tv [untitled] January 16, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST
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the environment is different they maybe more prone to go in there. the area has a reputation and i think other certain types of businesses and restaurants >> you have a change to the area. >> (calling names). >> good evening, commissioners we were laufrg we've been trying to get a cab on broadway as well. i appreciate our hands in support of this issue. i lived on broadway in the loose 16 years and walking the neighborhood and the street and living there day in and out as i walk the dog and so forth i've talked to a lot of businesses.
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we're sick of it. we're complaining in the mirror how horrible it was how people shut themselves up every wednesday. we finally, woem woke up and said let's organize and with work the community leaders in this city to anyone who wishes to speak this a better place we got the sheriff and the da and supervisor chiu everybody tloi their hands in the most diverse area everyone can go to have you fun. we the short block two year window so we can go through the platoon to do outreach and do the rebrand ambassador right now you talk to any san franciscan
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and they're staying away from broadway. people have to be bused in to go to broadway and their wasted when they show up. i'm looking forward to our support so we can celebrate this together >> that was a great presentation. >> next up (calling names). >> hello. good evening, commissioners. i'm a lawyer >> can you speak into the micro. >> i'm a lawyer, in fact, i've repealed mr. jordan ankle here. i have a short period of time i listened to the commissioner
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hyde and commissioner josephs comments. i'm going to cover a lot of things. the first thing was the cad reports. that kiss through the bull and public delineation and cuts through the politics behind her. it cuts through the community business district which those members that are in the steering committee they represent almost 80 percent 1 one hundred and 47 pages of crime those individuals that are on the steering committee of david chow and he knows this because we delivered this to him 5 months ago and no one's done a single thing about
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it. we've been mr. angle has been crucified. there's an empty business and a beautiful location frozen. this is a simple motivator that's going on here. there's issues taken because i'm a criminal defense lawyer. what you would consider the wrong side and i know what's going on in this community. it starts with certainty individuals that are calling the shots. the cv d >> your time is up sir, and we have the cv d as we have the head of the strip clubs. >> okay. your time is up. thank you
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>> thank you. (calling names) >> anyone else who's interested please lineup. >> please gives that taxi stand we can't afford that. i'm stephanie greenberg. i'm here to support the ordinance. as you know broadway area stakeholders and agencies have been working together to have real change on broadway. the area has a well-known reputation for crime issues. this impacts not only the resident. the healthy - they've asked supervisor chiu to write this
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legislation. after much negotiation this was an important tool. clearly broadway is a high crime area and has a saturation of liquor licenses there's a daycare center on those two blocks or within 2 hundred or 3 hundred blocks. it's a dense residential district and we want to coordinate and work together. obviously crime is a serious cost to the city and it negative gaits the area. there's very few businesses we don't want shoe repair businesses. we're keeping locals away it's been a magnet for danger. we've got fights and the impact
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is real in our community. we want to let our safety and other improvements to take how old this is a limited scope moratorium it doesn't stop liquor licenses and it doesn't negate entertainment. with 17 liquor licenses >> your time is up and you, get our liquor if you want it. last i think i of (calling names) >> so, you know, we think this is really a special neighborhood. it's the original entertainment zone in san francisco; right? we want to keep it. we're not anti entertainment our preaching to the choir when you
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talk about more turmdz but broadway has to be a little bit more nuisance pr bureau ban just signed a lease. he says i was approached before you it wasn't the right the time time but things on broadway have gotten better he's signed a lease. this is how we are going to attract more people. we're getting our arms around this thing the life and a safety issues on broadway. what would happen if this thing goes setting their going to try to kill that entertainment district. we're crowded with residentials
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we need to fix this thing we're not trying to kill the district but to nurture it. >> i've got two questions. what happens if an operator can't or doesn't want to do food. does that prohibit them from going forward to do it. not everybody don't food >> for the next two years if you don't want to come in with a 47 then our on the sidelines. >> and if not. >> i'm supporting the moratorium for 2 reinforces. >> do you have a plan in place so the board of supervisors lobbies to extend this beyond 2
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years. it doesn't century you know it's repealed but they can not repeal it. do you guys have a plan for that >> no. >> have you thought about that. >> i assume we're going to vote think it tomorrow it will be for the 2 year period. i'm the most pro entertainment guy you're going to find >> i also have a point of information. how many venues do you own on those two blocks. >> welcome are you talking about businesses or properties. >> we'll go b with entertainment businesses. >> or businesses.
