tv [untitled] January 18, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PST
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>> that is correct. 530 buses. >> of that 530, maximum amount that we are getting from 530 buses is what? is it 93? >> we'll ge 93 and 243-footers. >> in terms of the $9 million for the 60 and to replace all of our trolleys, that still hasn't been done yet? >> that is correct. >> we recently had approaches of hybrid buses from new flyer that we were told i think here in committee, i think i asked the question because there had been a story about how one of the buses were scene -- seen on the road in wyoming and manufactured before we approved them. i heard the rational that there's a gap in new flyers
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production line and they at their own risk can manufacture these buses. i just want to make sure that when it comes to future purchases that we follow a more linear track for how we make our purchases. it seems really, it makes me very uncomfortable that there are buses manufactured for san francisco painted with san francisco's logo on the way here before we have approved them. that to me is just makes me feel like, our role here isn't really that important. or that our role here isn't really necessary for the mta possibly to make it's decisions. whether that was case or not ks it doesn't matter, but that's the way it an appears. i want to make sure going forward we are doing things in a more linear way when it comes to management
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of buses and new flyer. can you talk about how we can avoid that situation or perhaps get more of an upfront way of, or having an approval process that actually makes sense according to the chronological order of things happening? >> normally the way we do things is if on the normal rfp, we send out an rfp and proposal and evaluate all the proposal and then from there we at engineering do the recommendation of the proposal, of the most responsive bidder and then we go to our board. that's the next step to go to our board and request for approval and then if it's over $10 million we go to the board of supervisors and request for your approval before the executive director signs the
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contract with them. even after we sign a contract with them, we tell the vendor that this is not just the official document, we still have, we need to provide you with a purchase order before you can, we can commit to the manufacturing process. that is the normal way we -- that's the normal process that we follow whenever we do a procurement. >> in this case the buses during that process that incorporates all the steps that you just mentioned were already manufactured before we got to the end of our process. requesting that they be manufactured. that's what makes me very uncomfortable is that we are approving to the manufacture to go ahead and make the buses but they have already done it. >> there is an explanation for that because new flyer, last quarter, they needed to meet some kind of a quota. their
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internal quota, so they were really trying to push buses out. but we never agreed to that. we told them no, you don't have a contract with us yet. but if you want to manufacture buses, that's your risk. so that's what was happening internally in flyer. we had nothing to do with them manufacturing the buses. >> okay. i appreciate what you have to do in terms of getting buses as quickly as possible in replacing buses i understand that process. i just hope this isn't the arrangement that is going to be on going and we can be more expeditious in our end to catch up with the process that seems to be going on without us at new flyer. i hate to lecture, i was told that if we didn't approve the buses, they would sell them somewhere
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else. they are making our buses with under specifications that come from us. that might not work in other jurisdictions. that rational doesn't make a lot of sense to me. i just want to express my concern about the process how it did make me feel very uncomfortable >> we'll make sure the process is followed. supervisor mark farrell: okay, any further questions. mr. rose, can we go to your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, members of the committee as shown in table 2 of page 29 of our report, the base cost would total $89 million 558. we are $1 million 149. which would cost $990 million. on page 306 our
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report. we noted king flyers will purchase buses including 24149 of optional equipment. as supervisor moore has stated in comparison, the mta is requesting 835 per vehicle. that is more than king county. as shown this table four of page 30 of our report without sales tax the cost for vehicle for the sf mta would be $1 million 643. it would be more of a cost. we ask the department to explain that and as you've noted there is an attachment one on page two of our report which identifies each of the additional sf mta items that would be included and the cost for each and the
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sf mta has represented that the additional optional equipment is required to operate the buses more effectively. on that bases we have recommended that you proof -- approve this. supervisor mark farrell: colleagues, any questions? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to thank staff. we went through these items. from my perspective, putting a new fleet when we have an old fleet when we have an old deteriorating system. i will push that envelope when we can get rid of the buses and the obscene wires in our city and take care of that and do it in a climate friendly manner. i
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appreciate you doing that and hope that king county will give us a discount when we beat them on sunday. can we have a motion on this. >> we can do that without opposition. >> madam clerk. do we have any further business before us? >> no, we do. supervisor mark farrell: we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >> >>
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the committee would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgovtv yes, sir, i didn't larson and mark who record each of our meeting and i and make the transcripts madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be submitted to the clerk and clerk and may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. >> okay i believe we have dr. johnson. >> mr. chair what you like me to call the item first. >>.
