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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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to comments to the part of the e i railroad it refers to numerous other discussions of the impact analysis and on january 15th the interpretation clarified that the comments maybe made as to the revisions and those reference sections as they proton - pertain to the alternatives. today, the secretary and the staff repeated the incorrect reductions the writ issued by the court said you must consider all comments as to revisions to the eir and consider all comments to the revisions. so your notice it inadequate and you must recirculate.
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the court held that you must see that the eir discussions was not inclusionary you have the opportunity to recommend to the board the policies that will be better. we'll submit written comments but essential you should eliminate the sees to instead of the income target for the period. the pipeline units anticipated are 25 thousand more and more - >> thank you, madam your time is up. >> i'd like to continue. >> you can submit our comments in writing. thank you >> my name is a steven white.
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on beaumont avenue. i support the continuance. i'm worried about major changes in the quality of our neighborhood. and also worried about transportation issues. thank you >> thank you. >> may i have the overhead, please. okay. so those are several bullet points i have n with respect to the information. and talk about the incorporated document. i'm totally convulsed i got a lot of it down. the e ii r will be used for the
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development for the elements. this eir can be tape recorder. the moderate protect unit they're not enough and housing unit are being done. r-22 is the middle-class and we'll allow for the information that is going to be presented it's basically a whole city within 25 feet of a muni line and then you have less or no open space. i'm been riding the the buses for a long time and taking one hour to get from disable to hunter's point is no fun. and it's not fun it's incapacity and it's not going to work by 20
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thirty. there are billions of dollars of general obligation bond from and are you going to pay for them. it's going to there property tax go 9 to 10 percent. original san franciscans on pensions and disability it goes ongoing and you don't think about the inflow from the grbl golden gate bridge. >> call a few more names (calling names). >> i support the continuance. i did not understand from the notice that i was agriculture to
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comment on the sections of the eir. i'm happy to come here today and stand before you and tell you that i'm a resident of francisco heights and i've been after a an officer of that organization for over thirty years. i spent 8 years on the education fund and i just want to point out our big concern with the ed if you happened their folks are fleeing the city it's not dissatisfaction with the public skull but a lack of family friendly zones. i want you to think about destroying the character of those neighborhoods is going to have an impact on our schools >> thank you.
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>> alex. i also support of the continuance because i didn't thinks that i could comment on the eir as far as the alternative. i'm concerned with the offer crowding and a transportation issues. thank you. >> i'm a resident. i'm asking for the continuance because i wasn't noticed period. i find out about this hearing two days ago. and number two i didn't get to read all of it by the way, i read a lack of affordability and a lack of treating the low and
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middle income like humans. i think this needs to be relooked at and i think the plan it looks like it was planned by someone who tried to do this in 76 and it caused prop m. i really building that you need to continue that and i would like to have the right to do adequate response to the revised sections. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. >> can you speak into the microphone. >> yeah. thank you. hello, i'm diane at 24 lauren court. i'm a member of the fireman
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sister could heights association and i'm here to represent our neighbors who couldn't make it. i'm a third generation san franciscan. i replacement going back many years and seeing the city grow and we had control the city had control over the annoyances of the beauty of it. i know we have to worry about this contingency and i want you to take into account. my father and grandfather and husband helped on the penya project and my son worked at city hall bif it and i'd like to see it stay like that friendly and warm and room to spread around and our children to grow.
