tv [untitled] January 14, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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good afternoon, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, january 14, 2014. madam clerk please call the roll. >> the clerk: yes, mr. president. supervisor avalos, present, breed, present, campos present, chiu present, supervisor cohen, present, farrell present, supervisor kim, kim absent. mar absent. tang present, wiener present, supervisor yee. present. mr. president, you have a quorum. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen. please join us in the pledge of allegiance.
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pledge of allegiance. president david chiu: colleagues we have our december 10, 2013, board meeting minutes. motioned by breed and campos. those minutes are approved. madam clerk, do we have any communications? >> there are no communications today, mr. president. >> can you read our special order. >> the first item is the policy discussion by mayor edwin lee. sfitem 140022: [formal policy discussions - january 14, 2014] pursuant to charter, sections 2.103 and 3.100077, and administrative code, section 2.11, the mayor shall answer the following eligible questions submitted from supervisors representing districts 1, 5, and 9. the mayor may address
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the board initially for up to five minutes. discussion shall not exceed five minutes per supervisor. 1. mayor lee, we are in the midst of a housing affordability and evictions crisis not seen since the venture-capital tech surge and real estate speculation frenzy of the late 1990s "dot com boom." your response in the last two months certainly deserves credit - - first, in supporting the preference legislation for ellis evictees from private-owned rental housing to get into city-subsidized affordable units, and second, your executive directive prioritizing approvals for affordable housing projects in recognition that the real estate market is leaving out more and more low and moderate income san franciscans. i look forward to the day that the richmond district will break ground on new affordable housing projects to meet the housing needs of my district's growing low-income senior population. however, these policy priorities are incumbent upon increasing the actual production of affordable housing units, which is entirely dependent on funding to do so. moreover, the current tech induced affordable housing crisis and your administration's recent response are occurring in the midst of your simultaneous initiative to absorb the housing authority and rehabilitating and re-servicing 3,000 existing units of public housing, thus in combination committing your administration to the largest affordable housing program in recent city history and effecting a vast range of san franciscans from residents with little or no income to low income to middle income households. this creates a serious challenge for us all to ensure the resources are sufficient to both expand and advance the citywide production of affordable housing to confront the growing crisis and renovate and enhance the city's public housing. such an ambitious program far exceeds funds available from the proposition c housing trust fund. mr. mayor, what additional funding can we expect in your budget proposal to address these significant needs for increasing as well as accelerating the city's production of affordable housing? supervisor mar, district 11 2. mr. mayor, according to the california department of education's most recent data, the high school graduation rate for african americans in san francisco is 12 than sfusd's overall graduation rate. and african american males drop out at a far higher rate
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than any other group. although the homicide rate has declined from a high of 97 in 2008 to 48 in 2013, according to spfd data, afriv o poo llp aaaaaaaac>> the first item is the policy discussion by mayor edwin lee. sf 11234 mr. mayor welcome back. if you have any comments we are glad to hear them. >> mayor edwin m. lee: thank you. i would like to thank you for your partnership for helping us take on the challenges of our city. our unemployment rate is 5.2 percent and thousands of citizens are back to work. it's not just one any industry, we are seen broad base job growth in every sector of our city. we have worked together to spur the control of all of city san franciscans by providing hub fund and summer jobs plus programs for youth and with our historic investments with school and we work together to strengthen our neighborhood and small businesses. we have worked to fund our roads, parks, libraries and help our san francisco families succeed and helping to rebuilding our health care infrastructure with five health developments going on now. i'm looking forward to working with all of you to challenge all of these tasks together so san francisco remains 100 percent. i will look forward to outlining my focus in the coming days. with that, supervisors, any questions? >> thank you our first question is from supervisor mar. supervisor eric mar: thank you, mayor lee. we are in the midst of crisis of housing affordability and speculation frenzy of the late boom. i really appreciate your response in the last few months
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on these issues from ellis evictions to getting residents into affordable units and second, your executive directive prioritizing approval for affordable housing projects that the real estate market is leaving out more and more low and moderate income. i look forward to the day that richmond breaks down the affordable housing for low income senior population especially. however these are priorities encompassing on the affordable action units which is dependent on funds to do so. moreover the housing crisis and your administration's recent response are occurring in the midst of your simultaneous initiative to rehabilitated and
