tv [untitled] January 22, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST
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my request is to approve this and place the language in section 19 and that would be pending sfpd approval and i would like to thank you for your time. >> my name is amber and i am a coordinator for the center where i facilitate the movement programs, which is and we explore different things from the education and equality and the police and the youth relationships and with the justice and this is a primary children's example of what restorative justice should be to inspire the accountability in all. and sorry, the students should be taken for the consideration because their access to the
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healthy school and atmosphere is imperative and the officers definitely have the ability to change that atmosphere out of school. and so i feel that it really needs to be a positive change, with this new mlu. and finding the mlu is both special and important because it demonstrates the kind of restorative justice that we have been exploring as we learn how the crime in the community influence each other and how the commitment that we as the students and the people of the community to creating a memo of understanding between all of us. what i desire is that as the sfos are introduced with this memo of understanding that the students and the police alike in schools are able to rebuild that community, and make sure to transcend into the neighboring areas. and into the public as well.
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thank you. >> >> good evening, i am the president of the united educators of san francisco and we also support the memo and are very pleased to have the work of all of the people involved in doing it. i would like to point out page 2 and eleven, the operation between the sfpd and the sfusd staff. that the staff will respect the authority of the officers and maintain and make every effort to establish and maintain a relationship of mutual respect. and page eleven you have language about the language of mutual respect, and it talks about the responsibility of citizens, and that those of us are employees have. and it, unfortunately, the mlu does not talk about the reciprocal responsibility on the part of the sfpd and now i am not in any way accusing the
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sfpd of being disrespectful. but i think that if you are going to have a street here that goes in one direction, and it will be very helpful to have similar language, i believe, that the teachers for the most part appreciate the work of the sros and the schools, i believe that there is, that this kind of mlu that has so many people is going to be very successful. but i do believe that when you talk about the mutual respect, it is history, thank you. >> any more public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and item g, consent calendar. >> so moved. >> any items withdrawn. >> second. >> any items withdrawn by the superintendent? >> thank you. >> yes, we have items. >> thank you. >> resolution, 141-14 k48, on
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pages 257 and 258 in your agendas, the funding source and the program title has been changed to dcyf, san francisco reviving the baseball for the inner city youth it has changed. on k49, pages 259 and 260. the second tax codes, financial association has been changed from 58,000 and 50 dollars to 34,425 dollars. and there is an additional tax code added, and 01, 3010320151110, 2100, 5803, 052, for 23,625, pending the fiscal year, 2014, 2015 budget
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approval and on k62, the tax code, money has been changed from 30475, to 35,000 credit and the second tax code, it has been changed from 30,to 35,000 dollars and the name of the consultant has been changed to lfa group and, llc, learning for action for $35,000 credit and finally on k69, pages 303 to 304, the tax code and the money is changed to 1 million, 531,704 dollars, credit >> any items for the first reading by the board? >> seeing none, any items severed by the board by the superintendent for discussion and vote. >> yes. >> yes, maufas?
