tv [untitled] January 22, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST
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in june, and as they are today. and i think that to suggest, that this is going to generate a campaign, against the children's fund, and peace, has absolutely no basis with respect to the commissioner and this is going to be about the sugary beverage tax and it is going to bring in the money in against that and that does not translate into a campaign against the children's fund and in san francisco, we do not shy away from big business trying to threaten, to somehow flood us with money. and we saw that last november, when the tobacco tax with tens of millions of dollars in the tobacco industry, failed in california and got 73 or 74 percent of the vote in san francisco seeing the same exact odds, in terms of the timing, and i was really thrilled when commissioner norton moved forward with this resolution
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with this timing. and now, is the time to be really building and building, and building, our coalition. when you are facing an industry that has unlimited resources, because people in this country and our kids are giving them a lot of money, for these beverages, you don't wait until june to build your coalition. you do it early and the one final thing that i want to say. and i don't agree, that this is a quote unquote, regressive tax. frankly diabetes is much more of a regressive tax than a two pennies per ounce sugary beverage tax and as vargus said to me and that it is not progressive to suggest, that, or selling unhealthy, disease-causing cheap, product to poor people, that is not
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progressive. that is progressive and so, i take issue with that. and that characterization. and also, one final thing in terms of your question, as well supervisor mar and i we have, we have agreement. and our proposals were never that different. from one significant difference was that the supervisor mar's proposal did not cover the fountain drinks whereas mine did and we agreed that the fountain drinks will be covered. >> i believe, commissioner norton has a question for you. >> yes, i am sorry. >> can you tell us... >> i can stand. >> can you tell us the timing of when you and supervisor mar and the other co-sponsors intend to introduce the compromised legislation in front of your board? >> yes, so right now, the two proposals are pending and we have an agreement and we will be in february, early february,
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introducing the combined measure, so that is the timing looks like. >> ester would you mind shutting off the microphone? >> thank you. >> any more. you can cut it off. >> okay, thanks, guys. >> any more comments? from the commissioners? commissioner norton? >> i just want to say that i am not in favor of changing the time line, i think that supervisor weiner said it perfectly when he said that this is you know, the objections are going to be the objections and they are going to be the same objections in march or april than they are today. and i think you know, this is really this resolution was crafted to be about a concept and not about a specific proposal. and either you support the concept or you don't and you have ever right not to support the concept but i think that we need to vote it up or down
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tonight. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell? >> i just want to respond to say that i support the concept but i am not going to support the proposal tonight because i don't think that the timing is correct. >> no. okay. >> so, no comments from the colleagues, and okay. and i think that i will render my opinion now. and it is significant at this point. but, so, i support the concept and i think that it is a really good concept and i also have questions about, i mean that i think that what astounded me sort of was hearing this commitment you know, against obesity, and about the health of children, and yet, i hear so little support for physical education in our school districts, in fact, i hear such disparaging remarks about the
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physical education department and the teachers and really the need for students not to have physical instructional education as part of their class course work. and i find that it is some what hypocritical to say that obesity is an issue here and what we don't look at physical education in our school district and i just have to call that out because i have been to a lot of these meetings where we have talked about the physical education in the school district but yet the people seem like i have heard such disparaging remarks about the physical education in general, for example, like why do we have it? it is boring, why do the students have to do it, and yet we talk about obesity and yet, we talk about diabetes epidemic and we are talking about the health of our students and so i just want to bring that to everyone's attention that if you have a commitment to this
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and you have a commitment to what our children are consuming you should also have a commitment to physical education for those students who do not belong to a gym, who do not work out on school yards, their own, yards, who do not have places to run, and an areas where it is safe to exercise and parks where it is safe to participate in physical activity. and i think that so shape up san francisco, and i would like you to take that on, quite frankly, i feel like when... good. because when let's do it commitment chair. because it is a whole package here. it is not only just what yukon saoum. it is about how we exercise and how do we take care of ourself and that to be honest with you gives you that great, great, thank you. our great self-sustain and also, our body image. >> and i just have to skaul that out because i feel like it is some what hypocritical to talk about this and not talk about the need for physician xal education in our schools.
