tv [untitled] January 3, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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commissioner borden arrest commissioner hillis. commissioner sugaya. and commissioner wu >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously and place you an items 4. the san francisco 6 adaptation of finding under the california environmental quality act of gentle referral and request for permit authorization and a mike smith. so mr. gillman gave you guys a go presentation. i'm going to skip to the necessary stuff. 3 of the sites are located with within the city's coastal zone the lake merced and the south wind facility and the north wind
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facility. pursuant to planning code section 330 the that planning zone application is required as the project site is located within the coastal zone boundary. the project is appeal able to the commission because it's a major works project. the lake merced facility is currently in an undeveloped area adjacent to the access road that is off of lake merced boulevard it's the entrance to the pump station. the south windmill site is located at the western end of the golden gate park that's occupied by an existing well petroleum station while the surrounded area is used by the rec and park and contains stock appeals of concrete and other debris.
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the north lake well site also open western combrp is currently occupied by an existing well station. the site is surround by trees and bounded by fulton to the north. the proposed wall facilities within golden gate park will replace rec and park irrigation windshields and as such, they don't - the windshields will occupy the same windshields. the south windmill replacement facility is within the site of the former richard treatment plant that was largely removed in 1996. the proposed lake merced will not effect the visiting because they will have the voibltd from
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the road which is lake merced. and it will have green roof. the property lake merced site will not adversely effect the lake merced resources that is located in an area that doesn't provide any raeblg use next to the existing pimp station. it who access any local trails or docks. staff received two calls from the neighbors regarding the project neither of which expressed on a opinion only interests. you must - as part of the approval you must adapt the sequa finding related to the eir and there's a jeopardy plan referral motion included and
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lastly a coastal permit motion was attached the e rp if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them >> any public comment on those 3 items. seeing none, public comment is clos closed. commissioner sugaya. >> underlines there's other comments i'm going to move to approve all 3 under the california quality act. the general plan referral request for 0 zone permit >> second. >> oh, sorry. commissioner antonini >> yeah. i think this is a good plan and helping to augment our needs that was presented
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earlier. we have a lot of restrictions on the other uses from the lakes in the sierra and we're trying to implement more storage as we know to be able to address our problems in years they're maybe driveway years but the additional water that could be obtained from the city and county of san francisco and so long as the effects are mitigated on the environment and that makes sense because san francisco has the lottery per capita of any places in california. but sometimes we're at the expense of our greenery we're putting in a lot of dry stuff it doesn't look good. maybe we can get a better allocate and use water in a more traditionally way if we're
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providing 4 million glands. i know the system is a part of the plan and i understand the economics involved but certainly i'm hoping the city and a parks can be well-handled to get enough water to keep them green. commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i made a motion but i have a request. on the south windmill site the map identified the ground sdurngs in red and extended all the way to your site and ant into the area that's already been acquit disturbed. i also observed the proposed native grass plantings will be
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in an unlimited area. is there some activity your coordinating with the department of rec and park to actually make improvement to that desire area then just around your facility? we don't have any formal activity that we are coordinating with rec and park both departments are well aware. process actually of drafting and memoranda of understand for the project that governors the access and obligation of both party. maintaining is that as part of the bond issue that was passed also november 2012 for recreation and park improvements one of those activities the rec
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and park want to improve that jeopardy area in golden gate park. but it's their responsibility to move forward first with that >> thank you. i wanted to ask that because my firm has some improvement with the murphy windmill and hits restoration so it's been american people eyesore. >> (laughter). >> to put that mildly. >> walk a few steps away and energy this moonlight environment so encourage the rec and park department to do something. >> commissioner antonini. >> just a followup to my easily remarks just on the usage of the water within san francisco. i want to employment how nicely the rewrite has been landscaped and how neat and clean it looks
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it's a well done project. but i'm less enthusiastic about the green areas to the east. their getting better but maybe a little bit better of management of the launders would be a big compliment. i'm not sure i like the bed grass on sunset you boulevard it turns out brown and kachdz garage so maybe we can cut that and manage it better. that's agenda for another day but having arthur a little bit of extra water helps >> please call the question. >> on the matter of the consideration of dalmatian of the finding there was a motion and acceptance to prove in the confrontational zone permit authorization. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner borden. >> commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya and lt.
