tv [untitled] January 8, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PST
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puts out the word pg&e will come in with the gas line and is that also true of street light work in terms of following the pavement you don't tear up new streets. >> yes. each project is announced you can see the timing of the work. the problem comes when we change the order of a street light repair depending on safety public inputs we might asks for more to your memory. we're looking at reporters to 17th street and cap that's into the district 6 and then some limited work in district 8 which that doesn't have any loops. the idea is in this program all that deferred maintenance should
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be complete. that's the majority of the work. at $34,000 per light that's $40 million of investment by pg&e. supervisor kim's mentioned the money is there and it will be updated in the next 3 to 5 years. going back to level of service expectations i've taken the lead and we've established what pg&e is going to do and share data and communicate with the city and the puc to make clear to resident who's responsible for what kind of work. st outages will be reward in thirty days pg&e is going to do the mapping by location so we can identify
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who owns what. that means the one day or two days of back and forth. the cause of the out age all those are things will be part of the data set we'll give the city to inform the city broadly and a hour we're responding. that gives u gives you more clarity in the operational news and bring the san francisco employees out to take the of our data we see the reliability in repairs are taking longer that's because pg&e trouble men are being sent to other areas to repair damage by floods and
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storms and finally, the last thing is to do frequent meetings with puc and puc staff to make sure we're aligned with major initiative. are there structural communication with either party making the repair of street light it difficult if the answer is yes we're going to get together to solve those. we weren't communicating very well and to put the people together in the field so they can hash out the issues before they become citywide issues >> where are the current soft spots. while we've made major improvements in cooperating there are things that are difficult one fact is the system we log outages. per diem has their own system
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for the 15 million customers we operate differently we do duplicate repairs so when an outage comes in it will go to the city and we close it in our system and 311. unfortunately, it's often down so people can't log it in it maybe done in december 1st and it might be out until the 7 letting. it's not an issue from a data and reporting standpoint it miss categories the work that's being done >> i know last year you discussed or we discussed physical examinations database in terms of all the street light locates is that included in the
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database observe talking about not everybody everything was in an electronic format. >> the way it works is most of what pg&e side is on paper plat mats. it's even further complicated because the soft of different nature of the bill. the self-puc appraise maintenance and operation services that's in the basically format there's another system being built to accommodate the lights that's for the slow movement. as i said our target is to get the work done by 2014 and to give the city a format so search for the street lights >> just in the big picture does
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it make sense to have two entities for half-and-half of the street lights. >> not at all. i think one of the things people have said before pg&e level try to streamline on the process nate's that's not true. and then to look at the idea of having a single person. the idea of a single owner provides the best service. so based on any process improvement it's an ownership issue. we recognize that and we're happy to look at the format to industrial the process. to that point one of the things we've talked about the opportunity to take a look at the puc where they own a majority of the street lights and can we find a way for the puc to acquire 5 percent of the lights in district 3 that gives into parties a chance to a
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address the issues there. those generally aren't the up front capital fund. those are the things i've discussions with the puc general manager on and we'll be discussing >> i understand that recently pg&e soiled it's street lights is in the city of richmond is it true. >> right. >> then richmond became the sole provider. >> it's the same issue if a city believes they can provide a better serve we're happy to have a discussion. we haven't gotten a great deal even if information but from our standpoint we have an obligation to get the costs but we don't intend to profit at all. we're happy to have that discussion
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>> can you comment on discussed before the puc the need or importance of moving towards integrating lighting and comment where pummeling is towards the. >> one of the difficulties is most the lights we own are on wooden poles beyond street lights. those are distributions powell's poles our people have to climb so on the distribution of the policies there can be no impediments so that precludes a second light. we've contacted the staff about solutions of led lights are are focused back to the pedestrian areas. those are special facilities are