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so having said that, i too am sort of concerned about it being attached. to the children's amendment and reauthorization of the peace. and so i can see the valid measures i am concerned about it being attached. i have been reassured by the author, that is not attached to it. so i am going to take that. i am going to take that commitment as truth, and that it will not be attached to it and this commitment does not say that it will be. and so i mean that it will be, and in this resolution, does not say that it will be. and i think that this is going to be a battle, and quite frankly i know that the timing of where you are going to need the support is basically also at the ballot and so it is not just right now, and it is going to be if you are in for a
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dollar you are in for a dollar, that means that you it is all the way to the ballot. and so, colleagues, i although, i am really ap prehenive about this and being on the ballot, i am just again, i find it some what hypocritical to talk about what we drink and what the students drink and to hear about poor children and children and poverty and exposed to this but we are not even addressing the physical activity and it is some what upsetting. but, i am going to support this in because i have faith in my colleague because it is not going to be atofpd to the children's fund or to the prop h renewal and having said that, i think that we are ready for a vote. >> thank you. >> miss wei? >> abstain. >> mr. logan? >> no. >> thank you. >> miss fewer? >> yes.
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>> mr. haney? >> yes. >> miss maufas. >> no. >> miss mendoza-mcdonnell. >> no. >> dr. murase. >> aye. >> norton? >> yes. >> and miss wynns. >> aye. >> five ayes. item y. the request to speak regarding general matters, and i have one speaker card, michelle pence please come up to the podium, you have two minutes, miss pence. >> and okay, high, good evening, i am michelle pence and i am a parent of students at the claritan elementary in lincoln high school. and okay. i am here on behalf of a diverse student body who depend on the bus transportation from the excelcier district to the
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claritan elementary, the students use the bus from hill crest elementary to claritan elementary and their feeder school is prosidio middle school and we would like to request bus service for our students to continue to prosidio school for the under served community, the students are only given first choice for our feeder school prosidio it is the only school that they get priority at. and it is about nine miles from the bus stop at hill elementary and the students would like to attend the feeder school with their friends and benefit from the education at the middle school. but without help, our students most likely will be unable to attend. i have signatures of ten
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parents living in the excelcier and the bay view districts that use this bus stop, i will e-mail each of you a copy and i have two copies for the secretary and i want to make sure that you are aware of how some students have no way to get to their feeder school in this current system. we don't want to give up our place, because we think that it is a good school. so. also, i think that it is also good for the environment because the school bus is better than all of the parents driving separately and i think that it saves the energy too. >> so, thank you. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> okay. request to speak regarding general matters is now closed. item k, advisory committee report and appointments by the board members. any appointments? >> yes. >> i need to just skol my message and you can come back
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to me. >> yeah i would like to appoint jenny lamp to the tech. for you mark. >> and are we, okay, commissioner maufas could we move on and then we will come back to that? >> sorry, are you cool with that. >> please forgive me. >> okay. >> do i have it. >> okay. you do. >> pardon me. i just had to look. so i am appointing frenando marquez to the peace committee. >> thank you. >> any other amointments? seeing none, item l special order of business, motion and a
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second for the instructional calendar for the 14, 15 school year, reading recommendation for the superintendent which looks like scarlato. >> the motion and a second. >> so 3406ed moved. >> i second. >> thanks. >> thank you. commissioners. i would like to and my name is carm elo scarlato and i would like to submit the instructional calendar for 2014, 15 school year. >> thanks. >> you have one public speaker, signed up, and mr. dennis kelley. >> thank you very much. and congratulations on, as supervisor mar said maintaining the richmond district hold on the presidency and i thought that it was very brave of
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commissioner murase not to point out that the sunset district cut into half of the leadership. and i actually put in a card to say that i would speak on this if carm elo was in trouble and the fact that you called me makes me presume that he is in trouble. no i am just... >> no. >> i am teasing you. this is the calendar that we sat down together and we came out with, and we understand that there was concern about the thanksgiving holiday and we are committed to going back and looking at that again for this year. for the coming year. thank you mr. kelley. >> comments from the board or the superintendent? >> commissioner murase? >> yes, i know that historically we have gone to the part advisory committee could you tell us a little bit about who the others have seen? >> yes. the group that was involved
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with this from the parents' side was the pac group and so we had a representative at the meetings and basically just discussed a number of different options. you had about three or four different time frames or, calendar and we came to the agreement on the present one that i am presenting tonight. >> okay. >> did you use the phrase, the board adopt? >> i may have, i will reread it to say that. that would be great. >> for the record. thank you. >> for the record. >> so i was in trouble, then. there you go. >> the board of education the requested action is that the board of education adopts the 2014, 15 instructional calendar.
