tv [untitled] January 24, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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on the issue of affordable housing, the affordability of san francisco, we believe we have heard some disparaging remarks, the b mr's were somehow not real affordable housing which is news to us. question, with your vote to 3 units and any obligation to fund housing affordability has housing affordability in san francisco been improved. it's not an exaggeration to say if san francisco is serious about addressing it's housing affordability crisis, houses like valencia are going to have to be replicated hundreds of times throughout our neighborhood. on december 11th, someone needed to stand up for the integrity. i'm sorry that you were not able to that night and ask whether you might not reconsider the decision. the issues at stake in this tiny little project are numerator
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-- nomadic of the great challenges. >> good evening commissioners, i'm glen moser with the fair oaks neighborhood association. 4-year resident of the mission within blocks of the marsh. at the december 11th meeting, no one said anything about the house. what we hoped that when housing is built at the sight that it will not impinge on performance at the mark theatre. if i were to buy a unit, i would want the marsh to be an asset. anyone living in that neighborhood would feel so. therefore item g requiring prospective tenants or owners to be alerted of the existence
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of the marsh makes sense? adhering to the construction hours and limiting them to classes are not disrupted also makes sense. i hope that you will conform to these agreements, thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i live at 22 south van ness. two 2 blocks from the project. i'm concerned about the housing prices in the area. i was not happy to find they are planning to remove the housing. from on top the 4 units the project already lost from similar neighbors. while these seven lost units won't make a huge difference to the over all supply of housing, you are telling them they need to take off a floor or two to battle of the area. that does make a difference. if you walk down
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valencia recently the 5 story building that have already been built don't look out of place. similarly i'm glad this project proposes bike parking for the residents. i think it's what we need more of since this area is more of transit and biking. the relative frequent service and rate by valencia, the walkable grocery store along the neighborhood and within half a mile before i need to drive somewhere. our new buildings need to be encouraged to drive that. the buildings this size and we need the housing especially the affordable units. please allow 12 units to be built from this site. >> do you care to state your name for the record? >> jeffrey. >> commissioners, thank you for
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your time. i live about two 1/2 blocks from the proposed site. i'm very concerned about affordable housing and there may have been unintended consequences of your decision. i want to make a few other points. first off i'm a homeowner in my building half to 3/4 of the residents are car free. that's been -- i think that is a great development to be without parking in a great neighborhood before that. and thank you. >> i have a question. so do you think a building that does not offer parking do you think parking passes or parking
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permits should be allowed in that type of building? >> i know >> a lot of people are parking in our street and a lot of people couldn't park anywhere else. people couldn't park anywhere else and once we got it, it was easier to find parking on our street. the people, all over my block could park anywhere. >> a building that does not supply parking, do you think parking should be provided at that building? >> there are lots of buildings that don't have parking and people have permits. i don't know if we should stay
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consistent to that or to say this is a new building and people should be allowed to have permits. it's a great question and i have debated in my head and i don't have an answer. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hi, my name is candice roberts. the mark has remained to be a place that has provided me a voice and a home to so many diverse voices. i find it odd that a thriving arts organization of two plus decades is being threatened by a high rise that will house 12
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units. it seems odd. in an age where big business and corporate development seems to unfairly win and rule the day, i just urge you to vote from your hearts and please help protect what makes the city vibrant please help us protect the marsh. >> hi, i'm a student and performer at the mark -- marsh. the existence strengths ens my belief that they will not going along with them. conditions
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gment -- g and h to make sure they are aware of the theatre and from signing something. i knowu heard stories about the intimate nature of theatre at the marsh so i don't need to repeat that. the intimacy that it does require a quiet atmosphere for those moments and for people to continue telling me san francisco stories of people black and white, gay and straight, old and young. artisan developer. if you are not a performer, i would ask you to imagine to what it would be like when you are proposing marriage to someone when tles a truck running in the background or having a discussion with your child about something important and all of these crashing noises in the background. the last thing i wanted to address
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was the 4:00 p.m. deadline. i don't know if any of you have lived near construction. i did for over a year. what i noticed is the construction workers came at 7:00 a.m. when they were supposed to and took a 45-minute coffee and breakfast break which is reasonable and they are going to stretch the time to fill the space. if they are to be there until 6 :00 p.m. they will be there. they don't necessarily need to be there the whole time. >> next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is dan buner. a san francisco resident for 24 years and san francisco homeowner for the last 16 years. as a performer myself and as a frequent theatre gore to the marsh theatre. i have to say that sometimes theater needs silence and sometimes needs to be noisy. for that i
