tv [untitled] January 13, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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they are in front of my house and besides my garage. the engineer said they were doing that. i don't know why they reject that and i just got mail around thursday they said they reject it. when you have possible you can look at the map and look at everything. my corner is the narrow one sidewalk and we have lots of trees and compared with other three corners. i don't understand why they agreed and right now don't agree about that. i didn't get any information from at&t information and/or the dpw. so would you please, i would like to cooperate with everyone to see what was the attitude, the situation we can work with that. if without any notice or information, i will be reject this kind of process decision. thank you. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is john morris
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representing the home owners association at 2208 mission street adjacent to our building a box is proposed on carlos street. a number from our building did object to this. i want is to describe from our perspective. we were informed that the walk is only during business hours. people did take time off from work and we were joined from other people in our neighborhood. we had very specific reasons for this location, physical constraints. the city was processing a permit for the sidewalk cafe. it has since opened. there were other reasons as well. we presented other ideas and locations one 100 1100 feet from the location. one of them being a car repair shop with no
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doors or windows, there is no trees there or no obstruction. at the end of the meeting we left thinking that there was a serious commitment to looking at a lot of alternatives that were presented and since then we received information from the city that the project is moving forward in the original location and no indication why suggestions didn't work or weren't considered and sounded as if the effort of going to the meeting produced no results. they went ahead with the location. thank you. supervisor scott weiner: thank you. i would mentioned other situations where that happened and at the hearing got that result. i would encourage you to talk to at&t and dpw. >> hello supervisors, my name is erica sampson with the
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college hill association on the southwest corner of vernal heights with supervisor wiener district. i'm here to learn more about the process and enjoyed all of the discussion preceding. and to also determine at&t's true commitment to greening and at&t utility cabinet has been approved on my block at 89 richmond. personally i'm opposed to the boxes being above ground because of blight and obstruction. the positive college aspects of the greening aspects committed to. the box walk to neighbors to president and myself. we met with lynn
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susan of at&t on october 2013 after observations were raised by other neighbors. we determined no other locations were possible on our block and you -- undergrounding was not possible and shifted the entire block not just parallel bought the green our entire neighborhood. we felt as a neighborhood that that was significant and would out weigh our concerns about the presence of the box. so the hearing to approve it was held the day before thanksgiving. no neighbors were able to attend but we wrote letters. last monday we received letters from the dpw sf division that it had
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been approved. supervisor scott weiner: please make sure to work with my office to make sure the commitment is kept. that would be great. thank you. next speaker. miss hol ton. >> good morning, supervisors. this is my very first city meeting in front of you and i don't like opening it up like this because i had some issues. i had a fun time this morning overhead at the 9:00 a.m. dpw hearing on all of these boxers. there were 13 terms on there and dispensed very quickly. what i have is a situation where i am questioning the process that was used during this entire ordeal and i call it an ordeal because i never knew anything about the box. i didn't get a notice. turns out there was a mistake from the planning website data base. i
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wasn't put in the right category of presidio heights and i didn't get a notice. and then someone else in the neighborhood said there is a sign out there. then i find out that way and i start doing some homework and contacting at&t and got mr. blake man involved and someone from internal affairs, davis or polk street and okay file a grievance on dpw. don't present it to muhammad but to an e-mail address. i outlined one
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protest or for jordan park and i gave them the alternative. then i said these are the orders that we would like it done. i have a telecommunications background. there are certain software and hardware requirements to be met and i understand these things but i don't think there were any real analysis of my alternatives. supervisor scott weiner: thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon. i live in district 7. a box was placed in my neighborhood. the one thing i will say now that it's been completed competition has come into my neighborhood and my actual cost for services has been reduced. thank you for allowing that to be installed. supervisor scott weiner: thank
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you, mr. marshall? >> hi. my name is jim more shall. we had a rather bad experience and to the opening comments that you made supervisor wiener and kim, i couldn't agree more with needing guidance as to how things are going. thing are not going well. we received notice of a box being placed next to an existing box that is in front of a city playground which by the way, placement standards. we objected to it. there were eight objections to it and last october there was a hearing and in the packet the last documents you had is rec's and parks submissions and with
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that being rejected. at that point we were instructed to work with at&t and made outreach to them to try to propose some other better alternatives whether in a use of alleys and also some private place a. ments. we put them in touch with management for north and south within 300 feet. we have heard absolutely nothing. it has been a frustrating and disappointing situation. we have tried and it hasn't worked. the only way you can really describe is the situation if you remember the old laugh in with lily tom lynn. i can do it because i'm at&t. the monopoly is gone, but the mentality seems to be the same, sadly. we would love to see
