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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PST

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recently rolled the transportation documented that ed reiskin 2rikd so much to envisioning our needs. today, we're talking about a challenge something that is a recent phenomena but been in the eyes of the folks it's the commuter shuttle that have been taking our resident and others to their jobs and be it a silicon valley company or medical compass or university the shuttles are here and they've been helpful in that but for them possibly we could see 45 thousand additional vehicle millions on our roadways or some 11 thousand tons of cashing emissions on our streets.
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they've become an invariable source and i support the fact s that employees are figuring out ways to get their employees safely to work. up to this point the city was uncoordinated it was within our muni zones or on certain busy streets of our city. having said that we wanted to make a coordinated effort to capture for information to work with the companies who's employees are on those buses and work with the shuttle companies themselves why with them at a higher level coordination but happenstance b will get you into dallas and having conflicts in
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those muni zones and causing problems for bicyclists or causing buses to stop if the transport lanes without coordination. i know the more recent voices have been identifying those for the purposes of political agenda and rhetoric the buses are symbolic of other things i know our transportation experts and people in the city see this as a contribution to preventing for congestion on our streets. so today, we're here to announce an agreement with the city with the participation of the company's and the bay area council and want to thank them and the corporate leaders announce an agreement for the
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next 18 months we will have an agreed upon approach to the use of our muni zones with a shared use of those commuter shuttles in those zones. and we're going to focus on about 2 hundred of those zones out of the 2 thousand 5 hundred muni zones in the city. those are the ones we have studied for the past year and a half as to where the bulk of the picks up are had and we're going to coordinate this and have the cost recovery. it will be an agreement that reflects about $100,000 a year for the use of those muni zones but it will signal an identification of the people using that. they'll have to have permission to use those zones and it will
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have rules that reiskin will go into but respecting the minnesota lines and a making sure that certain rules their abated but for the commuter shuttle so that they're not in the way of our muni lines and also causing any further congestion or shock to the emergency e 1906. we wanted to signal an agreement on a approach that has a set of rules and has signage to let people know they're there and also a set of rules that suggest their b be there in a times and places where they'll respect the other modes of transportation that we want to have in the city. we think that with this coordinated approach we'll
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receive better data for our sfmta to consider for future improvements and have a ground function to talk with the commuter shuttle services and we'll have some good data to share with our companies with the practices of the employees and where the best pickup times and how they'll add value to a more efficient and safe transportation system. this is the purpose of today's announcement. as to begin this coordination but to get a cost recovery open that with the agreement but to signal we want to do that well, and right with better coordination with the muni zones for picking up their employees. i think this will lead to even better situations where if it
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would get literally out of hand if we didn't have the dialyses that we should be having. this is a signal to everybody i think shuttles are here to stay but they've obligate to be better coordinated and aligned with our municipal system. we've studied it i know there of the a strategic study done and we're building upon that but there's been a provision in the last 2 and a half years we have some 4 hundred shuttle companies that exit in the city. we didn't know up until now where the roulettes are and the safety practices they can be boyd by. this is a start of a coordinating body. i want to thank the sfmta as we
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start in coordination it may not be fast enough for everybody but we need to do this in a solid way with good conversations we expect to have like microsoft so google to xbox and all the other companies we're working with whether their employees are going south and come back and to coordinate the schedules and time framed. there are a number of companies it's not just the ones we've announced there's hospital xhupsz and orange county other campuses. we want them to make sure they're talking with us about that information we need to improve the symptom for everyone. you mean the goal should be the
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same. we're trying to get people to work that's the practical part trying to make sure there isn't cross purposes on issues of safety for our muni system. i think we're going to be better at it and i think with this newly found few minutes ago and good collaboration we'll get better and i know there's a lot of questions about this and we'll be glad to answer them but we'll be glad to talk about this (clapping.) thank you, mr. mayor. i didn't mention this but you're in the muni line management system. the he men and women who work here are charged with making sure the muni vehicles can get through the students of san francisco as efficiently as possible that's part of what we
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need to do to advance the policy this was adapted by the board of supervisors back in 1973 that transit policy is placed in the a charter and it's the charge of the sfmta and it's board of supervisors to implement that policy. the framework we're talking about is a permanent system is something that's subject to the approval by sfmta board of supervisors. we've been working on this idea with the private sector for the last couple of years after the good work done by the transportation authority in 2011. we have a proposal final list we'll bring to the board on january 21st. we've been keeping them updated we went to our policy and governs committee to provide opportunity for any public
