tv [untitled] January 9, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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>> good morning. >> we give a report of what we have planned for this year and for 2015. >> this is informative to the public and also, vice chair harper who joined us in the spring as well as director lee who has been with us most of last year because she is an alternate to director lloyd. given the presentation will be various members of our staff beginning with our new senior program manager who i have not yet had the opportunity to formally present to the board, mark, joined us in the fall last year and he is a civil engineer with 20 years of experience in project management and delivery and comes to us from cal transand so please join me in welcoming mark, formally. mark will be joined by our cfo, and our legislative affairs manager scott in giving the presentation. and as well as dennis, our senior construction manager and so we will begin with mark. >> thank you, maria and happy
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new year and good morning supervisor kim and directors. >> in addition to that, it will include the accomplishment presentation followed up with a funding report and then a db, and sbe report and a plan for 2014 as we move forward. for 2013, marked the third year of successful operations it serves as the temporary link, and for the new transit in november. and as a result of public inputs we added four benches, and in the temporary, and we also, added two cameras to enhance safety for the traveling public. and we have spent our ongoing
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effort to enhance safety and reduce costs, and we have redesigned the auning and replaced the it with aluminum and also redesigned the reinforced, and completed the construction drawings for the documents. >> in 2013 we completed the future technology, and in 2014 we will continue with the development of that, we successfully completed the negotiations with the sf commission to provide power to these transit center and also continued our close going with the developers for the transit towers and the freemont and the transition agreements and working with them on implementing the bridge and the share's elements and design. for the bus ramps, and to secure approval for the sheets
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and design exceptions from cal transand we completed this report, and we also completed the independent structure and also, we issued the contract for bid in november. and on the stories, we completed the selection, and approval, we obtained both of the approval and we will work on the project and we will be submitting the final project study report early they are year and we also completed the structural memo and 65 percent of the contract design. and on the downtown extension, we continue to make progress, and to see it includes in the project in the bay area plan that was adopted in july, 18th and we continue our work with the city to finalize the community for the district and so that we can provide the funding for the dtx. and we also obtained approval for the alignments for the california high speed rail and cal tran and we published a notice for the eir and eis to
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include the scope for the enhancement and we also completed conceptual study to be able to accommodate the future, separation project. for the effort, we completed the work within the transit center footprint and we continued the plan, to do the archaeological work for the construction and secured the plans to block 6 and 7 and eleven and the plans for them. and at this point, i would like to go over to sean to give you a status on the construction process. >> thank you, mark. >> good morning, board members. and 2013 was an active year for contracts for us. one of the main factors of the structural steel package that was advertised and open in the early part of the year were
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then due to the results of that one bid. it was repackaged for better competitive bidding and we did get four bidders and it was broken down into three separate buildings and an over all scope that strategy worked and we did end up with a much lower bid and our bids were opened in june and it was awarded in july to scamska for 189 million dollars, other packages that were put out on the streets, there was and we have four other one right now that are actually out for information for bid right now. structural concrete and curtain walls, and exterior awning which is our wone and the steel auning and the bus ramps are out in advertisement right now. and they were put out in 2013. and other activity that was, as weed put out six requests for qualifications, for our metal stairs and ladders and then we will call the mapf, the met cal
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plumbing and fire suppression systems are all requesting for qualifications at this point and then we also have the elevators and escalators that were out for the rfq. status on the construction itself. assuring the excavation and that was a contract that awarded to belforein 2010. but, 2013 was a very good year and we got all of the butress shafts were installed and all 182 were completed and the bracing system that was very elaborate steel and pipe structures is 99 percent complete as of the end of the year and will be complete this month. excavation and all of the 600,000 yards are almost there and there were 96 percent complete as to the end of 2013 and a tremendous milestone and the micropiles have been rolling along and took a hyatus in september and they started back up in late november and early december and we have 19