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good alternatives like art on the boxers, landscaping and real community output which doesn't exist. thank you. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much, next speaker. >> hi. my name is sherrie steiner. i'm with the liberty hill neighborhood association. i'm here to protest the whole concept of the at&t boxes which have just jumped over residents objections and feelings. specifically besides the process which is obviously been documented as insufficient and broken as 1 person mentioned, i feel that at&t has been very distant with working with any of the neighborhood people and that they have proposed excessively large and intrusive boxes that make a wall on our sidewalk. finally i have only
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one expense for the committee and that is boycott at&t. boycott at&t. supervisor scott weiner: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is january with the home improvement association. i'm here representing myself today. supervisor wiener i'm sure you remember last july 21, 2012, you sent out an e-mail to all the residents who are communicating with you on your vote on the at&t utility box installation. in it you stated that neighbors will have a say and won't get a box if they don't want one. i'm going leave a copy of your memo with the clerk if you wouldn't mind. and that if you told at&t not to place a box in a particular
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neighborhood or street, the box would not go in. so, how do we make this promise happen beyond the successful of koshd heights memorandum. on the aesthetics it's not working out real well. the bottom line is this is well beyond mr. blake man's area and it's probably well beyond all of our areas because it's return on stockholder issue for the corporation at&t. so i would encourage you strongly to work with out tech communication people and even engage sf city which would be really good for them to come up with a technological solution to figure out how to fund this
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thing and everybody would be happy meantime we'll talk about one box or another all over the city for years. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. before we get to the next speaker let me call the next round. david troop, ronald bencher, kelly, von kerr, pannedrani, kesh baum, oh leery, greg buff in, morena moreno, anderson, and dell seymour. go ahead. >> good afternoon, my name is
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freud. i'm here to express my opposition to this cabinet. i'm a telecom communication professional myself and i do know a thing about this business. i put this here to remind everybody what you are talking about. we are talking about ugliness and defacing our street and bringing down morale. i'm not going to stand here and complain. i'm going to talk about solutions. how does the city allow at&t to use under the over pass areas that there is no foot traffic or people can't see it. there is a lot of places that city parks it's cars or cal trans. they can use it for these areas. also there are a bunch of
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public places and many parks that these boxes could be installed but not way they are absolutely not. in cellphone business, a lot of these companies have worked with businesses to create aesthetically pleasing to look like trees or things to hide these ugly boxes where people can't deposit garbage or what have you. also i'm not buying the fact that these boxes cannot some places have to be in some neighborhoods. i do not buy the argument that you cannot put them under the ground. i want to see studies. companies by nature do the bare minimum to get by and return on investment. i'm a corporate man. i know how thing work. i want to see studies. it's an engineering and design issue.
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it's not a technology issue. 10 years ago people said you can't put a computer in your pocket. it can work. we need better designed and better engineers to make it work. thank you. supervisor scott weiner: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is steven courier. i'm a reside of crocker amazon and former resident for identification purposes only i'm here as speaking on myself. mr. blake man talks a good talk and sugar coats a lot of what they perceive as being community outreach. i have worked with mr. blake man for a few years when we were talking about these boxes. i have to agree with you that we do need greening or camouflage around these boxers and graffiti
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abatement. the part of the hearing that you noticed was outreach. in the outreach is mr. blake man said when the notice is sent out in 30 days. on my notice it's 40 days. this was dated september 19th, the letter was dated october 22nd, the hearing on january 26th. dpshgs dpw contacts you when they get the letter. there to no mitigation by at&t and by dpw and there is no mitigation at the hearing. there was no conversation at the hearing and i mentioned it on january 6th. my issue here is if you are not a member of an association or you are not the president or
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the vice-president or the secretary of an association or just john q public, they are not going to contact you. that is bad practice. i heard from lynn where these boxes cannot go and one is in a park. one they noticed for us is in a park. that's just -- supervisor scott weiner: thank you. >> thank you, supervisors for calling this hearing. it's been a long time coming as you can tell from the attendance today sentiment within the community is really building up. san francisco beautiful did sue the city and at&t about this project and the exemption that was given to at&t with regard to environmental impact. but, this hearing which is long over
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due is really important and will allow us to understand some of what's been working and what's not been working with the process. i also want to thank dpw for the report they made which really outlines clearly some of the frustrations with the community and it sounds like at&t has frustrations with the process. i want to show you on the overhead what some of our concerns are with graffiti and blight. as it relates to the process for permitting, really we want your support board of supervisors, we want you to help protect us again this and give us the tools we need in order to protect our public spaces, we want a public process that functions well and allows us to protest or place these in partnership with at&t that's actually functional. as you can tell from the long line
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of people behind me and the long line of people that it's not really working. we also want a process that considers complete neighborhoods. and just before my time closes up, supervisor cohen, i wanted to show you that you had concerns about historic districts, those little yellow boxes those are the only places that are disallowed. in closing, i know this is just the beginning for a process moving forward and sf beautiful and our members are looking forward to working with you in something that will work well. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is david troop and i represent the triangle association. really the only saving grace that came out of the -- supervisor scott weiner: hold on. is that phone done ringing.
