tv [untitled] January 7, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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[gavel] >> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. it is tuesday, january the seventh, 2014. the inaugural meeting of 2014, colleagues, welcome back. with that, matt a.m. clerk could you please call the role? >> yes, mr. president. supervisor avalos? avalos present. supervisor breed? breed present. supervisor campos? campos present. president chiu? chiu present. supervisor cohen? cohen present. supervisor farrell? farrell present.
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supervisor kim? kim present. supervisor mar? mar present. supervisor tang? tang present. supervisor wiener? wiener present. supervisor yee? yee present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, would you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, could you read any communication? s? >> yes, mr. thv, i have two communications. the first is from the director of the department of elections, mr. john arnst certifying the vote and results of each of the races shown in the sum have i report of the municipal election of november 6, 2013 to be true and correct. specifically, calling attention at another time contest for member of the board of
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supervisors representing district 4, that katy tang won the most number of choice -- first choice votes cast for that seat. >> congratulations, supervisor tang. [cheering and applauding] >> and, madam clerk, if you could read the second communication? >> yes, a communication was received january 2nd from the controller, mr. ben rosenfield, submitting a certification of surety bond for the newly elected supervisor katy tang therefore meeting the requirements necessary. >> thank you, madam clerk. congratulations again, supervisor tang, on your achievement of being elected district 4 supervisor. madam clerk could you please call the next item? >> the first item of business will be the oath of office to the newly elected member of the board of supervisors representing district 4, supervisor katy tang. >> thank you.
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ladies and gentlemen, i'd like to welcome all of you to the people's house, our beautiful legislative chamber on this day as we inaugurate one of our own, supervisor katy tang, to be the representative of district 4. before the oath is administered, i'd like to take a moment to recognize all of the officials who have joined us. we have two elected officials who have previously represented district 4. like to first take a moment and acknowledge our city assessor carmen chu who is here. (applause) >> and i'd like to also recognize former district 4 supervisor and former assembly woman, fiona ma. (applause) >> and katy has been with the city long enough she has many friends in the leadership of city government. i want to take a moment and thank and welcome many department heads who are with
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us today from the department of public works, madv nuru, monique moyer from the mort, nick equal a chan from department of resource he. huey from department of building infence. also want to thank steve, the mayor's chief of staff, controller ben rosenfield, our budget analyst harvey rose, and i believe i also want to tiectiontion a moment to recognize our district attorney george gas cone, as well as i am fro i believe we have two chiefs here and many other men and women in blue. fire chief white and greg sur. mr. mayor, did i miss anybody? >> [inaudible]. >> okay. with that it is my privilege to introduce my friend and someone who represents the third branch of government, our judicial branch, the honorable cynthia lee who is the presiding judge of the superior court of
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california here in city and county of san francisco and she will administer the oath of office to supervisor tang. >> supervisor tang, would you raise your right hand, please? ask repeat after me. i, katy tackv do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states, the constitution of the state of california >> and the constitution of the state of california >> against all enemies foreign and domestic. >> against all enemies foreign and domestic. >> that i will bear true faith and allegiance. >> i will bear true faith and allegiance. >> to the constitution of the united states >> to the constitution of the united states >> and the constitution of the state of california >> and the constitution of the state of california >> and that i take this obligation freely
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>> and that i take this obligation freely >> without any mental reservation >> without any mental reservation >> the purpose of evasion >> or purpose of evasion >> and that i will well and faithfully >> and that i will well and faithfully >> discharge the duties >> discharge the duties >> on which i am about to enter. >> upon which i am about to enter. >> and during such time >> and during such time >> as i hold the office >> as i hold the officary member of the board of supervisors >> of member of the board of supervisors >> of member of the transportation authority >> and member of the transportation authority >> of the city and county of san francisco >> of the city and county of san francisco >> congratulations. >> thank you. (applause)
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>> thank you, judge lee. congratulations, supervisor tang. this is one of the very few moments in our city's government when the three branches of government come together. i want to thank our presiding judge and welcome the mayor of san francisco ix, the head of our executive branch mayor lee. like to ask if he would like to say a few words. >> thank you, president chiu. first of all, supervisor tang, congratulations. congratulations. i know i join president chiu and all your colleagues and judge lee in congratulating you along with all the members of our elected family and members of the public. i know this means a lot, and i will say it before you go and celebrate at the tavern. [laughter] >> i will say to you that as i've always felt, being an elected official and doing
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public service is important. it is also about sacrifice. it's about a lot of personal time that people use of their own accord, they sacrifice family time. they sacrifice friendship time in order to do the good work of the city. and you are no different. you know what that means. you've understood t you've seen it, you watched it now you've experienced it. now you join your colleagues in the same level of sacrifice for the great city of san francisco. so, on behalf of our office, congratulations. keep up the great work. and to the members of d-4, you've got a great representative. congratulations. and thank you for you being such a good example of the district and of the city. thank you very much. (applause) >> and without further a do, i'd like to turn over the floor to our district 4 colleague, supervisor tang.
