tv [untitled] January 16, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PST
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>> please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. be advised that the chair may remove from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing of or use of the cell phone, pager or other sound producing advise. a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the court commissioner has a shorter period on any item. >> item five, public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> we have item five.
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>> woods? >> good afternoon commissioners happy new year. my name is corine woods. and i am a water front rat. i follow port development and other projects for many, many years. by now, you have either seen the letter that the state lands commission wrote to the city attorney, or you have probably at least seen the chronicle article about that letter. i think what upset me most about this very simplistic water front initiative is that it basically trivializes though sapeds of hours of community involvement, in planning. and not to mention the thousands of hours of staff and commission time in long range
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planning. it ignores the very difficult balance between the public trust, obligations that the port has, and the economic viability of trying to fill a two billion dollar capitol gap. even worse is the fact that what these 15 seconds sound bites, of a political campaign the people most directly affected, the port, are not allowed to respond to correct the errors, to say what is really important. and i really hope that this does not go through. sea wall lot, 337, pier 70, we worked for years to get these going. we don't know if a delay of
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going to a vote of the people will make them economically viable. we don't know if they could kill these projects altogether. and the port cannot afford that. i think that it is really important to get the word out somehow. that this is not the inocuous measure that height is not everything. that there are so many considerations that need to be made in any project to help the port move forward. thank you. >> is there any other public comment? >> thank you, corine. >> item 6 a, election of port commission officers. >> i am going to pass the gavel to kim brandon. >> i now open the floor for nominations for the port commission president.
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>> i would like to nominate katz as the next commission president. >> are there any other nominations for port president? are there any other nominations for port commission president? >> are there any more nominations for port commission president? >> seeing none, all in favor? >> move to second, first. >> second. >> i can't second. you have to second. >> second. >> i get to close the nominations. >> i now close the nominations for port commission president. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> commissioner katz has been elected president of the commission. >> we will call for nominations for vice president.
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>> no, when the nominations... comment on it? >> thank you very much for that nomination and election i'm excited looking to the year ahead, but most importantly i want to thank our outgoing president commissioner wo oho it has been quite a year for the port and she has guided us with diplomacy and quite a bit of wisdom through some very difficult and high profile items not the which of was the america's cup. we had the opening of the exporatorium, the opening or the ground breaking and the completion of at least the first phase of our cruise ship terminal on time and on budget, which was historic, and so many other things that have occurred
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under president dorine woo ho's leadership and everything that you have given to all of us and i know that i have certainly learned quite a bit from watching you and i hope that i will be able to continue with all of the good job that you have set forth for the port commission hearing. and be able to continue that kind of role and responsibility that you have even viewed to the positions and so i want to thank you for everything that you have done during the time as president and just applaud you for just an extraordinary job, so thank you. >> i too, would like to thank her for her commitment and all of the time that she has put into the commission over the past two years. having met with her a lot of the time in the various meetings, i know the hours that she has put in and the commitment that she has to our tenants and to our various projects and to so many things that are happening here on the water front and commissioner katz names a lot of them and she has just done an incredible job and thank you so much for your leadership and it has been
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a pleasure serving with you. and i would like to congratulate commissioner katz and i look forward to working with you and looking forward to your leadership with all that we still have to do this year and so congratulations. >> thank you. >> i am going to pass it back. >> no. >> could i pass it back? >> no, i keep it. >> okay. i would like to call some nominations, i would like to call for nominations for the port commission vice president. >> i would like to nominate adams as the commissioner for the following year. >> second. >> are there any other nominations for vice president of the port commission? >> are there any other nominations for vice president of the port commission? are there any other nominations for vice president of port commission? >> are you sure? no one wants to be nominated, right? okay. and i close the floor for nominations and call for a vote. all in favor?
