tv [untitled] January 2, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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sure that they have what they need. and we will be able to have the further conversations about those schools, that did come out. and also the conversations that we have and the curriculum committee last thing and that this is a question that we were trying to get out of the committee of the whole and i want to follow up on quickly which is did you have a sense of for the class of 2014, how many students in the continuation schools are going to be affected by this change? and so, students who because we are making this change, are going to, or look like they will be able to meet the graduation requirements that would not otherwise? i think that we are talking about the relatively smaller number of students and we are completing the graduation requirements and it is good to know how many students we are talking about for the continuation schools. thank you. >> the impact will all of the students that are in the county programs because of that option
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but a continuation schools and we reran the data on the december third and it looks like there is potential that either 30 students could be impacted at those particular schools and there are some of those studentses that i want to add that we do believe that those students can meet the option one, graduation requirement $s and we want to provide every single opportunity for that to happen and through the office of extended learning that is one of the thinks that we are using to do that, but potentially, 30 students is a board number, but we do believe that it will be less than that because we do believe that many of the students will be able to complete option one. >> commissioner wynns? >> i had a discussion of the at the committee of the whole meeting but i think that this we are going to pursue, this is a big israelsue
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issue, and again, one of the disincentives to encourage the students to stay for a 5th year taken care of through the waiver work and that is it will be different and, it will be a different part of our district accountabilities system. i understand that that is not why we did it, but it made everything else harder, i mean the state and all kinds of things were really making it practically impossible to have fifth year plans for students, but, so that issue about, if we could say to the kids, now what we say to them, here is your option and it is continuation high school because it is the only way to get those credits in there so that you can graduate on time and if we
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could do better about suggesting you will be far more likely to be able to reach the a, to g, requirements and including getting cs in those course and repeating them if you want to and you could go to csu and i think that it would sort of change the dynamic of the discussion with our students and what support means and i hope that we will start on that right away, i know that we have started on it but i hope that we will actually make that a real part of our discussion and our planning in the very near future, thank you. >> okay, any other comments from board members? >> no. okay. roll call, please? >> on the amended motion. >> as amended. >> miss wei? >> yes. >> mr. logan,, yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> dr. murase. >> yes. >> miss wynns?
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>> yes. and miss norton, yes. >> i wanted to recognize director bill san der son for the long leadership in this area and being so attentative to all of the feedback and to our deputy superintendent as well. and to our graduation task force for sticking with us, so thank you all. thank you. >> i just wanted to add to the appreciation and this was possible because of a lot of internal collaboration not just from the support office and the high school support team and i think that you saw our administrators are fully on board with making sure that we realize the potential here and our counselors, who really worked hard to give us a much more accurate sense of the student by student, about what some of those factors are and i think that all of that information is going to be very helpful, and put as we design a support strategy moving forward. >> okay.
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thank you, very much. >> we will now move on to item i. board members proposals. there are none. this evening. >> and item j. request to speak regarding general matters. we already took our one speaker advisory committees or reports are there any appointments? >> yes. >> would i like to reappoint my bcc member, jackson. >> thank you. >> seeing none,p >> could i have a motion and a second on the review of the annual and five year report related to the collection and expenditure of developer fees? >> so moved.
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second. may we have a reading of it. >> yes, i would like to ask the chief officer david golden to do the read. >> thank you. >> >> it is the most exciting time of the year again, where we bring the annual report for the collection of developer impact fees, which is a statutory requirement, required each year, under the government code, which we faithfully, follow and do. and the requirement, essentially involves, several procedural things, including posting of a copy of the report from the board office, putting it on-line, on the web and having an outside consultant perform the report and bring it to the board of education for passage and review. and so this is an annual event. and just as a brief summary, you may remember historically in the last five years, our
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developer fee collection was low because the economic climate of both the nation and the world was wo ful. it is a good indication, for both the school districts and i think, the city and san francisco, in general. that last year, we went from a collection of two million dollars, to a little over 9 million dollars. which, i think, speaks very well to the health of our city and the work that is being done, and the many developers who were processing the permits throughout the city and hopefully that will continue and that bodes well for us to be able to do a lot of the kind of projects that we are doing, particularly last year and doing a lot of work to build on ex-expanding the programs of the special education department and the early learning department and a lot of work at elementary schools like heart and the er taylor that have long been demanding more work. and so it is a good thing for us and it is positive.
