tv [untitled] January 19, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PST
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these projects to happen and the departments need to execute on that policy directive. and so i look forward to continuing to improve that process in making sure that we're fixing our unsafe roads and making them safe for everyone. thank you. >> thank you supervisor wiener. commissioner turman, did you want to say something. >> i have listened to the comments of supervisors and there's so many messages and so many things in there that this commission agrees with us. public safety, rather one section of whether it's drivers or bicycles, 2/3 are responsible for the accident or 1/3, we're looking for solutions as well to eliminate these type of incidents. we have -- you have before you a police
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commission that is dedicated to looking into this problem and working with you to solve it. we were not part of the previous meetings so this is -- we're pleased to be invited here to hear what both our department and what other presenters especially the public has to say about these issues. it's something worth being addressed and we're here it listen and address it. you won't find a more committed police chief and department who is ready to move on these issues to hear on the recommendations and do what we need to do so protect san francisco. i do want to take issue with -- i know there was recent reporting. it was not the intent of the department to blame any victim or anything. these are sensitive issues, so whatever
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is said can sometimes be twisted and come out wrong. it was from a desire to factually discuss what the issue was and how an investigative -- what the investigation background was showing. we're not hear to blame the victims. we're here to report on information to share that information and do what we can to make sure these types of incidents get resolved. we don't want our citizen whether they're pedestrian, drivers or bicyclist to feel they're at threat when they are on the streets of san francisco. san francisco must be a safe place for all persons. we have an earnest desire to provide information and get information and to correct these errors and as vice president of this commission working daily with the department from all the way up through the chief to
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the ranks, i can tell you that we're here to address this issue in earnest and we thank you for being invited today. >> thank you very much commissioners. i know that -- supervisors, that he -- that we want to get to public comment and i want to turn it over to greg sir and they have a presentation, the police department along with the municipal transportation agency and included in that i know our some community partners and i want to under score that two organizations have played and continue to play. the san francisco bicycle coalition as well as walk sf. they're advocacy on this issue has literately saved lives and we are grateful for this contribution and with that i am pleased to introduce our chief of police, chief, thank
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you for being here. welcome to this joint meeting. the floor is yours. >> thank you supervisor campos and president members of the board and the concerned public. here with me is the members of the command staff and every district station captain to respond to the questions. and it's important to the police department and the leadership of the department from the legislative body and from the citizens. i want to start my comments from last august with regard to what happened when sadly a bicyclist omaly was killed on the 6th and fulson and our initial investigation was lacking. the investigators failed to find a video
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recorder, the witness testimony put mrs. malack as being most at fault. that was wrong. thankfully a concerned citizen in the area found a video at an auto repair shop and gave it to us and we were able to revisit the investigation and get it right and work up a package which is at the district attorney office being reviewed for a decision. even if a charging decision isn't made, a citation will be made which is new over my time in the police department which is being to be quite a while. further i'd like to apologize for the conduct of my sergeants who compounded the initial poor performance of the police department by deciding to have a teachable moment during a
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visible which regardless of whether they was education and to distract from the visual is wrong. i couldn't feel anymore badly about it and again i have apologized, but if ever asked again, i'll continue to apologize because it wasn't the right thing and the right time and it wasn't respectful of mrs. malack and we're betser than that. to supervisor's mar comment -- he somehow suggested that there was a cultural competency issue has being responsible for commissions. we had talked prior. we had talked to the reporter at the time. the message was that we pain takingly tried to do everything we can to put all of our education and
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awareness out in the culturally confident way. we recently came out with a language of limited english video to do just that so everybody gets the messages that we're putting out. so again i apologize. the victims shouldn't be anything but mourn and respected when they fall. pray to this sort of thing and again it's inexcusable and to apologize. we have been working and to that end, i can tell you right now supervisor kim said she hoped that we would commit to do quarterly report and we agreed to do that last scombens we would work collaboratively towards a goal of zero fatalities annually in san francisco. i think we start every single year with that hope and if everybody would work with us to get there, i think as the staffing
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comes in, the enforcement will get us there. there was a particular paragraph in our newspaper earlier this week that said on new year's eve, little sofia, six years old struck and killed at poke and ellis, to please slow down. that has to be the message for everybody. the fatality of the vehicle far exceeds that of any other motor transportation, supervisor wiener has corrected 2/3 of this years pedestrian fatalities involved of vehicles but sadly last year we had a fatality where the pedestrian was killed by a cyclist, but that can happen because of the speed that that cyclist was going at and that cyclist as charged we have adopted a new practice in the police department, at least in the
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knowledge of the sitting police officers that had never been done before and i'll let commander ali speak to in his presentation. i want to close with this distraction thing with regards to drivers. 40 of drivers surveyed by 200 people, and 19 percent admitting to being on the phone. 16 percent of all young people under the age of 20 that are killed in car collisions, it was determined that they were engaged in some sort of distracted driving when this happened. so when we speak to pedestrian who might be distracted, we're asking you to protect yourselves. it's safe on the curve. you are in harms way when you enter the street and sadly there's a lot of people being distracted and a lot of them