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>> thank you, president chiu. first of all, thank you, judge lee, for administering the oath of office to me. and i'd really like to take this opportunity to acknowledge mayor lee. thank you for taking the time to ascend the ceremony today. for giving me the opportunity back in february to serve in this capacity. i have really enjoyed working with you in your office and appreciate how you have truly worked collaboratively with this board. president chiu, acknowledged the department heads who are present here with us today. thank you for being here. without you, we really at our office, we cannot carry out our work and be responsive to our constituents. thank you very much and thank you to department heads who couldn't make it here today. david chiu also, president chiu mentioned we do have in our presence two former district 4 supervisors. so, i do again want to acknowledge all of the great work that came before me. carmen chiu and fiona ma, thank you for setting such a great example of how we serve our constituents in district 4. and, of course, to the voters of district 4, to everyone who
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made it out today for this inauguration certificate michelle obama -- ceremony, and everyone who supported me, thank you so very much. i can't express how much your support meant to me. whether you helped financially or put up one of my posters in your window, whether you endorsed my campaign, whether you provided me moral support, all of that i am incredibly grateful for. i feel so honored to be able to serve on the board of supervisors and represent the district that i grew up in. i think back to roughly 10 years ago, during the summer of 2004 when i first set foot inside city hall, i was an intern at the assessor recorder's office. i was an eager college studentv and i knew very little about city government. but little did i know i would eventually be hired to work for the city in the public policy and finance office. little did i know that i would be asked to serve as a
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legislative aide to my predecessor carmen chiu, and little did i know i would wind up serving as a policy maker and representative for san francisco residents. ~ although my life and career have been full of surprises, one thing is certain, i have always wanted to serve the community. during our winter legislative recess, i was cleaning my home and i found something that i wrote during high school as i was running for reelection for student government position during my sophomore year. i wrote in my candidate statement, "when i was first elected i wasn't even sure if i was capable of handling the job, but after these past couple months being in office i learned that as long as you're dedicated anything can be accomplished." that statement still rings true for me today. when i was first appointed and elected into this position, i felt very uncomfortable. i felt uncomfortable because i had so much i wanted to carry out for the community, but i
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really wasn't sure how i was going to do it all. but together with my dedicated legislative aides who are here, i'd ask them to stand, they're going to hate me for this. ashley summers, [speaker not understood]. (applause) >> with the partnership of great community members and our city departments, we were able to achieve many things in the last 10 months. to name a few, we launched the first ever district wide strategic planning effort for the sun stet district called the sunset district blue print where we set out to course for how the community would like to see the sunset district not just tomorrow, but in five years, ten years out and beyond. we launched the city's first front yard ambassador program, a program to assist residents with front yard landscaping installation with the goal of alleviating the sewer system while helping neighbors build relationships amongst each other. we work with city and straight
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officials and agencies to install san francisco's first pedestrian hybrid beacon on full boulevard for those crossing and allowing for regular free flowing of traffic. we spearheaded our office's first back to school supply drive to provide students and families the necessary tools to succeed in class and ended up dough -- donating supplies to 100 children. we passed legislation for better enforcement tools of our establishment serving as potential fronts for human trafficking. we secured funding during the last budget process to improve the klein liness of business corridors along irving, judah [speaker not understood], and we secured funding to move forward with city, state, and federal departments and the san francisco planning and urban research association to revitalize and enhance ocean beach and its surrounding areas. in this next year ahead i look forward to building upon this work that we have started and making sure that our office
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continues to improve the quality of life for sunset residents. and keeping in mind that we are also representatives of san francisco, i hope to continue making prudent policy decisions on issues that impact everyone in our entire city. [speaker not understood] run again next november. begin my first four-year term. laugh willv >> so, there is still much more work to be done. for the moment there are a few people i need to thank for helping me along this journey ~. i would first like to thank my campaign team, maggie, erwin and her fund-raising team. thank you so much for calming my nerves during this my first election and i think they're sitting somewhere in the board committee over there. kevin [speaker not understood] at hanson bribing hetherctiontion, thank you for making sure everything we did on the campaign went according to the rules. ~ bridget [speaker not understood] ashley summers, i could not do my work with them. they all have so much passion
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and dedication to serving the sunset district. they are individuals who have grown up in the sunset, who have worked for the sunset, who live in the sunset, and combined they have just probably too much sunset pride, i think. so, thank you for allowing me to interrupt your life with the abrupt request back in march to join me in serving district 4. last but certainly not least, i want to thank my family and personal friends for being here today. most of them are sitting in the front row over here. to my mom and dad, they are my favorite district 4 constituents. [laughter] >> and i'm so lucky that they decided to raise me and my brother here in san francisco and especially in the sunset district. they are very modest people who have worked so hard to get to where they are today and i love that i can go home and they don't bug me about work. thank you to them who have just been the biggest inspiration in my life. today i'm also so happy to introduce to you, all of you,
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my brother leo who would be able to join me. he had to take the day off work and fly here. growing up i shared so many things with. [speaker not understood] who i played with at our neighborhood play grounds. without him and my cousin theresa who is also here sitting next to him who is like a sister to me growing up, i would not have experienced the greatness of growing up in the sunset district. and last but certainly not least, i would like to thank my better half, justin, and his family who are also here today. certainly i think it's a very challenging job serving on the board of supervisors, but i think that it's probably even more challenging to be with someone serving on the board. [laughter] >> justin has been so patient with me as i constantly debate with him the latest topic of the board. as i have my late nights and community meetings to attend. thank you, just tb, for your constant support.
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and to my colleagues on the board of supervisors, it is an honor to join you as an elected member of this board. we represent such an amazing city. [speaker not understood]. i'm excited to continue to working with you and to continue to work for district 4 and to continue improving our great it. city. so, thank you very much. thank you. ~ (applause) >> thank you, supervisor tang. just in closing i think speaking on behalf of all of our colleagues, many of us have known you for years. we've known of the tremendous work that you did before you joined the board of supervisors.
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we've known of your tremendous work in your first year. we know the best is yet to come so congratulations. with that i'd like to ask that we take a temporary ten-minute recess. supervisor tang would like to escort her family out of the chamber and take a moment to thank folks and not miss her first set of votes here. if we could take a quick ten-minute recess. without objection that will be the case. [gavel] [recess]
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