tv [untitled] January 12, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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applause because she pushed this through. >> i worked on it before and the commission and the chief has been supportive and commissioner loftus joined us this here so it's great to have another commissioner on board and definitely a community partnership. this group meets every month and a model how we work with the department. >> i am lisa hoffman and work for emergency communications and the 911 center director and i have the best job beverly. i often say we live in a community of no and i live in a world of yes and even though i hear no, i get it turned around to yes and i have been fortunate to work with the commission, the chief -- you're wonderful, officer chang, it was fantastic. everyone did such a great job and every time i heard no, i didn't take it seriously and
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went ahead and we made changes and fortunate to be part of this and i thank you. >> thank you. >> [inaudible] from office of citizen's complaint. this is the best part of my job where i work with the groups and the chief and the staff and do something really positive and amazing partnership. there's a number of groups not here tonight. they couldn't be here so those individuals -- there's other staff from asian pacific outreach. they have been here for a decade. sf war -- they have been here with a decade working on these projects. the da's victim witness project. they have been at the table this entire time as well and i am sure i am leaving out people. i want to thank the chief for keeping -- keeping the shot light on it and you talk about these issues and being important and [inaudible] making sure the
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project was completed and captain lazzaro and said it would be done and his people working on it and the video tom dean and i appreciate the support of this commission. >> i am [inaudible] larg sen from asian pacific islander outreach and i want to thank commissioner chan and sfpd and everyone involved in the project and samra and bridged the worlds that we operate in. the people in the video are my clients. they're the people i work with everyday and they're the people i am supposed to protect and serve just
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as the way you do it and i am happy to be a part of it. >> thank you. commissioner loftus. >> you want me to say something? i guess i am predictable in my old age. >> i have to say i know we're not a culture that likes to spend time on things that work and successes and things really beautiful but to sit in mission statement -- this was glamorous work over the last year. mission statement. it's officer chang and others sitting around and saying what hapgdz when you get to a scene? what will make a officer work with it? and samra would think about the image and beverly would say this is what our clients are experiencing and this is bar none one of the best things i
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was part of it watched on this commission and collaborative and a lot of women so i'm going giving a shout out to the sister hood and the men were wonderful too. no offense. >> none taken. >> this started for me at the joint commission of the police commission and the commission on the status of women where this issue came up where we were saying there were cases that commissioner chan had seen and beverly confirmed this with me that women were arrested because of a language barrier and not the dominant aggressivor in these cases and another way they were preying upon the women in san francisco and never okay and bev you're right and commend the chief for putting his muscle
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behind it and all of the department's muscle to make this happen in a here. that video was exceptional quality. you wrote the script. >> not alone though. >> you did it collaboratively. i just have to say this is absolutely to commissioner chan's point a model to get things done and congratulations to all of you and i was honored to be part of it. >> commisioner dejesus. >> i want to say well done. i am happy to be on the commission and the collaboration and the community group and the hard work you could be done. i think could edit it down and have psa's put out and the information is really critical and not just used for training. it actually should be used to notify the public as well how serious this is and especially the elderly abuse one. it was a good eye opener what to look
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for. people don't know. there's a lot of community members and friends that can look out for those things too and well done. i think you observe a merit award. i do and just thank you for all you have done. thanks. >> thank you. dr. marshall. >> yeah, my comment is obviously it's a great piece. thank you. i would like everybody to see it because i don't think anybody has any idea of the situations that officers walk into. that's some stuff, really. those that work in the community and kind get this stuff all the time, but when we hear -- when we talk about officers dealing with homeless situations and these situations that's not easy stuff to do, so i think it's really good not only for the obvious purposes but also to let folks see just what the officers walking into routinely. i mean
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this is a routine situation and training and sensitivity to deal with these situations. i mean obviously there is the language barriers but just the situations -- and these are family members. these are close relationships so i think it would surprise a lot of people when they watch what the officers are dealing with on a daily basis. they know about the homicides and this and that but i don't think they know about this situation and i think it's a great job showing that. >> thank you. >> ms. frankel. >> thank you. it is of course has been a collaborative effort but on behave of joyce hicks,let the director of the occ and samra and i want to give a shout out and working hard on the project and proud to see what was done and thank you to
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everyone that cooperated. >> commissioner kingsley. >> that's not a lot to be said because i would like to echo what my fellow commissioners said and applaud your extraordinary work on this. it is truly a wonderful piece and the acting was fabulous. it was very realistic on everyone's part and of course the script was extraordinary and really captured the essence of what officers and residents have to deal with with this type of challenge of english proficiency so thank you and congratulations to everybody on such a fine piece and a collaborative effort in a short period of time. it's a great accomplishment. officer chang i did have a couple questions regarding the statistics that you presented, just a couple of -- >> go ahead. >> you probably don't need to
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refer to your notes. they're just generalizations. >> sure. >> the total numbers certified or bilingual in comparison to the client calls for the last year it would seem that that there's a pretty good coverage in terms of officers that are bilingual or certified. is that the case or is there a particular language that you think that you really need more bilingual officers? >> well, what i think is one -- believe it or not is russian but to address the question and of the 2200 calls the department received the bulk are using language line and as much -- there's only 200 cops certified if you add the numbers up. it seems like a lot but it's not
