tv [untitled] January 20, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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city's roll as an arts incubate or and to connect our school to professional working artists, thank you. >> commissioners, and superintendent, i am excited to be here tonight, and i feel like it is part of history and i even reschedule the rehearsal so i could be here tonight, i am keith and i am a teaching artist at the school of the arts. and many of you know our dear friend passed away three years ago to this date and left us all quite a bit shaken but part of the vision as the technical theater director in the main stage musical events was to create a destination point. he always saw that the school of the arts will be the destination point and we have many pieces to pick up and we could not have done it without the collaboration of the chair, paul and the students from all disciplines who come from all
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neighborhoods in our city to participate in the art that we created in this school and we also collaborate with the professional working artists who could have dreamed and the people at act and the new center and judy and ruth, at the san francisco, and the museum and all of the architects and all of the engineers and each the members of the local, have strengthened not only the art curriculum but also the academic day, and through the vision of our artist and superintendent carranza, who by the way played in the pit on opening night of 42nd street, we hope that they do it again for spamalot we will be able to connect and collaborate even more deeply with the greatest arts providers of the world and we look forward to moving downtown. just think of what could happen if we are located at the art of the center arts corridor. i dream of it every night.
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just think about what can happen with the students from every school, come to this arts corridor to our school to pair up with zapa and the north auditor um for production and dream the big dream and it is all coming together tonight to make san francisco the campus and the dream a reality. thank you. >> good evening, my name is avom shepherd and i am the parent of two graduate and they both graduates from theater technology and they both use the education that they got at soda in what they do now for a living. i am very proud of them. i would like to be very proud of you too, to see if you move this school next week to 135 van ness avenue. and it has been a dream for a lot of people for a long time.
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>> i actually left the loyal high school after my freshman year because the school of the arts was opening up and from the school of the arts, i was encouraged to go to act, the summer training congress where i saw professional talent, and after i graduated from college, i auditioned for act and became an act graduate, and started my own theater company. and even to this day, we actually when we are called upon, we go and support school of the arts. and having a center at civic center is essential to the training because you need that energy and the collaboration and the students need to see the professional artists do what they do to in order to be inspired and to have careers of their own and i am very proud to say that i still stay in contact with some of the students at school of the arts that i corrected and raised another son and one young man, rodney jackson is on broad way
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tour for the more, the book of mormon, and he signed is own theater company. and so it is the kind of energy that we want to bring to san francisco that the school of the arts, and it is the place, where careers are started. thank you. >> public comment is now closed. and any comments from the board of superintendent? >> seeing none, oh,, commissioner wynns? >> i just want to thank the superintendent for bringing this to us. and i want to thank him for his leadership on this and i want to thank everybody for being here. i want to thank all of my colleagues for their support, at least as far as we know. but i also just want to say, that i agree with some of the things that have been said this evening, that this is the
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moment for us. and it is a very, important moment for us. and some of us in this room have been working on this for many, many years. but, all of us understand how important it is, how important this school and with the legacy but also, the commitment of our or of the san francisco community to the arts and arts education is an integral part of what san francisco is. and so, it takes or going to take all of us to get this done. and this is, yet another beginning, but for the most important thing and so thank you to everybody. >> commissioner? >> thank you. >> i just want to kept for the committee of the whole, we heard from michael thomas and from the opera and the ballet and the soda community from across cross section and i want
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to thank the folks who came out tonight as well. and i just a few people to call out, david balban, reme in bringing a group together to work on this again and our vapa staff and rob daniels and especially susan's dot whore has been keeping this in place for many years. principal of soda and mike kevin and his design team. and david golden and his leadership, and but especially at the superintendent and my colleague commissioner jill wynns. >> commissioner, mendoza-mcdonnell? >> great, thank you. >> we had a really great discussion last week around this project and i am so excited to be able to support this tonight. and i just want to reiterate that this is not just the endorsement of creating a world class, but supporting this project fund-raising for this project. and being ambassadors for the school and so that means all of
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you are going to get taped into to hit the city up as well as many other folks, not only to raise the money, but in order for us to build the school but to really talk about the amazing students that we produce out at the school, and the hub that it will represent on the civic center corridor and how it will connect with the market street arts corridor and just the contributions that our school will be giving to the entire city and i look forward to working with all of you to make it a reality this time and it has been way too long that we have been talking about it and so let's get your boots on and plan on getting out there to do just a lot of hard work, this is going to be a heavy lift and we are going to count on all of you to make it happen. >> and any other comments? >> seeing none, i would just like to personally thank the superintendent for her decision and commitment to the arts in san francisco for our students, and i think that this is going to be a gift for all of our 55,000 public school students
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who will have the opportunity to partake in the center and so having said that, the roll call vote, please? >> thank you, commissioner. >> wei. >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> dr. murase. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> and miss wynns? >> aye. >> it is unanimous. [ cheers ] >> item i, already moved and seconded on december 10th. commissioner norton, could we have a reading of the resolution, please? >> yes. we can. as soon as i find it in my ago ahead and answer da. what page? >> thank you.