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percent of the micropiles in for this contract with belfore. below grade structure is one that was awarded to the train box, and that was awarded to them in 2012, for 211 million dollars and they have been working on from the grounding in the geo thermal that was progressing but most of it that was... and most of it was the 2013 water installation that started up in the summer, and the slab pures and we had the big event in december and that was the milestone of getting the first concrete for the train box poured which was a great accomplishment and in the walls, subsequent to that, the walls and column haves been progressing as we moved in to build in the train box. other accomplishments that happened in 2013, we, the street, temporary bridge was
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installed in the early part of the year, over a long weekend. and that went very successfully for or with the minimal issues to the neighborhood and it, and the zone four, which is the easterly side of the tresle section was completed in 2013. structural steel, that was the contract that was awarded to skanka in july, and also, has made some accomplishments that they put in the mail order for 24,000 tons of steel in there, and also, part of that was a contract that had pulled out the cast notes, because that was critical path at the time that it was determined in early 2013, to keep the cast mode production going, and that is the contract for 17 million and they have been doing a very good job on producing those, this is a picture here, from their plant just north of kansas city, and these are some of the smaller cast nodes and it is an amazing facility and
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the person in the picture is the person who was brought on through contract to manage the bradins and do the shop drawing and the machining drawingings, and it is going very well. utility relocation had six contracts, five of which now are complete, the only one that is remaining is along mission street from basically main to baoel. and that work has been going on and should be completed here very shortly for the awss upgrade. we also did some pg&e conduit to that tresle and beal that cleared box five which was an important milestone for going forward with that particular property and we cleared block six which happens to be the 280 beal accomplishment. >> we have had on average about 160 workers every day, out there, and working hard.
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it is an amazing throughout there, and this past year, they put 315,000 hours in which includes us and if you put in the entire program and the terminal and the demolition, we surpassed one million dollars on the project, which is a fantastic accomplishment. and some of the safety statistics there were 12 incidents total and now we track every incident that happened to the fender bender and we had no lost time incidents at all and we had only three recordables which are basically two minor cuts that needed the stitches and a strain and a musical strain and a good year for 2013 for the amount of work that was going on at the time. this is a graphic that i enjoy showing and i am going to show you one at the beginning of the year and one at the end of the year, if you look at the top, this is where we were in
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january of 2013. we had done a fair amount of the excavation if you, the pinkish area at the top is showing where there is still dirt and where, and the back dots are where the shoring that is being installed, and that middle section there as it gets wider it basically shows you how deep, the wider area on the easterly it means that there is nothing, and the far end is dark, and it means that we have some excavation. this is what it looked like at the end of the year. not only did we pretty much have all, or almost 600,000 yards all removed but also had a lot of that green area and that means concrete and we had a lot of concrete poured in the 2013, that got us well on our way of getting the mat slab and the train box installed. 2013 was a very good year for out reach to veterans, and i spot light that because of all of the work that was done, for
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various sources. and the veterans, that was, that whole effort was initiated by the tjpa and that has and the team, that is associated with it, and with the program has ran with it and has gone far, thanks to the initiatives from ucon who is one of the local, like, association government contractors, and a utahn is also a different organization, they have embraced the united for veteran's initiative and web core is one of the ones that was signed up for that as well, and they continue to hire the veterans and web corp has hired over a dozen staff at this point to their team. and plus they continue to work with the city's office of economic and workforce development to conduct the out reach and that is a very good year for that. so with that, i am going to turn it over to sarah, to continue. >> good morning, directors.
