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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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(clapping) wow. what a crowded room as it should be. i want to thank our work supervisors and our treasurer we get to swear in later today and department headings heads and the members of our assessor offices and members of the community past and present members of our board as well. as also, of course, carmen and thank you for the parents of carmen chiu being here and husband and sister thank you for being here as well, and aunt. this is, of course, a month meningitis occasion i've known carmen in my professional life and many of you know her we've
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worked with her in the mayor's office ages ago and then when she was pickled to be the representative for 4th district it takes encourage to be a supervisor in a district and also to agree to work with each other and try to find grounds of co- less than and agreement and provide lisp for the residents. she's demonstrated that leadership in her capacity as a leader and when the opportunity came from a graduation from an office we tapped carmen and she demonstrated per pro we say and helping us with the budget and
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shown a lot of encourage working with us and so we wanted her to take the opportunity as the person in the reported office to work with the office and them. somebody who would as she's done vechltd in the people she's worked with and respect them and build them up and respect them with the rest of the agencies i have the privilege of representing every day. i'm proud of carmen and now she's the elected assessor reported. will you join me >> i am. >> say it slowly (laughter). >> please raise our right hand and repeat after me. i >> i carmen chiu.
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>> do solemnly firm i'll support and defend. >> >> (repeated.) and the constitution of the united states of the state of california against all enemies. >> >> (repeated.) >> foreign and domestic. >> that i'll bear true awe limitations to the constitution of the united states and to the institution of the state of california. >> that i take this opportunity freely without mental recession and that i will well, and faith discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter during such time as i hold the office of assessor report for the city and county of san francisco. >> congratulations.
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>> thank you (clapping) (shouting and cheering). >> our elected official carmen chiu. >> thank you. >> i thank you so much. thank you so much for coming and packing into this room it's not as big as the board chambers (laughter) >> i want to thank you all unusual i'd thank all but i have to start off with scott first (clapping)
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during my first election my husky forgot to mention him i've been making up to him and i want to thank my husband scott and my family and parents and my aunt. i also have a list of all people i want to thank but take a look take into account around the room it's easy to see why i'd be able to do what i have. so my colleagues on the board, of course, katie tanning worked with me and others david, mark everybody who is here. norman who is here and others. mayor ed lee thank you very much for being here being a calculator and others.
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where are you sir, thank you. jose my partner in crime when it comes to no crime laura. sorry my financial partner. thank you so much for being here. i know our controller is in the room our third leg to the insinuation, of course, our department heads and as well all the folks who are here in the room whose helped me make this successful. all the folks in the labor community in the china's community and 4th district but also take a moment to thank my assessor staff so, please give a
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round of applause to my assessor staff (clapping) i want to say a thank you to you, you are the folks who prevail lists all the things i know we will go great places together. i want to thank you for the hard work you'll be doing this year. thank you, thank you, thank you and i'll continue to say thank you for your work. of course, i want to say and also, if i've left anyone anti i apologize it's overwhelming to see the support. i'll support this city and service it with my principles my parents taught me to grow up with humility and i need to strife to improve and make
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things better we're never where we should be we need to do more to serve the community. they also taught me i have to work hard everyday. you have to be an up standing person with the most integrity and i'll approach this job everyday. i'm so, so humbled. one-on-one one other person supervisor ellis burn who is hiding in this room. you know, i love him to death and every time i see him, i have to thank him. so again thank you for the opportunity for the opportunity to do what we can in our assessor reported office.
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thank you to everyone who is here (clapping) so i know it's crowded there is food in the back knock yourself out. okay. you want to sign?