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>> all right. in support of a sugarry beverage tax, whereas the beverages sweetened contain empty calories as designed by the usdepartment of agriculture and whereas the board of supervisors defines it as a drink with 25 or more calories a serving has added sweeteners and whereas sugarry beverages although they can contain hundreds of calories in a serving do not signal fullness to the brain, and show that the beverages flood the liver, and this sugar rush leads to fat deposits that causes serious health problems. whereas sugary beverages represent 11 percent of daily calorieed consumed by children in the united states. and a recent survey found that
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california teenagers are consuming more sugary befrage and whereas since 1980, obesity among children has tripled nationwide and 2010, a third of children in san francisco were obese or overweight and whereas every additional beverage increases a child's risk of obesity by 6 percent and one or two a day increases the risk of diabetes by 26 percent and whereas one in three children, born today will develop, diabetes if the consumption does not decline, and whereas the diseases disproportionally impact the minority and low income communities, 18 percent of 3 to 4-year-olds enrolled in the programs are obese and 37 percent of the children and 40 percent of the children are obese and whereas, ucsf,
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researcher has calculated that even a 1 percent ounce tax on beverage kaos cut the consumption by ten percent and core spounding reductions in the future indications of diabetes and obesity and heart disease as well as the cost of treating them and whereas the additional research has established that spending a collar on nutrition has saved $10 in future health costs and whereas the district supports programs that enhance the welfare of children and seeing the proper nutrition as a part of the environment and whereas the legislation proposed by scott weiner and supervisor eric mar will institute a tax on the beverages in san francisco and whereas the weiner mar proposal differ in significant ways and would adopt a two penny per ounce tax and under those proposals the tax revenues will be spent on the activities that increase the options for physical activitis for children in san francisco. therefore, be it resolved that
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the board of education of the san francisco unified school district believes that if sugary beverage tax will decrease the consumption of the beverage and bring about a corresponding increase in the over all health of children in our jurisdiction and resolved that the board of education, of the san francisco unified school district, supports the concept of a sugary befrage tax and the idea that the revenues should be used to support the child nutrition and programs and be it further resolved that the board of education from the san francisco unified school district urges the board of supervisors to place a sugarry beverage tax on a future ballot for approval by voters. >> thank you. >> and i think that we have some speakers lineds up. but before i call their names, i would like to call up the supervisors eric mar and scott weiner.
