tv [untitled] January 20, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PST
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fashion park, the entire william mcdonalds team, wsp group, sandas, and creek, thank you very much. the contractors, the builders and melanie and phillips, our land use attorney, tim ruben, the brokerage firm, elliot and english and special thanks to my partners from the corporation. jeff, our vice-president of development and construction services. carl brown, the project engineer, brandon hwang, director of development, and senior vice-president of development services, we live in a world today where there is business, there is civic responsibility,
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there is opportunity to create these amazing environments. the city of san francisco like any well intended entity, it will make a few mistakes here or there, but by and large, when you just as we all do as husbands and wives and parents, when you take a look at san francisco in the total context, i know of no place in this country that is this forward thinking, it's a liberal city that understand in order to have the money to do great things for citizens, it has to have a robust business climate. i can't think of a better place to be, it almost makes me teary eyed what we can do with this country if we had the same spirit as san francisco does. with that, i would like to say, last but not least, you can't do this without a great partnership with the city. the
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mayor, you know i love the guy. i really do. he's amazing. i have six kids. i'm so worried about their future in this country. i want to believe that every level of politics it would be amazing. thank you supervisor james, and tom and we can't do this without you. merry christmas. happy hanukkah, happy holidays! thank you. [ applause ] cut the string. 123. >> >> >>
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>> special order of business, superintendent you have an announcement. >> item m, one of the item m items assessment for 13, 14, is being pulled from tonight's meeting, and will be reschedule for next regularly schedule board meeting. >> thank you, mr. superintendent. all right. stipulate you lated in series, 9,000 the board shall readopt its rules and procedures at the first regular board meeting of the year and thus may i hear a motion and second for the readoption for the board of education rules and procedures. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> are there any, and there are
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no speakers, are there any comments from the board? >> seeing none, roll call? >> thank you. >> wei. >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> miss maufas? >> yes. >> mis mendoza-mcdonnell, dr. murase? aye. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> election of officers of the board of education, as to the board and to the public, this type of election is by voice vote and a second is not need nomination and permissible for a member nominated to vote for him or herself in this election, you will be voting by name, if there is more than one nomination, it is only one nomination, you will be voting by saying aye or nay. >> i declare that the nominations are open for the office of the president of the
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board of education for the 2014. >> yes? >> i nominate fewer, president. >> thank you. >> any other nominations for president of the board of education? >> seeing none, i am now declaring nominations for the office of president, nominations are closed. sandra fewer has been nominated. we can either do a roll call vote or i would like to make a motion for aclamation. >> is there a second? >> thank you. >> do we, so just general consensus? >> yeah. >> okay. >> so, well, we got a second. >> so, we are good. and seeing no disagreement, sandra fewer has been elected president of the board of education for 2014 by acclamatio inform the board. [ applause ]
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>> okay. i declare that nominations are now open for the office of vice president of the board of education for the year 2014, are there any nominations? >> commissioner wynns? >> i would like to nominate murase for vice president? >> are there any other nominations? seeing none, i now declare the nomination for the vice president closed and i would like to renew the motion for vice president. >> second. >> and commissioner wynns, i would like to... >> roll call please? >> yes. >> fewer? >> no. >> mr. haney? >> yes. >> miss maufas? >> no. >> mendoza-mcdonnell, dr. murase? >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> wynns. >> four votes for emily murase for vice president. >> i announce that emily murase
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has been voted vice president for the board of education for 2014 and i am going to relinquish the chair to the new chair of the board of education. thank you, commissioner norton. >> thank you, commissioner norton. and thank you colleagues. i am honored to represent the school board, and also the school district of prioritizes a high level of education for all students. along with social justice values, and real compassion for our student and their families. and i look forward to working with everyone here, staff and fellow board members, included.
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and of course, all of you strong supporters, you good people of san francisco. thank you for having faith in me. >> okay. now, we are going to go to approval of the board minutes, and we are voting on the regular meeting minutes of december 10, 2013. and in the special meeting minutes of december 17th, 2013. may i hear a motion and a second for minutes adoption of december 10, 2013 and special meeting minutes of december 17, 2013? >> so moved. >> second. >> any corrections? >> roll call vote, please? >> thank you, on those minutes, wei? >> yes, but on december tenth only. >> you can vote on both. >> for both. >> thank you. >> and mr. logan? >> yes, on both. >> thank you. >> miss fewer? >> yes. >> mr. haney? >> yes.
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>> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza-mcdonnell, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns, aye. >> and now we have a presentation from the superintendent report, carranza and >> and i would like to offer me congratulationss on your election and good evening for everyone and happy new year and i would like to welcome you all back to the spring semester of this school year and i hope that you are well rested from the winter break and excited to be back as we have lots and lots of work to do as you will see in tonight's agenda, if you have a child entering the san francisco public schools for kindergarten, 6th grade or 9th grade next fall, i would like to remind everyone to be sure to choose a school that you prefer and turn in your application form to the san francisco unified school
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district before january 21st. your chances of getting the school of your choice improve greatly, when you turn in your enrollment form on time, applications for public schools are due january 21st and we have amp le assistance available to the public in multiple languages, contact us at 241-6085 or visit our website at san francisco high schools, wellness centers will be hosting a sign ups for january 22nd to the 30th where the staff and the staff from the department of public health will offer assistance to parents in accessing information about the affordable care act and registering for health coverage, even though the deadline has passed it is never too late to sign up for affordable healthcare coverage for your family and access to healthcare is essential for every student and their family.