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comment? and ultimately that will be the board of supervisors that will adapt this to make sure we're vance the transit first policy. i'll note that while muni is by far the largest transit provider our ridership is equal to all agencies combined. if you look at the collective ridership their equality to a big part of bringing transit to the bay area in a way that compliments what the bay agency it doing. it will be the feet of the board of supervisors i'm pleased to bring up tom nolan >> i have a good feeling about the vote on the 21st president
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norwegian. we want to shift the modes of transportation in san francisco to get more and more people on bikes and walking and this is an important step forward. we're pleased to be part of this and working with those fine companies and continuing to work with the bay companies. this is huge 45 thousand is not insignificant and this is a big step forward for the entire city. thank you (clapping) my so the people who are elected by the people of san francisco to represent them have been on the frontline of the concerns about the shuttles and their impacts on the neighborhoods and transit system we're fortunate to have great leadership on city hall on the board of supervisors and the transportation
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commission who have been sharing their feedback and giving us their input and bringing leadership to you'll of the transportation in san francisco not the least of this issue. i'm pleased to be with david chiu >> i want to thank you and all the men and women that behind me who have addressed a series of headaches i know within councilmember kersey district. in recent years we've seen a wild, wild west open our streets this is a way to bring order to our city and asking companies to pay a fair share. the fact is the men and women behind us have been thinking intellectually and based on facts what rules we need to make sure we're minimizing congestion
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on our streets and folks not to have to travel in private cars or be in vehicles where a multiple people are and our roads are are properly maintained. i want to thank all the companies with working with our sfmta and the mayor to get it right. we're going to get it right and that work will help us to grow as a 21st century. it's fitting in this press conventions you have mayor ed lee and other supervisors we will l be asking voters to help are the infrastructure. i want to thank the technology
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companies and the world leading companies who are helping us and i know they'll be working side to side with us to make sure we're building a transit system for san francisco. so thank you very much for being here (clapping.) thank you, president chiu were. one of the representatives supervisor weiner not only represents the district of people who are benefiting but he's become one the regions strongest voices. he's one of the cities representatives on the city commission and he was in the task force and has become an advocate for muni and transportation he's not miscarried to take on difficult issues and this one fits the bill i'm happy to be joined by
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supervisor weiner (clapping.) so as ed noted district 8 which is the castro and parts of the mission and other neighborhoods has been we've been on both sides of this issue. i have a lot of commits who rally on those shuttles day in and anti who need to get to work and we also have a lot of shuttles going through our neighborhoods that has caused concerns about the bus stops and other issue. i'm really thrilled that the mta it moving forward with a balanced prove that to have better coordination particularly with our bus stops and making sure the shultsz can use them
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and have cost recovery for the use of those stops. as well as making sure that the muni buses can efficiently use them. you but looking at the bigger picture we need to stop politicizing people's ability to get to work. thousands and thousands even if san franciscans san francisco residents some people who just moved here or lived here for decades thousands of san franciscans rally on those shuttle to get to work and earn a livelihood everyday we need to stop politicizing their ability to do. we need to recognize we've also had many san franciscans who live here and commuted adopt to the peninsula people have been doing that for decades. in the past they'll get into a
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car and drive down the freeway and clog up our city streets and freeways. now they're taking buses to reduce congestion and reducing pollution marry that's exactly what we want in our transit first policy and we need to make sure it's define in a well-regulated way. i think we need to stop steering wheel and escape getting and democrat on and on people who work why in the technology sector. we have keep deep problems around housing in this city because of decades of bad policy that has been an under investment for glrz our transportation system. we need to address those problems at their root and work
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together instead of he trying to pretend that one group of san franciscans is to blame. i know we can work together and address those problems and do it in a productive way and i look forward to doing that. thank you (clapping.) thank you supervisor weiner. so we're - when we're talking about those shuttles there's a lot of companies involved and for us as a single agency to try to negotiate or communicate with literally dozens of different organizations that's challenging. we have mike the vp of sales and marketing. i think we have folks from
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facebook and other folks from the transportation authority. a lot of folks are working together to make an arrangement for san francisco. what was most helpful when the bay area council stepped forward to try to convene you'll the private sector interests and provide a single point of contact and we're pleased to have the ceo of the bay council here jim (clapping.) thank you very much ed and i want to thank mayor ed lee for your tremendous leadership and partnership on this issue and supervisor weiner and reiskin the city team has done a great job in being partners with us and the companies mentioned and