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>> aye. >> commissioner adams has been elected vice president of the port commission. >> oh, and now i will hand the gavel back. >> now that i have it back i can say a few words before i pass it on to my success or leslie katz and i could not be more pleased with the election and i would like to say a few words before i pass it to her. number one i want to say that it has been an extremely rewarding two years working in an exciting time with so many important initiatives and it has been mentioned and i will not go through the list all of those who have been associated with the port know what we have accomplished in the last two years and it has important working with the fellow commissioners and i want to thank, commissioner brandon who has been key and she has been the voice of wisdom and in the
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past she knows the community and has brought her perspective and to which we answer our discussions and i want to thank the interns for the reactions, and we obviously had another dialogue. and what comes before you in the commission and just how the port operates and things that we can be considering in terms of improvements and just, and to make the port stronger and capable of handling the challenges that we have been having in the past year and i think that we have more ahead and that is exciting for us to proceed and i know that i leave this to the very capable hands with commissioner katz and icon grad you late her and i think that when we will continue to support that agenda. >> and every day, just as we heard, you know we have had unexpected things today and we got the headline, and it is
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never, it is never a dull moment and i know that we will continue to work. and i want to also thank all of the staff that i have worked with over the past year in terms of along with a lot of questions and comments and meetings. some of that will continue, as we kopt to go forward, but obviously as the commission, you know, it is involved sometimes in trying to understand the background of things that are going on and the fellow and the commission as well and allow the commission to look forward to look sideways and to sometimes look back in the passed because we have issues that we often do and we have to figure out how we will move forward and it has been a great time and i really enjoyed it and i know that we are in capable hands and i want to thank everybody and i want to thank all of the community voices, and corine and others like her that come forth and have been helpful in going forward and just for that, i want to sort of mention to fully support what is going on
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here and hope that we continue to move for the rest of the year. now we will pass it on and she is now talk. >> thank you. past president, thank you. >> again, thank you for your leadership and i also want to thank vice president brandon, i was thinking of the different words that come to mind when i think of kimberly and there are so many things that she has provided to this port and her longevity as a port commissioner, stability and continuity and also for me mentor ship. to both and kimberly who really served as mentors for me in terms of how to guide an organization and work with so many of you and really, they have set an example, and i think of how to run a commission well and how to be available for the public, in very interesting, and sometimes difficult times. so i just want to thank both of
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you for your service, and your guidance and your wisdom. and as commissioner brandon mentioned the amount of time that both of you have put in has been extraordinary and so on behalf of all of my colleagues and i know that commissioner adams and murphy were not able to be here today and they are both out of town and now i speak for them in thinking you for everything that you have done during this past term. just want to again, looking forward to serving on behalf of the commission as president and i want to make sure that i am having an open door policy and i know that i gain a lot from public comment and people like corine, who i can begin to thank you for all that you offer to the port in terms of your comments and i also want to thank, our executive director moyer for what she does to get us all prepared and briefed along with the staff and so i am very much looking forward to the coming term and i want to thank you for the
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honor that you have placed in me. and i would like to open it up for public comment, if there is any. seeing none. okay, do we have plaques? >> yes, thank you. >> if i may, congratulations, president katz, and i will have to get my tongue around that, so congratulations and that is terrific news and my congratulations to all of the staff and president adams that may motivate him to not miss meeting careful what happens or you will get elected when you are not here. >> he told me that he would not turn it down. >> good because i am hoping that he is not going to be taken back. but i do want to echo a lot of the words that have been said already. on behalf of all of the port staff and especially on my own behalf and that of amy because our commission secretary. and it has been an incredible two years working with the two of you and while we have worked
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individually with you both, we have worked so closely with you both as a team that when i was thinking of what i wanted to emphasize and how to say thank you, it was hard to really separate the two of you. and so, if you don't mind my remarks for you both, and you very far been beyond generous, with your time, and your dedication and your commitment. and it has already been mentioned by both president woo ho and president katz and brandon mentioned it as well, more than i think that i have seen in my tenure as executive director in terms of all of the different things that the port has had going on but the engagement with which you both came to help with the staff is really why we were able to prevail. and if you bear with me it is worth mention s what all has transspired in the two years
