tv [untitled] January 18, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PST
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amount of time that the organization has to be novelist of when 10 b is going to, required of them >> i believe in the transportation code 6 there's a deadline in there i believe a couple of weeks prior to the event they finally lists the permitting. >> can 10 b added to that later. >> i believe if something changes. >> thank you very much. >> other commissioners comments. >> real quick. so the time of progress an event is planned a year in advance. so usually security needs are sdugsdz to whenes cot is doing their thing and the captains are trying to figure out how much security the officers needed what's the actual timeline that's given to the promoter to
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at least look at the cost and have a chance to maybe if they don't think itself over burdening them they have a chance to address the issue or due process they can talk to a commander. if you're saying the code is only two weeks that's not you much time for an event promoter to get his budget together >> i reviewed the language i believe it's somewhere around two weeks. when we graft our estimates as soon as we get the information we comical it because he want as much time to get the officers scheduled so we can successfully make it >> in the past then how much time have you been given. likees cot drops it on you two
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weeks before >> i don't believees cot drops it on us. recently, there was a wedding that popped up in a week. there's other event like oracle's coming back but we can optional work in their timeline as well. i know that this year with dream force there were issues for considerations with the construction projects that are actively occurring at the time how they were going to mitigate those issues to make the traffic flow and pedestrian flow. so it seems to me like there's a lot of time to plan those negligence but sometimes, it come out with a month ahead of time >> i think that dream force and ail the corporate's i'm not
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concerned with more with the nonprofits we're going to lose them because they can't plan their budget but overall there's a planning financial stuff they could raise the money they need instead of being in the hole at the end of the event we're trying to streamline this. >> i'm not the there is i'll pass the concerns on to, you know, cindy and let me let her know there's a concern and maybe people can speed up their timelines. >> commissioner joseph. >> i want to say something if you know you're going to do a street fair you know it months and months in advance. you don't have to go toes cot you can go 8 months ahead.
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if you know you're doing a street fair and understand whether you're a nonprofit you go toes cot in a timely fashion and get your street closure and go and get our 10 b. if a promoter waits for two weeks ago it's on him. he's got to be somewhat responsible in a business sort of way and go there early enough to get his 10 b in a timely fashion and it's also fair to the police and the other organization the control officers in parking and anything else they need to staff it >> if i can piggy back we've had times when organize next year's call you us we'll give
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them a ballpark to give them an idea. there's ways to get the prices out there or concerns before accident finalized permit >> i'm back up on that one. it's true events go on but sometimes the word didn't come down how many they need, you know, how many 10 b officers they need. sometimes, it comes kind of late >> a lot of this comes down to predicts the cost and the number if it's subjective it will be hard for the promoters to say. >> any other commissioner questions or comments. i see sheriff he'll be
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presenting >> if anyone is interested in any public comment? there are those pink speaker cards you want to pick one up before you speak >> i'm sheriff and happy new year commissioners. there's not a lot we can present. i've certainly more than happy to answer questions but i'll reflect in my prior capacity as a supervisor for seven years at district 5 that was for japantown and i was also a member of the budget committee often there would be requests of then promoters and neighborhood organizations and small meetings and large events that would look to us to try to negotiate a
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better fair or rate because it can be cost permissible active for us to put on a mom and pop kind of event. we also look to and still do to the police department because in the charter 10 b is clear in its stipulation it provides the san francisco police department as the agency that has the first right of refusal in its determination how 10 b is administered in the city and county of san francisco. it also is attached to that first right of refusal their ability to visit other agencies to help provide services. back then when i was on the committee of the services that weren't cord that he sfpd were
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less than he 10 percent so all services related in the cities is essential everything but less than one percent. now as sheriff it's interesting when we field phone calls about what roles we can provide inform 10 b i'm still reminded as supervisor and sheriff we have the second largest law enforcement agency in the city we have been 8 hundred and 50 peace officers that are credentialed in the same way and people we want to get them to you understand especially, if their first time promoters they'll call us and we refer them to the police department again, we stick by the rules of the chart section ores cot
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organization code. but if part of the information goal in this hearing is to shed light on the question in a city as in marvelous as san francisco as cosmopolitan as it is it's growing in its cost prohibiting nature if part of this hearing is to try to understand a little bit about what those options are you know, i applauded your efforts because this hadn't been well probed. i think that if there was any take away from this basic information i'd like to see as shelving a greater participating with the police department on this question of 10 b not strictly of one department over another but because of the cost that's pass on to the taxpayers and the people who are essential