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reservicing 6 ,000 units of public housing and largest affordable programs for housing for residents from little to no income to low income to middle income households and make sure the resources are sufficient to expand the production of affordable housing to meet the growing crisis. such an ambitious programs far exceeds fund available from the trust fund. mr. mayor, what additional funding can we expect in your budget proposal for increasing as well as accelerating the city's production of affordable housing? mayor edwin m. lee: thank you for your question, supervisor mar. we want to make sure everyone lives in affordable housing. while prioritizing housing development. my
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executive directive aims at increasing the stock in the city of all levels and exceeding the limits in my power for san francisco. specifically directive instructs all st departments to have legal authority in permitting and mapping for housing and construction of all new housing including permanently affordable housing. the directive prior advertises the 100 percent affordable developments and moderately income inclusion housing in residential developments. equally important is the preservation of the housing. as such i have ordered my department heads to inform me about legislative and citywide strategy for rental units in san francisco. we can make improvements to the permitting
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process to protect existing housing while staying focused on building more. that's why the residents voting on the housing fund $130 million for the next 30 years for all incomes in san francisco including first home buyers and families with first responders. and we tripled the amount of funding to prevent legal ellis act funding and funding for eviction prevention services. we need to ensure san francisco remains the city 100 percent. we know that families are scraping by and that's not enough. however this will need to be supported financially as well. i released budget instructions to show the city's general fund totally about $1800 million. we need to work
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with you and all the members of the board of supervisors to balance this shortfall. however, even during this time we will increase funding of affordable housing. specifically the next 2-year budget will include funding for the housing trust fund for $68 million for affordable housing for the next 3 years. in addition you will see more than $9 million for the affordable housing pipeline and the hope sf project. it's not simply a program to replace dilapidated public housing but revitalize the entire community in additional affordable market rate units. i believe a vibrant fiscally stable environment to ensure families can live in our cities. we are working with staff and commissioners to
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identify ways to improve san francisco's public housing portfolio. we are looking to leverage every possible non-local dollar. this means we'll work with government for those funds with applications and working with our applications for tenant vouchers. we have a very ambitious housing plan and i'm committed to working with you and the rest of the board for the upcoming budget process and beyond to address the critical issue of housing affordability in our great city. thank you. >> our next question by supervisor breed. supervisor london breed: thank you mr. mayor for being here. my question starts with some data. according to the california department of education's most recent data, the high school graduation rate for african americans in san
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francisco is 12 percent lower than san francisco unified school district over all graduation rate. an african american male drop out rate is higher than any other group. according to the homicide rate in san francisco has declined from a high of 2008 of 97 total and just last year it's reduced considerably to 48. according to san francisco police department data. however, african american males continue to fall victim to violent crime at an enormously disproportionate rate. according to the sheriff department data and the controllers october 2013 report, 56 percent of the san francisco inmates are african americans while only 6 percent of adult city san francisco are african american. they make-up
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the single largest demographic groups in jail accounting for the total inmate population. over all the average american population in san francisco continues to plummet increasing by another 16 percent. from 59, 461 to 48, 760 from 2000 census. the overall population is expected to grow considerably. the california department of finance considers the african american population to decline even further by almost 15,000 people by 2050. we are experiencing a crisis in the african american community in san francisco particularly among african american males. as we prepare to celebrate the martin luther king jr. holiday this weekend, what can we as a city do to focus on this
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population and help them thrive like everyone else in san francisco. mayor edwin m. lee: thank you for your question, supervisor breed. your question highlights a challenge and also yet we have in our city to strengthen our diverse communities. san francisco is a great city because of it's multiculturalism in this city. this possess a threat to that diversity, economic strength and even our competitive edge. that's why we have marshalled our resources and invest in our neighborhoods and advance in education and public safety. we are reporting to african neighborhoods and businesses in this strategy in mind. with this strategy in mind. we need to focus on providing people with opportunities, job