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>> 9. >> and how many of them sell alcohol? >> four. >> and two are 47s and two are 48s and i get along great with both. maybe nobody's come to my place for food i don't know (laughter) >> all right. commissioners. moratoriums don't work. we have a conditional use process and a pcm process. a few years back there was an act of god or nature where the mountain moved by the current pen house. those paralyzed those buildings. this act of legislation is a
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manmade thing. there's a one hundred and 47 page of cad reports. what you want is a third party analysis of where those calls are coming from and a complete analysis. what we're doing with this legislation is creating a man made problem. you're going to freeze the crowbar location and have 4 major vajts with 2 parking lot you motive get a slice even if pizza for the penn house. that's a recipe for bus. there are 32 protests on this man's licenses. there's zero or non-complainants
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on a 4 thousand secreting location. so you would have consistent over there because broadway doesn't live in a volume. we need to get a friendly amendment on this legislation i'll be more inclined to support it put the million dollars into the building and create an infusion similar to the one on branch so maybe some of those buys who go to the crowbar can support some of the other businesses >> thank you. any final any public comment? ? you can't make another one and neither can you. i'm sorry part of the rules. any other any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. this is not an action item but i don't know if any commissioners have any last comments you want
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to say >> i want to say blaming alcohol is i don't know in a way it kind of to me it starts with an approach i'm not a limiter. i want to say for the past 2 1/2 years i've been doing a lot of work on broadway so i find it interesting that now there's a limitation now that things are comfortably which to me doesn't make sense. i want to say people were talking about, you know, bad promoter but the people who higher the bad promoters are responsible for the bad promoter and they're responsible for the party and they're responsible for the fact that street had six or seven night clubs all doug doing the same entertainment along with strip clubs that are
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providing the same entertainment. i don't believe alcohol or liquor licenses is to blame it's the lack of diversity and there's ways other than having the sins of the fathers being blamed for how the street is developed but at the same time, i want to say i really had a great time working with the neighbors in north beach. i totally respect how much time you've put into our neighborhood and i really do wish you the best going forward >> commissioner lee. >> so again two years, you know, i'm not for more to your memory either but 2 years i truly building in the cv d. there's need for a organization to get moving.
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again, i'm on the fence about a marrow to your memory but people like the fiasco bar who's ready to go in and fix the places up. you've got to get rid of the empty store fronts. who wants to see the broken down buildings. so see if you can workout our differences and those two years will go fast and you'll get what you wish for. obviously hose going to pour a lot of money into this building and you've got to explicit give him 9 opportunity >> commissioner joseph. think i don't remember is your name daren. your presentation was great. i wanted to say you came up here and were right on and i was able to relate to what you had to say
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i totally believed you. i was on the broadway task force way back when and i was on that street at night in the middle of those horrific crowds. that went from really dangerous to scary to police van to deed. i've been out on broadway and some people are afraid to walk on broadway. i'm not afraid of anything because there's nothing there. when i first came to san francisco broadway was the place to be you went to the stone it was a great place to be. it's very sad. my fear about all of this is this. you make a change maybe it works maybe it gets for confident maybe new businesses come in and
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the change that feels good is a business killer. i've heard nothing but i'm sorry katie i've heard nothing but moratoriums out of chiu's office. saying i can't do something take what you got and work with it do outreach. i'm all for pa ingress broadway but i'm very afraid of having people stop business development. i'm also protecting my commitcy arthritis the industry. we talk residents and boosh talks for police. i wish you the best i know this is going to go through no matter what any of us say but think
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about two years down the road. i'll be shooting user or yourself in the to the >> any other comments from commissions. thank you all to the public who stayed this late to make our cases. we'll move on to item 8 which is strictly commissioners, comments or questions. so anything else you guys want to say tonight >> bow our tickets for the night i didn't see at the castro theatre 90 it's our awards show recognizing obsolesce and patron experience in the night life industry and congratulations again guy and
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any other commission comments. any public comment on the commissioner comments. we move on to new business requests >> i want to request a small action on 10 b to see if the commission times to discuss it further. >> all right. a request to put that on. thank you to commissioner hyde for all the work you've done to set us up >> just to thank al for the chocolates they're very doesn't. >> thank you. i have a sugar high now. >> week yeah. and a yes week our leader. >> all right. with that is there any any public comment on