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and so, with that, i will read the requested action. which isthat the board of education of the san francisco unified school district review and adopt the developer impact fee annual and five year reports for the fiscai year ending june 30, 2013. the attached report, dated november 22, 2013, relates to the collection and expenditure of developer fees. it was prepared for the district by the dolinka group, inc., a consultant with expertise in the preparation ofsuch reports. the cash and i will be happy to answer any questions if you have any. >> thank you. and i have no public speakers lined up on this item. are there any questions or comments from board members? >> okay. commissioner wynns, did you have any comments or dr. murase? >> no. i did not mean to, you did not have to share it with the class i just wanted to make sure. >> we were having a discussion
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about that here. okay. so seeing no comments or questions from the board members, roll call please. >> wie. >> yes. >> logan, >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> mr. haney >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> mcdonald. >> yes. >> aye. >> miss wynns. yes. >> and nis norton. yes. >> seven ayes, thank you. and all right we move on to item n m, discussion of educational issues wait a minute. i wish, right? oh, we can come go. there is another special item order of business. >> may i hear a motion for the district,pursuant to the requirements of the california education code, offer for sale to the city and
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county of san francisco, acting on behalf of the san francisco lviayor's office of housing and community development, the properties located at 1950 lviission street and 1101 connecticut street and receive fee interest title to the "central freeway parcel en from the city and county of san francisco? >> move. >> second. >> thank you. >> mr. superintendent, may we have a reading of your recommendation, please? >> yes, and to do the reading, i would like to ask for david golden to do the reading. >> good evening, commissioners it has been quite a while since i have spoken before you let me preface this for those of you who have been on the board before you, because i have been appearing for a few years. we have been struggling with what to do with surplus properties for over the past year, the real estate working group which comprises of the
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general counsel, davis and grasiovis and elizabeth lee, and chris, arm atrout and myself and jay shol from cvre have been working very closely are the mayor's office of housing and in particular, olsen lee and his staff on a complicated multiparcel transaction. that parcel, that transaction and consequences and possibilities around it, have generated several building and grounds meetings, and numerous, discussions among board members and staff. and at this point, negotiations which have been spearheaded and led by deputy superintendent lee over the past three or four months, i think have culminated
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in a very successful result that you have before you tonight which i think offer very positive things for this city and in terms of the development of affordable housing, on a long abandoned and sorry property in 1950 mission. and offer some very, very positive steps for us, and to be able to amalgamate a larger parcel on this block, which has very large development, future possibilities, and contend with another parcel, at 1101 connecticut and so in general, it responds to a lot of the wishes of the school board that we the staff look at our properties holistically and that we look at them together and not just this individuals, and we think that this transaction and we hope that you agree tonight, brings forth a lot of the thinking that we have been trying to bring together and the end result,
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results in about four and a half million dollars of funds to the district, which we have a value ate need for across the board, and so in general, with that, i am sure that there are a lot of people that wish to talk, i will turn it over to deputy superintendent lee if he has any additional comments and then i will read the action of the resolution. deputy? >> thanks. so much, david. that was great. you said a lot of what i was thinking that i had to say and so thank you for that. and the only couple of things that i wanted to add to that, one is for the members of the public who would like to see some additional information, we do have a two-page written summary of some of the background information on the proposal, that is available for no one who wants to see the detail on what appears on the printed agenda and the other comment that i wanted to share
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is that with respect, out of respect to our leadership, at united indicators of san francisco, it is important to say, on the record that we have had conversations around this particular property, in 1950 mission street in particular, some focused conversations over the years about the possibility of using that site, among other sites for educator housing and workforce housing, and although, this proposal, does not or is not mutually exclusive for that interest or that use, i think that it is fair to say that it does not, and it is not proposed to be used exclusively for that use, and so that is something that we recognize, and certainly, we have received feedback from uesf along those lines and we move forward to more conversations and this perspective. thank you. >> >> so with that commissioners,
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i will read the requested action, and president norton, actually read in the subject introduction the bulk of the action. but in specific... that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district (sfusd), pursuant to the requirements of the california education code, offer for sale to the city and county of san francisco,acting on behalfof the san francisco mayor's office of housing and community development (mohcd), the properties located at 1950 mission street and 1101 connecticut street in the city and county and receive fee interest title to the "central freeway parcel e" from the city and county of san francisco and authorize the superintendent or his designee to sign all documents pertaining to the sale and property transfer. the properties will be sold and received by the district subject to the following conditions and procedures: which for those of you who don't know is the parking lot behind, 555 franklin.