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>> it is great to be here with scott and our colleagues, could not be here with us, it is nice to have the richmond district on the board of education as well and so congratulations president fewer and thank you so much, mr. norton and thank you vice president murase as well. and my daughter was a baby when i started 13 years ago here and she is kind of grown up with many people that are here and, she is now at this age, at 13 and she is going through the student process for high schools right now and i am as nervous as many parents are but she is also a target as ad adolesent and the decades of the environment caused by many of the big corporations that have preyed on our kids and have led to significant health disparties that the resolution addresses and i am not going to go into the details of what
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this measure that we hope to be on the november ballot, alongside of the reauthorization of the children's fund and the public education of richmond fund to support the children first and support our kids coalition in our city but i will just say that scott weiner and avalos and cohen and i have been building with the great parent leaders and the health access and grassroots organizations from a lot of different coalitions that have provided the support from the various community coalition -but we are building a strong community for hel and this food access and faout turf our children. and i also want to say that the coalition that we are building, will hopefully in november, and beyond, show that san francisco can do this, i think that the momentum that we built, and deeply within the low income communities with a focus on equity and social justice, it is really significant, and we
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think that that the american beverage association that has a rep right in the front row here today will pour in more money than we have seen in any city, but we can win with our schools and with our parents and our grassroots groups and our pediatricians and others in the coalition to fight for the future of our children's health and i will just say that jill wynns and many parents on this or in this district, really have led to major leadership of healthier nutrition guidelines, for our children, but also, inspired many other school districts around the country and your policies of access and feeding all hungry students, without the stigmas that really supporting the different nutrition programs and physical ed in and out of school is inspiring and i think that it inspires a lot of what our effort at the city level will do and i will stop there and say that i believe that we can do it in san francisco and we need your support and i urge
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you to support the resolution and thank you so much for the commissioners, norton, wynns and matt haney as well. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners and good evening. it is great to be at the school board, and i'm scott weiner from the board of supervisors and i have to say that sometimes the board of supervisors feels like the school board since we have three former president and a former general council and so the school district is well represented in the city hall which is as it should be and i also want to thank the co-sponsors of the resolution for moving us forward on this incredibly important public health issue. and i know that sometimes it is so tempting and you know this and you have seen this over the years with the very forward looking nutrition policies that this body has adopted it is easy for people to be
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dismissive and proposals like this, but we know and frankly the science really can be refuted and this is a critical, public health pleasure and we know, that we have a growing healthcare epidemic in this country, including among our kids, a various health that are distributely atribable to sugary beverage and particularly the growth of type two diabetes to the point where the sugary befrage consumption, and one in three will develop it in their lifetime and that is one in three and that is a healthcare catastrophe for this country and we know that they present a unique risk of health risk, and that is, worse than all of the food that has sugar in it. we know that our diet is being overwhelmed with calories from sugarry beverages that the way that the beverages are absorbed into the body is different than
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the sugary food that it does not turn off your appetite that you can consume huge amounts of sugar without ever feeling full we, know that one 12-ounce can of soda can have ten tea spoons of sugar and a big gul p can have 50 tea spoons this is a risk that is different in-kind than other risks to our health and to our kids' health. and we have been putting together and i really wanted to just come mend supervisor mars on the nutrition over the years and we have been working with a coalition that frankly precedes both of us and it has been working for years and years and building, the energy around this issue, is just, huge. and a coalition of community, many community-based organizations. of parents, and of hospitals, and healthcare providers. and of park groups and of all of the groups that understand, how important it is to create this tax, in order to reduce
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consumption, and to generate revenue for critical nutrition, and physical activity. of programs and this is supported by science, and we know that one of the epicenters of research, showing the efficacy of this sugary tax is right here in san francisco, ucsf and the befrage industry likes to try to say that it is somehow not credible and i hope that they keep saying that because we know in san francisco that this is one of the most respected institutions around and that is for a reason. so i urge you to support this resolution and i look forward in moving together hand in hand to make sure that we move this public health issue forward and so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so when i call your name, for speaker, list, could you please come up to the podium. >> duncan, guta and vargus and
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soloman and david, and mark murphy, jessica, clawson. mark elchin, and veda haves. and grimon and martha mangold. and andrei dean and elliott hascol. >> each speaker will have two minutes. >> good evening i am here on behalf of shape up san francisco coalition. consumption of sugary drinks decrease is one of our pry torety, and i am one of the co-chairs of contract ceo of the ymca and we are preparing to launch this awareness campaign at the end of the month and i have brought a few posters for you to keep, and we are planning a lunch event at the central ymca on january 27th at 4:00 p.m. and i invite you all to attend and i will
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leave a flier with ester with more details and i believe that commissioner norton sent you a powerpoint that shape of reseptemberly represented to the health commission and explaining the health impacts to the over consumption of sugary drinks and we are happy to provide more details or answer any questions that you might have. and in the presentation, there is a flier that illustrates that black and latino ninth graders have twice the rate of soda intake in all of the way of the obesity than other groups, these are significant because the studies have shown that nearly 60 percent of over weight children go on to become over weight adults. they have been working closely with mark elkin to include a significant portion of the district wellness policy on sugary drinks and in addition of supporting this resolution, i am encouraged you to protect the health of staff and students, by insuring a