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>> i would like to pull, 2 f, the memo of understanding. >> i think that is item 2 f, bg, page 133. any more? >> so we will have a roll call vote under section 0. and at this time, i would like to acknowledge supervisors scott weiner and also supervisor eric mar who has joined us tonight, thank you very much. >> we have item 8, superintendent's report, and this has been moved and seconded on december 10th and we will have a report from the committee of the whole from me, commissioner fewer, we held a committee of the whole last week about this topic. >> about 45 minutes of public testimony all in favor of this resolution and this proposal and we did not take a vote at that meeting. so could i have a reading by
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the superintendent. >> thank you, president, fewer, i would like to ask, the chief's officer the honorable david golden to please read the resolution. >> commissioners, and congratulations to president fewer and supervise president murase, i look forward to a very successful year ahead. so, i will read the endorsement of the downtown initiative, resolution 1312-10 sp1. and endorsement of creating a world class wide arts education center to be located in the center of the civil center artistic hub at the 135 van ness block site and to continue to support the district goal of equity and access for arts
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education for every sfusd student. i am going to read a couple of the whereas, and with your permission, i will move on to the rather long document, but whereas the school of the arts was created in 1980, and was formally named after ruth azo, a san francisco arts pioneer in 2011, sfusd's flag ship arts high school, features high quality training, and visual arts and vocal and instrumental music, and drama and theater technology and design and media arts and, creative and, whereas, relocating the school of the arts is in alignment with the plan for 2013, to 15, to engage students by connecting them to a rigorous
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based curriculum investing in the professional learning of teachers and listing importants. and skilling over to the next page. be it resolved that we are committed to creating a world class hub at the 135 van ness block to benefit the over 55,000 direct education and the design and implementation of new arts and arts infused curriculum and professional development for teachers and administrators and exposure to high level student professional art performances, exhibits and events. and be it further resolved. that the district is committing to relocating the school of the arts, education center corridor. and the 135 van ness block along with the district visual
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and performing arts department, and to work together with city key civic community and business stake holders and the development and the implementing the school of the arts plan that will benefit all students and citizens of san francisco at the 135 van ness block. >> and be it further resolved. that the superintendent and the board of education, will work together with parents, from the public and private sectors using existing and new system to bring this project to fruition to secure the appropriate resources and to reaffirm our belief that the arts, that the city that values the young people and creativity and the arts.
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>> thank you, we have many speakers sign up for this, i will give this item 15 minutes total. >> and you can for yourself and just collectively just have 15 minutes. stern, laner, laran, helio, bar, keith karane, and shepherd. and i am one of the public relation's directors and for the san francisco school of the arts, and we would just like to thank san francisco carranza for his leadership and for the creation of the 135 van ness
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new building. and we have all really been excited for that and we have been glad that we have someone that is working with us collectively and creatively. and we believe that it is a good move, and idea not only for us but for the city and for all students, as all over sfusd and thank you very much. >> good evening, i am with the fine art museums of san francisco but tonight i come to you as a historian and i am my honor to be invited to participate in the 2006, work that we hosted at the museum and during that time it was my honor to reresearch the reception when she started to show her work and while her
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work was codified, the work that infused her with the life that she was leading and she never divorced the two and file that having the school of the arts is her final gift to the school. and the students of sfsud and they will constantly every day that they xwoe to school, will be seeing professional artists who are walking in the same shoes that she pursued when she was creating her own legacy and so i please, i hope that you vote to start the school of the arts and rightful location, where she envisioned it when she first proposed the school foundation, thank you so much. >> >> good evening, commissioner and superintendent, i am a proud graduate of the school of arts and i am a dancer and i also study cultural anthropology, my grandmother was a proud graduate of the black mountain college where
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she artists, among the lessons that my grandmother learned at black mountain to value every person's voice, to believe in the creativity of all people, and not to waste anything, especially time, my grandmother wanted to see the philosophy and the dream of the black mountain live on and believed in the power of the real artists working directly with the students. and as she had worked with the great artist and thinkers at black mountain and i am glad to know that the school that carries my grandmother's name will move downtown to the san francisco unified school district arts hub where it will serve all students, and this was her dream and it will be her legacy, and all of us here tonight are part of that legacy, thank you. >> it is with honor that i
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speak to collar ration in the partnership with the office and the school district and as a neighbor, and welcomer of the arts, we are thrilled to continue this beautiful work that we have been doing in partnering with the school district, and in training, teachers and principals and musicians, and students, to speak the language of jazz. and jazz music. we think that jazz is one of our center pieces of culture in arts in san francisco. and this is our cultural corridor to make this a hub, a hub for the arts and education, and it is our dream and our purpose. and i hope that you will join me in this valuable project in the words of fred rogers won't you be my neighbor. >> hi, my name is dena fusha and i am a nurse practitioner, and i am the proud students in the vocal department, and one is a senior and one is a