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1950 mission street (apn 3554-005): the purchase price to mohcd shall be $9,775,000 (nine million seven hundred seventy-five thousand dollars)1101 connecticut (apn 4287-007): the purchase price to mohcd shall be $1,825,000 (one million eight hundred twenty-five thousand dollarscentral freeway parcel e: sfusd shall purchase "parcel e" (apn 0785-030 & 033) for $7,100,000 (seven million one hundred thousand dollars) mohcd shall pay a cash payment of $4,500,000 (four million five hundred thousand dollars) to sfusd to be paid at time ofclosing.the district shall provide limited market standard representations and warranties as to its authority to consummate this transaction and pertaining to legal and operational matters regarding the property. negotiate such other terms and conditions in the purchase agreement to the benefit of the district. sme. superintendent lee and i will be prepared to answer any questions and we are sure that there are speakers that would
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like to speak as well. and the head of the mayor's office of housing and mr. lee, did you want to make me remarks to the board before we hear the public testimony? >> yes, i know. yes. >> thank you. >> good evening, my name is olsen lee and i am the director of the mayor's office of housing and i just had a very, very few remarks, one is i just wanted to thank, the district staff for the work on this particular transaction, and this is as you know from the discreption and the presentation from mr. gold man
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and conversations with mr. gold man and assistant superintendent lee, this is not an easy transaction, it is a complicated transaction and it looks at a number of properties, but i think that the bottom line is that this is a transaction where both parties benefit. and i think that that is one of the things that we do here in san francisco well. and we look for sort of the good in the transaction and clearly, this provides the benefits to both the school district and to the mission of my office, which is to create the additional affordable housing and so on behalf of the mayor's office, i truly want to thank you for your consideration of this, and clearly, we feel that this is a wonderful transaction and we look forward to working with you to close this transaction. and also, to collaborate with the district in the future, on any endeavor that you may have, whether it be the workforce, employee housing or the other transactions and the real
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estate transaction and the ovalles of the mayors is here it provide assistance in any way that we can, to support, the district and to support affordable housing, so thank you. >> thank you, mr. lee, could i request unless you don't want to, that you stay at this task table so that when we get to the board discussion, if there are any questions? >> sure. >> if that is okay? >> okay. i will just ask my staff to come up too. >> great. >> i would now like to acknowledge that we have two members of our elected city family in the audience with us, supervisor avalos and jane kim, i would like to enjiet you as well, if there are any remarks that you would like to the board about it and you can sit at the staff table or at the podium. >>
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>> my name is john avalos and i am the board of supervisors and i represent district 11. and that includes the single side neighborhoods and amazon neighborhood and a large number of schools in my district and a large number of working familis in my district. my district is in the brunt of the housing crisis in a very distinct way. we have a lot of secondary units, and where families are cramed into and garages or extra rooms, and often rooms that are not permitted. and often families are bunched up in these place and that is kind of the manifestation of the housing crisis in district eleven, where we actually have a lot of people who have lived in the mission district who are now living in our district. because it is the last resort that they have, and they are living in the secondary units in the city, but in the mission
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district, we have the housing crisis that is multi fold and we have the lack of affordable crisis and we have the families that were not living on the streets that were living there before and the difficulties of the families that are living on the streets is massive and i think that the city needs to be doing everything that we can do to the city and the school district. and everything that we can do to maximize the house thating is available, before me, at the budget and finance committee there will be a swap for parcel e, that i will be supporting and i believe that the benefits, that we are providing for working families, to remain in san francisco, and working families and the children of working family to remain, school district students, is so important. and i see that excuse me, the site of the phoenix school is one, that would be a great place to be able to not just provide affordable housing, but to transform a part of san
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francisco that is experiencing a real crisis, and needs to go, and to have a transformation in another way, the investments that we can may for the affordable housing for families are going to make a huge difference and i hope that you can support that effort. lastly, i do think that the teachers' union and the concern about making sure that we have a real staffing, in the school districts, and around real estate. and to manage our real estate and our actually plan for and how to plan for how the real estate it going to be used is important. and not that we fill up the land but think about how we can use it effectively and there are places in san francisco where we can do even more development and the bridge for the housing that the teachers are seeking as well to stay and work in san francisco with the familis that we have keep here as well. thank you. >> it is always so great to be back here, and i feel so much incredible love every time that