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as everybody knows, on the program wide front we closed on the record san francisco land sale, nearly 192 million for parcel t, the transbay tower earlier this year and many of you were at the ground break thating was held in march and if you walk down mission street, you can see that that building is under construction. we also closed on the sale of block 6, 7, and residential and affordable housing. and an agreement has been placed for block nine which will close this summer, 2014. and we, issued that request for proposals in addition to all of the trade packages that have been then missioned that were issued in 2013 and put an rfp for the system to pour and we two smaller consistents to put the it staff with special project and allow him to go on vacation once in a while. we put out the pmc, p, as well as the cooperation rfp and
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contracts will be brought to you this year for recommended for approval. and as you know, we updated and you approved our revised phase one, and base line budget in july and we have been updating the estimate for phase two which was presented to you in november, and we have begun exploring alternate delivery methods for dtx and you will hear a lot about that this year. we have been participating in significant oversight activity with the federal funding partners, fta, brought on a pmlc this year and we are attending regular with them, and the fra conducted in review that the similar to the review that they conducted two years ago, they have issued their report with no negative findings as well as noting several best practices that they would like to share with other grantees around the country. and as, you remember, from the budget update, we did a very
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thorough risk assessment and we have updated the risk register, and our risk management committee is meeting quarterly and we issued the risk plan to fti and fra in december and we are working to develop a list of secondary mitigation measures, on the funding front, we received four grant allocations this year, and ac transit is passing through some security funds that being used to help to fund the below grade structure subcontract and the one bay, grant six million will fund the elements in the transit center, the prop k grant is funding the close out of the engineering contract as well as providing some con tin entcy for the right-of-way and the area one for the structural steel subtrade contract and as i noted, we closed on parcel t, and block 6, 7, and so, total
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of well over 200 million dollars, now, helping fund construction trade package and we received our investment grade rating so that we can engage with tifia to amend our loan and provide funding for phase one. the study was distributed to you in a board meeting in 2013, and notes that transit center, the project will add nearly 4 billion in value and that is valued to private developers in the transit center and helps to demonstrate the benefits that this project is bringing to city and not to the commuters and walking through the center i ever day. >> and in 2014, we will of course, continue to identify and seek any funding opportunities we can particularly fta and fema. we will be continuing to engage
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with tifia and hopefully closing on our loan amendment early this year and we will be continuing to work with the city to get the community facilities district approved and in place, which is just going to provide funding for the project and we are talking about the city, at the city's suggestion, about the idea of dropping melarus revenues that are available sooner and putting those toward the budget and the revenues towards phase two and we are also working to get a community business district, a cbd formed and that will provide omn money for the roof top park and continuing to do everything that we can to seek full funding for phase two, so that we can get the dtx under way and excel rate delivery, dce and sde, disadvantaged and small businesses, today the life of the program we have awarded over 200 million in contracts to dbes and of course, some of
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those contracts are still ongoing and it is not quite 127 million out to dbes and sbes and this slide show is on the professional services side, and well over half of our subconsultants are sbe firms as well as 12 of our primes, out of 48. and then on the construction activity, you can see that the lower tier subs, by far are a majority of the small businesses and as well as eight first tier subs are small businesses, and you will recall that we set aside our utility location and our logistics packages exclusively for small business participation. >> you have probably seen or remember seeing this slide before, and it shows our goals and awards for dbe and sbe over the years. and so life to date, we have awarded 13 percent of our contracts over all to disadvantaged business enterprises and eight percent
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on that to small business enterprises, and we continued to do everything that we can to out reach to those small businesses, and disadvantaged businesses and make sure that we know that our contracts are available, and making sure that the contracts are sized appropriately, or pieces are sized appropriately so that we can participate and working closely with the web corp to get the word out and with that i will hand it over to scott to give you a community reach update. >> hi, good morning, directors, we made some additions to it in 2013 and continued to the out reach tools that were in place, and we continued with the out reach meetings, and at lunchtime, and open to the public and we give the construction update and let the public know the work that is being conducted in the past month and the progress that we are maiblg making and we continue to distribute a ten
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day look ahead that provide specifics on the exact activities that were occurring in the course of the next ten days to 1600 neighbors and stake holders every friday and post that to facebook and twitter, and a 24 hour construction hot line that any member of the public can call, if they have an issue or a concern. and we continue with the project where we highlight accomplishments one of the areas of progress that we are particularly proud of, and the year over year reduction that we are seeing in complaints we are a large project four blocks long, and we do occasionally have here, and just in the last six months, and we have the complaints in all of 2012, and that dropped to 78 complaints and in 2013 dropped to 56 complaints and in terms of the substance of our out reach we
