tv [untitled] January 4, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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have done. they have developed a guide for a study session for the boards of education. and so, i think that we should do that and figure out where, either we schedule the budget committee and augmented when everybody is available and everybody will come, or we have it as a committee as a whole or a regular board meeting. we went over the structure of
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how the money is distributed but not so much, how we planned to spend it. and i think that one of the biggest things that we need to do because we already you know, for instance, we are not going to as the superintendent said that we are not going to sit down and develop a whole different structure or process for community input like for everybody other community in the state is doing that, we do have to monitor how the structure we have already is being effective in that regard, do they have the right materials and are they talking about what is going to go into the el cap which we don't know, how could they so far. i think that we have some beginning steps, but we should think specifically plan something about what the step is. >> superintendent? >> yes, i want to echo what commissioner wynns said about the process going forward and i have always seen the materials that california school board association has developed in
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the phenomenal and they are great resources. and so, just in terms of perspective, i also want to remind us that because we have had a weighted student formula now and the equity has been the lens of which we allocated resources even when there was no resources we use the lens of equity for the allocation and distribution of our resources we are in many respects father ahead than many of our colleagues across the state of california and so while this feels new to many folks, it is actually kind of part of the process that we had in place for a number of years in san francisco. and that notwithstanding, do i think that it is important to engage the public to understand what may or may not change as we go foe ward and i would also add that our school quality improvement system is where are much aligned with the governor's lcsf, and so we are seeing actually this alignment,
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and this converse ans, and if you will, of the federal accountability, the state accountability, and our district accountability, all falling in line around this lens of equity that we talked about as well and that it is a worthy conversation to have. and the only other piece that i would add into this conversation is that there has been a number of questions from the community, around assessments this year. and as you know there have been changing dictates about what assessments will be in place, and they almost change daily. but we would like to bring a discussion in public in january as well. and not a very long conversation, but just to update the public about what is it in terms of accountability and assessments that we will be pursuing in the district this year and how that relates to preparing our students and our teachers and our administrators
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around embracing the new, sbac assessments that are coming down the road and we want to start previewing that with our students and teachers so that that is not totally new information. or a totally new experience for our students, when they have to take these computer generated and computer assisted assessments. so we want to have that conversation in the public as well and so it all fits together and so i want to thank the board for bringing this topic up because this is very pertinent as we move forward in the new school year, or the new... >> and if i could say one other thing, i am wondering if we, this is sort of a rules committee budget, committee issue. i would like to request that the board, that the staff come up with a plan about testifying at the state board of ed, because you know, it is a very delegate situation, you have a huge array of civil rights groups saying that going to the state board of ed before
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anybody has done anything and saying, all of this money and all of us who are advocates and every school district who is an advocate for local control and saying okay give us a chance to say or see how we are going to do this and have relied on the extremely expert testimony of our associations, like csba, and they have all been and everybody has said that they have been wonderful. but, i just think we should be prepared to go up there and maybe you, and deputy and superintendent lee or whatever and say here is what we are doing and let us do this, this is what is good about what is in the regulations and see what happens and trust us because that is what this is supposed to be and it will help the state board of ed to make a wise decision. >> yes? >> so, i am on a 6:00 flight tomorrow morning, to gay lord
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convention center in texas. truly excited i know. and so, anybody want to come? anybody? >> so i have been invited to the avid, blueprint on the success for our urban leaders convening to talk about the success of college readiness and preparing first generation and under served students for college. and one piece that i think that is exciting that i want to be able to come back and share is having a conversation with it is so exciting, about the african american male initiative and what avid is doing with their development project. which has been fully funded and so it will be interesting thoughts on what we can bring back in particularly with the work that we have been doing around the same issues. >> thank you. >> okay, any other reports from
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board members? >> yes. >> i want to mention that commissioner haney and i went out to the grand opening of the garden at woodside learning center. and it was very impressive and most impressive was that the students at the log cabin actually made the wood planters and the benches. and so which makes me think that we should connect them or actually to the city build or something after they leave, because it is excellent work. and it was a very cold day, but, it was a great celebration. >> thank you. >> okay. so we will now move on to item t. report of closed session actions. and closed session actions of november 26, the board of education by a vote of 7 ayes