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i come back. it is great to see everyone, and it is great to see all of my colleagues in public education, it is exciting to be here, i have two issues one on surplus property and restorive justice and reducing suspensions an issue that i passionate about when i was at the school board, but the last piece of policy that i co-authored is reexamining the surplus property. and when we are on the school board the one thing that i felt like we are saying that we don't have enough of this, pencils, teachers, you don't have enough supplies, dollars, but, after two years on the board, i realized there is one thing that we tooed much of, and that is land. and i think that there are a lot of opportunities and ways that we can generate value from our land to actually deal with school districts mission, the main tenant being when i was here and continues to be which
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is closing the opportunity gap and issue gap. and so for those of us who are in the room, we know that the achievement gap does not happen in the classroom, this is a gap in opportunities that our children have here in the city. we can generate the dollars to the classroom which are complicated due to the state law and how we can use it from the land on the sales from the school district and the second is that we can generate the type of value that actually helps to close the opportunity gap. and one of them, being affordable housing. and i mean that i think that there are so many other things that we can do with the surplus property including grocery stores and garden and many other things that i want us to continue to explore, but this is one important first step in that direction. after leaving the school board, i had the honor of representing 1950 mission, and in district, six and i since lost it a
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couple of months ago but i was able to continue working at the mayor's office, who became very committed to seeing, what the city could do, to build affordable, family housing on this lot. and that is why it is so exciting to be here, it is kind of a many year process turn around to come and be able to support this for a final vote today. and i just want to recognize all of the membereds of the community that came out stand up. and i know that you are going to speak and the school district can be part that have and not just for everyone that lives here but for our families that attend the public schools and so i just want to thank the board for all of your work, and david, golden and olsen, lee, and young lee and i know in particular in negotiate thanksgiving final transaction,
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it is more than 1950 mission, it is also about 1101 connecticut and the south east sector so important and really just looking for ward to this as being the first step of many. and absolutely support master plan in terms of redevelopment like i said there are so many things that we can do with the surplus property and this is one important step to getting there. thank you. >> >> thank you, supervisor kim. and we miss you too. p >> okay, there are also, several staff members from supervisor offices who put in cards and so i want to call you first, we have hillary ronan from campos's office's and peter from eric mar's office. and tia from norman yee's office so if you would take two minutes to speak that would be great. thanks. >> hi my name is hillary and i
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am a legislative aid for david campos that he apologizes that he could not be here so he sent me to say that two main points, number one, we are extremely excited about this item and the fact that we have a path to finally building affordable housing for families in the mission at 1950 mission. and the second, reason is that we are here to support the concerns of the united educators union and threefold, and one, that they want to make sure that there is a commitment from the school board to work with the union to insure that there are dedicated funds to build educator housing because as we all know there is a huge affordable crisis in this city and that includes, educators who increasingly are not able to live in san francisco where
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they teach our kids. second we support a master plan for the surplus property so that we are not evaluating each piece of land separately as well as dedicated staff with the requisite knowledge and in order to handle all of these real estate transactions and but while we are so excited to support this project at 1950 mission is because of the affordable housing crisis that we are facing in the city. and in many ways, the mission is ground zero of this crisis. and david recently asked for a report from the budget and legislative analyst to study the level of displacement and neighborhood by neighborhood what the displacement looks like in the city. and at the top of the list for evictions for no fault, evictions was the mission, the mission, the mission, 54 percent of residents in the mission, are rent burdened meaning that they are spending 30 percent or more of the income on housing and so we know that the affordable units that are going to be available
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on this site for families in the mission are going to be able to keep it a neighborhood for everyone for the 99 percent. >> good evening commissioners my name is peter lauterborn and i am the aid to supervisor mar and the same as the previous speakers i want to articulate his support for the specific project on mission street and as wells a broader push to make sure that the educators and the entire and the employees of the school district have the housing that they need, and that the planning takes place and the funds are set aside and we want to be a helpful hand in that and so thank you, for considering this night. >> good evening, i am here on behalf of supervisor yee and another former colleague of yours, and the one thing that he wanted me to articulate is
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that we understand, that the affordability crisis cannot be solved by one piece of legislation, or one city department. this is an effort that we all face, the mayor's office and the board of supervisors, and the cool district, and so we are really really happy to see this, first step, from this school district, and taking leadership on, and helping the city family much aligned address this affordable gap. and so, he wanted to signal his strong support for this project. and really, continued work, with other members other elected and other city departments on all that we can do because this is an emergency, this is a unique situation, because we are seeing, as previously said, a record setting, at a number of evictions and rents that are just skyrocketing and so, just thank you for being part of this solution, and you know, th
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