tv [untitled] January 6, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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submittal guidelines i'm supportive of it >> commissioners, if you adapt the rules and regulars p that will become part or part of the process and the planning director can include those. i'd like to address a couple of those suggestions in her that you've - okay in any case if you choose to adapt those changes we can modify the plan for the guidelines documents >> would that be a separate process than the item we're taking today or look at the rules and instructions. >> your adapting them by reference the commission would be adapting the submittal guidelines the department uses by reference and the department
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issues those plans. >> okay. >> i'm sorry go ahead. >> so the plans are for the submittal guidelines i'm trying to understand your process what's our really to making amendments. >> i guess the way it would work we certainly tack your recommendations and change the guidelines and you adapt them by reference. >> okay. >> they're adopted by reference in appreciation a and any reference to the submittal guidelines would be referenced by your rules and regulation. >> okay. i also want to sort of touch open this point of the one week vs. the two weeks. i think, you know, planning
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commission very much runs on a weekly schedule it's a lot of material for the commissioners and public but i want to say the process is available as we discussed today to e-mail the planning commission secretary and have the comments described for the commissioners. i'll be honest for me if i get a document for 2 weeks i won't read it because it's hard to keep two weeks agenda on your mind at the same time >> commissioner moore. >> i interrupted commission secretary and i'll direct the question back to you. as i said this doesn't apply to drs but it requires per reference to the conditional use
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in section c-111 and the notifications that might result in a dr that doesn't mean we're adding additional work to staff but requires that the applicant provide you either for the abbreviated dr which still comes to us as well as the full dr to provide the referendum so there's nothing that makes the staff work for difficult it makes a easier. so none of it singles out dr because the director has clearly said the problems but it refers more generally back to the conditional use and the notifications so it's really a middle reminder within the document to reference those two
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3 conditions in order to have indeed that consistent documentation and material for the commission. the real intent really is many of us are lay people and we're finding ourselves liquor the 2 to 3 weekers that's uncomfortable and we can ask for more information. i really don't feel good when i have to call it out it's not a victory to send somebody back and say your stuff doesn't add up we can be more clear >> i want to thank you commissioner moore for stepping forward and extending a tremorly amount of time. some of us don't have your
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background so thank you for better clarify this. in the end it will help the commissioners and staff and a commissioner antonini >> yeah i appreciate what commissioner moore is saying and if i understand correctly i'm happy with the rules and regulations as drafted. by reference they live staff will modify the instructions to reflect what's in our rolls but to have our rules voluminous they speak to the issues we're concerned about i agree one hundred percent with commissioner moore when cases come before us and the drawings are not accurate and we have to waste everybody's time sending it back to be redone didn't make sense but i think that's the job of staff once we've pit those
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rules forward and made it clear for our submissions package the planner has to make sure before it's clarptd for us and that they review the what's been submitted by the project sponsor or the dr requester in the case of dr that it is unsatisfactory what we're asking for. i'm fine with this assuming we'll get the instructions created by reference. we don't have to spell that out. i'll move to approve those changes >> commissioner antonini before you do the city attorney has a few minor changes. so appendix a section a for submittals the third paragraph the city attorney is
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recommending that the correspondence must include a copy to the commission secretary striking cc and the fourth paragraph the briefs to be included in the packet forward to the mragsz and striking would like to be a part of. in the fifth paragraph the guidelines shall be recyclely - strictly enforced. and under section 3 subsection by the opposing opposition not to exceed 3 minutes the city attorney wants the block is to reduce the number of overall
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speakers who are part of opposition striking the similar concerns. under section g for about sequa appeals. the addition of sequa appeals of negative declaration is recommended by the district attorney's office and i'm agreeing with all of those suggested changes. so my motion would be to approve reflecting the changes as suggested by the city attorney and read into the record by the commission secretary >> second. >> can i ask a question. >> commissioner moore. >> the city attorney on the last point give us one or two sentences so i fully understand. >> the portion of sequa regarding the desolations. >> i'm kate from the district attorney's office. commissioner moore the only sequa appeal that comes to the planning commission is that of a
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negative declaration so it was really for clarification purposes that it optional will be triggered when there's a negative declaration appeal. eirs come automatically for certification and exemptions are part of the project approval that don't have a specific appeal process to the planning commission >> thank you for relatedly us. >> commissioners there are a motion and second as intrord on that motion. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner wu. and president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously have to zero.