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>> thank you. and so i think that the other comments and ready for a roll call vote. >> thank you. >> miss wei? >> yes. >> mr. logan. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yeah. >> haney. >> yes. >> and maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> norton. >> wynns. >> aye. >> five ayes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item m, discussion of other educational issues. and we the superintendent left us and i think that it is the annual report from the radio station, klw. >> i am going to let you get
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those because i want to refer to a couple of things. >> you know, i think that you can start. >> okay. >> thanks. >> so as i say, thank you very much, and for taking some time, to hear about the activities and the plans at kalw and the license $to the school district that for the people listening on the radio is 91.7 fm and we are based at studios out of burton high school and we are the oldest fm station, west of the mississippi so it is a proud tradition of community service broadcasting that the district has supported for over 70 years. >> i just passed out a packet including the program guides from this past year and a state
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of the station report. and that outlines a lot of stuff going on at the station and gives you financial information and the details. and i wanted to direct you to two things and i am going to base my remarks are and one of them is in the left side of the packet and there is a photo essay and on the right side of the packet, there is the state of the state report and i just asked you to look at page 2 of that, that talks about the finances and development. and i am asking you to pull these two things out first because there is an important connection between the two of them. this little photo essay is actually something that we sent out to's number of donors that we just included getting and doing the fund-raising for the station. and i have pointed out just to say that even two years ago we were not doing effectively and that is detailed information going out to and doing what we
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are working on and giving them a sense of the real human activity and what they are hear and appreciate on the radio and so we have really a big part of the financial turn around, thereof the finance and development area and looking at the unrestricted assets and looking back over the last several fiscal years and you can see since fyten it has been real. and from that point where we had actually given a line of credit from the school district and we are no longer in a financial position. and you will find that we will get an opportunity audit each year to safety the requirement for the public broadcasting and i think that the most important thing in that audit and i encourage you to look at it and the most important thing is something that is not there and it is called a going concern note and in the past three
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fiscal years for kalw, they had to put in a note saying we doubt whether it can continue as a going concern as an entity that can raise its own funds and support its own activities that note is no longer there and that is as a result of really remarkable support from the community, for the station, over the last three years that has put us into the much stronger financial position and the great thing is that it hasn't and we have been able to increase our reserve and at the same time increase to do more to serve the community on the air and getting out into the community and so i just want to draw it.
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and we are happy to work at burton high and being able to work with the students and when we do a program with education and we can reach out there on the campus and we have a rent free space in san francisco and that is nothing to look past and so we thank the district to all of the support that it provides. but financially when it comes from the cash support it is with the list eners and in particular with the major donors that has allowed us to put the station in a better position and also on this piece of paper the photo and i want to point out a couple of specific things. and on this side of things, for those, and i guess that we actually have a tv audience and they can see what i am pointing at. in september, with the support of a non-profit called the association for continuing education which has been generous in its support of
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kalw's work with students. yes? we were able to launch what we are calling the kawl audio academy which is actually the continuing education for the adults in journalism and the production that we began in september and the first class that have is under way now and in fact the first story is coming out of the trainees are now being held on the magazine across crimes and so in addition to the support from the association for the continuing education has allowed us to do more work with the students and. and i have four students from the summer all of whom produced, and we will send the links and also in the state of the station report, and so you can see about what the experience made for them and we have as we have been able to bring in more researchers at the station and put the students and bring the students
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and education and what we do at kalw and one of the things that we want to focus on and not because it is part of the community but because developing new talents in public radio and journalism is good for the station. and it gives us valuable content and makes us connection in the community. and speaking connection to the community, right below that, you see a couple of photos, from a really remarkable event that happened this last september called sites and sounds of bay view and this was the result of a collaboration between kalw and the san