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that you two have served so generously and it is obviously has been an marque period in the celebration of the 150th anniversary and the 2013 and the long awaited cruise ship terminal and the warf and as well as the public realm on jefferson street, they are all achievements which were lost for generations and we also have been the beneficiaries of the bay lights on the bay bridge and the new floor up here and 16, and 17, and as well as some of the other really cool things that have happened. in the last two years, there have been more people at the water front than probably the last decade combined and as you may recall, in 2012 we were fortunate to celebrate with the world series, champion giants and in 2013 we got to celebrate again with the world champion
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usa and so, we, of course are the envy of the ports around the world and that could not have happened without incredible dedication with all of the commissioners but most particularly by the two of you and the last fiscal year alone you proceeded over 123 commission items that is 60 percent more than normal. you saw a capitol investment of 83 million dollars, that is 235 percent, more than normal. and you saw and contributions of 12 million in contract to to lbe and that is two times more than normal. >> you saw the rebuilding of the facility in pier 29 and an unprecedented ten months and i will not tell you how long it took to rebuild the pier and it was ten times that. >> you saw the commercial tentcies and the approval of 269 calls from crew and cargo
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fishing and research ships and you saw the hosting and the port's first year pround cruise ship, 65 total cruise calls 200,000 plus passengers and you saw the hosting of the fastest sale boats in the har ber known to man and you saw the hosting of the port's first maritime day which was a huge success that we have discussed before and again, those are each one of those individually is really spending and collectively it is almost unfathomable, so on behalf of us and the commissioners and staff alike thank you very much for your service. and if you would permit me, if you will help me president katz? we do have some plaques for the two of you. could i get all of you off of
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>> thank you. i'm looking forward to the year ahead and particularly i want to take a moment or two to thank the staff and as you heard the litany of things that transpired just in the past two years i was stunned when i suddenly heard it all laid out like that and so again i want to thank on behalf of all of the commissioners the incredible port staff and say it privately and i want to say it again that i think that we have the best staff in the city. here here. >> but, it goes without saying, lucky in all of the tremendous accomplishments and everything could not have been possible without such a great team and so i am looking forward to working with all of you and i know that we have got quite a year ahead of us and looking forward to meeting the challenges. >> president katz would you entertain a few more comments or do you want to move forward?
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>> commissioners, brad benson, special projects director. and i just wanted to congratulate you, commissioner katz, and commissioner adams on your new offices at the port commission. i know that you will do a great job and we certainly look forward to working with you. i just, i wanted to extend the staff's thanks to the service that you two have provided over the past couple of years and it really has and i did not do as much prep as monique did but it has been a whirl wind of the two-year period and the chat edges have been great in trying to figure out the america's cup and everything that has gone along with it including the development efforts ever at the port and commissioner woo ho you have caused us to really up our game in terms of how we comment to the port commission and how ready we have to be with answers and how on top of information we have to be and commissioner brandon, the way
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that you have looked out in particular for the industrial southern water front has been remarkable. you make it and a private investment and a lot of interest resides in the northern water front but it is our responsibility as the port staff to look out for the whole water front and you made us do that and i wanted to echo monique's thanks to you and i appreciate workinging with you. >> thank you. >> any other comments? >> we will continue with your report. >> item 6 b, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, and members of the staff, monique moye, i now have one item on the report which is to promote, if you will the 24th anniversary of the sea lions arrival, at pier 39 and this coming friday, january 17th, at ten a.m., pier
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39 will be launching a anniversary celebration of the sea lion's arrival and launching a brand new sea lion center and as part of the celebration, the sea lion's center will be giving guided tours over the next couple of days which will be on fridays through monday. and so effectively the long weekend, and in the afternoons on the hour, from 12 to four. the tours will take place on the west side of the pier 39 entrance which is over near the water front grow, i believe. and they are out and there will be a new sea lion center and so the center is going to be hosted by crane of the bay and pier 39. the sea lion center is a new educational center on level two of pier 39 and the center is a hub for all things sea lion including interactive dis plays and educational video and presentations by the naturalist and so if you have a moment to