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welcome to the board of supervisors land use & economic development committee i'm scott wiener and to my right is jamming r jane kim and to my left is chew. i want to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting the hearing. madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> >> yes. please make sure to silence all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be on january 14th agenda. thank you. would you, please call item one >> it's an ordinance amending the childcare committee and education. >> the sponsor is supervisor
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yee and we have grand dawson from the human agency to present. >> good afternoon, supervisors i work at the office of the human services. we're a relatively new office that was created on fiscal year 2013 it it consolidated the focus from the department of childcare and families and human services agency to create this office called the office of care and education. the creation of the early education is one of the many strategies to increase slots for childcare here in san francisco. the office has a contract with the low income fund to administer the childcare fund which incorporates the funding from the human services agency
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and san francisco. the childcare agencies enter a agency committee proofs the expansion for construction of new childcare facilities we we have represents fray dcwf and the office of education and planning and the mayor's office of housing. you know, facilities are a huge resource for the education a very important resource here in the city. this there is an increase in the population and to serve the children 0 so san francisco is moving in the relevant direction. i met with mayor are a sue to talk about this change in the planning code. and she misunderstood the reason for the change and proofed it.
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it's a clear up language to reflect the current city organizational for 5 years old. instead of identifying this to be the expertise around facilities it moves that to the office of early education. that's pretty much it. we work specifically on the needs assessment and on the city replacement that is referenced in the language. we oversee those projects and we precede the expertise around the documents so far as the facilities. thank you very much colleagues, comments or questions. thank you. is there any member of the public who wants to
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comment on item one. public comment it two minutes >> hi, good afternoon, supervisors i'm douglas. first, i i'd like to thank you for holding this hearing which is more than i can say about thursday cancelled hearing as you usual. i am glad i have the time to come to this hearing. according to any understanding without the possibility of parole that be more cost saving to merger those two agencies together and tack the safes and put those into the direct services for needy children so maybe this committee would explain to people like myself who are not familiar with the situation why you need two separate mifrsz if the need is for direct services to the needy
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planters so maybe we could consider instead of expanding the jobs of the administrators just to expand the money dribble for services >> thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment. seeing none, >> i want to thank the child advocates foyer this. >> commissioners, can we take this without objection? . that will be the order. madam clerk, call item 2 >> item it is the origin amending the code for the negotiates special needs district. >> and item two the sponsor is
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supervisor breed her or her aid i hear them coming now. supervisor would you like us to deter this >> i'm ready. >> sfrooed is the author of item 2. >> supervisor. thank you chair woirn this legislation will allow the developers of the 555 project to proceed with the demolition and other entitlements for the project. all it does it extend the project for another 5 years. it didn't talk about the affordability retail. so i'm actively engaged obtain those topics and not ready to proceed with the legislation at this time. i'll work with the western edition and the developer to
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come to an agreement around those issues and then when i'm comfortable with that in that we've reached a resolution to moving forward to the committee. but we all know it needs to be improved and developed to contribute to the community. this helps us while we complete the other details. i'm offering an academy for the signage controls for the project as well. the planning commission passed this language and it's important we establish those controls now. we need to have the signage in place. we can wait on the formula retail aspect of the project but the signage controls whether the i imagine is formula retail or not really should be in place at
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offset of the project. those are fair signage regulations. their drafted and pass by the commission and their appropriate for the neighborhood then the current regulations. so colleagues 50id appreciate our support and i think kevin annoy from the planning department would like to present i've brought copies for the body >> kevin. good afternoon, supervisors. this is the fulton grocery store special district for the code. again, it's requested of 555 fulton street to demolish the existing building on the site for the
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