tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PST
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this year as well that was exciting with the developer who was interested in building the partnership for us and it is important in the heart of the soma in an area that needs the open space and the pedestrian connections. but our market street moves forward and many of you are involved and the city wide effort there and through your offices and we are moving that forward, and dpw continues to lead that process with our support and the congestion management program and monitoring in a smarter way with electronic data rather than going out and measuring it in the vehicles and so we are bringing that forward and seeing some, very slow transit speeds that commissioner weiner talked about and that is a problem and we need to make sure that the buses get through as well as the traffic continues to move to make sure
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that it is still accessible area and also to balance that with safety. our pricing initiatives also, moved forward last year with progress on the treasure island program as well as support for the parking pricing and regulation study that we initiated last september. and the area of transportation demand management and the partnership project has brought four agencies together to try to come up with new ways of doing business, and supporting the policy work at the mta on managing the employer shuttles and launches a sustainable marketing program into the west side as well. >> on the water front, our agency began working more closely with mta and staoet family looking at how to analyze the transportation needs as well as future needs even without development so that we establish a strong base line and document the needs as well as what will happen if we did put the new development proposals on the water front and we will be bringing the updates to you this year, our
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analysis tools continue to get more robust and we did reliability that was cutting edge and we have been recognized nationally and i want to thank the deputy for the services elizabeth for keeping us on that cutting edge and leading the industry in ways to evaluate the transit performance and reliability in particular. on the prosido parkway, the project under deputy director, and his team's work in collaboration with cal transmoved forward into the phase two pthree portion of the project, and phase one was just our design build, and did build, excuse me, and phase, with cal transthat opened up on april, 2012 and we began the year, phase two portion that is the p3, with the partner and so that partner continues, a pace. and i encourage you to come out and tour, and let us know if
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you would be interested in that. >> on the central subway, we saw the launch of the tunnel boring machines. we are seeing a lot of work in the area and it is also been a very strong project in terms of the construction and it is construction management and we are trying to work on finalizing the funding plan for a remaining gap as well as dedicating ourselves to partnering with the city and transbay, joint powers authority on the dtx portion of the phase two portion and trying to come up with the strong plans for that. electrickfiation moved ahead and our project and our work ahead this year, on the island
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ramps and we just allocated just approved of the construction contract there and the construction is beginning and we will be having a ground breaking in the next month or so. and finally i just wanted to thank, sorry. what happened to my slides? i think that my remaining slides i am sorry that the screens are not working are really just to thank the board for its leadership and its support to our staff. to thank our citizens advisory committees both the over all ta committee, chaired by davis as well as the project committees on the san francisco transportation plan and the geary and the van ness and the balboa as well and thank you to the community members who give so much of their time and guidance to us in our improve our work. finally, i also want to thank our partners without their partnership and collaboration, we could not do as much as we do and we rely on that going
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forward. okay. so with that, i am happy to answer any questions that you may have, i am sorry for taking so much time but it was a busy year. >> thank you, for your presentation and i also really want to thank, you know, most of last year, the transportation authority staff were led by lumbardo in that transition period, and under clearly, from under her leadership and the transition to your slaoed leadership, the staff have accomplished a lot and i just want to congratulate the staff on your great work and look forward to what we can do together this year. as well. >> colleagues, any comments or questions? >> why don't we go on to e oh, commissioner yee? >> i just have a brief comment or suggestion, and it is, thank you for giving me this director's report as we can see, the ta did a lot of work
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in 2013, and the comments on the annual report was just glancing through it and i realized that in your, the, your financial statement, please? >> it seems is there a reason why you have a subtotal for each category. for a, b, c and so forth. but you don't have like a total for all of the categories together? >> on the sum, and the grand total? >> i am sorry i don't have a copy with me. maybe if cynthia or maria could answer that question on the grand total? is that of the program? >> page 46. >> sorry. >> i believe that is the total is on page 47. >> okay. >> got it.