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comprehensive robust wellness policy, and if i may, i just like to show what our poster, and what our poster says, regarding the intake of sugarry drinks and this is very, compelling of why we are here, commissioners, asking for your support for this resolution, commissioner norton and the others of this resolution, i thank you as a grandmother. and the students in high school and middle school here in san francisco. >> thank you very much. for your attention. >> hi, commissioners i am a former public schoolteacher and i currently work in education in a personal capacity and i strongly support this resolution and as a former teacher of 4th graders, i think that the education links to health, sometimes go a little bit unnoticed when we talk about the health issues themselves but i remember, sitting in class when the kids
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would have sugary drinks and drinking giant big gulps and then seeing the effects, and watching the sugar, literally course through their tiny bodies and watch their attentions start to drop and watch their ability to really concentrate and really to drift away. and then on the days that we did not have those, i could see the difference, and so the direct educational links to this, also is that the kids need to be prepared and set up for success and we also know the science, and the development, and even for the kids and extraordinarily young can get the blood sugar from their mothers and that can effect their learning later in life as well. and i think that there are huge health effects of this obviously with the obesity and diabetes and also from a strictly educational standpoint, health has a major effect on what the kids are bringing into the classroom every day and what they are able to bring to their lesson and so i urge the board to support this resolution and so it is a small, common sense measure and to let the kids
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learn better and it will make us a healthier city. >> good evening, commissioners, i am here on behalf of the public health department and i am also a parent at fair mount elementary and i found the shape up san francisco in 200 1k36 decreasing the son subpoenasing of the drinks has been a priority for us since 2008 on january 7th, this month, this year, the health commission adopted a resolution acknowledging the negative health impacts and supporting the public health department's efforts of decreasing the consumption of the sugary drinks and they did this because they have established the links between high blood pressure and ultimately the diseases that create the metabolic syndrome which is discourage of our health and it is a public health em dem i can for each additional drink that
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a child comsumes, the risk of obesity increase business 60 percent. 60 percent. and we know that children who are over weight, are 63 percent more likely to be over weight as adults and we know that drinking fructose and other sugars found in the drinks is associated with an increased risk of disease among the adolesence and also estimates between 48 million, and 61.8 million represents the cost incurred by san franciscans with obesity and diabetes, and those that are attributable to sugary drinks and so decreasing the drink consumption can really help our population and lighten the grocery bill and because the tap water is the best option. the recent study estimated that over a ten-year period, reducing the drink by 15
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percent among adults could prevent, 2.4 million, diabetes, and 95,000 coronary heart, events and 8,000 strokes and 6,000 premature deaths and so it is a priority for the health department and i urge you to keep it as a priority and continue the good work that the district has done on this issue, thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is roberto viga and i am here to speak tonight as a resident of the bay view where i have lived since 1989 the same year that i graduate fromed mission high school where my father grad graduate and our community suffers from the highest rates of diabetes and the highest rates of er visits as a result of the er visits and the highest rates of
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hospitalizations resulting from long term hospitalizations resulting from diabetes related illness, and we have the largest african american population in san francisco with the fastest growing, with fast growing latino and api populations on that side of town and in san francisco, african american and latino adults have the highest rates of over weight and obesity, with nearly three quauters of us, either over weight or obese, and pacific islanders at nearly 100 percent, over weight or obese. i got my masters in public health here at san francisco state university and i have study obesity related diseases disparities. and the current policy proposals of supervisors mar and weiner reflect the best current science, with regards to the institute of medicine and the recommendation for example. about how local governments can work to reduce consumption and
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work to mitigate the impacts of obesity related disease. and we know that from the search the children of color are disproportionately exposed to sugary drinks advertising, and we know that san francisco is low income communities consume soda and suffering from diabetes and other obesity related disease. and the soda tax policies, proposed, charging a fee for the distribution of this, and using the dollars to increase the access to healthy food, public drinking water, and improving the parks and providing other physical activity opportunities and so, i ask you to support these policies tonight, for the health of san francisco's children. and san francisco's families thank you very much. >> >> good evening, my name is todd david and i am the parent of three public school children in san francisco.
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and i am also the co-foupd founder of the san francisco political action committee where about a month ago, we were visited by supervisor mar and representatives from supervisor weiner and we have fully endorsed this measure and we think that it is an important measure sur that is going to improve the health of our children in san francisco and i am not going come in here and talk about the policy and i think that the policy and the research speaks for itself and the only complaints that i have heard about this measure are completely political and the first one was that people have been saying that this could hurt the reauthorization. and the san francisco unified and i think that we pride ourselves on being data driven and here is pulling from the university of san francisco mccarthy school of public policy and pulling on the reauthorization of the fund and
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