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minute break. less than 5 minutes. >> okay welcome to san francisco planning commission regular meeting. we're in the process of calling items 18 abc. at the 1500 page street request for conditional use authorization >> good afternoon. i'm with the department staff. as the project team has a presentation i'll obey belief. the item before you is a hifkd resource to create one hundred percent of housing projects in conjunction with the mayors housing. it would convert unit. the existing building covers approximately 90 percent of the area and as a result, many requirement can't be met because
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of the existing complnts. the building has been vacant for a number of years. the disappointment are for the conditional use authorization. the proposed su d was presented to the board by supervisor breed. it has removal of the parking and setbacks and the area of open spaces and the dimension requirement. it's to implement the f u d and the los angeles administrative code to affordable housing of a ratio of less than one to one. in 19899 the board of supervisors approved an ordinance to race the bulk limit
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on the property. this project didn't move forward and they've extraordinary. the resolution ordinance includes language to delete the f u d and change the height back. with regard this is for a certificate of determination. on december 18th the department issued a new certify to clarify the project description and as part of this the commission more than that the certificate into the case documents. today's action on this frontage include approval of the use authorization and approval of intent to recommend that the board of supervisors pass this and make modifications to the planning code. thank you if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them >> thank you. opening it up for public comment
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- project sponsor my ielgdz. i'm tim dunn. >> as many of you know mercy housing is a nonprofit developer and owner of affordable housing in san francisco. we have about 32 buildings in san francisco and about 35 hundred unit here. we want to service the comboishd housing for seniors and persons with disability and formerly homeless. we're excited to present our proposal and thank you for your consideration today. after a year and a half of community oppose we're proud to have the support of the properties of adjacent neighbors and the community and the organizations in the neighborhood. at 15 hundred painstaking it will be provided by nonprofit organization that serves the 12
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mentally disabled. i'm going to turn it over to describe it >> you just leave the doors alone not touch them if the people leaning up against the walls could refrain from preys the bottoms woeg we'll be fine. >> i'm going to turn it over to to let them describe their program and followed by paul let to you talk about the roomgs. thank you >> hi, i'm joey work for san francisco are. i've worked for the arc inform 24 years. we provide services for people with disability. about 90 of those cloys we help them live individually.
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san francisco is a great place to live if you have a develop mental disable. our services have come to a groind halt everyone our housing unit have not helped as many as we like. this project provides 16 hundred individual to tack a huge leap in independents and i know from what i've seen and the conditions that our clients live in moving into this new or else situation they would not take advantage of the opportunity to live there >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners
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and a director ram. illicit pault i'd like to run briefly through the project. can we put the power point up on the screen >> oh, thank you. so the project is located on the map south of the panhandle our this is an existing site plan you can see the project and on the right and page street on the bottom. the existing building has a side yard above it is used for parking and off of page street that's use for parking. this is a view looking at the exciting building it's a handsome brishlg brick believe. we're looking northwest towards golden gate park. you can barely see a quarter
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entry on the building. this is from the front facade from ma south africa. this is the exit side yard it will be creating a primary entry for the building. the new existing site plan as i mentioned at the took up above the knowledge will be providing a new entry the quarter entry will rain as a second entry and what is used as parking will be a residence. in addition we're filling in the street trees to get more of a continuous. development of entire of the
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this is preliminary community fit facilities and lobby community room and office for the arc and mercy on the ground floor in addition to the land uses on the right hand. the upstairs 3 stories will be developed spot 17 units of housing. the exterior of the building is going to be simply restored will be observing painting and replacing reply brick and on the lower right hand the new entry gate which will bring you into the new entry along masonic. and on page street the stained glass window targeted did right hand side of the building will be restored and a new sitting
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incubate on the left side of the building. so we've certainly welcome any additional question that concludes my presentation >> thank you. okay. now >> thank you good afternoon, commissioners. conor for supervisor breed. xhoed introduced the suction u d and i want to talk about that that's an project that is great. they got the support of the hate ash bureau council and while the hate ash bureau association didn't exactly speak dirge about it >> we appreciate our approval