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>> great. >> any other questions, commissioner yee? >> no. >> commissioner mar? >> yes, i just wanted to thank miss cheng also for and the staff for following through with creating a much better relations with the mta and really much better communications and coordination, and i think that it shows, in a lot of the different projects that have been coming through the plans and programs and i also wantsed to say that as you mentioned the cac and the community based people that volunteer their time with many of the committees and the community meetings, and i wanted to say that cres ter fung is doing a great job with doing his best at getting the information out and that is not spread very evenly and i know that with the on-line tools that the ta is doing, and one of your slides that i think did not get shown was a lot of the improvements with the website that is helping, many of the people that are coming to cac meetings but many can't and so i think that it is a way for others to know about the work that the ta
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is doing in coordination with many of our other partners as well. >> thank you so much commissioner mar, i appreciate that and i certainly, echo, chester and the team have done a terrific job and we could not do it without the partnership of the mta and your office as well. thank you. >> okay, thank you, thank you for your presentation. and, we can go on to the public comment, any member of the public that would like to comment on the end report, please come forward. >> having been on the cac since 97 i am familiar with the annual report and i am very much in support of it and i appreciate everything that everybody has done. and continue to do, and i hope that you helped them lead the
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way for the san francisco will definitely become a first rate first, from the city. and that sort of thing, and i think that everything that should, and everything that has been said, is great. and i strongly approve of everything and i strongly hope that you do the same thing, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker please? >> good morning and thank you for the opportunity and my name is roland and i am from san jose, and i would like to turn your attention to a couple of slides, in the presentation. and you should look at slide number 30. and look at the central subway, and the contract is for 234 million dollars. that is how much that should cost. it is a good contract and it is a good project. and we will now move on to the
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next slide which is the downtown expansion. and you have got phase one as 1.6 and it is actually 1.9, and total costs 4.2 billion dollars. and the question is, why would a tunnel of an equivalent distance cost 2 and a half million dollars and approximately ten times as much as a central subway? i suggest that you look into that and there is something seriously wrong there and now, the last thing that i would like to touch on is slide number 32. and if you look at it, we are going to spend a billion and a half on cal train at the end of the day, we are going to get an extra train a day. and this is an issue. and we have got to look at capacity, and we have got to look at what is happening there and what we are getting for a billion and a half. now, you also see that not all of the funds are secured and what we are talking about here, is the 600 million dollars, of property funds which right now are blocked by the courts and frankly i don't see them go any
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way. the good news, is that we recently looked, at the cost of electrickfiation, and specifically, for the supplies and the supports and the wires and estimated 785 million dollars. and we have just discovered that is approximately between 600 and 650 million dollars more than it would cost to do the same work in europe and so this is more for you to think about, thank you very much. >> thank you, and are there any other members of the public that would like to comment? >> and seeing none, we will close the public comment. and colleagues, i would like to point on your desktop that you also have the monthly progress reports for the geary and bus rapid and transit and projects, and it is a great to share with your staff as well. it is something that we asked the transportation authority to share with us every meeting. and okay, so, can we colleagues could we take this item same house same call? ? and the item passes.
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>> next. >> 14, introduction of new items this is an information item. >> colleagues, any new items or issue to introduce? >> and seeing none, we will go on to public comment. >> we will close public comment. and we will go on to our next item. >> 15, public comment. >> so general public comment is now open, and related to any subject matter under the transportation authority. and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment. and we will go on to our next item. >> 16, adjournment. colleagues, we are adjourned.