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showing up with dollars. what may not be misunderstand the deputy sheriff from a peace officer is the difference of 23 percent. so it's the cost of that time and depending upon if that's right time and half of that delta between a deputy sheriff and a ranking and file member of the police department it's a 23 percent less differential. with the aggregate concern of the city and the cities intention is to address ways we can reduce foes or make access a little more portable in some respect i look to our, you know, our brothers in sfpd to help us
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to be able to work collectively in answering the larger call and help to make san francisco fun that access to fun and at the same time help answer questions of affordability. i believe we have a role as the department it's a unique gesture because i understand this wall has not been well explained before from the sheriff's department but as a supervisor i knew that there are ways we can creativelyly present two members within the city making sure that sfpd continues to do the incredible work they do on 10 b and comparison the wreck pens
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and assist from the sheriff's department vantage point to help the taxpayer into the recipient promoter. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them if you like >> commissioner joseph and commissioner akers. contestant when we talk about the costs we talk about the admin charge we pay for the police officers or nicole we pay for the sheriff and then there's an administrator charge do you know if that's true with the sheriff's department as well as the police officer >> typically the only routine 10 b that our department has done as 49ers and that's a thing of the past. so the last 10 b especially that
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was interfaced with this body was the broadway tunnel corridor i have no speaker cards to provide our what grounds and there was never in compensation for that and put in our budget in anticipation of helping district 3 to provide what grounds before. there was no attached fees whatsoever to that in anticipation to have the ability to do that. but on 10 b that's up to the department head. if we want to establish an administrator fee that's our discretion >> and that's over and above. >> i have to help explain when i was a supervisor to explain thees cot process and the rating process of the larger and small
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street fairs. you know, there would be a fair amount of concern about rising costs and levels of personnel required for security services and the tacked on fees attached to that. i think for the entertainment commission the board of supervisors and mayor again, if the core necessarily of this discussion is about keeping intact excellent security services sfpd rise to that occasion but in scaping that obsolesce of services on affordability that's something else that needs to be entertained my i want to thank you for providing the weeks ago when you do the north beach task force >> thank you very much for coming here tonight.
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i was wondering have you had the sheriff's office been asked to help with gay pride or folsom street fair or anything like that in the past in a large capacity >> no, when we're asked new years eve for example, this is not a 10 b matter this is what is a mutual aid that's not dpeentd so we provide weeks ago and squads depending upon on the size as we did when bart police asked us we try to be as xhomd as possible. i'm incentive to the subjective over time. so it the promoter or whoever is receiving the bill that's why it's important that the overtime we occur in assisting no
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question i want my deputies to get some more 10 b action because it goes to the great good of the city and a having is there ever an incidents the police department has the first right of refusal do they ever refuse >> i think they make calculated staffing decisions that's wise on their part. in lulz of is staffing they feel like they need some assistance they wisely decide that. but it's not guilty on events as large. on 49ers it was doesn't when we provided the weeks ago but america's cup what have you if there's a well resource third party person who is paying for the time of security services
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and since we're city and county with who law enforcement agencies again, i think it sends the right message we're looking to i think provide the most intact security services of the highest rated nature excepted and look to its not to cost prosperity >> great other commissioner questions or comments. >> it saves money. >> and thank you it's just a discussion that hadn't taken place. we look to our partners in the pd but its pretty much an insider in city hall how this works and how people navigate
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the system >> now we have an opportunity if there's no other commissioners comments to open this up for public comment. i know there are some people from folsom >> i'm not sure going to folsom fair so i guess he couldn't make it i knew he had a board meeting so possibly something happened. >> no problem we'll open this up for public comment for two minutes each. thank you very much for everyone who will be speaking. i'm going to go in the order of how i received those. the first person (calling names) yeah.
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yeah. and then right after that i have (calling names) and yeah, you can just sign you u up >> i'm joan holiday and i'm the producer of bluegrass. i knew that tonight's discussion was about 10 b. i have used and have 10 bs for the last ten years. i think the program has been very successful for us. and part of the reason it's been successful though is the officers at the richmond station who were working with us loved the event. they're very, very in town with the events vibe. and know that how it works and how it runs.
