tv [untitled] January 14, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PST
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contractor. and then, a 91 million dollar payment to repay part a of the tifia loan and being the transportation evidence and the innovation act. and it makes low interest loans availablible to the project that is are being delivered by the methods and the parkway did qualify for such a loan. >> the sources of funding for the capitol portion of the project, and phase one and phase two, both are relied upon a combination of federal state, and local funding which is typical these days, for major infrastructure projects, including some 66 million dollars in prop k, allocated to both phase one and to phase two.
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over all the project isen 70 percent complete counting both and it is 25 complete and the northbound portion is under construction and this, this photographic is of one of the drilled shaft fears, and being constructed a couple of months ago, and all of the fears are now completed. and the contract will be beginning work, shortly and both northbound tunnels both the tunnel and the battery tunnel, are the term of artist is out of the ground now, and they completed the excavation work which is important to the beginning of the rainy season that we all hope begins soon.
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>> this is the steel and the preparation for the concrete and both phases participated aggressively and in the small business, program, and is shown on this graphic, be the first four contracts of the five that are listed here, comprised phase one. and the first two contracts were state funded contracts, and therefore did not include the business enterprise goal but did include, the small business installed and generally those were either meteor exceeded and the contracts three and four, and the federally funded did include and the business advantage enterprise goal and those goals were met and phase three, also federally funded includes, a disadvantage of the enterprise goal of 5 percent and an aspirational small business goal of 25 percent. and at the moment, the contractor is not meeting
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either goal. although they are very close to meeting the disadvantaged business enterprise goal. this is a focus of attention for both cal trans, and the transportation authority where we are carefully and closely monitoring the out reach and the hiring practices as well as the subcontracting practices. and we have assurances repeated assurances from the contractor that they will meet those goals prior to the completing of construction. workforce development program, is going very well, comparedly speaking, the contractor committed at the beginning that at least, 50 percent of new hires would be referred through the city build program and they are on track for meeting that goal. and 72, openings have been
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reported to city build and city build was able to provide candidates for 60 of those 72 to date and 24 have been hired and there are additional candidates in the pipeline, expected to be hired this month. and this month, and next month, we are seeing a significant increase in positions available. and so we expect these good statistics to look even better going forward. any major construction project, will phase challenges and prosido parkway is no exception. i would say that probably the single greatest challenge facing the concessionaire now, is working with collectively working with cal transand the prosido trust, it is landowner and it is very demanding and they are very protective of park interests. and they can be exacting and
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the source of data, that they have asked the contractor to produce before issuing the permits or granting design approvals and the concessionaire has worked to try to establish an effective working relationship with the trust and i am pleased to report that it certainly is going much better now than it was at the beginning of phase two, we are seeing progress and we are optimistic that it will continue and the parties will continue to work together effectively and the project will stay on schedule. and the transportation authority is working to engage in diplomacy and the opinions that arise among the concessionaires that the city trust and cal trans. that concludes my presentation and i would be happy to take any questions. >> actually i have one, really
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quickly first. and you mentioned that the project is not meeting its disadvantaged and small business enterprise goals and what are the pro-active ways that we are making sure that the project sponsors are going to meet those goals? >> well, we are doing two things primarily to areas where we are focusing one is frankly enforcement. and i mean that part of the reason that we know that they are not quite meeting the goal that we have very carefully monitored their subcontracting program and reviewed the documentation for contractor and subcontractors that have been provered by meeting disadvantage business enterprise performance and in some cases the firms that are being counted as meeting the dbe goals were not certified and not currently certified
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enterprises and so, to some extent, this is news for the contractor, they did not realize that some of the firms that they had hired, that they believed to be dbe firms were not. and so the contractor then sells and initiated the effort to more carefully monitor the documentation. and to expand their out reach to disadvantaged businesses. and as i know that you all know that the transportation khor is or has an ex-expansive out reach for small businesses and disadvantaged businesses and other businesses within the community, that are locally based, to promote opportunities. and we can get the number of workshops and the number of open houses and the number of well, sometimes that we refer to as speed dating opportunities, where we bring in the larger contractor, the
