tv [untitled] January 5, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PST
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do you see the workload in the department generating more items for our hearings >> actually, i do. >> we're in a bit of a lull because we're between the period where a lot of the promotions being built are already approved. next year i anticipate a lot of eir hearings as well as major projects. i expect your workload to increase nooeks next year >> i'm going to make a motion to advance the calendar with the expectation of april. commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask the city attorney we have an "x" number of meets and since this commission doesn't participate
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in creating the calendar we can't have a meeting which i consider to be an empty container in which the staff puts the stems. intend we see the advances meetings their schedule. if the public comes because they see something they might be interested in and say okay. i want to get myself ready for february or so. i want to make sure we're following paroleely because this group didn't participate in putting together the calendar. we need the president and vice president to pit those together. we don't have the leverage to arbitrarily change changes if we
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have 5 thursdays in a month and i support commissioner antoninis orange county's we have 4 to attend to irrespective if they fall on the first or fourth or fifth thursday of most. the fifth thursday meetings we could still take care of matters. i'll look to the city attorney. president fong. the charter doesn't set forth any minimum of number of meetings the commission has to have. the commission rules and regulations in section 1 under regular meetings states that regular meetings of commission shall be open in public and held each thursday of each month
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unless there's 5 thursdays. i will leave it to the commission but it sounds as to each thursday the commission needs to plan to meet unless it's a fifth thursdays. there are times the commission can't achieve a quorum so the month to month is cancelled. but i think that for now, the commission should probably keep that april 17th open the calendar if there's difficulty a achieving a quorum for a meeting the commission has cancelled meetings in the future or on as noted basis. >> i appreciate our giving us this note of advised instruction because while the 17 of april falls within the timeframe that
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is important that being easter that importance might not weigh with other. at the end of the month with four thursdays we'll basically only moot 3 times so i tack your advise. the last sentence clearly provides the opportunity of cancelation based on holiday that the secretary shall present to the staff a list of daums by voice vote the hearing clungd i concluded possible cancelation dates to accommodate holidays throughout the year christmas being an example and thanksgiving. i don't see easter being any
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exception expectation >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'll speak against this motion and try to meet the city attorney has stated 4 the it doesn't mean we can't cancelled a meeting but we should schedule 4 with the ability to cancel one. if this motion is compensated i want to add back the 30th of january and the 31st of july. i have a lot of folks who call me with conditional uses and their told it's a along period of time for getting open the calender. i don't know if it has to do with the process that has to go
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through it's not a product of not having enough meetings but i've heard this from a number of sources and there's projects that involve people's own homes and trying to getting get through the process of dr or cu. if we give more opportunity. it kind of goes backs a couple of years ago with the board of supervisors they used to meet an mondays and they moved they're meeting dates to tuesday's because there's so many holidays so they tack tuesday off because there are holidays then. i'm saying having them in session more is good but in our case nothing happens nothing is going to get started until we make a decision. it's a little bit critical than
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the laws of the board of supervisors are passing which, you know, maybe not as time critical as some of our items owe for them to consider items we have a pass judgment before they can go to the board of supervisors. so being available it important. i'll have a rice motion if this one fails >> commissioner moore. >> i only observing that in 12 months of the year we already have 5 months in which we either have two meetings or 3 meetings. so by adding more tacking the thursdays out of japan and july we're adding seven months and with april another suggestion we with 8 months with 3 meetings or less. that's actually a large number >> commissioners is a motion
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and second open the floor. >> could you restate. >> the current motion on the floor is to adapt the hearings schedule it was submitted to you to include april 17th as a cancelled date city attorney would aligning me to specific april 17th hearing so to accommodate aefrt. >> but it doesn't occur on a thursday. >> on that motion to adapt the hearing schedule and to include april 17th to recognize aefrt commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. sxhifg >> commissioner moore. commissioner wu and president fong
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>> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 5 to 4 commissioner antonini voting against. >> thank you, commissioners for that. commissioners that will place you under departmental matters directors announcements. >> thank you, commissioners. a couple of things you had asked a couple of weeks about the status of the academy of arts university. we're moving forward and i'm planning at our request to schedule a date in february. we'll anticipating a draft and we're making progress we're making slower progress than i like we're making the progress on the eir & as we move forward. secondly, in your packet today,