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and during a call you may ask for a language and they may speak the language but not certified or no one at all so it's good officers are going to pick up the phone and gather the true information and what we're trying to do in this group and with this video is put out there and tell the officer look have that -- i came up with a ah ha moment and i get it. i have to call language line and i'm not getting the big picture and saying yes, saying no and the 2200 we talked how it relates. it's a small number in relation to the total calls. as diverse the as the city is you would think it's more. maybe people aren't calling when they don't think they can't speak english. that's hard to gauge. >> thank you for highlighting the language line. i remember that from a previous
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presentation here. how are the officers finding the language line in terms of accuracy and immediate help? >> it's good. it slows the process down and to get the nuisances it works but as the chief said when we have the phone app hopefully that could help expedite things and again you're outside and not always hearing things and we will address it. it works and i think it can get better. >> good, good. last question and it has to do the forms and the notices. correct me if i am mistaken or i heard this wrong, but it soundings like the translations to date are around projects or incidents or presentations. the day to day
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forms that the officers typically use in connection with their interaction with the public how many of those forms have been translated and is there a scheduling or a target in terms of getting all of the primary -- >> most of the forms that the officers need are printed in the various languages. the ones i was referring to is as new forms are developed for various reasons. for example the permit department came and said we have a new thing for towing cars and we need one in spanish and we just have english so that was one of them, so i think as units come forward and developing the forms for the public and for information and we need it in all of the languages of the four in case something comes up.
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>> good. you're talking about 92 forms. the exist. >> >> existing forms are already? >> some are. there maybe some i'm not aware of and i can't say they're all printed in the four core languages. >> thank you very much for a terrific presentation. >> commissioner chan. >> i will keep it short. thank you for all of your work and it's a testament working with the community. >>i will thank my wife. >> good point. >> and also of course others leadership in making the video possible. it was hours of dedication to get the video done. it must be the best language video on access in the country and i work with others and i see departments that don't
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have a policy. i see someone pulled over at two in the morning and the officer said no with interpretation and our department is l -- leagues ahead and i think we should get an award for the work that was done and to be the best for the coming year what i think needs to be done is the continuation of the work and noticing with staff that you pulled together it's really about 90% of the use of language access still through telephone interpretation, language line. only 250 of the total interactions with the officer seems bilingual. that seems low. it could be the data is low or the bilingual officers are not utilized as often as they could be so there is work
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to be there and you notice officers not certified and it's not with the department and with human resources and slow and we can push them and it's been years and no reason how slow they have been and also with the civilian employees with the department to receive complaints and certain ones they can't receive and like domestic violence and feeling frustrated that the psa is not explaining the problem and getting interpretation for them so there's a lot of progress made this year and officer chang is doing that and work with the community groups to monitor the situation even the one case where it happens it's problematic and i appreciate the chief is on top of that and dedicated so many resources to address the concerns and lastly -- i think it's exciting that
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they have this live -- this much more advanced problem where you can identify officers in real time in the field and dispatch them out and the officer will come faster who is bilingual which is great and i am looking to how that rolls out. i think it really goes live in february. i am curious how will it roll out and a thank you to lisa hoffman who is retiring after a long time with the department so a big thank you to everyone in the working group. i think it's a model example of how the community and the department and occ works together in a really collaborative effort. >> thank you. commisioner dejesus. >> yes. i want to follow up on the thank you too and thank the chief for the leadership and the department behind it and deputy chief [inaudible] and bill -- bill is not here for the word work and captain lazzaro and
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his hands on it and all of the department people involved here because it's a serious issue and a important commitment and i want to thank that and thank commissioner loftus and commissioner chan for the hard work and extra time in for something so important so thank you to all. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> chief. >> i guess i will close just to say you're only as good as the folks that do the work so there is a lot of thanking, praise, but no one said i did it but i can tell you from someone that was there everyone did everything. there wasn't ego, just a want to get it done and it came out great and i want to thank the chief and bilingual herself and samoan and the
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other chief and he's not here and if that is the swan song he went out on a high note and again thank you to everyone involved. >> thank you chief. >> so next [inaudible] will speak to the traffic enforcement going into 2014 and i want to reassure the public with the situation in the last 10 days with pedestrian safety in san francisco is not lost on anybody. i had a mayor today with the mayor and obviously the top of everyone list. we want to keep the success we had with violent crime but we absolutely need to make an impact on pedestrian safety. we are a very, very popular and destination city. more people are coming all the time. i know many of the limited english
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proficiency visitors it's tough to navigate our system especially as we get more crowded so there will be significantly more enforcement and ramp up to staffing with the officers. you will see in one of the slides that the enforcement directly mirrors and 300 officers leave and 300 less to do enforcement but i want to assure the commission and the public if the perception is to have more enforcement we will make that perception changes. giving tickets is not popular. it's expensive. it will create more work for the occ. there is no ticket ever well received however courtesy given so we would like to see a partnership. there's no way we're not going to see more tickets. we are. there will be more enforcement,