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have been getting tickets lately and there's going to be more of that. we're committed to a new normal in san francisco whereas again, our staffing bumps up, so will the tickets and enforcement is never popular, but we're committed to making the city safe as we get more and more crowded and we have more people that gets more bicycles. there was a recent statistics, there's 90 percent more bicyclists than last year. we have more cranes in san francisco than any other city in the country. we have more work sites. it's a crowded place. san francisco is where everybody wants to come. we want everybody to come and when they get here, we want them to be safe. so with -- i'll close maybe later but i want to thank not only ali who will make this presentation, but my
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partner hear in traffic safety, director ed. i know he's committed to this. i know he's a pretty advate bicyclist himself. whether you're a driver for sure or anybody else, if you can finish that text or if you're a driver, just let it go. just pretend you're in the shower or something. don't pay attention to it until you get parked. natalie from walk sf, thank you for yourselves and nicole's partnership in working on strategies. laeh and she's no shrink -- she'll speak about the laundry list she gave us and what she would like to see and most of that has happened. in fact just now role call is in
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san francisco are seeing the 2007 educational video with regards to bike safety and it's being freshened out and out in the next six weeks and tracy taresoco where they actually were afforded a certain budget here by the board of supervisors, thank you for that supervisor mar and they have a plan that we would like to take city wide and she'll talk to you about that. without further or do, commander ali. >> good evening members of the police commissioner and board of supervisors and of course our public we come. give me 30-seconds and i'll start this power point
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here. >> i'm nick ala, the commander assigned to mta and responsible for in part -- in large part of the traffic safety strategy that is implemented in our city. what i want to do today is give you an over view of is it statistics as traffic fatalities in 2013 and policies and procedures in our efforts to make improvements in this year 2014. i'll advance to slide one. in december of 2012 we implemented the focus on the five strategy. that strategy in large part was based upon an analysis of all traffic collisions done or traffic collisions that occurred between 2006 and
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2011. that analysis provided us an identification of the top five collision factors in all of those collisions. they were drivers operating their vehicles at unsafe speeds given the conditions of the roadway. red light signal violations. a drivers failure it yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. those being both unmarked and marked crosswalks. the drivers fail to yield while making a left or you turn. failure to stop at stop for unlimited lines. i'll advance the slide once more. >> as we look at the analysis of our traffic fatalities in 2013 as it related in this slide to pedestrian fatalities, of the 2/3, drivers were involved, the primary issue here is drivers failure
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to yield to pedestrian right away at crosswalks. within our department, a strong emphasis is on conducting traffic enforcement operations. the analysis of those collisions over that five year period have helped us identify not only the most problematic areas city wide, but police districts. that's the foundation from our police captain behind me conduct their monthly activities in terms of the allocation of their resources. additionally, they take into consideration activities that are taking place within the prior month, concerns from citizens expressed by way of e-mails at their community meetings and what have you and they look and direct their resources on a regular monthly basis. but a main stay within
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those enforcement operations are -- under cover operations as it related to stings and crosswalks where you may have an under cover officer in regular clothes acting as a pedestrian where uniform personnel are ready to cite that individual. that's the main sting of our operations. this year we're hoping to significantly impact obviously a high area of concern in terms of a violation point for pedestrian fatalities. motor vehicles, we have two instances of unsafe starting. i think in large part because of the operations we've had over the years relative to the cleb rags with other law enforcement agencies our city and highway patrol and the university of california at
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san francisco, ucsf, san francisco state, us park police, we have significantly impacted the number of fatalities where driving the influence has opinion an issue. so in this case we have two. we obviously want to reduce that further to zero. lastly red light and stop sign violations are both from having one. where the primary factor was a pedestrian, there were six occurrences of the 21 total fatalities in 2013. jumping off the page, the jaywalking was three occurrences and not obeying a traffic control signal and lastly a pedestrian outside of the crosswalk. i think it's important, many of the steps that we took to safeguard our pedestrian who have come to fusion and we would have had
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lower fatality rates. the challenge was the month of december. an incredibly violent in regards to 7 pedestrian killed just in the month of december and that's significant when looking at a total of 21. >> commander, i meant to ask this question when you were on the first staff >> marshal. >> that first slide, the analysis of the 2012 report for the collision factors, is that involving all collisions or just pedestrian or that's any type of collision. >> that's all collisions. >> okay. >> all traffic collisions. >> thank you. >> i'll advance the slide one more time. moving onto bicycle fatality in 2013, we saw an
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increase from 2012 and 2012 we had one. 2013 we had four. you have one instance where a vehicle was turning a vehicle in an unsafe manner that called that collision and three others you have vehicles turning unsafe where you have to wait the right away and allow the vehicles coming towards you to proceed before you. and one instance we had a bicyclist entering the roadway from the sidewalk and then lastly a tragic one as well, a bicyclist who was aside a large commercial vehicle and lost footing. the unfortunate thing, even when there's a tragic error in