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go and celebrate the 300 or so sea lions that make their residence at pier 39 that is a great week to do so and that concludes my report. thank you. >> is there any public comment? >> seeing none, call the next item. >> item 6 c, request approval of the port commission and travel authorization and reimbursement policy. >> if i may i will make the presentation hopefully from here if you don't mind. the proposed travel policy is something that was suggested by president woo ho and it is a way of documenting the practices with the port commission has already been following with respect to travel by port commissioners. and as you know, in the last three years, more or less, the port staff, and others have requested more engagement and involvement by the commissioners in travel, to
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help us in attending the various seminar and conferences but also to help us in the marketing efforts, and the contribution that the commissioners have made in those cases is invaluable and starting with just adding prestige to the trip and particularly in the cloud, showing unity in the governing board and our staff and we would like to very much continue that practice to the extent possible. and as you know, our practices in the place currently are that the travel goes through approvals informally by myself as executive director and the commission president just to insure that it is within the realm of the port's business and accordingly, and it also needs to insure that we have available budget, and we have been insurancing that such travel and the reimbursement for travel expenses conform with the controller's guidelines for business travel and we also take an additional step by the port commission, which is the port commission
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and votes to ratify the travel of any commissioner, which is an unusual step in the city but one that i think that the commissioner has shown great leadership on. and some summarizing the written policy, we have added one more step which would be to request that the traveling commissioner fill out a travel authorization form, this is in keeping with the requirements under the controller's guidelines and which calls for usually on behalf of the staff a similar type of form and again, it complains the travels and assures that the costs are reasonable and the purposes are appropriate and that there is available budget. but the definition of official business is pretty broad. but some examples include, the promotion or the development of court of san francisco programs and methods or administration, and friendship missions tourism or trade. and those requests that eliminate either from the board or the mayor. and relevance to the port of
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san francisco operations and furtherance of the port's legislative agenda and of course whether or not there are approved funds and they are all reimbursements the are consistent and it is broad and not meant to be an exclusive list but it gives you an idea of the types of travel that. and this was requested by president woo ho and i thought that she could say something about the government aspects. >> and as monique mentioned is snum one and it should be the new policy and not like we are starting from scratch and it has sort of been practice that we have been following for the last couple of years already and probably even earlier than that, that i am aware of. and i think that we just felt that one we wanted to make sure that the process was inviting and make it clearer for the commissioners and for the staff as well as the public to
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understand that it is always good to have clear governorans and management and transparency and not that we have had any issue so far, but we want to make it clear that we are following this and so that everybody understands it and that we are in come ploy ans and i do appreciate that we are going to put this into writing rather than just having the informal guidance and this is just he transitions and that it will be good and hopefully commissioner katz and so hopefully you will have it in front of you and this is something that we will be following for some time and as a last note i would like to note as we do the orientation for the new commissioners that we do include this in the orientation packet and then, with the rules of the commission, and any other information that collar identifies exactly the terms of your commission, etc.. and so i think that we just want to have a clearer sort of policy manual for the commissioners coming in to understand what the
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expectations are. so, with that, i just wanted to say hopefully that we will take action on it today and i think that it is fairly broad and i think that it is just good governorans and i think that i have always seen this commission in line with my own and in the private sector. and everybody is very clear on how to go and how to proceed. and there is no misunderstandings along the way, so thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner woo ho suggesting this and it makes a lot of sense to have it clear as we go forward. and so is there any public comment? >> we need to have a motion. >> yeah. >> so is there a motion? >> a second. >> and yeah, is there any public comment. >> seeing none, any further comments, commissioners? >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> opposed? >>
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