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francisco arts commission where we got the journalists and do the profile of the amazing people to do the work in the bay view and from that community, profiling their expenses what their committed to, and those were in the broadcast on the radio. and we had an event that was packed to the gills with the people that were excited to hear the stories from the community and it was an emotional night and a powerful night and to me it is one night. and it is one community, within this big bay area, but i felt like it was a example of what a station like kalw can do and we did it in partnership and that is the kind of thing that we could leverage for do more and. and it is just a great series of the profiles that i will send out to all of and you check them out on your own time. >> and the last thing that i point out is if you flip this over and there are a couple of different pictures on the opposite side of this and the last two, and just kind of to me the examples of how the work that is happening at kalw can have reverb rations in places and ways that certainly, i don't expect when we start some of the projects that we work on. and the first of them, is a quote there from lopez who is one of our trainees in the
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academy and does the work with the young people in mexico, and she talked about how she was taking what they was learning, at the audio academy and taking it directly to her students there. and what that has meant to the work that she is doing this and i certainly talked about launching this academy did not think about that kind of reverb ration of the work being done by the station. and second, i just, we got a photo thereof, of mars, who is one of the outstanding producers in public radio and i am glad to say that kalw is where he got the work starting in the audio production and i couple of years ago he launched and we had a partnership of the american institute of architect and we launched a chapter called 99 percent invisible and it is about the world of design and how it works. and along with just a smart and talented guys and we gave him
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support and this has been downloaded 14 million times, it one of the most successful examples of a new kind of public radio broadcasting and reaching a new audience and people all over the world who listen to and give support. so these just some examples, one sheet and 15 pages, whatever, 20 minutes, of me talking to you is not going to represent what happens at the station in i day and not in a year, and i want to give you a sense of the things that are happening at kalw. and i would say that i think this is my 7th report to you all as general manager. and i feel like you know, we have built a lot, and there are a lot of partnerships and i encourage you to look in that report and we continue to make new connections in the community and one that for me, recently that i think has been really powerful is we have introduced something called the prison report and every monday
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on cross currents the local news magazine, and these are stories produced by prisoners about their lives, on a day-to-day basis, about their experiences both before and during being in prison and profiling one another and the changes that they have made in their lives. and this is something that our news director started this last year in partnership with the people that are already doing work. but now the stories are being heard on the radio around the bay area and so i just say, that we keep adding to that set of stuff. and but i also want to say that as a leader of the station, i feel like we have run-in crediblely, because the community has been so supportive and the people at the district have said yes, you are doing good work and continue on that path and i had a feel thating we are reaching the limits of growth to the current path and saying that we will take on more and do more. and we need to be thoughtful and strategic about the opportunities that we do take
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and it can be shown with the opportunities ahead of us, and and we talked about how we want to do the work at the station and we actually worked with a great. business and nba student. and at hoss and burkely, and who did the great and laid the great groundwork, for the station and we are really undertaking an approach to that and getting some outside support and doing the strategic planning and this year, undertaking something comprehensive is going to be staff, volunteers reaching out to the stake holders to say what are the real values that guide this institution and how we will have the, you know wha, is going to guide us in saying yes and saying no to project and really try to shape in the more conscious way than we have to this point the work ahead. and so, i want to let you know that work going on. and i want to say to you, that i know that you are a school
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board members have a lot on your plate every, you know, couple of weeks that you come in here i hear it when i listen to the broadcast on kalw. and but i will say in this coming year, i am going to ask for just a small increase in engagement which on one hand it is going to be a matter of i would liker to hook you up with some resource to learn more about what the station is doing, and i am going to share with you the specific projects that we have been doing on the air also if it is all right with you all, we have a great letter and it is one of the best ways to keep up on what is happening. and i am going to drop you all an e-mail and ask you the per miss to add you to that list and it is a great to have you in the inbox and here is what is going on. and also, in this year, i mean that there are a couple of you who i have had time to talk about this ste station and this year, i definitely want to set a time to talk with each of you about where the station is
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headed and how you see its potential for serving the broader community as a whole. if you have a question, i welcome them. >> and so if there are other things that you want to get back to me about. >> thank you very much for the part. >> thank you. >> it was just a pleasure to have you here before us again. i know definitely that the station has had its ups and downs but through all of that you have been really a steadfast braoefsh belief and her trying to get all of you to move and on a real, and really on the solid ground to move forward, and it is wonderful to hear that
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