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i think it was the annual report from the last fiscal year. i would like you to tack a long time that and if you have any questions the staff put this together we're xhaufl the format it highlights some the historic preservation work we've at a later date two new historic districts and this is for the first time in many, many years. we're proud of that work. and thirdly i want to give you a copy of the mayors report that effects the department. i wanted to spend a couple of minutes on that if i might. the collective directive it is to protect the housing rental stock. it establishes a working group that i'll talk about in a
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second. the group is comprised of department headings heads and will be charred by the department of building inspection and include the fire department and the rent board and the mayor's office of housing. it will include the property organization and nonprofit organization and staff potentially from public works and oc ii and the administration office. the dick active makes romgsz to the mayor's office to promote rental housing and the second is to expand sorry. the second is to expand the potential for commission discretionary reviews. when any loss of a unit or any
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displacement of a tenant it involved in a project. and third to act as a advisory body and for code consistence checks that are being withdrawn from the market. i'm happy to get into more details i wanted to give you this report today. mr. huey and the director of dbi has set up a meeting so as we get more details i'll report back to you. thank you >> i think we all appreciate a bit of reporting book. i'm glad to say the mayor's office has stepped up and asked for this.
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>> if there's nothing further we can review the pats of past event of board of supervisors. there was no pertinent information at the boyle's and the historic preservation commission didn't meet >> thank you secreted i'm here to give you a summary arrest on monday there was a report to consider the mile contract and they recommended the contracts to better have upkeep of the property. planning staff working or worked directly with the planning staff. they recommended the full board approval. that will have the contracts in
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place for the 2014 tax year and to - first they'll amended the criteria for the loss of a dwelling opt and to alter non-conforming unit and third they'll move all the criteria into section 317. the amended ordinances would also respond to ellis evictions. it would expand it and have a prohibition on the loss of a unit through morgue if it had been the subject of a no fault eviction brown september 10th of this year and the prohibition would be in place for an ellis act and 5 years for an owner
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moving eviction. that passes on final reading and also the food ordinance will allow the cottage operation for dwelling unit and allow the assessable to 1/3rd of the floor area. and all residential unit in the residential district. there was one new ordinance i'd like to share it concerns production and repair. this ordinance makes general amendments as well as p dr uses in small enterprise zoning control. it's not been sent to us but will be here in 3 months that concludes my presentation >> commissioner sugaya. i'm happy to see the mills act
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coming across san francisco has the fewest number of the contracts know what we're up to but san diego had over 2 hundred >> our coordinator wanted you to know. commissioner antonini >> yeah. and in general particularly with reference to the late legislation proposed and sxhovls is it the practices of the city when legislation is property that the city attorney opines on whether or not this seems to be responsively before they pass it and found if it's challenged or not. we've had a lot of instances with are with its been disallowed it wastes time and
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money to have laws passed that are not supportable >> i would defer to the city attorney on comments. okay >> commissioners, if there's nothing favorite u further that places you under general public comment. the public comment may comment on the subject expect agenda items. however, where the public comment is closed this is your opportunity to address the commission such a in item 15 when the san francisco ground water impact report. with respect to all other items your item will be afforded to be addressed up to 3 minutes. i have 3 speaker cards
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>> thank you. >> (calling names). >> you may come up and speak now, sir. >> good afternoon. here i'd like to comment on this 2013.1316 c regarding oh. the interpretation of sale of alcohol in the front. it's like i live in the neighborhood there are so many businesses that sell alcohol already i drink alcohol myself i have nothing against alcohol i live in the building inside this and this restaurants is going to
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be below my apartment. so it's going to generated a lot of noise and they already have a business next to this restaurants. it generating a lot of noise. it's a jewish bar they play loud music and it's inconvenient. when i look at those planning projects in motion it's look on the back payment it says this restaurants right here in the existing restaurants so, you know, food and it was never a restaurant. and also about the comments over here it says the number of public comments received it says zero. i've made many comments i've k34u79d by mail with the
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building inspectors it says zero. another thing if they zoo don't have all the permits to open this business. the question i have now by the way, i didn't have a chance to make my comment earlier are my comments going to be considered. that's my question. because they said it was closed i submitted a card but it turns out - >> sir unfortunately, this department of motor vehicles isn't a comment and question period. i will respond because i have not had a chance to respond. they have made their decision on the matter it was under scent
