tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PST
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e festival started 6 years ago and now emerged with a german company. i've been teaching a class on upper agricultural and it's transform active kids who don't know how to handle an ax and really having their lives transformed they talk about being able to plant seeds and see the stuff grow and eat the food how it's changed their lives. basically my folks want to support of the urban agricultural program and help you guys in supporting hannah and supporting the program. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm eli i'm the foods and systems agricultural program manager at the spur and
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an active member at the alliances. i'm here to say i'm excited this program is up and off the ground and anxiously awaited and mann hannah coming on board is exciting. i'd like to thank the department and phil for the leadership in rec and park really advocating to take this on. the department has a lot of resources and also dawn and linda and others who helped. there's a lot of work to be done. just a background in 2012, the supervisors passed measures to support of the agricultural and there are 11 agencies to fund it
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they've not been coordinating with each other. i want to see what's exciting is rec and park hosting an event to fund across agencies. right now it's funded for one year and we're hoping this position will continue and seeing no research centers and people feeling they have a front door. in the next few months to see presentations at the commission and look forward to having those and how we can better support it. there's a lot of interest. i think at the golden gate community garden 3 thousand people signed up for plots and one of the goal is to create new spaces and i hope we can see
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that and you all will be supportive that he he helping rec and park and making sure the public is aware of what's going on. that's an existing launch and looking forward to seeing more meeting >> thank you. >> anyone who wants to make public general comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. we're on item 5 which is the minutes. is - excuse me. is the consent calendar is there anyone who wants to make any public comment on consent calendar? seeing none, public comment is closed. and we do need a motion >> so moved. >> moved and seconded all in favor, say i. so moved. we're on item 6 when is the election of officers and commissioners i'll briefly go through the process. so we'll start with the
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president i will need a moved and seconded and to open the nominations we need a motion and second on each nomination. once that is done we'll need another motion and second and i'll take roll. so for president is there anyone who would like to make a motion to open the nominations for president >> so moved. second. second. all in favor, say i. opposed? is there now a nomination for president? >> i would move to nominate with great pleasure and honor our current president commissioner president buell. >> is there a second. >> second. okay. we now is there any other
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nomination >> move to close nominations. >> so i'll do a roll call vote. >> sxhavg. commissioner levitan. commissioner low. commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner president buell and congratulations >> that's correct very much (clapping.) we're now going to proceed with vice president is there anyone who wants to open the nomination for vice president. >> so moved. all in favor, say i. opposed? okay. the nominations are open for vice president anyone wish to make a nomination >> i would like to nominate commissioner low for the seat of vice president. >> great. >> okay. any other
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nominations. move to close income taxes >> and a second. commissioner bonilla. commissioner harrison. commissioner levitan. xhoe commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner president buell. congratulations commissioner low (clapping) so before we - well, no go ahead make our comments >> i want to thank my fellow commissioners and say what a pleasure is to work with you and i want to congratulate commissioner low on staying as vice president of the commission. thank you >> i lived like to echo those remarks and it's a pleasure to be working with this commission and tell commissioner president buell i'll be happy to be his
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joe biden. >> thanks joe. >> so after that we need to go back and redo it i forgot to ask if there's any public comment on this. >> it's okay. no any public comment? let's make a vote for president >> i'd love to a nominate commissioner president buell. >> and a second. >> and again roll call. >> commissioner bonilla. commissioner harrison. commissioner levitan. commissioner low. commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner president buell >> and then for vice president is there a motion for vice president? >> yes. i'd like to move to commissioner low be voted for vice president. >> is there a second. >> second. >> commissioner bonilla.