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it's an item for the tax related codes with - >> good afternoon, supervisors of the rules committee. i'm representing the department of public health oar i'm here to ask for a amendments for the miscellaneous section for requiring practitioners to register with dph it will require temporary body art facilities to obtain and renew their permit and finally, amendment the tax regulation code relating to body art.
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this legislation was first introduced late last year in 2013 but the public health depth needs to take into account. it will enable the city and county to adapt this to save body law that became effective fourth of july 2012. the art at the time citywide i statewide health standards for tattoos and branding and the application of permanent cosmetics. today, we want to ask for a continuance until february 16th a recording hearing to enable the clerk to post the fee and
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publishing the new foe schedule thank you >> okay, dr. i noticed in the new foe schedule that is proposed that all the amendments to this would be increasing but one is actually going to be decreasing is there a reason for that >> yeah. i think we did a complete review for other county of foe schedule and also as part of the annual automatic fee changes some of our foes were updated because of the previous fee open on the previous fiscal
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year and this ordinance was not passed at that time, so we readjusted the fees. >> i didn't quite said why you're fees are based on a survey of other no - >> what we do is survey other counties to be sure we're comfortable buy of the business if san francisco is different. for example, for reinspection of the facility for consumption used to be one hundred and 86 but this year that went to one hundred 91 that's why we reviewed the ordinance. we made some adjustments in some
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areas by dropping some of the foes that were supposed to be charged for example, the body art fee we dropped that off and increased the body art practitioners register by another $24 with the saving of about $15 for the practitioners. >> so let me be specific then. the second item on the body art facility the fee was 8 hundred and now you're recommending seven hundred and 44 that's the only thing that went down what's itself logic >> we considered how many applications we get per year and how much hour we spending on
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doing such reviews. that 744 the accurate enough, however, what we do, too, we don't have the charge of 744 we spend money on depending on how many pieces to the new construction maybe two or three invest and if we charge an amount of 5 hundred we'll refund the difference >> any other questions for the supervisors. >> thank you very much. any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we haven't can we have a motion to amend this ordinance as described >> so moved. >> without objection that motion it passed. can we have a motion to continue
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this to the rules committee schedule for february 6, 2014, >> i'm sorry, i said to the clarify when was the fee notice supposed to go out. >> the new amendments created the fees so, now we have to - >> item 2 is a hearing for appointing for indefinite terms for thought airport advisory committee. >> we'll hear from the applicants in the order listed in the agenda. sir, are you here? nancy haynes are you here? alex walker are you here. there you are. welcome nice to see you again
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>> good afternoon, supervisors and happy new year i'm alex walker i want to thank you all for having me back today. i'm a political and nonprofit consultant. i'm here in san francisco with clients including san francisco about how far i'm here at the microphone representing other. and so i want to thank you all i'm also a board member of the harvey milk democratic club. i want to talk about i've mentioned before harvey was someone who encouraged me and he is someone who role believed in making sure that everyone had a place at the table. i taking take this opportunity in welcoming people to san
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francisco. it's really it would be an honor to be involved if that process for some place who's been a touchstone in my experience were when it comes to naming a terminal avenue harvey milk and other figures in our history it's important to do the outreach in the community i have that experience going around to communities groups and it's a big part of the committee and i'm the work horse trailers i say who's important in our community and welcoming adversities to san francisco. who's part of our history that we share that we want to see and death people. i had an opportunity to fly in and out and to learner about our history in many, many facets.