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opening it up for public comm t comment. >> calvin speaking for the council. if there was a project that needsed immediate support i'm not aware of it. in our may meeting we devoted to this project and two others outlining on page street i'll get to a little bit later. this was strongly supported many almost joy fully supported. it's a rehabilitation of an existing building. it will have minimal impacts on the neighborhood and we're delighted to be able to host 16 new affordable unit in their
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neighborhood. we have two other major projects on page street. one some 5 blocks to the east which will be the french american school moving into a surplus unified school district sighting for primary school classes. and it will create a significant impact on traffic and transit. in addition excuse me. in addition the boys and girls club an page street about 2 and a half blocks from this site about a 2 hundred and 50 square feet believe n it in play. we have this persistent problem along page street with the from whole good commissioner sugaya
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was concerned about off-loading the efforts open the part of the planning commission and they've not been successful with whole good. they still use page street primary staging parentheses for they're loading and unload we're talking about 16 whoerldz on page street. once the boys and girls club is developed the impact is going to be stith. i would strongly urge the department a redouble it's effort to make sure that whole foods, in fact, meets the conditional use permits. and does not use straighterer it is an i can't think and page street given the there density excuse me. the activity. your attention to this matter
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would be greatly appreciated. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners aim ted i'm president of the hate ash bureau association. we've also you see the wisdom of putting this project on page street at the 15 hundred that building has been there utilized and freak beauty go to waste and the suffering through gradual degradation. so having it serve a go purpose makes sense to us. we totally endorse that effort. when some days you have to pick up the pieces and gone. we urge your support n for this
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promise and i and thank you for your time >> i'm kevin i'm; right from the arc and 1500 page street is very, very important for you your buys for housing. i hope you approve this project it will be very much helpful. thank you >> any additional public comment. okay. seeing none. opening it up to commissioners >> i'm really happy to support this promise. they've done a good job and it's great to see stunt for people to live in san francisco and to stay here and make their lives here no matter their circumstances. i move to approval approve with conditions >> second. >> commissioner antonini. >> sorry staff. >> i'm sorry just two things
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read into the record. i want to go ahead and submit this read into the record and clarify we hope you support of the exhibit of the ordinance with the recommended department modifications. thank you >> okay. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i also agree this is a very good project and happy to see it come forth. i know we had a project some jurors that was not work to be opportunity. this is actually, one that's going to happen. it will leave the historic building in its essentially present state and provide 16 units for disabled to for the people. so i ventured support it i don't know we need to clarify the individual parts of the
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approval. we've got the resending su d and change the height that's part of the motion and finally, to replace the s r organization and convert it from 38 rooms to affordable housing unit. that's understood. >> i believe commissioner wu captured those in her motion. >> commissioner hillis. >> i'm very supportive. just a quick question for the architects. i've gone by those buildings i didn't notice the stained glass window is this a way to - it's a great building is it tree overgrown it's a great window and i'm glad you're keeping the
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entry authenticity strong and keeping it as a fundamental entry >> it's likely the tree will be trimmed at the we do the project to get to the brick walls to restore them. but you notice the window less it's actually melting down and kind of folding at the bottom so the recession will be a reconstruction of the window in and out just a tuning it up. >> okay. thank you. great project >> commissioner sugaya. >> she can't yes as the nature of stained glass you can't see that well nilts they aluminate it. commissioners there's a motions and a second for the scoping map
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amendments and a motion to approve the conditional use authorization as amended by staff. commissioners on that motion commissioner antonini concord. commissioner moore. commissioner moore: . commissioner sugaya. and commissioner wu and president fong. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. commissions that places you on 19 a and b. at the 2353 lombardy street and the zone administrator will consider a request for rear yard modification. the project before you is a conditional use for the creation of a lot of size in excess of 10 thousand square feet. the project involves demolishing a single story vacant space
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longed on the south side of the street to create a 12 thousand plus loot lot it will contain two bases that total 289 hundred i won't tell and 24 dwelling units above. the department rooms approval with conditions. the excited vacant space is 24 hundred i won't tell and was occupied by a recuperate. it's locate on both subject lots and it's uses as uncovered parking. there's an easement on number 26 from a rear awe butt lot this provides assess into lrd
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