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in order for the students to perform at their best ability levels, we know that they must come to school, but they must come to school healthy so that they can attends to the ininstruction and actively participate in class and demonstrate their learning, please also visit our website again, to learn which day your neighborhood high school will be hosting this important event. as you all have heard, and read, governor jerry brown proposed a budget this year that is a huge leap forward. and after decades of neglecting our public schools in california, california has recommitted to its children and has begun to put the resources in place to insure that the students graduate with the tools that they will need to succeed and the governor brown's proposed budget that includes the funding for the most vulnerable students in the state as part of the local control formula will begin to turn the tide and although it will take years to recover from the funding we lost and become
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a school system that we must be to educate our students, the 21st century, the largest increases in k-12 education are proposed to begin reducing deferal and not increasing spending authority, and because they have exceeded the revenues for the past three years and requiring us to draw down fund balances to absorb the deficit spending will need to rely on some of the increased funding to offset the existing ongoing expenditures and the fiscal climate has been a stormy one for the last several years as everyone well knowns and we maintained the built in step increases for the employees in our district, we recognize that our employees have made tremendous sacrifices, taking furlough days and forgoing across the board salary increases, while there are many demands on our resources, the board of education and i, are committed to making sure that san francisco unified school district employees feel the positive impact of increased state funding, including better
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compensation, because our district is only as great as the people who work in it. so, thank you, for your service, and we look forward to increasing what we do to show you how much we appreciate your service. >> i have a question for everyone. can you spell that? >> very good. >> so somebody said that it depends what that is. well the students at the elementary school have been brushing up and ready to be tested at the spelling beand one of the favorite events of the year, students will take turns to spell words out loud and each one more difficult than the previous word, the spelling bee champion will go on to compete to the chance to advance to the scripps national spelling bee on january 15th, at lafayette elementary school, at 4545 anza street and i would like to bring to your
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attention, deborah johnson the resource specialist volunteers the time to mentor two students each week as part of the school district's mentoring for success program. and the students look forward to the one on one time with, miss johnson when they read books together and play board games and create art project and sometimes go on cultural outings, as a child, miss johnson benefited for mentors in her life and wants to pass along the benefits to others and sometimes she cannot live with her parents as she sought out the teachers and she said that they always encouraged me to do my best and further my education, they influenced me to be a teacher, unquote. her work with along with the work of 650 mentors across our schools is being highlighted during national mentoring month. currently it is estimated that 1,000 san francisco youth still need mentors and the district is partnering with the district attorney in order to recruit new mentors. and we will have an
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informational meeting on thursday january 16th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the city wide mentoring recruiting fair, 1300 on fillmore, restaurant at 1300 fillmore street. and i just like to offer also, and a reminder that all sfusd schools and central offices will be closed next monday martin luther king junior day on monday, january twenth and we hope that you will take the opportunity to reflect upon the life and the legacy and the teachings of dr. martin luther king junior and honor his service to humanity and i would like to turn it over to our president, president fewer. >> thank you. >> recognitions and resolutions and accommodations, none tonight, and the student's delegate report. wei and cooper logan. >> thank you this past weekend was the asc yc joint retreat.
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it was january 11th and 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and sic and the youth commission worked together at the south beach harbor house on saturday, and city hall on sunday. we reviewed current resolutions and legislative topics, such as how technology and the private sector should contribute to the community, and to schools. the housing crisis, the solutions not suspensions, movement, and the soda tax, and sugary sweetened befrages. in addition, the sac would like to thank deputy superintendent la for presenting a report on the budget to the sac. and that really helped on saturday, at the retreat. and also, cathy flemming for their dedicated assistance and
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in providing a powerpoint presentation that we could successfully use at the presentation. and the sac, team will also be participating in the vision 2025, on february 7th. and we look forward to contributing a student voice at the meeting. >> after a lot of work, the leadership and cabinet implemented successful on-line survey during the end of the first semester and we have 2221 responses that can be successfully used to augment our communities and we would like to send out a special thanks to matthew kensy, and john link and elva kuterez and i am sorry. and the sac is also in support of affordable care act out reach. and of the healthcare
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enrollment drive by sfusd. and to insure that the healthcare coverage where all of the eligible families reaches sfusd students and families, and the sfcsd will be offering healthcare sign up days, enrollment and out reach days will be hosted at high schools across sfusd during the week of january 21st, to january 30th. and the families will be invited to come to any high school to get questions answered and access to resources to support healthcare enrollment. and in addition, the sac and yc, or the student advisory council and the student commission committee will be meeting on january 22, at 5:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome to come. and it will, and we will have a special guest speaker, from the special education services. and our next sac meeting is next week on monday, january 27th, at 5:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome to come.