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>> san francisco recreation and parks department offers classes for the whole family. rec and parks has a class for everyone. discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. henri matisse. frida kahlo. andy warhol. discover the next great artist. get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. experience art where making a mess is part of the process. classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. children have the freedom to explore materials at their own
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pace and in their own way. talks love art, especially when they died into the creative process -- dive into the creative process. at the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. great way to get out and play. for more information, visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and
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western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. it is easy. get up on your feet and step to the beat. senior dance class is from sf rec and park. a great way to get out and play. >> for more information, i'd li mayor ed lee. >> thank you, thank you all (clapping) wow. what a crowded room as it
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should be. i want to thank our work supervisors and our treasurer we get to swear in later today and department headings heads and the members of our assessor offices and members of the community past and present members of our board as well. as also, of course, carmen and thank you for the parents of carmen chiu being here and husband and sister thank you for being here as well, and aunt. this is, of course, a month meningitis occasion i've known carmen in my professional life and many of you know her we've worked with her in the mayor's
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office ages ago and then when she was pickled to be the representative for 4th district it takes encourage to be a supervisor in a district and also to agree to work with each other and try to find grounds of co- less than and agreement and provide lisp for the residents. she's demonstrated that leadership in her capacity as a leader and when the opportunity came from a graduation from an office we tapped carmen and she demonstrated per pro we say and helping us with the budget and shown a lot of encourage working with us and so we wanted her to
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take the opportunity as the person in the reported office to work with the office and them. somebody who would as she's done vechltd in the people she's worked with and respect them and build them up and respect them with the rest of the agencies i have the privilege of representing every day. i'm proud of carmen and now she's the elected assessor reported. will you join me >> i am. >> say it slowly (laughter). >> please raise our right hand and repeat after me. i >> i carmen chiu. >> do solemnly firm i'll support and defend. >> >> (repeated.)
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and the constitution of the united states of the state of california against all enemies. >> >> (repeated.) >> foreign and domestic. >> that i'll bear true awe limitations to the constitution of the united states and to the institution of the state of california. >> that i take this opportunity freely without mental recession and that i will well, and faith discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter during such time as i hold the office of assessor report for the city and county of san francisco. >> congratulations. >> thank you
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(clapping) (shouting and cheering). >> our elected official carmen chiu. >> thank you. >> i thank you so much. thank you so much for coming and packing into this room it's not as big as the board chambers (laughter) >> i want to thank you all unusual i'd thank all but i have to start off with scott first (clapping) during my first election my husky forgot to mention him i've been making up to him and i want
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to thank my husband scott and my family and parents and my aunt. i also have a list of all people i want to thank but take a look take into account around the room it's easy to see why i'd be able to do what i have. so my colleagues on the board, of course, katie tanning worked with me and others david, mark everybody who is here. norman who is here and others. mayor ed lee thank you very much for being here being a calculator and others. where are you sir, thank you. jose my partner in crime when it
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comes to no crime laura. sorry my financial partner. thank you so much for being here. i know our controller is in the room our third leg to the insinuation, of course, our department heads and as well all the folks who are here in the room whose helped me make this successful. all the folks in the labor community in the china's community and 4th district but also take a moment to thank my assessor staff so, please give a round of applause to my assessor staff
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(clapping) i want to say a thank you to you, you are the folks who prevail lists all the things i know we will go great places together. i want to thank you for the hard work you'll be doing this year. thank you, thank you, thank you and i'll continue to say thank you for your work. of course, i want to say and also, if i've left anyone anti i apologize it's overwhelming to see the support. i'll support this city and service it with my principles my parents taught me to grow up with humility and i need to strife to improve and make things better we're never where we should be we need to do more to serve the community.
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they also taught me i have to work hard everyday. you have to be an up standing person with the most integrity and i'll approach this job everyday. i'm so, so humbled. one-on-one one other person supervisor ellis burn who is hiding in this room. you know, i love him to death and every time i see him, i have to thank him. so again thank you for the opportunity for the opportunity to do what we can in our assessor reported office. thank you to everyone who is here
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sfgtv names here, but i would like to thank them for their assistance today. call the roll. >> avalos, present, commissioner breed, campos, present, mar, present, schmeltzer absent. we do have a quorum. >> thank you. let's go to the next item. >> the election of the chairperson for 2014. okay colleagues we have before us a position for local local agency formation commission. i actually do have ain't in continuing as chairperson for local agency formation commission and just want to put it out there. if others have an interest as well, i would like to hear about
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that. and interested anyone interested in being a vice-chair you can speak about that sex with. commissioner campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you mr. chair, i don't know if there could be a combined nomination. my nomination is to nominate you as chair and breed as vice-chair. >> i will second that. >>supervisor john avalos: okay. any discussion? commissioner breed, you are in accord with the motion? very good. okay. let's go to public comment. eric brooks, representing san francisco green party and local grass roots. just to comment commissioner breed has show
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