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sxhavg. commissioner levitan. commissioner low. commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner president buell. okay congratulations again >> thank you very much. i apologize. we are now on item 7 the san francisco zoo. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is a wayne reading i'm the cfo of the san francisco zero. i'll make the presentation for the zoo today. i'm extremely happy we had a record attention with over 75 thousand visitor and we also had included in that number ten
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thousand for the zoo lights program that we started last year. and experienced a lot of rain and somewhat limited attendance. it was a great event for the family and friends of the zoo. our attendance for the most was 71 percent over budget with 79 thousand visitor. we are at 4 hundred and 4910 visitors it's over budget by 044 thousand 10 visitors we exceeded last year's numbers by 13.3
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percent and our 13 thousand plus visitors. since the society is all about the animal world i want to share pictures of our birds. those birds are local and in my opinion extremely beautiful with their various feature colors. they're all in a family known as the paparazzi their across from the chimcy places. the newest zoo residents are a pair of bong gals they belong to the mountain species and located in the low land and it is
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estimated there are one hundred remaining in the wild. i looked that up and iron of the reference points said one hundred and another one hundred and 40 i'm not sure but there are certainly evenly discharged in the wild we've received a one 1/2-year-old female and one-year-old meal the zoo and awe quorums has a breeding remedies for those two animals and we hope when they're ready eventually we will have an offspring the gestation period is 9 months. i'll add which is important to us is that the captive breeding
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program has unsuccessful released 2 dozens of those animals both the wild so the breeding in zoos throughout the world generate the new offspring and sometimes you, put them back into the wild and sometimes, it's difficult. in this case these animals have done well going back do into the wild. your latest traveling exhibit that will on january 25th is called the upon that on scoop and it's an investigation of poop and how animals and humans choose to use it. it's a fun family exhibit to learner about the digest active system we've found our visitors
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enjoy those exhibits their entertaining and educational. i will image we'll get a lot of comments the children love that exhibit and it pulls visitors into the zoo. when you have time come to the zoo and enjoy our wonderful exhibits that concludes my presentation. thank you very much >> any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner president buell >> i'm sorry commissioner levitan has a comment. >> i took my daughters to the zoo and one of the few benefits of this lack of rain is how spectacular it is you're doing a wonderful job. that new playground is amazing and people seem so happy. keep doing the work you're
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doing. thank you >> okay we're now on item 8 which is mission renovation and allocation of bond contingency funds. >> good afternoon commissioner president buell and a commissioners. i'm with the capital and planning distribution this is for a resolution awarding a construction contract for $12 million plus to al ton construction incorporated in approving the allocation of contingency you funds for the parks bond for the project. on june 20th, 2013, the
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commission topped a mitigation monitoring program and it was approved the conceptal design. we're there 3 and a half years since i was assigned to the project over 2 years of community planning and a year and a half of negotiating with the review processed. we were able to bring the conceptual design before you in june of last year. 3 months after that in late september or early october the project went out to bid and we have a responsible bidder. i've had conversations and several of you are familiar with the bond locate construction they'll do 50 percent of the work the park raemgsz itself.
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the construction will start in march and last 14 months it will be phased the first seven months the park will be closed the north part and then the south part. i've been working with the operation of the park to insure the raementsz will be smooth. it's technically complex. i do want to not despite some of the complexities the department of that concludes my presentation were extraordinarily helpful. in terms of the contingency dollars the biggest reason for the additional publicity needed is the result of the change in the economy and the cost
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escalation we've seen prices go up 10 to thirty percent in construction because of the incompetent. the project as overwhelming budgeted was to close the entire park but that's not going to work so that's increased the schedule 3 months if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them but we've reviewed the concept plan in the past it includes everything we've discussed in terms of the improvements to the park. >> thank you. >> can we here any public comment? >> i would see is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner low. >> jake can you walk us through the project budget what was the
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original amount we were estimating and walk us through the allocation of the contingency. >> so the original budget tor the mission delores in the 2008 bond was $13.2 million and 1.5 was split off for the hell on project in 2009. we had $11.2 million including the 7 passenger door .9 was for construction the one before you is 4 point - 3.5 of that is directly related to the delay >> for a million dollars. >> yes. >> 3.5 of the 3.4. the additional 89 hundred thousand is just in terms of the
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construction dollars the easily e easiest way was for the restroom that was not a piece that was scoped. as we began it became clear we needed to prepare for restrooms because of the intense use of the parks. how much over budget have we been >> about $6,000 over. >> it's more like 4 hundred there's a 4.4 gap in just the purely construction dollars that 4 hundred thousand between 4.8 and 4.4 that's primary been any time. >> the fields and the glaze. >> so 4.4 is the hard cost. >> yes. >> additional hard cost not
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the offer run but the additional 4 about the 4 hard cost. >> yes. >> can you comment there was some reference in the materials to lbe subsidy contracting what what that all about. >> i'm not sure. well, we lost there was a bid protest by bachman they protested every border this was a lower bidder than them and the city attorney's determined those with frivolous >> so the the confirmation was that the construction did attempt to change the sub contract amount at the time of the bid what was that all about.