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judgment as in to time and distance, there has to be some type of vehicle code violation and that's when you have a failure to proceed when safe to do so. additionally to the pedestrian and bicycle fatalities where we move onto motor vehicle fatalities where we have a motor vehicle verses a motor vehicle or a solo motor vehicle collision. there's a significant number of motor vehicles collision with there being six. you'll see this across the board where speed is a factor and i'll get into speed in a moment. but in the motor vehicle verses motor vehicle, clearly you have one -- two of them where speed is a factor and one where the driver is
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under the influence. the single vehicle collisions, one was a run away vehicle where effectively the driver attempted to jump out of the vehicle and prevent the vehicle from rolling back and was subsequently killed in that instance. four you have drivers not driving for the speed. and there's another one and we're waiting for confirmation from the medical examiners. nine were motor vehicles involved. we have been a major part of the mayor's pedestrian safety strategy and it relates to the collaboration. one of the things that we were able
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to accomplish in 2013 as the date of sharing in a more timely fashion. as you are aware the foundation of the focus of the five is based upon data that we received through the state wide integrated traffic reporting system and more commonly called switters. that system in terms of the processing of data is anywhere on a 16 to 24 month turn around of that data. every law enforcement agency within california has to submit traffic collision information. that information in turn is inputted into the system and analyzed and reported out. it's a very lengthly process. the idea in our city was to develop a process by which we could have a quicker turn around and more appropriately share the data with the likes of ssmta, the department of public health and we were
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able to implement such a system in 2013. that system was called cross roads. there are still some previsions or phases of that project that are coming to light, but ultimately it's going to allow for the quicker and more accurate sharing the data between the stakeholders and the most up-to-date information we can provide are officers and captains in terms of directing resources where they're most needed. we're having a discussion about the three e's. engineering, education and enforcement and although we're not engineers, the information we provide are engineers, playing a crucial part of that. so we embrace the fact that we play not only
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a dynamic in regards to education, obviously in terms of enforcement, but we are the foundation from which the engineering takes place. our goals for 2014 is to adopt vision zero to prevent traffic fatality for the california year. enhance our distracted drivers campaign. april is the national distracted driver month. every month is distracted driver month in san francisco. focus on the five. as i'll point out later in terms of our citation numbers and the percentage of citations that are in line with the top five collision factors, our goal is to insure that 50 plus percent of all of our traffic citations issued are for those primarily collision factors with clearly the hope of
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reducing incidents of speeding and running red lights and stop signs and incidents where drivers are not yielding to pedestrian and crosswalks and instants where drivers aren't yielding while driving or making u-turns. we do this through efforts and education being a major part of it with public service announcements, twitters, facebook -- it's targeted around schools and facilities that cater to our elderly. >> speed enforcement in 2013 we had the addition of light and ranging technology. it's a new technology over radar that allows our officers to be in a fixed location, measure the speed of a vehicle towards them and intercept that
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vehicle without having to end gage in some level of speeding to catch up as well. where he hoping that the public follows what we're doing. the proof is in the pudding. if you go to the department's website, comstat, you'll see numbers and the monthly data reports are on collision as well. it exist between mta and dph as well. in 2013, the police department wrote 86,029 citations. and 22 were for the factors. the goal is to
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increase that focus so 50 plus percent of overall citations are for the top five collision factors. the next slide shows you where we are relative to historic staffing levels as well as enforcement within the police department. going back to 2004, that was the same year that we implemented the automated red light camera as well. as we have increased that system, you'll see up until 2012 there was an increase and a slight decrease in 2013. our citation numbers issued my the officers, although they decreased from 2012, they're within the staffing level within the department and as we move into
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2014, those additional resources are going to be directed towards traffic enforcement. we have a group of officers who are dedicated to traffic enforce: those are the motorcycle officers. and as supervisor wiener pointed out, one of the first things to go when you are short of staff is traffic enforcement and historically you can see the numbers. we are currently in january of now 2014, we are right in line with staffing levels at traffic company. these numbers reflect the 24 -- the 24 reflect the officers signed to the hall of justice who serve the downtown areas and the 27 are the officers assigned to the various district stations and they're
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used in conjunction with the district station captains overall strategy in doing. the numbers in red in terms of total reflect projected hiring as well. we're currently at 24 at the hall of justice. 24 at the district stations and four at the airport. so but we're right in the ball park of projected numbers. >> supervisor kim, did you have a question. supervisor wiener. >> thank you mr. chairman. i have a question about the break down of the citations. i know on one of your slides, it's broken down by police precinct. >> yes. >> how does the department or
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does the department track how more precisely where the citations are being issued in terms of on specific blocks or specific intersections knowing more specifically of a police district where the citations and dangerous driving is happening. >> absolutely. as i indicated, we embarked on a collision data base. that data base has a component for traffic citations and with the traffic company, those officers have been given technology that allows for them to write electronic citations. so the information is captured electronically and allows for the analysis that you're talking about. in regards to being able to -- if you will -- geo map of this enforcement, the
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