tv [untitled] January 14, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PST
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>> >> good morning everyone and the meeting will come to order. this is the january 14, 2014, meeting of the plans and programs committee of the san francisco county transportation authority. >> and i would like to thank sfgtv for broadcasting us today and thank you to jessy larson and charles. and roll call? >> commissioner breed? >> here.
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>> campos? >> absent. >> kim? >> kim absent. >> mar? >> here. >> mar present. >> commissioner yee? >> here. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you, could you please call the first item. >> two approve the minutes of the december 10, 2013 meeting, this is an action item. >> seeing no comments let's open tup for public comment and is there anyone from the public that would like to speak, closed. could we move this forward without objection? >> thank you. >> and could you call the next item. >> three, citizen's advisory committee report, this is an information item. >> and no report, and let's open this up for public comment. >> who from the public would like to speak? >> seeing no one, public comment is closed. >> thank you, could we move to the next item? >> item four, recommend appointment of one member to the geneva harney bus rapid strans sit community advisory committee and this is an action item. >> and i think that before he
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comes up to speak, i think that supervisor cohen's aid maliu tabeno will be speaking in favor of one of the candidates, but chesser fung >> this begins on page 19 of the packet and the appointment of the new member to the studies dedicated to the advisory committee, it is a key, east west corridor in san francisco and it includes a new transit line that will connect balboa park station to hunter's point shipyard and with the new development that is slated there and the authority is meeting the geneva feasible study to explore the options to improve the transit in terms of trouble time and reliability on geneva avenue, and the study will be taking input from a dedicated citizen advisory
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committee and this dedicated cac, meets quarterly to provide input to the study, and the structure is shown in your memo on page 2 and in the attachment and there is a matrix table as the attachment and there are 13 seats through it and some of these seats are to be appointed by the county, and the condition management agency, and some to be appointed by the authority. and the, and there is two open seats at the moment, and one open seat for the bay view hunter's point neighborhood and one that open seat for the ocean view, neighborhood and we just heard about this vacantcy for the ocean view, neighborhood because one of the city member just before the packer went out, let us know that he is resigning and so we have not had a chance to recruit for that seat yet and we will cock back for that seat and today it is focused on the bay view hunter's point seat.
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we have been able to be in recruitment for the past few months to fill up the committee since the committee was created, and in 2013, and we have had notification to the residents, in the area to transit riders and to community groups and we for this seat, we have received three applications, and we have asked the county or the applicants that are shown in your matrix and also an inclosure showing the information from the amply indication fourms. the county does appear today, to say a few words about the county to see just a note about one of those candidates owner and i pds that there has been conversations between that county and the commissioner for that particular district commissioner cohen and that the residents for that is listed as pittsburgh california, she
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recently apparently moved there, and but continues to work in the bay view neighborhood and was born and raised in the bay view neighborhood and that has been communicated to the commissioner and the commissioner is comfortable with that and so with that i will conclude my remarks and i will ask any of the candidates to come forward to say a few words. >> all right. >> maybe should i let... >> we should speak first, yeah. >> good morning, chairman, and commissioners breed and yee and i am here for supervisor cohen and i am sorry, commissioner cohen for like to offer support for bapsit for the tenth seat on the brt, and although, elenor has recently moved to pittsburgh she was raised in the portal and we are aware that was previously stated and she has already proven to be a local advocate for the community and so we would like to offer our support and thank
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you for quour time. >> thank you. >> and as he said, if any of the candidates would like to make a short statement, come forward. good morning, i'm baptist for the feasible study. just welcome the opportunity to work with anything that is going to increase the structure for this type of transportation and the bay view area in which i work is going to be one of the larger parts of this and i just wanted to be a part of this study, particularly to make our community more connected, you know, even within its own entities and venues, and the gateway to the neighboring communities, so i am hoping that you all will support that. >> thank you. >> is there any other candidate that would like to say or make a statement? >> okay, let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like
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to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. is there a motion? colleagues? >> so, there is a motion and in support of miss elenor basptis t for the position, could we do that without objection? >> thank you, mr. fung and as the other candidates come forward for that other vacantcy and so please keep us informed, thank you. >> could you call the next item. >> number five, recommend appoint of two members to the geary corridor bus rapid transit citizen's advisory committee. and this is an action item. >> good morning, this begins on page 25, this is an appointment to the geary bus rapid transit and the citizen's advisory committee and the geary, project seeks to implement the public travel time and pedestrian improvement on the geary corridor and it is in the environmental review phase and
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it has a citizen committee and this is dedicated and peats on a bi monthly basis to provide the input and the structure was shown in the memo and also an astatutement to the memo and neighborhood based and plus a number of at large seats and 13 members of the cac, and there are currently 2 vacantcies and both are for the japan town western addition, fillmore area and we have done the notification to the residents, transit riders and the community groups in the area for applications. we have received applications for five candidates, and from a member or a sitting member whose term is expired and we have encouraged these applicants to appear today to say a few words about the candidacy, and we are seeking to appoint two members and they are both for the japan town area and so i will just conclude my remarks and ask any tenant who are present to say a few words. >> and when i would like to
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say, and supervisor breed, if you would prefer to make the comments after the candidates have time. >> yeah. >> good morning, chair mar, and commissioners, hahimoto and i am the president of the japan town merchant's association and i have been at a restaurant in the western addition since 1960 and although my current residents is listed as velio and i do live in san francisco five days a week while caring for my elderly mom and nevertheless i am residing in district five more or less, but as i mentioned i have been in japan town, district since 1960. and my family was impacted by the redevelopment urban renewal movement and if there is any questions, you have of me, please let me know. thank you. >> thank you. >> are there any other applicants that would like to make a statement?