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prime contractors, and engage in meet and greet sessions with the smaller businesses particularly those that are new to that particular type of contracting. and so we are doing that and we are continuing to do that. and we have a consultant on board. and who is one of whose primary goals is actually the marketing of this disadvantaged businesses to the contractors. and i think that some of probably know paul, who has been working in san francisco very long who is very effective at this and we will meet with the contractor on a regular basis to figure out what contracting opportunities are coming up in the future and identifying those opportunities and he will come out and find fully qualified, bondable disadvantages business and bring them in and lay them at the feet of the contractor and make life so much easier for the prime and they really just have to accept, success. and they can meet the goals, and we expect that to be the
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case going forward. >> and we are joined by commissioners campos and kim, and a question from commissioner yee? >> yeah. i guess, along the same lines in terms of goals, are we clear in the presentation when you mentioned that there are 32 openings and 23 local residents were hired and you said that they are well under way and then you said that there is going to be new openings, or new jobs, and so what was not clear to me is that, they have hired, 72 positions already, and 23 of them were residents. >> or are you talking about additional... new jobs that will be opening up. >> and they, the members that were represented on the slide and the numbers are shown in your report are really the
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original numbers to date, those represent and the process that identifies the openings and makes those available to city build and city build cannot necessarily provide candidates to meet all of those of those openings and to make it 50 percent of the jobs available or the job openings available to the city build. and if, in fact, city build can provide candidates for all of those positions, then that will be great. but they don't. and in this case, they of the 72 or 73 positions they were able to offer the candidates to meet for 60 of them. to date, 23 people have been hired. now, all that we know is that there is still more in the pipeline and more hiring to be done and we expect at the end of the project that they will meet that 50 percent goal and so this is just a snapshot in
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time what the actual hiring is. >> but you actually know how many they have actually hired already? >> yeah, the 23 is the number that they have actually hired as of by the end of december. and who are referrals from city build. >> that is not my question. my question is that if there are 72 openings, how many of those openings have been filled? >> what the total number of new hires, right. >> and i am sorry, i don't have that, but i would be happy to get that for you. >> otherwise, i don't know what, when you say that they are meeting their goals, and 50 percent, and i, it is if they have hired 72, and when they hire, 24 locals. and that is not 50 percent to me. >> no, but keep in mind, that if the timing is different. and that means that the offering of the position and the filling of a position don't occur at the same time and so there is some delay, but i
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understand your point. >> and once you find out and i get that information. >> i will be happy to do that. >> okay, i just had another question and i think that the key, north south corridor in san francisco is the 19th avenue that goes up park prosido boulevard and into the golden gate bridge, and there has been the detours that people have had to go from north and south and i am wondering when would that detour end, as the second phase moves forward. and it goes, or it looks like it is on the map, it is called the something bridge. the rucman bridge, i believe, and but it is traffic that flows from the park prosido boulevard, through the prosido on the way to the golden gate bridge, do you know? >> what the bridge is part of highway one. and it connects to the
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interchange with prosido parkway as it approaches the golden gate bridge. but that is, if i am understanding it correctly, that is not the dethank detour, it was reconstructed under phase one and it is completed. there are some traffic or lane adjustments that are being made to the approaches to the golden gate bridge as part of phase two construction, but those are construction phasing activities that, the really is not, you know, other than the fact that phase one itself is serving as a detour, that is the only facility that constitutes a detour on the project but what they may be referring to is the fact that one of the ramps was closed at the beginning of the project, and it connects northbound one to southbound 101 and that will remain closed until it is completed. >> 2016? >> we expect the traffic shift
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to occur in late 2015. and the january 2016 date, and the substantial completing and that sort of for everything and the actual traffic shift to the facility should occur, late 2015. >> thank you. if are there are no other questions, let's open up up for public comment and is there anyone from the public that would like to speak. >> thank you so much for the update. >> could you call the next item it >> item 7, recommend allegation of $146,825 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the department of public works for sloat boulevard pedestrian improvements, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedule and the amendment of the relevant 5-year priorityization programs and this is an action item. >> thank you and we have a staff presentation. >> good morning, the prop k request, and to leverage the
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highway safety improvement funds to construct the pedestrian improvements and (inaudible) and to the avenues as shown on the screen and also on page 14 of the attachment 6 of your memo and this is really much needed and influence on it and as you know, pedestrian safety is a very high priority. and to treat the high history. and in fact, after, the transportation authority approved, the design andal location project for this in march of last year and the collision occurred near forest field drive which was part of the location, and post. and resulting in the death of a high school student. so, that intersection has been expedited with non-prop k funds and completed in september.