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opportunities. i was proud to work with many of you with a program that employees thousands of youth. our interrupt, predict and organized strategy that is not just decreasing the number of shootings and homicide in our city but helping us organize in this community and providing us with job learning opportunity and get better outcomes for our people and our families . we also recently opened the contract in bayview which will allow small business owners to access millions of dollars in the near future. also we are partnering with non-profits that provide loans throughout the city including fillmore neighborhood. the invest in neighborhoods team is providing focus, customized assistance to our business owners. both the fillmore and third street
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corridor are part of this program an we are working hand in hand with community organizations and residents to support existing businesses, attract new businesses and revitalizing those corridors. one of the investment neighborhood programs is to sought improvement in the fillmore. however unacceptable situations still exist and you are right to recognize the achievement and educational gap and we are working hard to close that gap. these gaps start early in life. that's why we are working with kindergarten and making sure that every student is provided with an ipad and information for learning. not everyone wants to work in technology which is why we strengthen our
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work force academy. in the last two 2 years we have placed many residents in jobs in construction, technology in our sector academies. in our eve of this historic holiday we are reminded to celebrate the powerful legacy of dr. luther king to encourage all to get involved in the community to volunteer and support our diverse and under served neighborhood. i work with you to celebrate achievement and diversity and together we'll work together to create opportunities for our city's african american community. president david chiu: our final question by supervisor campos. supervisor david campos: thank you., mr. mayor. for every ellis act eviction that takes place in san francisco as we are facing this affordability crisis and this eviction crisis we know that many tenants have
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been displaced from their home after accepting a monetary offer called buy outs from their landlords. we know of no city regulation of these buy outs that for many of us still lead to significant reduction in rent controlled units in this city. it definitely another form of displacement. will you commit, mr. mayor to working with me on my legislation addressing these buy outs? mayor edwin m. lee: supervisor, thank you for your question. i would like to start with a word of caution. i know the board has attempted to regulate buy out each time and each time it was thrown out by the courts. so any attempts by the court to regulate buy outs would require to be narrowly taylored by the
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court system. i see what you are trying to accomplish for sfran families. tenants who accept buy outs are facing an eviction. they face an eviction that is naturally motivated to sustain -- accept the buy out to help with relocations. this does not come with an ellis act eviction. as a former tenant rights attorney i would advise tenants not to accept the buy out because they are not in the best interest. a lump payment may seem like a lot of money for an immigrant on a tight budget. when your average monthly income is limited and rent in san francisco is more than you can afford on your income alone, your buy out
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money will be gone before you know it. it's wrong that vulnerable tenants are being forced into this position and pressured to take a family even if it means moving their families and leaving a city they love and no longer can afford. it's wrong that their landlord gives them this buy out. it's completely unaccept ablg able, when state law allows this for their own short-term financial gain. all roads lead back to sacramento on this issue. that's why they are working with tenants and senior advocates and the entire states delegation. that's why i'm working with real estate and the business community to step up and work with me to make these changes at the state level. that's why i'm putting
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together a coalition to amend the state's ellis act and protect these vulnerable tenants to state that these laws are being abused. that's why you will see me in sacramento to change this law to end this type of speculation. thank you for your question, supervisor. and if i may say that thank you for the anticipated questions of supervisor avalos. if i can anticipate your non-question this month it would be go 9ers, yes. go 9ers. thank you. president david chiu: thank you, mr. mayor. go 9ers. with that we go to new business. call item 2. >> item 31141: [public employment - amendment to the annual salary ordinance - recreation and park department - fys 2013-2014 and 2014-2015] sponsor: mayor ordinance amending ordinance no. 160-13 anal salary
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ordinance - fys 2013-2014 and 2014-20155 to reflect the addition of two class 5502 project manager i positions 0.5 ftee in the recreation and park department for the implementation of the recreation and park department's capital improvements.>> sf 21234 >> supervisor farrell, ay! kim aye, mar aye, kim aye, wiener aye, yee? on item two, aye, supervisor avalos aye, breed aye, supervisor campos aye, president david chiu:? aye. the ordinance is passed. item 3. item 131130: [california constitution appropriations limit - fy2013-2014] sponsor: farrell resolution establishing the appropriations limit for fy2013-2014 pursuant to california constitution, article xiii b.