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ask you to consider and favor all of the drafts. specifically regarding the informing the residents, the future home owners that they would be experiencing some sort of noise potential. as a homeowner i know what it's like. i got a disclosure in my home that there's a recording studio next to me. when you are buying a home and you say okay and you don't realize how much it an annoys you until you are there for a while. for the first date you ignore all of these red flachlgs -- flags. it would be helpful to know. only with that can you avoid the gut reaction to want to call the police. having living in the city as long as i have, i know there are a lot of theatres, nightlife that have been
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dissolved because of the noise complaints because of the market area. i know how strange it is for people when they buy a house near the airport, they complain about it and they put restrictions on that. for those reasons. people ignore the danger of noise we have to put it in their face. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, thanks for letting me speak. my name is anthony ryan. i live close to the marsh and 1050 development. i'm also an artist and teach at the san francisco state university and diablo college. we are in a midst of housing crisis in san francisco, in the midst of cars killing and maiming people crisis in san francisco. from
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my perspective dense development does not provide for on street parking and encourages residents for transit and walking. thank you for letting me speak. that's all. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, my name is aideey an abet. i have a performer. i have a petition signed by 278 people in favor of your findings of the draft conditions and i have comments made by the people who signed these petitions. the marsh is an integral part of the district. the developer should respect the conditions of the
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december 11th ruling if they want to build next to the theatre. don't let it trump in fairness. the san francisco board need to stand by decisions to mitigate impact on this wonderful neighborhood theatre. and finally, we must not allow the machination of the wealthy to over turn unanimous decisions. it was clearly a sound decision. it seems the next move would be to over turn which would clearly get the marsh theatre in the battle. keep it alive. i remember the find ings. it was an epic moment for me and it's also reasonable. it's reasonable to expect someone moving into a neighborhood to be a neighborhood. there was only one place like the marsh and i would love it if the existence wasn't threatened by
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a condominium. thank you very much. >> we'll accept your submissions. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm judy, i live nearby and on valencia all the time and i love the marsh. i want to say it's in my opinion the only theatre in san francisco that i have been to where you go to and your mind is in consciousness and realization is like change when you go out. it's not like entertainment and i think it's fantastic. i'm looking at the marsh at this your considerations as like other people have said like a premarital agreement with the neighborhood and the marsh itself and the housing development. this is not just to be considered what the developers needs are but what goes on over time and so, i
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hope that you will adopt all the draft findings and conditions specifically having to do with this relationship so that people who buy it not just the first people who buy it but people after that will basically be entering into an agreement between them and their neighbor and be respectful of protecting this treasure that they have to sign something i completely am in favor of that. there will be meetings on going to make sure there are no problems. it would be great. that's a short-term relationship. thank you for your consideration. i hope you adopt the draft findings. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, my name is sophia green. i only have 3 points. one is i was not under the understanding
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that the marsh is asking for a reduction of units. i don't believe they are. that is really nothing to do with the marsh. the other two, i just want to say the condition where you have to let people know what they are getting dmoo -- into and they have to sign it and they are really clear i think is a really good one because we watched the south of market on 11th street have people move in and complain constantly and requirements were placed on the place there and i don't think they can afford that. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is echo brown and i respectfully request that you adopt the findings. i take classes at the marsh. i would like to say the marsh is more than just a theatre. it's a community space that brings
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people together and that functions as a society in our world. it's our job to protect the integrity of that space by adopting these findings primarily the noise concern. we provide programming so if you allow noise to happen while construction is happening while that service is being provided, then that says that you don't believe in what we do and we have to make sure that we preserve the space for that and say that we do respect the marsh and the function it serves and the community. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. david nolan. native city san francisco.
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when i was going to school i got art language which we don't get offered in school today. the marsh provides that as after school programs for children. i spent too much time in the war, but thanks to the marsh i got to see a play for the price of a movie which was about depression and like i said i spent too much time in the war and i suffer from depression from the war due to ptsd and it gave me courage to seek help from the veterans administration. so that was due to the marsh. so i hope i know this is a difficult issue, but i hope we can help the marsh as best we can. thank you for your time and consideration.