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>> which page is that on? i'm reading the memo by the office of the city administrator contracting division >> uh-huh. >> which item? >> regarding the bachman bid protests. >> while that is true what happened it's true that while the there was an issue with the numbers in one of al tons in one it was that bachman had lodged that containment and a even though it was true that that particular lbe subcontractor that etc., e even if you throw that bid out because bowman is also an lbe contractor al tons
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bid was so much over the required percentage that by throwing it out al stone was still consistent. that was the concern for us we were concerned we would have to throw out the bids but we didn't have to redo that >> thank you. any other questions? and we've >> we've asked for any public comment? i've told we need to approve the resolution and the secretary is going to - >> read part of that into the record. >> but this the for the approval of the allocation in contingency fund from the 2008 clean and save bond. >> motion to approve. >> moved and seconded all in favor, say i. >> okay. and just for the the
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rec and park hereby awards the construction contract number 307 that z in the amount of $3 million plus to al ton construction the lowest responsive responsible bidder for the mission deploring recreation project and in contingency funds from the 2008 for the mission delores park rehabilitation project. >> thank you commissioner president buell. i want to say a few words in recognition of jake. there probably has been no nor complex process. you know, rivaling maybe more complex than the project at
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beach o lay. i can honestly say as long as it's taken we wouldn't be standing here today approving this contract getting ready to breaking ground but for jake's skill and patience and creativity and problem solving and dawn deserves an incredible amount of credit. this is tricky. you would have thought it giving away $12 million to easy >> it's probably a good thing. >> so jake we're talking about golden gate park being the heart of the city. everybody has not just an opinion but a heightened opinion about what happens in delores
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peculiar park. the city should be very, very appreciative >> you have the city's you gratitude. >> so do we need a motion. >> no. you already did that. >> never do. >> on the open space contingency reserve. >> the item before you discussion and possible agency to allocate $200,000 for the contingency reserve for the camp. the background this year, the department p will celebrate the camp experience in the high
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serra. it is a beautiful environment setting from the density of the urban life. every year the department undertakes the camp fats. our year to year maintenance in include enhancement. with the 2014 being the camp madding arrest the department proposes to have a limited rage to enhance the enjoyment. on the initiative of commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner bonilla the department requests that the commission allocate $200,000 to the commissioners portion of the open space fund contingency refers to fund the improvements at the camp. the first one is a ropes
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challenge course and we're rirment allocation of one hundred and 5 thousand dollars. it is proposed for a wooded site next to the lake. on the overhead here a on top of 0 google map of the camp madding arrest property. it's a little bit shiny but there's brooks it's a a wooded area right about here for the courses. we're working with a nonprofit corporation called project adventure they're known as a trainer of ropes challenge courses and outside activities and they're the whops who have done the initial design for us. the challenge courses has a
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beginner and intermedal and this is by age. for example, youth on the inheritance section and adults on ability. each courses has a high and low elements with the high elements built into the existing trees. rope installation and equipment like helmets and training to certify the camp staff to organize the programming. if you like i have a short video if you want it's like a 1 minute video so i can show you.
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