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sf 314 same house same call. this resolution is adopted without objection. item 4. item 4: 131172:[interconnection agreement - pacific gas and electric company - solar power project - 201 van ness avenue] resolution authorizing the public utilities commission's general manager to enter into a long term interconnection agreement with pacific gas and electric company, to commence following board approval, for a solar power project at davies symphony hall, 201 van ness avenue, pursuant to charter, section 9.1188bb. objection. item 4. sf 41234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 5. the clerk: item 131182:[emergency contract - clean harbors environmental services, inc. - not to exceed $1,000,000] resolution retroactively approving emergency contract with clean harbors environmental services, inc., for environmental clean-up of soil and water and regrading of the runway safety area after the crash landing of asiana airlines flight 214 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for services already performed, for the period of july 11, 2013, to september 19, the clerk: sf 51234 which president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 6. the clerk: item 6: 131183:[emergency contract - fixed gas monitoring system - southeast water pollution control plant - not to exceed $225,000] resolution retroactively
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approving an emergency procurement contract of the public utilities commission under administrative code, section 21.15, to obtain materials needed to repair the fixed gas monitoring system at the southeast water pollution control plant with a contract amount not to exceed $225,000 for the period of november 18, 2013, to may 18, 2014. he clerk: sf 61234 president david chiu: colleagues, same house same call. without objection this item is approved. item 7. the clerk: item 131210:[accept and expend grant - urban areas security initiative grant increase: budget revision - fy2013 - $687,988] sponsor: mayor resolution retroactively authorizing the department of emergency management, on behalf of the city and county san francisco, as the fiscal agent for the bay area urban areas security initiative uasii, to accept and expend an increase to fy2013 uasi grant funds in the amount of $687,988 for a total of $22,619,300 from the u.s. department of homeland security through the california office of emergency services, for the period of september 1, 2013, through may 31, 2015.the clerk: item 131210:[accept and expend grant - urban areas security initiative grant increase: budget revision - fy2013 - $687,988] sponsor: mayor resolution retroactively authorizing the department of emergency management, on behalf of the city and county san francisco, as the fiscal agent for the bay area urban areas security initiative uasii, to accept and expend an increase to fy2013 uasi grant funds in the amount of $687,988 for a total of $22,619,300 from the u.s. department of homeland security through the california office of emergency services, for the period of september 1, 2013, through may 31, 2015. spu spu 1234 president david chiu: this resolution is adopted. next item. >> the clerk: item 8. item 130864: care and education] sponsor: yee ordinance amending the planning code to transfer proposed child care facility oversight from the department of children, youth and their families to the office of early care and education; and making environmental findings.1234 >> president david chiu: same house same call, this ordinance is passed. next item. >> item 131143: [changes to the special tax district no. 2009-1 - san francisco sustainable
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financing] sponsors: mayor; chiu, tang and wiener resolution authorizing the city and county of san francisco special tax district no. 2009-1 san francisco sustainable financingg to levy special taxes and incur debt to finance work deemed necessary to bring buildings or real property, including privately owned buildings or real property, into compliance with seismic safety standards >> sf 91234 president david chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. let's skip to item 16. a committee reports. the clerk: planning code fulton street grorsary store special use district provide controls for business signs and making the findings. president david chiu: supervisor breed. supervisor london breed: thank you. this will allow the project to proceed with demolition and other entitlements. it extends the special use district for another 5 years. the legislation does not address or in anyway approve the issues around the formula retail, the size of retail, other affordability requirements or other uses. i'm actively
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engaged on those conversations and topics and not persuaded to receive legislative information yet. i'm working to develop the side and the developer and the planning department. when and only when i'm comfortable we have reached a resolution will i bring legislation forward regarding the retail use. but all of us agree that the 555 full fulton parcel needs to be developed. today's process allows us to proceed while we complete the work on details. we know it's recently sent you a letter to objecting this approach and this came as a bit of a surprise to me on a letter saturday said we would like to see a supermarket that hires locally that engaged in a
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community and emphasizes fresh local foods affordable to our neighbors. i completely agree that is exactly what we are working on and nothing in legislation impedes us from achieving that goal. this legislation is here today and was approved in the land use committee yesterday and i would appreciate your support today. thank you. president david chiu: thank you, colleagues can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item passes. next item 17. multifamily housing revenue bonds 227-227 west point road not to exceed $45 million. presidenda
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