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now that you've done that you can tape our 2014 consent calendar. the hearings scheduled for the 2014 proposed meeting dates. commissioners i've provide you with a draft hearing schedule for 2014. january 2nd has been cancelled as a result of this hearing schedule but it will appear here. january 30th is a fifth thursday of the month and you generally cancel those hearings. on thursday may 29 is a fifth thursday. july 3rd is cancelled for the jout. july 31st is a fifth thursday and you generally tack a hi, ate in the last two weeks of august.
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and then there's the holiday for thursday september 25th i believe it's rancho an that's being recked and october 30th is scheduling cancelled it's a fifth meeting. and thursday, november 30th is thanksgiving and christmas is cancelled and january 1st for new years eve. i would recommend you cancelled an additional meeting between january 30th and may 29 you'll have a four month stretch without any breaks. march 27 falls in there but there's an item that needs to be heard for you. april 1st is april fools bay day and we have easter
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>> okay. and just for not that it is important but commissioner antonini. >> i'm going to be out the 16 and libel the 23rd. >> of january. >> of january. >> okay. did you have any other comments and i did have other comments i didn't know if you're going to tack public comment before we comment but i'll be happy to comment first whatever >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you. >> i don't know if you wanted public comment first. >> a point of clarification. i don't know about the secretary but those items people were commenting before we i feel like our items we comment before the public they can then over
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comments after us. we tack public comment and then we spank and they haven't had the benefit of commenting >> commissioners it's entirely up to you. but, yes the public should a have is an opportunity to public >> i did it both ways but i was expecting comments that might influence our discussion. so i hear i. let me see first mlk for the proposed calendar 2014 >> so public comment is closed. >> there's some days i want to add back for the following reasons. the 30th of january because it's the fourth thursday that we're meeting it's technically the
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first sthurz we're optional meeting 4 times that month and typically the new year things pickup and we've been successful getting out off our meeting so i want to condense this. i'm not proposed to some sort of break in april in the commission feels they need to do that the 17th or the third or both probably okay with me. but then i would also think for the same reason in the month of july we should add back the 31st it's only the fourth thursday of that month because we're off the 3rd of july because of the fourth of july holiday and when we get into august we've got the
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hi, at the so there might be a back up of items. i assume the secretary has chaekd checked that the 25th of september is in fact the first day of rancho an. so and then also the possibility might be to consider adding the 30th of october sthoo we don't have to as we get to the end of the year our calendar gets more con depsz and we have 3 non-month to month days in november and december. i'm not as emphatic but adding the 30th of january and the 31st of july make sense >> just if i may add commissioners, i generally tack you basically have the 11 cancelled hearings per calendar
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year. >> on average. >> on average. >> so that means you the tenth. >> commissioner sugaya. >> oh, sorry. i would suggest we tack some time off somewhere in the four months. it doesn't matter at the end of march or april. other than i'm okay with the schedule >> in response to that caring or considering the four month stretch i'd like to say that i'm trying to keep track of fortune absence on january 23rd that commissioner antonini maybe out i know i'm going to be out on the 23rd of january. on 16 of january commissioner
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hillis and commissioner antonini will be out. commissioner borden >> i have a question i'm looking our advance calendar as we know in terms of of case numbers and all that kind of stuff. so right now it doesn't hallow we have much on the calender we could add back the january 31st meeting. there's only 1 or 2 items unless i understand the caseload we need to schedule back a meeting. so again although i don't have a problem having that hearing or if all the cases that are assigned to the 23rd won't be
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advisable to move to the 23rd to the 30th that would be an advantage because two commissioners are out on the 23rd. that makes sense in our bar remote and maybe i can give me feedback open the ability the ease of moving the items from the 23rd to the 30th and a or some of them >> i'm looking at the 23rd calendar there are 3 items that were continued from previous dates and if you choose to basically cancel the 23rd. >> i'm not suggesting that but if there's a concern i'm saying to move from them from the 23rd to the 30th. >> those noticed would be
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challenged and generally they only go out 20 days in advance and the told me that were continued to january 23rd we could continue them to the 30th again. so that's internal up to you. >> i could go for any of those. not to meet that the 30th but whatever you choose it should inform whether or not we go with the hearing. in terms of breaking and entering i think april would be ideal i'm not just saying that because of my birthday >> let me recap there are also a consensus for april 17th to cancel. and then recapping our comment along with commissioner antonini reopen january thogd but slide
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the items on the 23rd to the 30th or spread them out between the 6th and the third >> you're shaking our heads. >> commissioner sugaya. i don't know what we're talking about >> commissioner antonini suggested bringing the 30th book. two people are missing open the 23rd so if we add back the 30th we'll move told me items from the 23rd audits i believe you can move those items to february 6th with two things on the calendar >> i guess whose going to make the decision from the items be obey moved from the 23rd to the
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30th. >> we can decide items the further out it goes we don't know the promotions but we could have promotions coming in late and a i don't see a reason to add back the 30th is my point. if we're concerned about absence we can deal with that. in terms of we can bring back and cancel the meeting for some reason director ram do you see - i i know the calendar have been relatively lighter in the latter part of this year. do you see the workload in the department generating more items for our hearings >> actually, i do. >> we're in a bit of a lull
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because we're between the period where a lot of the promotions being built are already approved. next year i anticipate a lot of eir hearings as well as major projects. i expect your workload to increase nooeks next year >> i'm going to make a motion to advance the calendar with the expectation of april. commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask the city attorney we have an "x" number of meets and since this commission doesn't participate in creating the calendar we can't have a meeting which i consider to be an empty container in which the staff puts the stems.