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all the way of the my understanding through the early settlement and the gold rush and a more than day history. we have richardson who was the first people to own land here brown the pregold rush. you have a woman who was a pregold rush business women who grow crops and sold milk to people in russian square. this is an opportunity to look at our varied rich history and educate ourselves and other folks in the community and being ambassadors. so i if i'm named i look forward to work with the people in the
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community and at the airport to welcome visitor and educate people about our history >> thank you. are there any questions? supervisor tang. >> i'm going to ask this question you've touched on it but what are some of the factors you feel are important and making the collective decision on which terminal is appropriate. >> i think we all have things to bring to the table and i think we can look at especially, when it comes to what terminal we want to name after mr. milk we have to consider the signage and the infrastructure in the terminal and say i know and also i think the interpretation
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should be the tracking of terminals i want to see how people people are flying everyday and seeing honestly, i want to see a terminal being with high traffic this is a great opportunity for people all ownership over the world to learner about him people coming from countries where lgbt people are being per cutdown. so the ongoing process i definitely building especially people coming to san francisco from around the world it's important for people to know he brought people out of the showed and empowering them >> next applicant steven.
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>> not here. nick smith? >> good afternoon, supervisors. first, i'd like to thank the rules committee for me to express modifying. over the next few minutes i'll share with you some of my life experience that i believe make me the perfect campaign x candidate. my life is here because i was raised by a single mother a veteran of the u.s. army and news writer and corresponded and a proud african-american gay man who shares his life with an
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academic wonderful participate. this is my first rock. i've called san francisco my home for the better part of 8 years and i've learned about harvey milk. his strong bloeflz in fairness were often met with challenge and controversy. over my 46 years i've lived around the world. one fundamental tenant i've carried with me since childlike as even as you can do good deeds. i have never met harvey milk but everyday i get to walk the streets he walked and live in the city that continues to benefit. this is my way of thanking him while being of service to any
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city. san francisco is a world-class city. the very things had harvey milk affectionate for sdoifrz to have a terminal named after him and the importance of his legacy not only to san francisco but foreto outline e all who traffic here to call this place home. again, thank you very much for this opportunity and if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> sure supervisor tang. >> in making collective decisions on what term be to be named after him. >> that has definitely changed in the few minutes alex got me
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excited about listening to people in the community he says hey, i'm a work hours and i'm willing to standing shoulder to shoulder and work on the diversity and the opportunity to work with someone who has the nonprofit experience he talked about. he clearly is into doing the grassroots work not unliquor i do. the opportunity to engage with people to - i think there's an opportunity to include people in the conversation and a opportunity to do a lot of listening. i this this is an opportunity to listen to the voices and carry it through to action >> any other questions. >> thank you very much. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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colleagues do you have any thoughts >> yes. >> supervisor campos. thank you very much chairman thank you for hearing this item this exams before rules last year and i and i think it was important to take more time and do outreach so we have opportunity for other folks who are interested to apply. i want to thank my colleagues in making sure that we got a diverse and strong applicant as we could. i'm role expressed with the people from the two individuals that are here i think they're the kind of individuals we want to see doing this work. and so with that, i proudly
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would liquor to make to motion to move alex walker and nick smith forward with a positive recommendation want fully for seats 8 and 9. i think each one of them hit the could he points of the importance of doing community outreach and engaging a diverse group of people. mr. walker appeared before us before and i thank him for his patience and mr. smith did a great presentation not sure about the berkley thing but i can look the other way so i move forward we appoint alex walker and nick smith >> mr. smith it's okay berkley
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is if that (laughter). >> i agree with supervisor campos the two speakers are expressive and i support the suggestion. >> alex walker will be seat 8 and nick seat 9. this item is closed. thank you >> item 3 is a hearing to appoint members to the san francisco health authority. >> okay. so looks like ms. conway is no longer seeking a seat and the gentleman is unable to join us but the san francisco health plans policy development and coverage officer is here to i
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guess give us a few words. >> sure thank you, mr. chair and supervisors for taking our item. as you heard from supervisor yee the lady is not wanting to seek the reappointment. i am happy to answer any questions b you have about the authority we're the partners to the hubt u publicity in taking care of our low income and medicaid beneficiaries in san francisco >> supervisor tang. >> i did moot with the gentleman before the hearing and i'm happy to recommend
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