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if someone's phone is ringing -- it is? it's a loud one. okay. can you start the two minutes over because we interrupted. go ahead. >> when we went through the painful process over the categorical exemption for the eir we were very disappointed with the results but the only saving grace that came out of that for us was at&t's agreement where there is opposition or neighborhood where they did not want these boxers they would not pursue them. in practice at&t has no intention of honoring that agreement. as long as they can dig up a few people as they will be in any neighborhood who don't care about the effects of the boxes but just want the services, they can say some people want them. so, they will continue to pursue them. i think we really need to define
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what objection is sufficient to get the at&t to lay off a particular neighborhood. my neighborhood is actually a litigant against at&t. in the on going litigation, i don't think how you can be morrow posed to that. the best thing is to get our neighborhood put to the end of the list to be one of the last neighborhood. we would like to be completely excluded. also a quick note on graffiti, at&t existing boxes are covered with graffiti. i have called at&t on multiple occasions. they don't even know what to do with that request for graffiti. i have stopped technicians who work on the boxes and asked them to clean the graffiti and they have no equipment to do that. i don't
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think at&t has any interest in maintaining the boxes and none of the boxes in my neighborhood have had an at&t number on them. supervisor scott weiner: thank you, next speaker. >> hello, thank you for hearing me. my name is nancy bashity. i live in the crocker area. i received no notice in the initial walk through. i just happened to be coming home at the time of it happening. if at&t wants an objection from the multitude of people served, the notice should go about half a mile out so people can object to it. in my neighborhood especially in cantonese, mandarin or spanish. another thing is our site that was propose is not the site we got in our photo. it's another 20
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yards from that initial proposed site and 25 percent to scale. it doesn't even show the damage that could be done to a tree that would have to be cut out for it to be put in place. so if they really wanted to see about getting more objections, these would be shown to scale. i can bring out another multitude of things but those are all for the hearing. the idea that at&t is not acting in all honesty. they are about getting their sites established and not thinking about either the green effect or the public. thank you for hearing me out. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. mr. von kerr. >> my name is bruce bon kerr.
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there is a speaker card for the association. since i have sent all of what you have in your hands electronically which covers a great deal of identification of general problems and identification of possible solutions, i'm going to make this two minutes anecdotal. where one of the appealed projects that are coming up before the board of appeals in glen park on wednesday. the presentation the department of department public works said today, i maybe wrong but it's definitely work talking with them about getting their website up to snuff so they can get the
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information. the notice that at&t gave on the process of appeal was incorrect. we asked them to correct it and renotice and they said no and so far the department of public works did not require that when it was brought to their attention. that was anecdote. i agree with mr. blake man about the dpw restrictions and the fact that when a neighborhood asks for an alternate sites should be considered. city land, we believe the city land ought to be an option. dpw owns land,
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puc owns land. supervisor scott weiner: thank you, next speaker. >> hello, my name is dan busche. i want to use the over head. this photograph i found on a pole. this is how i found out about the box to the put in front of my business. there was another box already on my property on the other side of the driveway. they want to put the new box on the other side. both sides of my driveway. this box here now is already quite tall and it takes up a lot of space. it's a hazard. hypodermic needles, graffiti. i'm constantly cleaning it up. 34 years that i have been
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there, it's only been cleaned up twice by at&t. once very recently after a meeting we had because i complained. here is a picture. this is the picture taken at 12:35 right before i hopped in a cab. they never clean it up. it's always a constant eye sore. drugs, needles. supervisor jane kim: are you sure this is an at&t box? >> yes. we have done walk throughs. supervisor jane kim: what's the address? >> 1075 polk. please, make it go away. protect the children. kimberly supervisor jane kim: thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, i'm lawrence
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rosen felt from park neighbors. if we can have the overhead. i represent 16 sai locations in the inner sun cement -- sunset. those locations were agreed on and the process by dpw were confirmed to us. i won't go into those details unfortunately we have some deviations. they got postings without communication to the neighborhood. sites were walked but without feedback to the neighborhood. i thought the understanding was that after the sidewalk we knew what was going to be september to dpw. one site was walked, posted without feedback and posted. i'm going to show you a picture. it's been shot down by
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dpw and erroneously, one site was challenged and we don't have an answer on that one yet. it's a lack of communication to the people who are putting out the effort on this. this is the 9th avenue that mr. blake man talked about and you can see there is a news rack right up against the edge of the building. dpw says the box has to go in the furniture zone and yet it's going to block on the curb side. as i said, i think all we need is better communication, more complete communication. i do not live within 300 feet of any of these and yet i'm responsible for getting the word out to the community and i'm not being given the tools to do that. thank you very much. supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon,
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