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especially the intersections to be dangers and we get. complaints and the time to cross the street can be done not on the cell phone or looking down. people shouldn't be texting and it's a expensive ticket and whether uber or regular drivers and pay attention and slow down. we train the officers -- the first thing we tell them on emergency vehicle operations is you have to get there so regardless how fast you can go or in a code three we can safely navigate going through a red light. if you get in a traffic accident and not providing help that is called for you're of no help to anyone so switching
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that to the general public and take the 30 seconds to dloa slow down. it takes longer dealing with a police officer giving a ticket or an accident and everyone slow down just like we were taught as kids. look both ways when you cross the street or make that turn we can get back to the safe city they grew up in to cross the street and with they will get to the good commander who i think is technologically prepared. >> thanks chief. i think in light of challenges here we will just use the overhead projector
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. good evening commissioners, public. i'm going to start off by addressing the issue on focus of the five. it was a campaign that we initiated -- the chief initiated in december of 2012. the basis of that focus was a report which was analysis of collisions that occurred in our cities, all collisions from 2006 to 2011. that analysis identified the top five primary collision factors involved in those incidents. this report was a result of a collaboration between municipal transportation agency, the department of public health and the police
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department. the commanding officers of our stations have all received this report and use the data as a foundation of their enforcement efforts. in terms of the top five behaviors they are driving at unsafe speeds, basically speeding. vehicular violations of red light signals, failure to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. those are marked and unmarked. failure to yield while making a left u-turn and failure to stop at a stop sign, limit line. those five are for all traffic collisions. i'm going to provide you with more recent analysis of the collision
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factors for pedestrian fatalities in 2013. we did see an increase in pedestrian fatalities in 2013. a total of 21 pedestrians were killed on our streets opposed to 16 in 2012. december itself was a very tragic month and that seven -- a full third of the total number were killed in december of 2013. >> i'm sorry and how many in 2012 did you say? >> 2012 was 16. 2013 was 21 and seven in december alone. the analysis shows of the 21 nine were because they did not yield, three attributed to
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jay walking and two failure to a boy a traffic control device. two were because of the driver driving under the influence. two were identified for unsafe starting. one was red light violation and one a stop sign. >> can i stop you for a second? let's explain for the public -- it's my pet peeve what it means to not yield in a crosswalk. you make a right hand turn and the pedestrian clears the crosswalk. the rule is no turn until the pedestrians are completely out of the crosswalk. is that correct? >> essentially yes. they have to be out of the immediate path of the vehicle. if the light turns green the pedestrian walks has the same timing in most
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instances as the vehicle like the pedestrian goes first. you have to wait to proceed and get in a safe position to make your right hand turn. >> thank you. >> and we also did analysis of bicycle collision in 2013 as well. there were four total versus one in 2012. those four the analysis indicated that a turning movement only when safe and signal -- pardon me. the primary collision factor in two of them were turning movement so you can only turn when it's safe to do so. to give you an example you come to an intersection and there is a bicycle lane on the right side. as the driver you have the responsibility to actually
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drive your vehicle only when it's safe and clear into that bike lane at the point that the lines are broken. you take the lane and that prevents bicycles from behind you from gets on your side. if you maintain your position in the lane adjacent to the bike lane and make the turn in front of them you're likely to cut them off, so in two cases we had vehicles that maintained their position in their lane as opposed to taking the bicycle lane before making the right hand turn, so that that's an educational piece. we're finding many drivers simply do not know when you come up the bike lane and it's broken and not a solid lane, a broken lane, and making that turn you're supposed to bring your vehicle into that lane taking it completely effectively signaling to the bicyclists behind you
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you're making a right hand turn which won't allow them to continue on the path on the right side and directs them to effectively slow or pass on the left side as you are making the turn. one occasion was a vehicle entering the roadway without yielding to the vehicle already in the roadway and that was in fact a bicyclists who came off of a sidewalk crossing a roadway while the vehicle had been turning and unsafe starting in this case was unfortunately a bicyclists adjaisesept to a motor vehicle. they both received a green light; a large commercial vehicle and the bicyclists lost balance and fell into the path of the vehicle. so the big question is what are we doing relative to traffic
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enforcement and making a difference in that regard? the mission of traffic enforcement in san francisco is predicated in large part by the mayor's pedestrian safety -- forgive me here. i am having a need for water but there's none. the mayor's pedestrian pedestrian safety strategy. and the police department albeit a large part of that is an aspect of it. the mayor's strategy is the will and here are some of the goals. with focus on distracted driving -- thank you very much. in just about 2008 cell phone laws relative to usage on the phone and texting came into light. unfortunately there hasn't been
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a tremendous amount of study on the impact of the use of cell phones in our traffic collisions. in large part in many instances you don't have people admitting to the use of cell phones while involved in collisions. you have officers who go out to enforce the law but at the time of the collision unless in many instances there is someone that observes the use of the cell phone and we note that in the collision in many instances the party is not going to admit to their use and that potentially the cause of being involved in the collision. we engage in -- the police department engages in significant amount of public service. just spoke to media relations and this month we tweeted, facebooked just to remind people as drivers you have to adhere to the
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