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>> before i put the final snitch i wanted to note our good friend former mayor willie brown is here (clapping.) thank you with that it's official please enjoy thank you very much for
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>> hi. welcome to san francisco. stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban center on mission street in san
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francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i read extensively that dogs
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cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake. >> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground
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swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. >> southern california is
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moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not
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making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing,
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kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the
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richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as
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strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for okay good after everyone. thank you very much for coming happy new year i'm ed reiskin i'm the director of transportation and happy to kickoff the new year. san francisco has been a dynamic city during the break i was reading the history of muni how
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things have changed and required the city to view. we're in a lot of change including in our transportation system a lot of change is good but it needs to be managed and it's safe and a consistent with the transit first policy. we're here to talk about that. we've got a lot of great partners partners if commercial transportation from the private be sector and companies that they service and our participates in the city. i think you'll hear from the mayor and other speakers we're chronically this issue head on and really going to address something that's are bringing benefits to san francisco and we'll continue to realize those benefits while addressing any issues that this corporate
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employee shuttle are bringing. without further ado happy to bring up our mayor mayor ed lee >> thank you (clapping.) well happy new year i want to thank supervisor weiner and supervisor chiu they're for better and improved transportation tom nolan is here as well as his assumes a fact not in evidence i want to thank them and tilly. i want to thank the bay area council jim has been a great contribute to us here in the bay area as we should tell our transportation issues in the city. it's better to start up the conversation with the corporations that are employees and resident are going to figure
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it out better and working with the commuter shuttle companies as well as the companies that are hiring our residents. it's a great opportunity to talk about this because guess what our transportation needs are great and we reflected that i think in a serious document we recently rolled the transportation documented that ed reiskin 2rikd so much to envisioning our needs. today, we're talking about a challenge something that is a recent phenomena but been in the eyes of the folks it's the commuter shuttle that have been taking our resident and others to their jobs and be it a silicon valley company or
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medical compass or university the shuttles are here and they've been helpful in that but for them possibly we could see 45 thousand additional vehicle millions on our roadways or some 11 thousand tons of cashing emissions on our streets. they've become an invariable source and i support the fact s that employees are figuring out ways to get their employees safely to work. up to this point the city was uncoordinated it was within our muni zones or on certain busy streets of our city. having said that we wanted to make a coordinated effort to capture for information to work with the companies who's
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employees are on those buses and work with the shuttle companies themselves why with them at a higher level coordination but happenstance b will get you into dallas and having conflicts in those muni zones and causing problems for bicyclists or causing buses to stop if the transport lanes without coordination. i know the more recent voices have been identifying those for the purposes of political agenda and rhetoric the buses are symbolic of other things i know our transportation experts and people in the city see this as a contribution to preventing for congestion on our
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streets. so today, we're here to announce an agreement with the city with the participation of the company's and the bay area council and want to thank them and the corporate leaders announce an agreement for the next 18 months we will have an agreed upon approach to the use of our muni zones with a shared use of those commuter shuttles in those zones. and we're going to focus on about 2 hundred of those zones out of the 2 thousand 5 hundred muni zones in the city. those are the ones we have studied for the past year and a half as to where the bulk of the picks up are had and we're going to coordinate this and have the cost recovery.
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it will be an agreement that reflects about $100,000 a year for the use of those muni zones but it will signal an identification of the people using that. they'll have to have permission to use those zones and it will have rules that reiskin will go into but respecting the minnesota lines and a making sure that certain rules their abated but for the commuter shuttle so that they're not in the way of our muni lines and also causing any further congestion or shock to the emergency e 1906. we wanted to signal an agreement on a approach that has a set of rules and has signage to let
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people know they're there and also a set of rules that suggest their b be there in a times and places where they'll respect the other modes of transportation that we want to have in the city. we think that with this coordinated approach we'll receive better data for our sfmta to consider for future improvements and have a ground function to talk with the commuter shuttle services and we'll have some good data to share with our companies with the practices of the employees and where the best pickup times and how they'll add value to a more efficient and safe transportation system. this is the purpose of today's announcement. as to begin this coordination but to get a cost recovery open
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that with the agreement but to signal we want to do that well, and right with better coordination with the muni zones for picking up their employees. i think this will lead to even better situations where if it would get literally out of hand if we didn't have the dialyses that we should be having. this is a signal to everybody i think shuttles are here to stay but they've obligate to be better coordinated and aligned with our municipal system. we've studied it i know there of the a strategic study done and we're building upon that but there's been a provision in the last 2 and a half years we have some 4 hundred shuttle companies
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that exit in the city. we didn't know up until now where the roulettes are and the safety practices they can be boyd by. this is a start of a coordinating body. i want to thank the sfmta as we start in coordination it may not be fast enough for everybody but we need to do this in a solid way with good conversations we expect to have like microsoft so google to xbox and all the other companies we're working with whether their employees are going south and come back and to coordinate the schedules and time framed. there are a number of companies
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it's not just the ones we've announced there's hospital xhupsz and orange county other campuses. we want them to make sure they're talking with us about that information we need to improve the symptom for everyone. you mean the goal should be the same. we're trying to get people to work that's the practical part trying to make sure there isn't cross purposes on issues of safety for our muni system. i think we're going to be better at it and i think with this newly found few minutes ago and good collaboration we'll get better and i know there's a lot of questions about this and we'll be glad to answer them but we'll be glad to talk about this