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>> next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is john. i'm a performer. i performed at the marsh a lot for over 20 years. and hugely indebted to the marsh for being a place where i and other artist can develop. i would like to confirm that i'm in favor of the adoption of all the draft findings and conditions. i'm delighted by how reasonable these are and how governmental bodies have been able to find a way to have a wonderful artistic organization interacting with the new housing place. i think it all seems very reasonable to us to keep the noise out to support the marsh theatre. it's in incredibly important as other speakers have spoken to,
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to have silent and comfort and to be able to listen is really important. i think the agreements in g and h when people move in that they can sign and they know this theatre this wonderful theatre next door and there will be some noise and that they understand that and it's really great and reasonable. i also just want to add as a former professional copy editor, the fact that the three dot lipses has been added by this board. >> good evening. at the last hearing the board was not recommending or stating that they should remove 3 units. the board was merely saying they
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should remove a floor. they could create as many units as they want in the existing four floors. further more i have to agree with commissioner hwang, these condominium units will not be affordable based on the initial price plus hoa duce. the board was right to find that this project as presented did not comply with the mission area plan or the general plan. the board rightly found at the last hearing that the building needed to be reducing in size and impact. the san francisco general plan states that the housing element should promote the construction and rehabilitation a well design housing that emphasizes beauty, flexibility and innovative design and respects existing
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neighborhood character." the housing policien insures that densities established residential areas promote compatibility with the prevailing neighborhood character. i just urge you to uphold your findings and as stated in the december 11th hearing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm kenny, a resident of san francisco. i'm in favor of adoption of all the findings by commissioners. thank you so much. i wanted to point out item j limiting construction to 4:00 p.m.. the youth classes start earlier. the marsh has been reasonable. i think it would be really prudent to let
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people who are buying the condominiums next door. since we last all were here on december 11th, i want to point out the san francisco chronicle published their best theatre. their mvp is david ford, the marsh's master developer is helping performers find their voices and craft their stories makingt san francisco the general leader. new york and london are known as world class theatres. this little humble theatre has brought san francisco up tot the front now. please support the arts and marsh in san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, my name is lynn
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lombardy oh. a 30-year resident. i have stood in front of this august board with different people sitting in the seats. several different times over the last 25 years. and what i want to say is that i trust you. this board as a body whether it's you or someone else, your predecessors who have been sitting, making decisions that affect neighborhoods. i trust you. i have seen good decisions that are contentious on 24th street and have seen them work out for the residents who are the ones that are left with the bad decisions. there are two, i see two issues. one is the short-term issue of the construction. i urge you to adopt the findings as they are
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because short-term effects on the marsh have long-term reverberation. these are acceptable and manageable. i also trust the developers that they have the ability to manage a project within these guidelines and to make a profit doing so. these are not outrageous findings or requirements. and in the long-term, the developer goes away and it's the residence of the valencia corridor, it's the people and performers of the marsh and the residents of the 12 units that have the lasting effect. >> in all the 25 years all the faces have changed maybe with the exception of commissioner fung? [ laughter ] >> thank you. i grew up here.
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>> next speaker, please. >> good evening, my name is john barbie. i would like to encourage you to stand by your december 11th decision. i have lived in the neighborhood for 28 years. actually longer than that since 1978 and it was a very correct decision. appealing housing is not working against the entire neighborhood. it's a very simple process there. they can still contribute to our neighborhood and our corridor and i think it was a very good decision and very well thought
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out. and i plead you to stand by your prior decision. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good evening, i'm kirk boden, san francisco resident. i have attended the marsh several times and i'm in favor of the findings and conditions of the draft. it's what makes san francisco san francisco and makes people want to build condos and move into there. it's fragile. the contractor might not know about this. the new tenants might not beware of that fragility. the marsh is a
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rare and endangered species. i think we should protect it and ensure it's survival. i respectfully request that you adopt the findings and conditions and keep it here where it's a valuable and beloved institution. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is judy kerts and also a long term resident of san francisco. i wasn't planning to speak. i just wanted to make a point in addition to the many points that have made in support of your determination. and that is that there is several people brought up the issue of affordable housing and i just want to say your determinations really have nothing to do with affordable housing. there are many units that have sold in that neighborhood, condos for $1.5 million and i hardly believe that is affordable housing and that is not going
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to increase the affordable housing stock in addition to the developer has not promised to build any affordable housing on site. thank you. >> next speaker? >> hi. i'm david. critical on the affordable housing, the builder refused to put affordable housing into those units. if you want to put them back, i certainly ask that you commit to put the affordable units in there. also let me say the builder seems to be startled to discover that as the property is next to a very active theatre, that special accommodations are subsequently required during construction. that fact proves that
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prospective purchasers need to be aware of that there is a theatre next door. good evening. my name is william harris and i'm a performer at the marsh theatre. and like many who have spoken here tonight and before, i have benefited from being a part of that community. but even more important, i have been allowed to be a teaching artist for the marsh theatre to camp with 7 and 8 and
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