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don't believe they're more expensive than a street light installation but we're only to find solutions for the pedestrian lighting. i respect the pole access. for us we provide street light services as a service to the city in changing the lights that needs to be done at the request of the city. so we get the containment and do the work. to the extent there's funding we're more happy to do that so long as they set the rules that the puc has created for us >> has b there been discussions with the puc trying to balance the need for access on those multiple use wooden poles that
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pg&e has with the upgrade of lighting that's an issue. >> we're trying to find a way to balance the requests. 70 thousand square miles long most of our other customers and perhaps in more rural areas are less willing to take on imcredential costs. our customers don't want to make that kind of investment in the infrastructure >> supervisor jane kim. >> by the way, thank you for addressing some of my questions. i wanted to make sure i didn't have the presentation in front of me but the remittance for pg&e would have the capital cost improvements for over 5 years
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>> those increases are the improvements now but the cost of the service in san francisco. one of the things we pointed out in our earlier slides san francisco is very, very expensive to serve to look at the lights in the golden - those folks expect those services as well as the fact we just have many kinds of different lights in san francisco. much more complex the money is going to improvements locally it's not just the rp program it's also the existing program of other equipment in san francisco >> one of my questions is since
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we're paying over time are you going to be advanced fronting so the bulk happens on the front end and we'll be paying you back over time. >> it's hard to describe it like that. we make investments across the city in regards to the funding for example, a $2,000 increase didn't mean we're going to do more improvements we're going to do $8 million of improvement that's 12 years of rate increases in one year so so what's happening is per diem is hoping to make that commitment at some point >> then my second question do i need a history of the loops. >> i did not. like you said a majority of
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those are are on the west side as we reply replace those we're ordering those in a different way. inching we came in and said which lights are out more frequently. after yourself and supervisor campos we recognize that an outage in one area is not equal to an out angle in another area. we wanted to cover the boarder benefits that exist to try to reflect the commitments to be responsive to operational needs >> this goes back to light light and district 6 has a lot of business improvement district. so when the cb ded put in their own lighting they don't budget
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that additional cost to maintain the lights within their own budget this is something that gets carried over by p&g and those power >> those light are i'm not sure one hundred percent so maybe i want to come up. >> they're the responsibility of sf puc though. >> i think so. >> i am trying to understand. >> we're talking about the existing lights it maybe come to the those lights need to be replaced. there's cobra lights if the world were all cobra lights the cost would be lower but for speciality lights lib china town south of market street like the
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lights on the gold triangle there is more expenses >> maybe the first time or for maintaining it it comes from pg&e. >> that's correct. >> but the b.i.d. lights are funded by the b i did. >> not the lolts but before they were established. >> and last question is the last slide the. >> current opportunity or current challenges. >> this is around using our system and the delays. >> oh, got it. >> the length. >> there you go. >> the legion system so that's our 311 system. >> right so per diem has their own system. what kari's staff does with is
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we close a light for legion arrest we have data we think the best data is reflect our employees that work on our system. legion is a third party check but when it's not reflects of reflective it casts a diagramer performance >> and legion is down a lot. >> legion has been down 3 times in the loose three weeks. >> it's been down 3 times. sometimes, you know, 4 hours or more so it has compacted our ability to get do the system. that's a manual process like someone has to go in and do the work as opposed to the pg&e system as soon as they're done there's an automatic closer and
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my staff checks the quality and there's a gap in between >> and you give that - >> we e-mail the contact we have that he puc. >> that system is rub by 311 correct. >> yes. >> i'd love to see that data in terms of the number of temps times in the past year it's been down. i agree 311 is one of our most important systems and it's troubling if not just in the last couple of weeks it's down regularly >> no problem. >> and since that's our discussion of puc staff they've been fantastic but they do exist and we should acknowledge them they're not impediments to our city but we need to fix them and
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finally, we have a number of opportunities about the lights to work to align ownership we're happy to have a discussion to discuss the next steps on those kinds of things. in their opinion working on those issues this is one of the most important things to align ownership for one party being the owner and recognize the city to own the light but in district 2, 3 and 6 we can meaning fully impact the costs to the city >>. additionally we're working in our regulatory case at the puc to provide options to move to led lighting.