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provide details on the activities that are occurring around the site that might impact our neighbors, and we prepared our neighbors for the installation for the third and final photographic bridge that went over beal street and we had a booth at this year's pride festival and we were proud to host the first in the nation out reach event that was specifically targeted to lgbt contractors and in addition, our executive director was inducted into the international honorary society for the advancement of land economics and we continue to provide tours to the various members of the public, students, and school groups and trade association and delegations from other jurisdictions and we did over 40 of those tours, and we also, added some components and did an update, but of our
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website and we added a new page to the website called the faces of transbay that we are going to talk about in the last slide and we designed the home page to make it more user friendly to make it more accessible when you first access the home page and i will show you the example. >> and we did an upgrade of the content and the plug ins and as i mentioned a moment ago we did add a component that we are calling the faces of transbay and the idea is to try to highlight all of the people who are involved in this project and it is really hundreds and hundreds and it goes beyond the 13 of us that are at tjpa and including our construction crews and our construction management team and our engineer and our design team and so on and so forth, you can see on the slide, the examples of some of the pieces that are on the faces of the site right now and the interviews with the members of the team and the
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summer interns from 2013 and we have a piece that we are calling construction 101, where we give a tutorial of some of the terms that people will hear when they come to our community meetings or read our construction out look. >> and so here you see a couple of examples on the left. you have a picture of our redesigned home page, which again has more information immediately accessible when we first go to the site and we urge everybody to check it out. and on the right, you see one of the components on the new faces of transbay site and an interview that we did, from the construction management team and if you click on that banner it goes to a video, interviewing monique and a text that gives her background and how she came to be part of the project and her current role and we also worked with our pr consultant, and the associate to try to increase our social media presence this year, we had facebook and twitter accounts for twiet some time and we used those as i said
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earlier to distribute the ten day construction out look and other project milestones, this year, we added an insta gram account and we did a lot of work to do more postings and you can see that we got a significant increase in our number of facebook likes and we doubled the number of twitter followers and we had a good start with insta gram and so you can see some of the things that we are posting, media articles on the project and information about the construction activity and sometimes twitter followers have questions and then, of course, we joined the rest of san francisco, in thanking that kid for rescuing the city and we did that via facebook. in terms of media coverage, we had good strong, coverage for a number of the major milestones that occurred in 2013, of course, the ground breaking of the transpay transit tower and when we commemorated the first concrete pour for the permanent
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foundation of the transit center and got good coverage of the pen rose pattern into the skin for the exterior auning and we are featured on the discovery channel called how cities work that has aired in the uk and will air in the u.s. this spring and we will get that date to when you we have it. >> we were featured in a cover story, san francisco magazine and we regularly do site tours for reporters and we think that it is important for the press to understand the project, really understand what is going on and the progress that we are making. so in 2014, we will continue all of the ongoing out reach activities that we do to keep the neighbors informed about what is happening on the site. upcoming milestones and we wi continue on the look ahead and the monthly meetings and the quarterly newsletters and we will focus on building out that transbay component of the website and further increasing the social media presence and continue to participate in additional community events and to target the media out reach
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so that we can highlight the fourth coming accomplishments in 2014. and with that i am going to hand it over to mark. >> and i should, before you go, what is the twitter account and insta gram account? >> well, on... >> we have... >> oh, i am sorry at transbay center. >> 2014 is going to be busy, we expect to finish the documents for the transportation and in april we will be done with the main package which is the remainer of the program as far as the design and next year month we begin the final phase of the it packages and the communication system as well as the improvements and the stories, we seek approval from cal transfor the structural litigation and analysis and property ject study reports and we will continue to work with the community for updating them on the progress of the project.
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we have we expect to award 35 of the remaining 30 packages, and in 2014. that is approximately 400 million dollars worth of work that will be recommended for the board to award and but by the end of 2014, phase one will be 95 percent in construction. and 5 percent will be done early in 2015. and in february, we have been going to the board for approval for the systems which, we would open this and in this one. and in march we have three packages of the super structure concrete and the commissioner and the bus ramps and the airport will be in the middle and the elevators and the he escalators and we will bring two to seven packages almost every month and in may we have several packages for approval and we have the roof top clearance and the temporary facilities and plumbing and fire suppression, and in july we have the packages which
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include the medals and the bus, crash, rail and the expansion and so forth, and if you see on the screen, the artists will have three packages, on september four and in october, another four packages for the recommendation. and in november, we have the form base and then in december, the car pentry and paint that that inincludes the 35 package and? january we expect to bring in the final package and civil work and designing. >> for the time extension, we expect to see the approval for the environmental impact reports and at the end of this year, we will continue to work on seeking funding alternatives for the utx, and we will continue our coordination with the partners or our partners on cal train and high speed rail and fra. and on the program wide, we expect to achieve financial for the block nine and in the next few months and we will issue, and we will see it for block
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