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others. it's not a small accomplishment that's and are complex issue but the plan that will be before the commission is a solid and good plan. i appreciate the comments from mayor ed lee. those shuttles are a tremendous benefit and doing a tremendous job for our air and a roads and reducing hundreds of thousands of the numbers of car on our already congested roads so if we didn't have them folks would have to find another way and that's extremely harsh to the quality of life in this region they tripod some challenges and
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so that's what this is about. we have a number of companies involved in this and they're represented today overlook is here in the room and facebook google, bourdz and transportation provides a good chunk of service and others. those are incredible world-class companies. i was on an e-mail i didn't know who volunteered for some reason and dublin was comfortably and named 3 of the company's i named because they've set up satellite offices in ireland. our bay area headache companies were responsible in another part of the world and dublin is only
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one example. we need to take great pride their unique. there's not a week that goes by unusual less when we have a visitor from another part of the world well, those shuttle buses are part of the notation. they're part of the bay areas success. i'm proud of the bay council was able to pull together those organizations and workout some that make sense. it won't solve everything it's a work in progress. i want to thank you know the key staff folks. 245i6 worked with the city to come up with this very, very fair proposal. that's going to bring money to
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the city and a administer this program and among the city to properly oversee the proper data and competitor the proper level of authority to make sure we don't do too much too soon and muni stops around the city where folks know they can get to the peninsula and work and get home safely and for not to think about the alternative to get in a car and create the pollution. we need to avoid that or i want to thank you all of you who participate. we were the group that founded bart back in the 1950s. sometimes that's the thing we need to lead on.
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if you see multiple family homes around lights endurances it was something that the bay area council created and voblgd for. not easily duplicate with some suburbia cities but that's all helping part of the solution of having a region that can function and stay ahead of the pack. we're pleased with san francisco's leadership and the mayor g did a good job now the unemployment is ahead of the positive industry. we look forward to work together. thanks (clapping.) >> thanks jim and jim will be available for q and a to answer questions but we wanted to give you an opportunity to hear from
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a couple of them. i want to bring up carr low the vice president. good afternoon and thank you. a special thanks to mayor ed lee and wanting nolan. sure first names carla with a c yes. we're excited about this program today. we've been working with sfmta in the past year to find ways to meet this challenge of finding ways to get our employees to our canvassing campus in south san francisco and do it in a way that supports sfmta and works in compliments with the public transmission. our program started in 2006 and the primarily goal of our program was to encourage
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pleasing employees to stop driving to work alone by themselves in their car. over the past 6 or seven years we've had sdhek program and eliminated over 5 thousand car trips 0 over the roads our employees take the bart and the ferry to get to the offices in san francisco. our employees get to work and it reduced traffic in san francisco and in the community as well as reducing our cartoonish emissions. we enjoy you a partnership with sfmta and we're hopefully, this program will move us forward. thank you (clapping.) thank you and while >> you can see there's a lot of companies that have been part of
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this. people refer to this as google buses google is only one of the larger companies we're happy to have google here and 53 we have very sincerely, can here for google >> thank you i'd like to start out by thanking all the folks involved in moving forward this project. thank you to mayor ed lee and edward reiskin. google is excited to be working with you and members of the community of the shared goal even if minnesota transportation around the bay area. we see this as a great step for partnership in the years ahead. as a current resident i appreciate all the work go that's making this better around san francisco and across the bay
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area and you have the folks in this room to thank for that so thank you (clapping.) >> okay. before we open it up to questions i want to acknowledge the woman who was spear heat the work working with the folks at the muni and our it people and all the providers the transportation companies, the companies they're working for, the bay area council and our manager carly she's the brains behind this. now we're available for that questions and jim is here to answer with questions and mayor and i and director nolan >> what's this permit for do you have to have a permit for a
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shuttle what if somebody doesn't want to - >> there's a whole a lot of questions there. >> and how many does that cost. >> the basic idea what we have we the city and a transportation system that the providers want is access to muni bus stops so the permit will permit someone to use the bus stop, of course, only muni buses are allowed to use the bus stops so the permit will designate a certain amount of bus stops by permitted providers and would subject them to a number of a number of restraints not interpreting with
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muni and possess popular not to use the rest of the 2 thousand muni bus stops. that's what the permit provides that's a dollar per day per we're governed by prop 18 such we can only recover our costs for the program and not generate money only the san franciscans can generate a tax. so we identified was it would cost us to develop and run an 18 month pilot about some thousands of dollars and we expect the dollar per day finger >> (inaudible). >> no. >> and