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>> thank you. >> parent advisory council report? >> good evening commissioners thank you for the time. i am tony and my daughter is a participater at sunset elementary school, and the both of the parent advisory council is to represent her voices in perspectives to affirm the policy education decision and tonight's report will cover the pac's upcoming work to commit the community conversations about the racial equity, and our work is closely aligned with the priorities set forth by the san francisco school district and formed by what we learned from reaching out to hear from families across the district. and this year, our community engagement campaigned focuses on supporting the district's goal of access and equity and
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making social justice a reality, for every student. and through a restorative framework, it means that the community conversations we hope to create a safe space for parents to share their stories, reflections and experiences about racial equity in the district. and we learn from the family and school communities about what is working in this respect and also to identify additional work that still needs to be done, to support better out comes for all students and families, in this area. our over all goal for the project, is to improve out comes for all students regarding access and equity to high quality teaching and learning. to the targeted out reach efforts... i am sorry. is that better? >> still it worked for a second but it cut out.
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>> sorry, guys. >> now you are good. >> i pill wul it closer, thanks, guys. >> to the targeted out reach efforts we hope to hear from between 150 and 200 family participants in conversations between ten and 15 schools for community centers. we will be holding these community conversations between february and april of this year. and when they are completed and we will share our findings from the conversations with all of you and present any recommendations to the board of education to district staff and to the community. by the end of this school year. as i said, we will have the conversations between february and april of this year. and the format of these discussions and the format of the discussion questions will be to provide a restorative approach that will allow parents the opportunity to
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share their experiences, to equity and identify solution to strengthen the work of the district to address these issues and to improve out comes for all students. >> this week, we are working to finalize the specific content and details that will support the structure and exercises to facilitate the conversations and including sharing the district's interventions to address disproportionalty in student achievement and student suspensions especially among african american and latino students, at the end of each conversation we will leave time for the participants to talk about and the next steps that they want to take in their own steps in their school sites and for us to take as the district and for the district as a whole. >> the pac has developed a list of 27 schools that we are approaching to ask if they are interested in hosting a
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conversation. and we have asked the schools to participate in this initiative and now realistickly we don't need the capacity to conduct these conversation but we know that the schools will choose for the to participate and given the initiatives that are currently under way at those schools. and so in order to determine which schools to invite, we looked at a number of factors including schools where we as a pac have never held a community conversation. schools where the pac has held the community conversations but not within the last two years. and not about restorative practices. and we looked at the dem graphics of the school population and we looked at schools that have an emotional disturbed class on site. also, given the disproportion high rates of it among the latino students and the gap in
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achievement and opportunity, the pac has made it a priority to reach out and hear from these communities. however, we catch the across the language and culture and the types of schools that the children attend and background. we would like to work with the parent groups that could be under the office of equity and the dlac and the education program and the newly forming african american advisory council. this is an opportunity to model the restorative practices framework that is being implemented across the district.
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and it is to highlight the sfd core value and standards and to hear from the parents about what they think that the children need to thrive in the public schools in san francisco. at our next pac meeting we will be meeting with the staf from the office of access and equity to hear about the work that they are leading in this area and also for the effort and ultimately to the district's goal of access and equity for every student. >>, thank you the comments. >> vice president murase? >> thank you. >> and president thank you very much for your report. would you be sure that they receive the schedule of your community conversation and i participate in the past and it is a risk discussion that i am hoping that my colleagues will
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(inaudible) thank you, we are look forward to hearing your thoughts and around this issue and we continue collaborate, thank you. >> my name is kevin, and i work at colman advocate and i am hear to speak about the understanding between the sf, and the sfpd. and and the so we are attending kevin truit. and for today, and i think that the one thing that the community had a concern with the final version of the mlu that is brought before you, is to have the 19 and that talks
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about the gradual students and we feel like that is something that is necessary for this document to really stand true and to assure that the students on campus and are not ushered into the criminal justice system and a lot of the work that we do is with the african american youth who have a lot of negative interactions with the police and we want to change that dynamic and make the schools a safe place for them and we feel like this is a key part of that and so we most definitely would like for you to support the mlu today with the change to reflect a shall instead of the should for section 19 that deals with the levels of intervention and i am black on the names and so i apologize about that and we also have the young people from the groups that have been working on the mlu for the past two years and so it is the
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responses to the low level school bases, and it is the second sentence the first work where it says should and we would like to see it say shall and with that change to the document i am going to bring the members who will introduce themselves. hello, and good evening, >> you should have the basic civil rights at school, and you should be treated aoe gol and that we will respect that and any conflicts of the school should be handled and i don't think that bringing in the police should bring in the positive influence we want to be sure that the mlu is
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