tv [untitled] January 15, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PST
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you all know that sometimes you can't say much because of politics. now realistically speaking how many million dollars of globulins of clean water of hetch hetchy a leaks into our ground. we need to have the technology to monitor our pipes to get realtime results to find out about how many millions of gallons of clean water leaks into our ground and effects our watershed. now having said that, that we don't know how many people work for puc maybe 2 thousand plus that just like the city nobody
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know where the 29 thousand workers work but anyway, having one worker for every 289 constituents is a joke. so in the year 9014 for example, we want to know all the new people that were hired in one of you all department of external affairs rather than those five or six people are warranted. we want to know and we want to know if they work so hard how did they find time and use their influence as a conduit to send $1,200,000 to green. so good men come here and try to like talk the talk that's fine. we have to learner to walk the
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walk. thank you very much >> thank you francisco. next card jason freed >> jason freed. chair al loss couldn't be here so i'm here with his notes and according to the january 10th could he power points that gm kelly put total and harassing as mr. brooks mentioned we believe this program is good. when you take a look at you're looking for new customers cac is an abundance of new customers what could help and i'll san diego with mr. brooks it can underline our hetch hetchy budget if i look contracting the
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shell the cac program can help pay for those and you'll have them still available for the work on scheduling of power or the other items they do. there are ways to bring them in to cover the budget imperial operations and there's money through the c pa c we krnt u currently have are a program according to c pa c we could be going after the $9 million for efficients work right now. we could help to fund the programs because we're in tough wments the budget so to address those concerns couldn't be taken
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off the table. i need to direct our staff and figure out how it can help us address some of the agent orange problems how do we the city diverse from hetch hetchy which in drought years is going to be a problem if you diverse your portfolio you can have a boarder basis of customers and the item that was brought up about connecting from newark all the way to the city give us opportunity to bring on larger customers it's going over the fence as you're bringing power into the city so i encourage you to direct staff and does not let cca to move away and cca is not going to solve our problems but
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it can get you closer not going over a financial cliff >> thank you jason. in light of that i'm going to ask that staff prepare a short memoranda and that's the availability of fund i think you said a total of $8 million but i'd like some kind of a written memoranda written whether the puc can engage the c puc and acquire some of the fund either under the guys of our own power division. i know it's important and unless there's objections that will be the order >> i want to have the issues raised about the potential to use the cca to meet the received issues we've been talking about
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and what that positioning posh motive look like. >> next card nicole. >> good afternoon, commissioners. >> good afternoon. appreciate being here happy new year to each of you. this has been an interesting budget workshop for me. it's highlighted the utilities folks don't want to mention. we know how vitality those are to the delivery of water mountain tunnel and members of congress son and others. as i look at it and hear with you said. some of the costs for those projects are large. and they're not all known yet so you still have some questions in those later years what's it
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going to cost us. as commissioner vietor said those projects were not concluded in the we're accept. and funding is not secured. well, you adapt our two year budget you don't have the fund for the c i p going out 10 years so water and power rates have not been raised to cover the projected costs. we are looking at the c i p proposal so we're going to continue our review we'll have more questions as we continue that. and how those questions are resolved some of the funding and who paid. might not effect the sub total of the overall cost of the total and how it impacts the rates for
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us. so i intend to work with our staff and have been talking with mr. rick i didn't and b will get you further comments >> thank you for being here north america coal. >> doctor jackson. good afternoon >> sorry that i'm late i was at another meeting and when i heard you talking about solar my case you wasn't talking about solar i want to say i've been chosen as your representative which they've taken pictures of me to put on hangers to talk about and to call about solar because, you know, that's my baby. solar. and i agree with one of the statement that was made about the lame that's going on especially in hunter's point and
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it came to my mind, you know, before this body was set up you was set up and the voters voted it was to take care of the pipes and i remember requesting that before you do anything with the sewage plant please put the that is my understanding in because a lot of you don't know the area or city but warehouse where i live at health department's it's one the worst areas for lineal is that when the old houses that blacks lived in the housing authority took over the property and they built over where the other housing were and they started at local streets. if you're not knowing the area
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of bay hunter's point you wouldn't know where the blacks lived in the 40s up into the vodz and we were able to move into public hours it was built for black folk but only for poor whites. what's sad is we don't have people that live in bayview health department that can instruct you or your staff because you're responsible for the staff and when i read in the newspaper that's your priority to know what you're staff is doing if they don't know the job you should fire them and see that you have qualified employees working on your staff
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>> that's it. counselor >> apologizes. eddy from bright line defense project. and just two quick points that on reviewing this presentation. realizing two years yg ago bright utilize advocated for a rate increase with the understanding it's anonymous go policy in order to reflect the true cost of electricity but with shoring up the capital programs. its poouflz that two years later to the effect of $60 million so we'll comment to work for full funding on the program based on the second point which is if
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there's general fund resources being discussed the sf pc shortfall this show take into account that the solar will increase tax revenue. with all those policy points in mind we'll be back in the future to discuss sf solar and it's been a great program and will continue to be a great program >> thank you for being here eddy. if there's no other any public comment? we will move on to the next item because pub any public comment? is closed >> what about lunch. >> and other breaks? >> i'm going to callpresident.