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owe the president of the commission did request if there were any public comment for any of the items read into the record at that time. he afford anyone the stunt and unfortunately you didn't understand that and come up to the podium and speak >> i was waiting for my name to be called i was told i fill out a card and waiting to be called. >> so the commission if you choose on the one hand you could resend your previous vote and schedule it for the next hearing based on general comment. however, i would teaspoon with general comment at this time and take the matter up >> thank you, sir. >> okay. thank you. >> good afternoon peter cohen
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for the housing association a couple of items one is director ram we visited him to meet with our organizations it's come up on its 5 year mark and we had a lot of go feedback both from a policy and procure standpoint. it i wanted to let you know we are going to be talking about some work the staff might be able to do to look at the policies and purse and hopefully have an informational hearing with you next year january or february. but the timing is acquit for the united states give the information we talked about affordable housing and the eastern neighborhoods is not working from a stewardship. the quality of the issues how
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much of hopefully, you'll be supportive and interested in yourselves of hearing about that from the neighborhood. the second item continue to think about transit infrastructure fees there's been an issue with the t d f another amendment came our way were 0 we've been looking an office environment and the tech industry is different but the question comes to our minds as we look forward to a new kind of economy do we want to delineate our offices. it's a question i want to raise
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to our attendance as we look at the updates of t d i f to modernize it, if you will. those are items i hopefully hope you're interested in those items as much as we are >> linda chapman for knob hill neighborhoods. this week at the annual dinner the honoree spoke some words i think are sentiments shared but all in the room. all we're asking asking for is a little bit of constant just to publish the rules and follow the rules. it's a sentiment shared by all organizations. it concerned me and the c s f n is those dproipz saying we
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represent the neighborhood we're the neighborhood organization and lip to us we can support of the developer and this is unheard of. when i began to see this happening with those two groups that establish themselves on possible street i thought they were wonderful at first but they became forum for developers to come in before them and either people were expected to vote on the 4 liquor licenses or mike maybe no vote at all and the leaders would say they supported the project and the people who lived in the neighborhood were concerned about whether the bulk of the building or let's say the activities at the ma sonic or whatever they sort of
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disappeared. as you may already know a 9 page declaration has come in about the illegal information in the masonic. every single information it illegal from the bob from his 39 years of his work that are undoubtedly this will be going to court. then we have, you know, 1601 larkin and steve is writing on that not on the sequa decision but on the illegal activities of decision based on private agreements between the neighborhood groups. look in the paper may lee was there and 29 hundred people applied.
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with the no project alternative was called for by sequa and the method of wanting to build nonprofit use from the beginning and you know what the local methodists are also stopped by it's all over with it was sold to making determine i didn't almost 10 years ago. people have been fidgeting in court preventing the sale >> any additional public comment? >> sue hester. the planning commission is supposed to be the representative of the public. and looking at up here i don't
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know how how much experience any of the 7 of you have being a member of the public dealing with a project from the prospective of the public that comes to the planning commission. maybe i've missed hearings and you've all been here but my observation is the whole public roll is disappearing before my eyes. the reports on a project are for the public such as the commission. in fact, on love of the promises they're more for the public then for the commission. drs have a long public process baugs because of prop m but the rest of them don't have that process and the availability of documents so the public can
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comment on is really important. and every time your commissioners say we have enough to read every thursday you're not really getting the point. if the public doesn't have planned and the staff report from the developer so they can comment on it to you it doesn't become part of the record. you're making it does of the aisle extremely difficult. there's a different procure for drs. your kci terminal out future comments permanently because every time you adapt an area plan you adapt exemptions but comments. and every development has a slew
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of exemptions >> why are what the developer submits to you what in we're not to see online. what we see online is is staff report. there's nothing from the developer pushing promise or the public available to the public. and see if you're going to say the 7 of you are the public step into the shows you of the public once again and have a hearing that was promised about this. you haven't had a hearing at all in a long time and i'm tired of being here in a ridiculous format. thank you
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