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they had had the whole process that that gentlemen, we do the whole process we don't have to go toes cot but they give me a estimate if the officers don't show up if they're sick i don't get charged. my head of security and the horses we hire where to work and where to push people over the 13 years and god i've had 20 of same officers over the years i hope that stays the same. you have 30 seconds >> its cost prohibit active.
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i love the station bye >> may i ask a point of information. do you have an average of how many 10 b officers higher strictly bluegrass >> been one hundred and 10. >> and we do get a list of where they are. >> great carolyn and others hello commissioners. i'm the director of programs with the united players and this is our director of operations. we're located in the south of market and we have a really great relationship with captain redman. we it seems to me a lot of changes have taken care of with 10 b i'm happy to hear.
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we had a horrible experience in 2009 we were planning our tenth anniversary it was an event for the alumni program we expected hundreds of people we were working with the hotel for most and two days before the event we get a call from the hotel saying the sfpd said we couldn't have the event unless we were hiring 10 b officers. we were told it t to have 10 offers e officers that would cost 5 h $4,000 but then 2 and there was no alternative. you asked the question about what happens when the person didn't can't afford that there was no negotiation.
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we were told if we didn't higher those officers we couldn't have our farther which we paid for at the hotel. we were in tiers literally because we were expecting all those people it was supposed to be a great event for our families and the young people and it at the end up being a scary experience so i'm glad there were changes made. you know, i wanted to share that experience so for larger event it make sense but four smaller events there needs to be a guideline >> your event took place inside the hotel. >> yes, ma'am and did you require any permits for that. >> no and we had security. >> you can have two imaginations or minutes. >> i wanted to say a little bit
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more someone mentioned the budgeted e 3wib9 of it and the cost we remember a brand new nonprofit so we had pretty limited resources we have about $3,000 for this event. so, so when it came down to the last event i have a copy of the check. it at the end up costing us $960 that was a third of our budget so it costs us half of what we raised. it's for small nonprofit organizations when those things you accompany at the last minute. it's painful to our pocketbooks. so it sounds like things have changed we be planning another 20th year anniversary.
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>> great. thank you very much. next up (calling names) >> hello, i'm chris i'm with the inner sunset park neighbors. we've been holding live event 8 events we're currently live closing one block between 9th and 10th. we had two events and the cost was significant. that he found we had to make it a profit event and fill the space with vendors we didn't want to do that. so we scaled the block down to one block and still are the cost of pcos and police officers that was 28 hundreds. and in any case we have to cover that plus the restrooms andes
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cot. so we had to recuperate that we've been fortunate enough to work with the car very well station. there's no reason i need to be here so they've backed that off. we've had pco officers we weren't sure what they were doing. if a pco officer was in an intersection the drivers didn't understand they were not there to police the intersection that were we made the decision we had a christmas party and christmas tree and carol and christmas music and weren't selling anything and it was wonderful. if you could help us do this and get away from the street models they have to be big profits
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their where you think by nonprofits. as you can see with the streets and a don't you ask you a point of information. when you started out our event were you ever selling alcohol >> never. >> so next up susan king, guy carson and others. >> thank you for having this hearing. i think it's an important opportunity to a talk about event organizing. i'm suing kinky work with liveable city we proud the events around san francisco. we are fortunate to have the strong support of the family. but this year or last year rather we embarked on a new initiative to create small-scale
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play sdrts streets to teach people to organize their own events. we're not continuing the program and one of the main reasons is the process of organizing community run events that are family focused without alcohol are really out of reach of most of the community organizes. and people don't have a couple of hundred of dollars around. we ended up subsidizing those. i'm appreciative of the sheriff's department and police department and i appreciate your really i don't want to seem ungravel but there has to be a way to address public safety and still make those events particularly community events
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like the united players do in sunset sunday to energy local neighborhood to take care of control of their streets but the minute you want to have kids play ball and you need off duty police officers. so anyways i wanted to put that out there. there's room for further you discussion how to empower our neighborhood and a make those events using the police academy cadets to relieve the burden >> thank you (calling names). >> hello commissioners. very happy to be talking to you
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on my first day of director of the music and culture organizations >> feeling a little bit under the weather but i want to speak for you members while we applaud commissioner hydes effort to bring this sensitive subject to a public forum we want to encourage everyone to take a citywide approach and looking at the departmental costs not only with the 10 b program but with the parks that are having a negative impact on our promoters inability to host open air events especially free events. we think now is the time especially with the councilmember kersey new expanded
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