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>> call that meeting back to order fouling our short recess and take full responsibility we took subsequential more time. ma'am, secretary next item >> item 6 is communications. >> commissioner. >> okay. if you'll divulge me there's a couple of things i want to say. first, we have a any public comment? after each item and i try carefully to make sure that i not only do fail to call for the
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public opportunity to discuss the items so, you know, we can get a better feel for what's utilizing out there. i want to say again for the record we have a lot of staff i happen to represent myself a number of employees with work $0.40 for the public commission but your management team is extraordinarily outstanding. oftentimes they find it difficult to basically make everybody happy; right? i want to make sure that everybody knows that we support our team that's in place because we know that every effort is being made on behalf of each individual to get cross the goal line and some days we lose sight
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of that pr with with respect to the communications i'm going to point out you tell first number 6 b the letter summary i'm going to start with the communications via the electronic mail to supervisor yee and it recommendation to making lake merced and public i didn't banks banks to this rec and park update. we've had long xhfgz i think we had a hearing to the boat house and the bond money. i don't we went out and had a meeting to we've discussed a meeting open the west side i mentioned i'd like to have it at the cultural center.
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but i hope my colleagues will share the concerns about the comments about the recreation and parks department i happen to be from theest side i recognize that the puc convolution is not in the business to create the recession he totally support the idea that the recreation and parks will tearful of the maintenance but i want to make sure it stays on our radar because the communication of january 24r08 the general manager related to the parks bond lake merced update and specifically that the department has indicated their engage a community outreach process in spring of 2014 and
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previous feedback will be used to identify the needs that rb d b will help to prioritize those needs. during that conversation i wasn't interested myself as i sat here simply dell defamating i wanted this commission to see this list of priorities that the recreation and parks came up with prior we we would adapt those pr i hope my colleagues will agree the priorities for that land a acquit the rows and it shouldn't be determined by the rec and park department and i'm going to ask that be the order
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>> my recollection is that when we adapted the mo u that part of what we built into it was exactly that kind of review progress. the - it was anticipated that would come to us at the end of the calendar year we we received something that didn't fill the bill. so i think that that's an issue that we need to make sure we follow their own policy within that review cycle it's up to recreation and parks to make that happen and on some of the correspondence i didn't see some of the issues tied to recreation and parks. so within the structure w of what we have is the people who care about lake merced so they can copious and it can be pardon
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or part of our annual review but they annoyed to deal that recreation and parks and they've haven't done that for a long time. i'm hoping not the copy of that but that can be part of their practice as well >> that's agreed. commissioners. okay. the only other item i have is a boarder communication from the department of the environment related to my request that we known a joint he meeting. it appears the date is a february 25th of this month. i want to touch briefly especially in light of the presentation we received today. a number of our friends and colleagues in the public have xhivenl stated to us in many respects correctly one of the reasons they come to the puc it's where the money is at.