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i'm lucky to have 2 in the city who can afford to stay but when i see new families coming here to live they need a chance. they want the education, they want the museums, they want all those things, please give it to them and consider all the things above >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners aim kathleen roland's. i have not only lived in san francisco for many years but i started as a renter and now a homeowner i work here. i want to let you know i'm concerned about the feed wishes
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document. i support the continuance. i'm concerned about the lack of transportation, consideration. i have taken muni many years i know what it feels like to have 8 buses to pass you bye. i know that there is situations for the middle-class and we do need to flrts our housing for those people. we need to keep the rh one and two neighborhoods for all our citizens. i'm very concerned about the increased density and the towers that are proposed 24 will decrease life with shadows and fog blowing through that. i like the city the way it is
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and i want to ask you to continue this so we can review the documents pr i want to state for the record i'm a member of the boardwalk improvement program >> next speaker. >> >> good afternoon commissioner. my name is danny live in san francisco. i am a director of the mri lemon improvement club. mri lemon park one of our primary concerns a protecting financially single-family zoning that were lately it's been wonderful to see many families with children moving into the area partly because our elementary school is under a new privilege left from a low grade
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to a high grade in the system. we would like to encourage families to keep coming in our neighborhood. we need to preserve this rh one zoning. families need a place in the city as well as people who can use condos. you need a stand alone building to raise kids. we've gotten a limited time to review this document. in part because there was wide misunderstanding because of the wording we could or couldn't address here. we feel the current document didn't inadequately talk about the zoning particle r one and two zoning. so i think i'd like to ask for a continuance so this can be done.
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recently, i visit ecuador and they built a wonderful airport but in the second degree to build a road to the airport. a two-lane highway that took two hours to get to the airport. let's get the infrastructure in place first >> thank you. next speaker. and let me call a few more names (calling names). >> hello my name is - okay. >> sorry (laughter). >> your time is up, sir. >> i live here.
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anyways i've been a third generation resident here in san francisco. i wish to thank the planning commission for taking the time to hear us and i rerequest that you grant us the estimation e extension of time necessarily to review the pages that pertain to the eir. there's very much a need for they're to be single-family residents. and we need to keep the rh one in place. there's been a lot of discussion about the lack of transportation or the muni transportation not being up to par which i don't need to get into it spaets and
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if you grant united states t the extension it will be greatly appreciated >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon carolyn st. francis association. san francisco. i also support of the continuance. i did not understand until a couple of days ago we could comment on the counterpart sections and i need more time. policy 1.6 should sad add a reference such as a is it fair to say wood so single-family homes could be maintained in san francisco. we just celebrated our citizen technology in 2012 as a
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single-family neighborhood in san francisco and those are the types of neighborhood that should be encouraged in san francisco. muni is unequal able to serve our population during the rush hour. normally 20 minutes to downtown, however, during rush hour trains stop and muni can't get the number of cars they need. you sit there in the middle of the tunnel sometimes 5 minutes at a time and my husband hearsay fainted twice. during the regular days that takes 20 minutes take 40s minutes or longer. we have density and a transportation problem. i used to work in belmount shores and the trip took 20 or
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thirty minutes now it takes over an hour i quit that just but i was disappointed my commute in the city was not what i expected it to be >> next speaker >> would you pass those out? thank you. i'm bernard i represent san francisco tomorrow. i am also and we are also in support of the continuance in that the range of alternative have not been formerly he presented as directed by the court and having been a party to the writing of the code you're considering i can say you don't moot the state mandate. i want to talk about one
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alternative. the rains of cumulative environmental impacts which is and matter of operating policy is go forward as not being significant. it's significant it's a resource los angeles police department. land is in miscarries supply in san francisco i'm sure you're aware of. that means the developer forced to buy over priced in this city has to provide over expensive buildings for seismic safety. that means you can't in a free market in effect get affordable housing. it also means that prudent developers have to connote with cheap money overseas which
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connotes for that land and has free reign over the high pricing which is an epidemic in this city > >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm with the coalition of neighborhoods. if you were a teacher i would give the pa planning department an a for their data analysis. very good. however, part two objectives and policies to be politely get an e for effort but realistically an f. the reason why is all alternatives to provide a feasible plan for all income levels is not there. you know the information and you