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freshman and i also have a 7th grader who is hoping to come to this school as well. i have a plea to support this project. it benefits our public school students as well as the community at large. and it will help to transform the upper market area as well as you have heard from the speakers before me. and so, i really look for toward to the school being relocated and my 7th grader being able to enjoy the benefits of the future site, thank you. >> good evening, superintendent and commissions and i am a parent of the previous student of the school of the arts. and he studied both acting and media and spent a lot of time with writing, he then went on to the play writing department at the depaul university in chicago, and one of the reasons that he wanted chicago is that it is open to new artists in the area and he wanted to be centrally locate there had and that is what we talked about
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here tonight, is the creation of an art center that houses the school of the arts at the art hub and it will result in the kinds of programs that gives the students exposure to this and enables them to get the work out there and the work is viable and important to them and he was a participant in the art and film for teenagers and it is a free program that was started at the school of the arts several years ago and now attracts many students from the entire city. there is also other programs such as the engineers alliance for the arts and i feel that the proximity of the major arts institutions will create more and more partnerships of this kind. as a parent, i think that i represent many parents whose students have gone on to study the arts as well as the students who will be the members of the community that will support and appreciate and understand our arts institutions as they continue in the society. we feel that moving the school to the city arts hub will communicate the value that the city places on art and on arts education for all students,
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thank you. >> excuse me. we got the speakers and i would like to add sherry young. >> good evening, superintendent carranza and commissions, my wife and i are here tonight as parents, we have two wonderful young boys who currently attend the school. and as the educators and the professional artists i am a product of the san francisco public schools and graduate ng 1981. and ten years later, graduate froming san francisco california college of the arts. and has sense made it my life's work to make and each art. and for 25 years and involved in dozens of arts organization and topped in the elementary to school and currently maintain an art studio and design studio. and she hired me as one of the first artist and residents at the street campus and mentored me for seven years when i taught there. and i currently carry on the spirit of the teaching in the
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arts class that combines the drawing, painting and tuition and critical thinking and experimentation and play and the relevance and it is the kind of class that she will be proud of and fully realized in the downtown location. >> i want to thank you in advance for having the courage to do the right thing and to watch this amazing arts education center, that our students and our student deserves. it will include, visual, the school, the visual and performing arts department and the north auditor um and not only take arts education to a new level, and our whole district it will insure the city's roll as an arts incubate or and to connect our school to professional working artists, thank you. >> commissioners, and superintendent, i am excited to be here tonight, and i feel like it is part of history and i even reschedule the rehearsal so i could be here tonight, i am keith and i am a teaching artist at the school of the
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arts. and many of you know our dear friend passed away three years ago to this date and left us all quite a bit shaken but part of the vision as the technical theater director in the main stage musical events was to create a destination point. he always saw that the school of the arts will be the destination point and we have many pieces to pick up and we could not have done it without the collaboration of the chair, paul and the students from all disciplines who come from all neighborhoods in our city to participate in the art that we created in this school and we also collaborate with the professional working artists who could have dreamed and the people at act and the new center and judy and ruth, at the san francisco, and the museum and all of the architects and all of the
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engineers and each the members of the local, have strengthened not only the art curriculum but also the academic day, and through the vision of our artist and superintendent carranza, who by the way played in the pit on opening night of 42nd street, we hope that they do it again for spamalot we will be able to connect and collaborate even more deeply with the greatest arts providers of the world and we look forward to moving downtown. just think of what could happen if we are located at the art of the center arts corridor. i dream of it every night. just think about what can happen with the students from every school, come to this arts corridor to our school to pair up with zapa and the north auditor um for production and dream the big dream and it is all coming together tonight to make san francisco the campus and the dream a reality.
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thank you. >> good evening, my name is avom shepherd and i am the parent of two graduate and they both graduates from theater technology and they both use the education that they got at soda in what they do now for a living. i am very proud of them. i would like to be very proud of you too, to see if you move this school next week to 135 van ness avenue. and it has been a dream for a lot of people for a long time. and you can look like a bunch of heroes to the whole world when you see what comes out of the school of the arts when they have the opportunity to mix with people like dominp go .