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>> okay, then, before we open up for public comment, supervisor breed? >> commissioner breed? >> thank you. >> i definitely want to recommend mr. hachimoto as a member. he is the president of the merchant's association in japan town, but more importantly he is actively engaged in the community of japan town. he has helped to coordinate the cherry blossom festival and the yematchi festival and these are things that he has done in the community for many many years and is now currently training the next generation to take the lead in some of these festivities and so, i appreciate it, and a commitment from the merchants and i appreciate the commitment to the community and more importantly, i can appreciate the ongoing commitment to the seniors, who live in japan town and i thank his compassion for the challenges that they deal
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with, with the public transportation, and it is definitely needed on this particular advisory committee. so i definitely would like to move forward and in full support of him. thank you. >> i just like to also thank mr. hachimoto for the great work, over 50 years and really the work to preserve one of our ethnic communities, japan town, nahamatchi and building with the xhupts as well and that is a critical point as the projects, and the other efforts to connect to the communities and to move forward and i did want to ask commissioner breed if you have an opinion on the second seat as well. and there is no candidates that came to speak about that today. >> yes, i think i have, or my office is not been contacted one way or another to express that they would not be able to
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attend. and so, my preference is that we hold off on that particular seat and we move mr. hachimoto's name with the forward with a positive recommendation. >> okay and i just wanted to also add that mr. hachimoto's involvement with the association is so critical because the transportation improvements and other efforts are so critical to the economic vitality to the whole area not just japan town but the fillmore district and many other areas in the whole region that the geary and that it is the perfect person for the task force. and so we have a motion? >> yes. >> okay. >> commissioner yee? >> i just had a question, if we were to continue this item, it does not impact the group itself in terms of being able to meet and function.
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>> no. it does not. the cac currently has 13 members and eleven members are already seated. and the cac has been continuing to meet and we have been reaching out to japan town, and area, and in addition to having representation on this cac and so we feel that we are doing what we need to do in order to move the project forward. and so, it will not impede our work it just would be nice to have the seated members. >> thank you, so let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. so colleagues there is a motion to support the appointment of richard hachimoto and to continue the second seat. >> so could we do that without objection? >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> miss cheng call the next item? >> item 6, major capital
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projects update, presido parkway and this is an information item. >> thank you. >> i just wanted to say before he comes up that really it is exciting to see the progress being made for this public, private partnership and an amazing project in the presido and the timing has been strong and it is close and we look forward to the completion and i think that one of the concerns has traffic in and around it impacting the different neighborhoods, especially with the sports basement site that there is a competing projects right now on the area and i look forward to the staff reporting later on the traffic impacts of that particular project and as the prosido trust makes it is decisions as well. >> good morning, chair mar, and commissioners, and i'm lee, the deputy director for capitol
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project and this month's update and as chair mar mentioned, the well focus on the parkway. >> presentation will briefly cover a review of the scope of the project and the budget and funding status and the over all status of the project and a summary of it is disadvantaged small business enterprise and the workforce development program and a quick review of the ongoing challenges with the project. >> the parkway is being delivered in two phases, it is shown in this graphic, the yellow, graphic represents phase one, that is essentially, the southbound portion. completed in 2012. and also, serves as a temporary detour while phase two is
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constructed primarily on the north side. and again, as chair mar mentioned phase one is a delivered project and phase two is delivered as a public, private partnership or p3 and completion and is schedule for january of 2016 and the project is essentially on schedule. >> the capitol cost for both projects depicted on this photographic, phase one construction cost came in at just under 500 million dollars, and while that phase two is 300 and 60 million. and because it is a p3, as opposed to a conventional project, we are not making anything to the contractor during construction and there are not any payments until the project is completed and the
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decision is handed over to the state and opened to traffic and the payments that are made consist of the milestone payment on the order of 185 million dollars to the contractor. and then, a 91 million dollar payment to repay part a of the tifia loan and being the transportation evidence and the innovation act. and it makes low interest loans availablible to the project that is are being delivered by the methods and the parkway did qualify for such a loan. >> the sources of funding for the capitol portion of the project, and phase one and phase two, both are relied upon a combination of federal state, and local funding which is typical these days, for major infrastructure projects, including some 66 million
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dollars in prop k, allocated to both phase one and to phase two. over all the project isen 70 percent complete counting both and it is 25 complete and the northbound portion is under construction and this, this photographic is of one of the drilled shaft fears, and being constructed a couple of months ago, and all of the fears are now completed. and the contract will be beginning work, shortly and both northbound tunnels both the tunnel and the battery tunnel, are the term of artist is out of the ground now, and they completed the excavation work which is important to the beginning of the rainy season that we all hope begins soon.
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>> this is the steel and the preparation for the concrete and both phases participated aggressively and in the small business, program, and is shown on this graphic, be the first four contracts of the five that are listed here, comprised phase one. and the first two contracts were state funded contracts, and therefore did not include the business enterprise goal but did include, the small business installed and generally those were either meteor exceeded and the contracts three and four, and the federally funded did include and the business advantage enterprise goal and those goals were met and phase three, also federally funded in
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