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approved one administrator. and close td session of november 19, the board of education by a vote of five, and two absent and denied the grade appeal for one grade change for one high school student. >> the board of education by a vote of five ayes and two absent, approved the contract haney, and maufas. >> case number, 20130862, the board of education by the vote of five ayes and two absent, give the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulate you lated amount. and closed session actions of december 9th, the board of education by a vote of 7 ayes approved the expulsion of one high school student and a vote of 6 ayes and one abstain, approved the settlement regarding pending litigation items and student support
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service and investigation and designates the general county on the agreement. >> item u on informational items, the staff report on informational notice of classified personnel transaction and we have two, acknowledgments, in tonight's adjournment. and since commissioner wynns is not in the room we will begin with commissioner maufas. >> thank you. >> president norton. >> the board of education, and the san francisco unified school district want to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of kenawalker who at 22 years of age was killed on sunday, december first in the san francisco bay view district. he went to precidio preschool, argon elementary and roosevelt middle school and lincoln high
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schools sxl on to city college. mckein. na will be missed as he leaves behind his father and mother and his mother is one of our employees of our early education sites, two of them and an older brother, and everybody knows him as ob and his older sister obma and as well as scores of family and friends. and all attend, jones memorial united methodist church and all of the children, went through our san francisco public schools. his sister who has sent me this message to tell us about her little brother. the thing about life is that it highlights how ironic everything is. this came especially to be true with the death of my brother. ekena a child of nigeria parents was a proud san
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franciscan through and through and he was complex in a simple way. he had a range of passions, he was a sport and fitness fanatic a music make and her a great conversationalist and a thought provoker. he was also big on the idea that family was the most important thing that anyone could have. he was extremely supportive brother and a loving son and a dotting cousin and a very respectful nephew, his relationships with friends evolved into brotherhood and sister hood which is the way that he considered friends as family. the ichronic thing about his death is that he has shown us what family really means our church family, our neighborhood family, our san francisco
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family, work family, school family, and even stranger family, have come together to show their love for ekenna, he lived each day of his life creating meaningful relationships with those around him. his legacy of love and loyalty, will continue to live on. and that was sent to me by his sister. i just want everyone to know in the san francisco community that services are schedule for saturday, december 21st at jones noirm united methist church 1975 post street. and the corner of styner, the viewing from 12 to one p.m. and the services will become immediately following that viewing. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner maufas. and now we have another acknowledgment for tonight's adjournment, wynns. >> thank you.
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so, we would like to adjourn the meeting in memory of elizabeth deovin who served on the board of education from 1981 to 1993, and was elected three times and served as president and in 1988. she was born in 1930 in colombia missouri and attended the university of missouri and met her husband, robert there and was an elementary school teach ner florida and then in 1957 they moved to san francisco. she was involved with community organizations all of her life, and she was dedicated to things which in those days were not ubiquitus in the community, early childhood education, mental health services and one of the first supporters of the development of hospice and the services for aids and hiv patients and was, actually along with her close friend,
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the creator of the children's network of children services and the idea that there ought to be a group that worked together to coordinate the services for children and families. and she was actually the, she was the president of the san francisco mental health association, and really you could read you this list of all of the things that she served on, she was a community volunteer and lead foremany, many years. and i, and she remained, and actually, it says here that she was an adviser to the children center and the woman's alcoholic center and center for young disabled adults and on and on and that was her legacy that she was a dedicated community volunteer all of her
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adult life. >> she actually her husband predeceased her by several years and she died on november 15th of this year. and i was able to represent us at her funeral a few weeks ago and to i mean that i was, i attended many, many, and i never served with her, but i came to the board meetings for years when she was a active member of the board and a supporter of many of the causes that i was dedicated to, parents being involved in schools and trying to develop the infrastructure to support the parpts and i want to express my personal and the boards sympathy to her family. thank you. >> thank you. and meeting adjourned.