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the lighting lighting in san francisco is unique because we traditionally recover savings on the energy side as well as the operational side because even though it's owned and operated by pg&e it's harder for us to recover the costs. we're working to identify the facility charge for us to recover those costs and moved in the led program. in addition we're looking at creating pilots not neighborhood of san francisco to have remote control in this hill we talked about before. as we work to replace the lights with the puc staff to make sure we're pitting in the right kind of lights when we replace a loop we have a meeting to discuss the
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scope of the work and identify any concerns they have. so with that if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. and thank you very much >> supervisor kim. i didn't see the breakdown of pummeling and puc in district 6 it just says treasure island but if you know the answer >> i may be corrected but i believe it's 98 percent city and two percent puc according to the slide. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much. okay. at this point we will begin public comment. i have 3 public comment cards if anyone else wants to make a public comment open item one fill out a card public comment will be 2
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minutes >> thank you supervisors for this hearing and supervisor weiner for your ongoing interest on having the hearing. i've watched my schaffer in person and on sfgovtv and i've never felt like i'm in a parallel universe. obviously it's a mess operationally with responsibility of ownership issues and financing. there's some plans and hopefully thoughts but i didn't hear a lot of concrete stuff. i'll share with you the experience of my neighborhood i'm the chair of the neighborhood midgets we represent about 45 hundred
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households around bonding invest park and pg&e is responsible for our lights. it used to take, in the morning two or three business days for pg&e to come out and fix a light. today, it's 15 to thirty days in exchange any statistics you've heard today. the dialyses and the communicate between 3i6 and pg&e in my experience is non-exist. 311 can't telling tell you where pummeling is on. mr. smith to me personally has been polite but i shaunt shouldn't have to call a pg&e representative to get a street light fixed. there's been a lot of
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fingerpointing. its dangerous residential burglars and public safety is all been mentioned. there's a lot of work to do here thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please good afternoon. supervisors. i'm angie i'm chair of the advisors board of the action group. we serve the commercial corridor on mission street between silver and geneva and our focus is economic development beautification and public safety. we spend a lot of time working on street light issues. we've done a few hot spots we've need lights out on mission street and in the neighborhood as a whole. there are also a lot of lights out. we're very active and report
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them. i'm not adverse to moving sxhooeflz to make sure those lights are repaired. we're getting some pedestrian lighting installed around the pooesh triangle. it took a lot of push and making sure it funded through one bay area grant and the county of transportation authority has to do with the mta and public safety and pedestrian safety and a traffic. i think it is important to get more street lights on the street lights 23450r7b9 who owns them. i think it's important that we get those led lights rolled out
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as soon as possible. as supervisor kim noted it makes a huge difference in public safety. thank you for your time >> thank you. and let me call the next few cards (calling names) >> supervisor weiner and kim and chewing thank you for this hearing i'm with the community coalition. we've been which they recalled focused on this issue since a crime occurred under a burned out street light. i'm happy i think to report there's better communication between pg&e and puc. this thursday i used the street light sf app to report an
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obscured street light on our street that's totally blocked by trees. i know the app is buggy but make sure you get t the pin drop in the right place. i got response from pummeling right away and i'm going to follow-up to see when it's done. so i overcome dictation there. on farrell street it's to focus the lighting on pedestrian thoroughfares rather than the tall street lights that could be blocked by trees as supervisor weiner pointed out. we appreciate our focus and we certainly hope the st. city can take over ownership of all the street lights for the repairs >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon. i'm executive director of liveable city. thank you for having this hearing. when we were working on the better street plan it was missing a piece it says someday we'll add those but it's an embarrassing failure the puc that coincident get it together it's great to hear about the street light policy. the sidewalks need to be lit. until you have standards you're not going to be be able to do the industries. but if the standards don't exist i encourage you to keep puc's feet to the fire so we can have
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is city sidewalk standards. the other thing you might want to look at the governs of the program. there was an audit when mr. kelly was director and both of those looked at the street light lighting responsibility to the department of public works. it could help because public works has most of the elements and the thing that hangs up is to get a lighting component done it's a different agency. so pg&e i'm public works is much better since the capital planning and it's much likelyer we'll get a good capital plan. you have to also look at combfrns but all those ideas of
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bringing those other city control to create good level of pedestrian street latin-american is important >> ms. schneider. >> thank you to pg&e and puc for your presentation. i'm nicole sxhird i appreciate the opportunity to address street lights. supervisor weiner you talked about evangelical around pedestrian safety when we don't have lights on our sidewalks it's hard for people to see. it helps or sidewalk lighting helps to mitigate violence on our street and he helps our angling population preventing trips and a hazards just to make our sidewalks more walkable and
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safer. i'm glad there's conversation happening. traditionally we've about that focusing our street lighting on cars pedestrians don't have headlights. it's important to talk about the scale lighting. a lot of the conversation has been around infrastructure and i'd like to see some standards on how to proceed around pedestrian scale lighting for both commercial districts and other areas where people walk which is everywhere. i love physical examinations conversation >> thank you, mr. hill. >> supervisor chiu and wiener and kim thanks for having this very much appreciated. >> i'm brian from the
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