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intend we see the advances meetings their schedule. if the public comes because they see something they might be interested in and say okay. i want to get myself ready for february or so. i want to make sure we're following paroleely because this group didn't participate in putting together the calendar. we need the president and vice president to pit those together. we don't have the leverage to arbitrarily change changes if we have 5 thursdays in a month and i support commissioner antoninis orange county's we have 4 to attend to irrespective if they fall on the first or fourth or
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fifth thursday of most. the fifth thursday meetings we could still take care of matters. i'll look to the city attorney. president fong. the charter doesn't set forth any minimum of number of meetings the commission has to have. the commission rules and regulations in section 1 under regular meetings states that regular meetings of commission shall be open in public and held each thursday of each month unless there's 5 thursdays. i will leave it to the commission but it sounds as to each thursday the commission needs to plan to meet unless
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it's a fifth thursdays. there are times the commission can't achieve a quorum so the month to month is cancelled. but i think that for now, the commission should probably keep that april 17th open the calendar if there's difficulty a achieving a quorum for a meeting the commission has cancelled meetings in the future or on as noted basis. >> i appreciate our giving us this note of advised instruction because while the 17 of april falls within the timeframe that is important that being easter that importance might not weigh with other. at the end of the month with four thursdays we'll basically only moot 3 times so i tack your
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advise. the last sentence clearly provides the opportunity of cancelation based on holiday that the secretary shall present to the staff a list of daums by voice vote the hearing clungd i concluded possible cancelation dates to accommodate holidays throughout the year christmas being an example and thanksgiving. i don't see easter being any exception expectation >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'll speak against this motion and try to meet the
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city attorney has stated 4 the it doesn't mean we can't cancelled a meeting but we should schedule 4 with the ability to cancel one. if this motion is compensated i want to add back the 30th of january and the 31st of july. i have a lot of folks who call me with conditional uses and their told it's a along period of time for getting open the calender. i don't know if it has to do with the process that has to go through it's not a product of not having enough meetings but i've heard this from a number of sources and there's projects that involve people's own homes
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and trying to getting get through the process of dr or cu. if we give more opportunity. it kind of goes backs a couple of years ago with the board of supervisors they used to meet an mondays and they moved they're meeting dates to tuesday's because there's so many holidays so they tack tuesday off because there are holidays then. i'm saying having them in session more is good but in our case nothing happens nothing is going to get started until we make a decision. it's a little bit critical than the laws of the board of supervisors are passing which, you know, maybe not as time critical as some of our items owe for them to consider items we have a pass judgment before
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they can go to the board of supervisors. so being available it important. i'll have a rice motion if this one fails >> commissioner moore. >> i only observing that in 12 months of the year we already have 5 months in which we either have two meetings or 3 meetings. so by adding more tacking the thursdays out of japan and july we're adding seven months and with april another suggestion we with 8 months with 3 meetings or less. that's actually a large number >> commissioners is a motion and second open the floor. >> could you restate. >> the current motion on the floor is to adapt the hearings schedule it was submitted to you
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to include april 17th as a cancelled date city attorney would aligning me to specific april 17th hearing so to accommodate aefrt. >> but it doesn't occur on a thursday. >> on that motion to adapt the hearing schedule and to include april 17th to recognize aefrt commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. sxhifg >> commissioner moore. commissioner wu and president fong >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 5 to 4 commissioner antonini voting against. >> thank you, commissioners for that.
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