visiting his family in florida when he first contracted. he left the hospital and he thought his life might be ending and he didn't want to pass away in the state of florida. he wanted to come back home to san francisco to be surrounded by a community that he loved so dearly for the last 2 decades. he took a bus all the way from florida to san francisco so that he could be with his friends and community when he passed away. many of you have had the opportunity to
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hear lionel sing or maybe he grabbed your hand as you walked down chambers as he told you what he thought we needed for the city. many of you may heard him sing lolita. he head rich bear tone and loved music and he would share his music with office interns, educating us with jazz and rhythm and blues. he was act ive with many organizations, with community actions and episcopal organizations and senior organizations. many of you were seen lobbying by him for homeless shelters which you know is a growing population for homeless shelters. he was
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also the longer senior serving the center. people will mark their time as before or after the appearance of lionel. we spent a lot of time this year talking about the need for housing here in san francisco. lionel always reminded me that improving housing that we house seniors with dignity should be a top priority for all of us. lionel passed away before he had a chance to move to a bigger space from the hotel he lived in . he in fact lived in one of our neighborhood hotels and part of a garden they were able to initiate this last year. lionel was not only a lover of music but a cooker and entertainer. and reminded us that seniors were not
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interacting and his wish was to bring other seniors to socialize. he was the only senior that granted from the chef program. a 6-month program that includes classroom instruction, hands-on kitchen training for institutional restaurant setting and job placement and coaching and we have a small business around the corner pink bake ry that utilizes some of our chefs from this restaurant. this was his way to contribute back to the community. lionel will be greatly missed. i think there are people here that would like to speak in his memory. i would like to ask supervisor avalos who is sponsoring this memorial to speak as well.
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president david chiu: supervisor avalos? supervisor john avalos: thank you supervisor kim and thank you for your very thorough summary of lionel's life. i was very surprised to hear of lionel's passing. it was great to go to the community center on friday and i was happy to go there and see the community that lionel had around him. he lived a very big life and he had a very big heart and that was shown with how the community came together and how so many people spoke about lionel and how he impacted their lives. in particular bobby bogan who wanted to be with his community where he would pass. lionel, one thing that was something about lionel, he was a strong advocate around local hiring. he was here on the advocacy
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efforts. he was a master carpenter and was a cabinet maker and made a lot of great things. he wanted to teach people how to do great cabinet work. he had a lot to teach people as well. i want to say, thank you, lionel for your work in san francisco and florida and all the life's that you touched and the world is diminished without you. president david chiu: supervisor farrell. supervisor mark farrell: i want to take this opportunity to thank lionel for your contributions, for sharing your thoughts. and i do think that i
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did a better job as a supervisor because of your advocacy. president david chiu: do we have a motion? supervisor jane kim: we have a motion to recognize from the floor lolita and -- from action network to speak. president david chiu: supervisor kim has asked for these two individuals to take the floor. can we have approval for that. can we do it unanimously? without objection that should be the case. why don't we hear from these two individuals. speaker: thank you supervisors for helping us call attention to lionel. there is a lot of important work here. i just want to acknowledge and say there is a lot of people out there, a lot of folks who come out here to city hall to talk and a lot of people in the
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