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know what's needed but at the end of the day or the end of the year you have not met our objectives and if you don't reach our objectives any time soon it components the problem. the department should every year keep a tally of how far behind you're getting. oh, we're only 5 hundred units behind but bleeding after 10 years we're 5 thousand unit behind it's a different picture so you should gusts a tally. in a way it should be like a permit system the the permit system would be whatever the greatest need is the permits are free but if you have a permit in
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excess then you have a permit is $200,000 for each unit you're in excess that way affordable housing will catch up. there's a major disconnect between muni and planning. planning is turning around fast but murn not so moved so much. they've got to be together >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'll call a number of names (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm timothy i live in san francisco. i'm also a board member of mri lemon park club and i'm here as a taxpayer to let you know it's
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time to slow down on this plan and look at all the angles. there doesn't need to be a rush on this i want to talk about things that were done thirty years the double decker freeways and destroying homes in the chinatown area. but now we look back on the ideas we all say what were they thinking to tear down outlining all the homelands and build the double decker freeways. i'm here to ask you to support the continuance of the eir to give everybody time to make those transparent ideas. i'm concerned about the flight of the families from san francisco. it's hard to raise our families
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here if you take out r one and two housing we'll be literally getting all the middle-class families to keep it viable out of the city. so muni is also another issue i ride muni everyday and i have to wait for several trains and several buses. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i've lived on hill street for 33 years. i'm also speaking for the liability hill organization that is mixed with people of many perspectives. i know, however, is that we're all investment i was.
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we want the historic fabric of our community preserved without the larger developments destroying our exultant. val say street what we've seen is a complete onslaught of condominiums developments. residents can't afford to live in the mission. people who want to have businesses are being priced off of the valencia street and large corporations that are basically front for internet companies are the ones who are renting the stores for eternity e exonerate
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rent. everyone wants affordable housing. we must improve our transit. in my neighborhood alone since there has been a transit first policy in san francisco our transit has been cut by 3 quarters of a percent. we need to catch with the buildings that have already been built according to san francisco magazine 10 thousand unit already improved are in construction are going on or in san francisco. thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is sherry i'm president of the liability hill neighborhood association. i want to let the members of the
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commission know our organization has the board open our organization has vote to support the continuance and to express our concern about the inadequatecy of the eir of the information that's being circulated and to get bart to anymore in the city to downtown if you're not in a rush. the transportation system as it stand so far has been inadequate for many years but as my colleague has explained our buses have been cut by several run lines and the remainder are often full or they don't stop or
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have any space. i believe that the commission needs to consider all those things and therefore i am in - invoicing my support of continuance. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners, thank you for hearing us today. moore from the coalition of san francisco neighborhoods. i just had a couple of questions i wanted to raise here that haven't been address. where do all those folks coming from. there are a huge number of buildings that are being built but the major question that concerned us today is one of water shorthand. we're in the middle of a drought so where's the water going to
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come from for those new people and those new developments. seems like it would make sense to develop some solar plant if you're going to have those people come in where is the water going to come from. i have one other thing i'll mention a lot of us feel the commission and the city owes they're first loyalty to the san franciscans not new residents. thank you very much >> thank you. >> commissioners i'm kathleen i'm chair of housing and zoning nor the russia hill association. i'd like to build on the comment that was made. we're your constituents we rely on you to look out for our city
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and our best interest. we recognize that's a heavy responsibility but you raised our hand and volunteered to be on the planning commission. and we ask you to fulfill our responsibility here. the russian hill community association look forward to reviewing the documents. we generally have meeting and a discuss the points and are respectful of our time. we generally appear before you with data in hand and we've been unable to be noticed on december 18th for a hearing today to present our ideas in the midst of the holiday period is a ridiculous a ridiculous statement, a ridiculous protocol.
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we're on the bring of a discussion making process that does not review all of the data and take into account fully our responsibility to the people of san francisco and our responsibility to you to provide you with the information. as many of my colleagues have said i respectfully request that you continue this issue for a minimum of 50 days so we can come before you with well-thought-out ideas about how to address those issues. thank you very much >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners kathy republican open space coalition for the san francisco neighborhoods and various advocate groups. i've acknowledged or lived