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through the translation of that to use the arresting are a fund it was such an enlightening positive effort in the tenderloin to use the federal program that president obama gave us. i'm here to welcome you to san francisco and thank you for being here for the home matters for health symposium. it is the right place to be because t n d c has been a powerful change and i'm glad their championinging the center between health. no one else can do that because you've got it it right here in the community. today's symposium is part of a
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commitment that our city is making. i wanted to let you know all the things we're going to continue the housing for everybody. last week, we you wanted up the helen rogers and my good friend reverend hall was under its a public-private partnership that's now to just conclusions in the wonderful home for more than one hundred of our cities protecting and homeless seniors. 25 of those units are set aside for the seniors. and last month we broke ground to house youth that was formerly in foster he care we were in
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chinatown breaking ground for homeless families and protecting residents. all of those housing developments have supported services on site to make sure our residents live healthy lives. it won't stop there. let me repeat it will not stop as a matter of fact, 25 percent of all the housing that's being built in san francisco 25 percent of them are affordable that continues a strong commitment from our city. last september of this year we annuity more resources to stop unlawfully evictions for our citizens and because of our cities careful planning we have to plan for the future and to understand the problems now not just to react to them our city
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it tripling the amounts of funds the human services provides which is nearly $8 million for the defense services for those who need it the most. some of those funds are coming from something we did last year the housing trust fund it was a measure overwhelming passed and to the tune of $1.5 billion in the next thirty years. we are also in the midst of revigil our cities public housing and no more than do we want to be involved in poverty housing that is for isolated context. i've been working with deputy and hud here in washington to
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get off the treadmill and repair bag logs including elevators and i've asked our city administrator also the director of housing to partner with hud and to rebiological and expand on the model that's the whole sf model. i'll proud of the process towards ending hopefullyness for our veterans. i want to thank you secretary john's and our local hud office veterans administration and for our partnership. since 2011 we've decreased homelessness among conveniences by thirty percent by opening the permanent housing for 75 conveniences with on site services and our two other
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successful homes for heroes. with the partnership from hud and the vouchers rapidy housing and the cities refunding of housing. all told over the last 9 years we have some 10 thousand san franciscans have left the shelters for permanent housing including 3 had thousand units for affordable housing and housing first is my priority we'll continue to support emergency services particularly those with for those in needs. we're expanding our shelter for helping the lgbt folks and we've
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expanded our everyday connect. clearly our work is not finished. we've been talking about universal health care building on a world-class city and this our way to success. we're going to make sure that san francisco is a home for >> hi. i am cory with san francisco and we're doing stay safe and we're going to talk
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about what shelter in place or safe enough to stay in your home means. we're here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco and joined by carla, the deputy director of spur and one of the persons who pushed this shelter in place and safe enough to stay concept and we want to talk about what it means and why it's important to san francisco. >> as you know the bay area as 63% chance of having a major earthquake and it's serious and going to impact a lot of people and particularly people in san francisco because we live on a major fault so what does this mean for us? part of what it
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means is that potentially 25% of san francisco's building stock will be uninhibit tabl and people can't stay in their homes after an earthquake. they may have to go to shelters or leave entirely and we don't want that to happen. >> we want a building stock to encourage them to stay in the homes and encourage them to stay and not relocate to other locations and shelters. >> that's right so that means the housing needs to be safe enough to stay and we have been focused in trying to define what that means and you as a former building official knows better than anybody the code says if an earthquake happens it won't kill you but doesn't necessarily say
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that can you stay in your home and we set out to define what that might mean and you know because you built this house we're in now and this shows what it's like to be in a place safe enough to stay. it's not going to be perfect. there maybe cracks in the walls and not have gas or electricity within a while but can you essentially camp out within your unit. what's it going to take to get the housing stock up to this standard? we spent time talking about this and one of the building types we talk about was soft story buildings and the ground floor is vulnerable because there are openings for garages or windows and during the earthquake we saw in the marina they went right over and those are --
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>> very vulnerable buildings. >> very and there are a lot of apartment buildings in san that that are like that. >> and time to. >> >> retrofit the buildings so people can stay in them after the earthquake. >> what do they need? do they need information? do they need incentives? mandates? >> that's a good question. i think it starts with information. people think that new buildings are earthquake proof and don't understand the performance the building will have so we want a transparent of letting people know is my building going to be safe in it after an earthquake? is my building so dangers i should be afraid of being injured? so developing a ranking system for buildings would be very important and i think for some
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of the larger apartment buildings that are soft story we need a mandatory program to fix the buildings, not over night and not without financial help or incentive, but a phased program over time that is reasonable so we can fix those buildings, and for the smaller soft story buildings and especially in san francisco and the houses over garages we need information and incentives and coaxing the people along and each of the owners want their house to be safe enough. >> we want the system and not just mandate everybody. >> that's right. >> i hear about people talking about this concept of resiliency. as you're fixing your knowledge you're adding to the city wide resiliency. >> >> what does that mean? >> that's a great question. what spur has done is look at
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that in terms of recovery and in new orleans with katrina and lost many of the people, hasn't recovered the building stock. it's not a good situation. i think we can agree and in san we want to rebuild well and quickly after a major disaster so we have defined what that means for our life lines. how do we need the gasolines to perform and water perform after an earthquake and the building stock as well, so we have the goal of 95% of our homes to be ready for shelter in place after a major earthquake, and that way people can stay within the city. we don't lose our work force. we don't lose the people that make san francisco so special. we keep everybody here and that allow us to recover our economy, and everything because it's so
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interdependent. >> so that is a difficult goal but i think we can achieve it over the long time so thank you very much for hosting us and hosting this great exhibit, and i pledge allegiance to the ing flag of the united states of america. on that have billion. mr. president, i'd like to call roll please. please do >> commissioner turman. . vice president marshall a excused. sxhos is in repute. commissioner loftus >> also with us
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