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so the park includes two remaining intersections. but the scope increased to include additional (inaudible) and extensions at ever glade avenue and also upgraded at the 20th avenue. and this will be completed in august, in coordination with the pedestrian safety project and if you have any questions, i am happy to answer and also, dpw representative is here. >> thank you, commissioner yee? >> this is not actually a question, this is a comment. i just wanted to come mend the efforts on slope boulevard. when the grant came in from i forget where, it was a federal or a state frant? >> highway safety improvement. >> right, when that came in, the original, complete date was in my view would not be acceptable and it was projected
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to be finished a few years out and we wanted to thank the fta for being willing to sit down and expedite the project. and even before, the tragic accident of the student dying, so, and because of that, it is just it was even expedited, quicker. and so, i am going to come mend you folks for being able to do that. >> thank you. >> and if there are no other questions, let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> good morning, commissioners, my name is jakie sacks and a member of the cac and we did not hear this, because we did not have a meeting in late, because of the holidays, we did not have a meeting last month. and we did not actually show
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this item completely and so we did not take any action on this item at all. we did not. we decided not to take any action at all. so we didn't do anything with it. thank you. >> thank you, and i wanted to thank mr. flanagin for being here as well. >> thank you. >> i am bob flanthot and we heard about the dangers of the officers from the police department traffic companies while it is the prepared safety task force and i am glad that you are getting this. please go ahead and do this and seek more funds. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, could we move this forward without objection? >> thank you. >> could you call the next item. >> 8, recommend allegation of 13.1 million in prop k funds with conditions to the san francisco transportation agency for preliminary engineering and detailed design for the transit effectiveness project subject to the attached fiscal year
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cash flow distribution schedule and amend the of the bus rapid transit muni metro network 5 year program. >> good afternoon commissioners, and i am just going to give you a brief overview and john hailly the director of transit is here to give a detailed presentation and this starts on 81 of your memo, and it is a request that you saw in november of last year, and this is coming back to the committee after a deferal in november and thes a 13.1 million dollars request for engineer and design staff to advance capitol improvements in that portion of the transit effectiveness project recommendation and i would also include, spending for the staff to perform out reach around those staff recommendations capitol projects and at least, these physical improvement includes things like best bulbs, and to speed up the transit vehicles and in front of you is a fact sheet that was
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handed out at the meeting and it was available it the back of the room and on the website. and it shows a map of the recommended that would be funded through the project and so the november meeting there were a couple of meeting that came in discussion from the committee and our members of the public. and mta appeared to address, those questions, and it is regarding more details on the tep, as well as the scope and recommendation and benefits and the questions with how this prop k request for the larger tep recommendations and how the segments were prioritized and also the questions about the out reach strategy and so with that i will introduce john hailly and he can give the presentation. >> thank you. >> mr. haily? >> good morning, mr. chairman, and members of the board, and
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thank you amber. briefly, we are here as amber indicated to seek your approval, to advance some 13.1 million in prop k funds, which we view as the seed money or the money that will bridge money that will help us to begin the process to improve the quality and the reliability and safety of the system. and secondly, to respond to some questions and concerns that you have raised regarding our approach to doing all of this. so, with that, if you don't have any questions, i will briefly walk you through, some highlights. and again, this is for us, a very exciting opportunity, as amber indicated this has been a long process, so some five years in the making a very comprehensive process in looking at the entire universe of our system all 75 of the
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roots, and made a series of recommendations that tries to leverage the strength of an integrated transportation organization like we have to move the project forward. i think that again, that is a brief description of the process, that we followed, comprehensive extensive throughout the city. i think that it is important to know on this one, that what this is all about is really beginning to systematically both improve the service, starting with the key corridors but also, to institutionalize or anchor those kind of processes in the way that we do businesses and the sfmta and first of all what were selected in front of you to move forward first represents some 400,000 daily trips out of 700,000
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significant course of our riders and those are high ridership and the corridors and also, we focus on travel time, the single biggest complaint that we hear from our riders is why does my trip take so long and i have an example that i will hand out regarding the 8 acts that we will show you when you apply the eight principals that we point out to the one root and the benefits that will accrue in terms of travel time and so it is both the focus program to hit on a high percentage of riders, and improving the travel time, and then, also, this builds on the groundwork that has already been laid with your support and cooperation. and reliability and the single biggest cause of the delays in the muni system and mechanical failures with your help and support in the last 18 months