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whether we're programming or issuing grants and all that is good stuff and he support it more than a lot of people but they come here because we have a different relationship in terms of our fiscal capacity that the rec and park department or the recreation department in light of what we've been hearing but our own fiscal cliff. one the republicans reasons to continue this dialog so that the prospective go that the puc has this vast weight isn't continuing to be the reality. we need to make sure that the message is we have a lot of very, very difficult decisions in front of of us. and we need to make sure our stakeholders and the constituents that everybody represents knows there's other
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avenues for raising those issues then the puc. that's why i asked for this meeting. a lot of the things especially with respect to renewable emergency and the power lyle line we've tacked about informed waste. i'm a fan of solar. we have to be well positions to take advantage of opportunity my there's love real transplant in the department of assignment with those xhishgsdz and we can have a robust dialog over some of those items because i think we have to be sensitive to the restrictions on our time here at this commission especially with respect to the reports. i'll didn't you have an example. we spent a lot of time recently over the community arts grant. that was i think it was $100,000
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that the puc made available to the arts commission to distribute on a 10 thousands dollar basis. and those folks who didn't raise the issues they came here and we had a minnie hearing. similarly some of the items that we can discuss about our entire to geology clean energy and renew works and meet our goals and observations can be made at the department of environment 0 so our colleagues can put together a thought of agenda and there's a lot of places where we can engage those robust discussion that aren't necessarily in this room >> commissioner vietor.
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>> as former president of the commission on the environment and i do think in light of what we're learned today especially the fact there moibtd some necessary cuts and some problematic shifts in the department that we welcome agenda that's focused and if it's appropriate common wise to be able to say these are so many of the issues we're facing and have a reality checkoff what's coming down the pike. i really encourage having a focused agenda on that so they can be prepared for what motive be coming. and on the other issue on the
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arts commission i welcome a joint meeting with the arts commission. it feels like i don't know about a rec and park department joint commission by all those things that come up. i don't know about efficiency and all that but seems like seemed like a fiscal impact or vice versa we should be scheduling that that way if it's a resource issue >> commissioner torres. >> i don't understand what the process is. in order we provide the money to the commission and they decide where to put the money >> - >> do we give them money for the 5eshg9 thing.
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>> mr. kelly. >> there's a requirement we provide 2 percent of above park. we try to bones our environmental justice to reline the art money to be in alignment to, you know, our services. so in the past one of our commissioners were concerned about using our money for the buddha or the spider in front of city hall so we tried to align it to provide art money for community that we enact. that was something that we worked off lion at that time, at harrington worked with the director of the arts commission to come up with a mo u that reflected alignment with our community policy
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>> and the arts commission does an awful love of not only spending our money but other. >> who paid for the chris 41 at the field sculptures. >> not us. that was - >> it was a place to put they've taken stuff out of the museum. >> so it was transferred out to the amount. >> so why do we noetd need a joint meeting. >> we had all that time where people were coming. >> the next time we'll have a motion to refer it to the 0 arts commission so as a volunteer this is getting tedious. >> i wouldn't agriculture the same until we have a plan or proposal there's several tint.
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>> i see the subjective reason why we should have. >> because of the fiscal piece. >> i don't see why we need one with the arts commission. >> expect we give them money. >> so the arts commission should come to us and ask for the money. >> the difference between art is that the money that we pretty much have to set aside has to be identified so the conversation is how do you make that expenditure in alignment. we're supporting certain programs that we have the option of increasing or decreasing so based on, you know, the commission priority and given the current circumstances maybe
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it is appropriate for us to engage in where we are as far as where it relates to the enterprise liquor some of the challenges. because we actually fund a large portion of their budget we should engage in that conversation as long as we can talk about the opportunities and challenges i'm willing to talk with anybody >> i would only add i think commissioner torres hit the nail on the head. with respect to the arts commission the issues have prowler and administrative and that doesn't warrant two groups of commissioners having a meeting and noticing it while to commissioner vietor point the recreation and parks is
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different their administering money that we hold title to land we have an mo u. the same goes to the environmental commission. you know, my thought st. is again whatever the will of the body is but my thought is as we continue to have this dialog while we're dealing with the fiscal issues it's appropriate for us to expand the forum of the environment commission to make sure that folks know that is where you have the conversations. and while it's flushed out it comes here. unless there's any objection is it appropriate for us to notice the meeting on february for the president of the commission on the environment >> with the agenda of - sure.
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>> okay. so commissioner vietor and myself anyone else who's interested well work on that agenda it will be out for the deadline. without objection that will be the order. any other items on communication. is there any any public comment on communications. yes dr. jackson >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i'm on the i thought i was maybe i'm not anymore where i get the agenda. and i didn't receive an agenda for this meeting. and when i called some friends of mine - let me finish
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