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>> i actually left the loyal high school after my freshman year because the school of the arts was opening up and from the school of the arts, i was encouraged to go to act, the summer training congress where i saw professional talent, and after i graduated from college, i auditioned for act and became an act graduate, and started my
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own theater company. and even to this day, we actually when we are called upon, we go and support school of the arts. and having a center at civic center is essential to the training because you need that energy and the collaboration and the students need to see the professional artists do what they do to in order to be inspired and to have careers of their own and i am very proud to say that i still stay in contact with some of the students at school of the arts that i corrected and raised another son and one young man, rodney jackson is on broad way tour for the more, the book of mormon, and he signed is own theater company. and so it is the kind of energy that we want to bring to san francisco that the school of the arts, and it is the place, where careers are started. thank you. >> public comment is now closed.
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and any comments from the board of superintendent? >> seeing none, oh,, commissioner wynns? >> i just want to thank the superintendent for bringing this to us. and i want to thank him for his leadership on this and i want to thank everybody for being here. i want to thank all of my colleagues for their support, at least as far as we know. but i also just want to say, that i agree with some of the things that have been said this evening, that this is the moment for us. and it is a very, important moment for us. and some of us in this room have been working on this for many, many years. but, all of us understand how important it is, how important this school and with the legacy but also, the commitment of our or of the san francisco community to the arts and arts education is an integral part of what san francisco is.
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and so, it takes or going to take all of us to get this done. and this is, yet another beginning, but for the most important thing and so thank you to everybody. >> commissioner? >> thank you. >> i just want to kept for the committee of the whole, we heard from michael thomas and from the opera and the ballet and the soda community from across cross section and i want to thank the folks who came out tonight as well. and i just a few people to call out, david balban, reme in bringing a group together to work on this again and our vapa staff and rob daniels and especially susan's dot whore has been keeping this in place for many years. principal of soda and mike kevin and his design team.
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and david golden and his leadership, and but especially at the superintendent and my colleague commissioner jill wynns. >> commissioner, mendoza-mcdonnell? >> great, thank you. >> we had a really great discussion last week around this project and i am so excited to be able to support this tonight. and i just want to reiterate that this is not just the endorsement of creating a world class, but supporting this project fund-raising for this project. and being ambassadors for the school and so that means all of you are going to get taped into to hit the city up as well as many other folks, not only to raise the money, but in order for us to build the school but to really talk about the amazing students that we produce out at the school, and the hub that it will represent on the civic center corridor and how it will connect with the market street arts corridor and just the contributions that our school will be giving to
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the entire city and i look forward to working with all of you to make it a reality this time and it has been way too long that we have been talking about it and so let's get your boots on and plan on getting out there to do just a lot of hard work, this is going to be a heavy lift and we are going to count on all of you to make it happen. >> and any other comments? >> seeing none, i would just like to personally thank the superintendent for her decision and commitment to the arts in san francisco for our students, and i think that this is going to be a gift for all of our 55,000 public school students who will have the opportunity to partake in the center and so having said that, the roll call vote, please? >> thank you, commissioner. >> wei. >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> dr. murase. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> and miss wynns?
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>> aye. >> it is unanimous. [ cheers ] >> item i, already moved and seconded on december 10th. commissioner norton, could we have a reading of the resolution, please? >> yes. we can. as soon as i find it in my ago ahead and answer da. what page? >> thank you. >> all right. in support of a sugarry beverage tax, whereas the beverages sweetened contain empty calories as designed by the usdepartment of agriculture and whereas the board of supervisors defines it as a drink with 25 or more calories
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a serving has added sweeteners and whereas sugarry beverages although they can contain hundreds of calories in a serving do not signal fullness to the brain, and show that the beverages flood the liver, and this sugar rush leads to fat deposits that causes serious health problems. whereas sugary beverages represent 11 percent of daily calorieed consumed by children in the united states. and a recent survey found that california teenagers are consuming more sugary befrage and whereas since 1980, obesity among children has tripled nationwide and 2010, a third of children in san francisco were obese or overweight and whereas every additional beverage increases a child's risk of obesity by 6 percent and one or
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