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to two years, we have moved forward with a very ambition and both the fleet replacement and component over all and rebuild the program on both the buses and roughly, and so we are committed to doing that as part of that effort and so then finally, most importantly, sfmta was recently one of a handful of major systems that were selected for a focused audit on its equity practices and where it went to and the words root went and where the riders are and how the levels of service on each one and i am pleased to say, that the federal transit administration had no findings, in fact we were 100 percent compliance in terms of our existing programming and what, what that means for us going forward is the intent to built off of that commitment and there is a program and our rider ship and our service levels stand the
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test of equity across the system. so, with that, the other part of this, is part of the review and we are talking today about what i have described as seed money or money to start the process rolling, so that when we complete the community process, and the community review process, we are ready to advance these initiatives certainly in all of our institutional lifetime and secondly, it goes hand in hand with expectations that we will begin a process that we will look at the service plan and not just the levels of service, but excuse me, but that this program that was called the transit effectiveness program, will result in the regular service increases across the board. so, these, or this is why this has been so important to us, so
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important to the city, one of the reasons that we appreciate the support and why we are excited to begin the process, to transitions from the planning into the implementation phase, and today, again the 13.1 that we are requesting is for some 4 million of that, is designated for the community out reach and the remainder is to begin the process to take or to design a taylor or a customized list of fixes for each of these corridors to improve the service and reliability. and there is a sampling of where the money will go right there and there is some, you know from a planning engineering phase, group one and group two referred to as a selection of routes and they were both high rider ship routes and again, the focus there will be of a total request of 13.1 million, four million in and of itself is for
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community out reach and the biggest number is for detailed design of that in the remainder of the focus is on preliminary engineering of the fixes for each of the selected corridors. and in terms of the public out reach, effort, we have gone through and are prepared to go into greater detail with the concepts that we are following, but right now, in the months ahead, we have the series of meetings schedule, along with the corridors. and sort of an ex-sentive out reach and part of the process that we want to follow is to go out and present concepts, and so list sit public feedback and integrate and include the feedback into those comments and i would say, to jump ahead for a moment, but, excuse me. this direction on one of the things that we want to highlight in terms of a real line in a process, that we
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followed, was what the recent improvements to the five and to five l, we have had and an out reach session, and two, actually, and we had public hearings, on the process. and we made a number of changes, even after we started it to reflect the feedback that we got from the public. and everything from location of stops, and everything to excuse me, adjusting shelters, and park and the impact on parking. and so part of what we would present this as, not only then the... >> mr. rily, mr. breed has a point. >> okay. thank you. >> i am glad that you mentioned the 5 l, because we ran into some obstacles with that. and we submitted those and they were corrected. and one of the things that i was hoping that we do, and in any process moving forward with the extensive amount of support
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that is being requested for out reach is that we look at the mistakes that we made with the 5 l and we tried to address those things in advance. and specifically, there are two senior developments, within close proximity of one of the removed bus stop stations. and we were told that they were contacted, but we don't know if they were or weren't. but the more that we are talking about the population especially, yes, we can have meetings at the mta and yes, we can have meetings at the community centers. but, i do think that it is very important that we go above and beyond in the out reach process. to those particular developments where they house primarily seniors, because it is difficult for them to get around in the first place and since i wanted to just know that in the five, of the case of the 5 l that was corrected
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and i was happy about that and also i do appreciate the fact that we may not cover everything. but the ability to maiblg changes in order to adjust to some of those major changes that we are proposing with the system in general. and it is definitely important to me. so thank you. >> you are welcome. >> and i just wanted to thank sean kennedy for his work, and this is a great case study because of, i think that the baker street stop was reinstituted with input as an example but i liked how mr. kennedy and staff came to the richmond district as well and listened to many seniors and others, and were flexible about taking that input and integrating it into the plan as well. and so the five limited is a great example, and i think of the mta's example to have out reach and have that impact the way that you implement and i appreciate it. >> campos? >> thank you,
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