tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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>> thank you supervisor kim, congratulations. with that, that concludes our special commendations. let's move to item 17. >> it's a resolution to authorize the sale of rights at the memorial complex at 301 van ness avenue. >> roll call vote. >> supervisor kim. >> kim absent, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee
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i, avalos i, breed i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i. there are 10 i's. >> resolution's adopted. item 1. >> it's a resolution to to accept and expend a grant of up to $670,000 for the design and construction for landscape design for -- >> same call? this resolution is adopted. >> item 19 is a resolution to authorize the department of public health to accept an expand a $250,000 grant for a recovery program for october 21, through september 30, 2012. >> same house, same call. item is adopted.
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>> authorizes the $133,000 grant for safe havens. >> same house same call? this resolution's adopted. >> item 21 is the resolution to accept and expand a grant up to $1 million for a renovated playground in mountain lake park. >> same house same call. this resolution's adopted. >> item 22 and 23 are resolutions to approve two real property port leases, both with affordable self storage. item 23 is an initial monthly rent of approximately $48,000 for a 31 month term. >> same house same call. these items are approved. >> item 24 is a resolution to
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approve the 2013 grant application for the united states department of housing and urban development continuum care program with an amount not to exceed $24 million and fulfilling the board of supervisors review process for all grants of $5 million or more. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. >> item 25 is for the airport capital promotion and event fund from the boeing company and the united airlines incorporated. >> same house same call, this resolution's adopted. >> item 24 is for the da to accept and expends $996,000 for a project called the safer together program. >> same house same call. this resolution's adopted. >> item 27 is an ordinance
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designating 1712 through 1716 fill more street as a lard mark under planning code article ten. >> same house same call this ordinance is passed -- supervisor breed. >> thank you. colleagues, this is the first reading and i just wanted to say a few words. i'm really very appreciative to, not just the land use committee for moving this to the full board, but for all the advocates in the community who worked to make this a historic landmark. i have here a statement with a number of details that i went over with the planning department and i won't go through that process at this time, but this is truly wonderful that we've arrived at this particular stage in this process and i know there'll be a second reading next week to
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hopefully make this a reality. right now, the bookstore is still not saved through the ground breaking legislation. the advocates are currently doing all they can to raise money to try and buy back the building. this building is more than just a bookstore, it's a part of our history and a part of the fact that as african americans continue to leave san francisco, it reminds us that we were here, we're still here and we'll continue to be a part of the community and by retaining a landmark status from marcus bookstore, it just really sends a message that we'll continue to work to do everything we can to support and maintain our existing african american communities. colleagues, i ask for your support and i thank you for continuing to be so supportive
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of marcus books. >> can we take this item without objection. same house same call this ordinance is passed in the first reading. >> item 28 is an ordinance to establish findings that the city's competitive process for selecting a preferred contractor was adequate fair and ratifying the selection of san francisco as the preferred contractor. >> same house same call this ordinance is passed on the first reading. >> items 29 is an ordinance to amend the general plan regarding adjacent parcels in the market area. i'm 30 is the ordinance amend the planning /kwoed and zoning map for agent say parcels for clean up. >> same house same call? these are passed in the first reading. let's go to roll call. >> kim is first on roll call to
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introduce new items. she is -- thank you supervisor kim. supervisor march itime. supervisor mar. >> i have a few items. supervisor mar. >> i have a few items. i want to invite everyone to the bay view this saturday to the ymca. this is the first of a number of events, but this is this saturday at 10:00 in the bay view. it's the result of years of work that reflects cooperation between many different neighborhoods and our core offices to come forward with a single piece of legislation that we'll be introducing at
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next meeting. i know how big soda ads and unhealthy drinks. in december the budget legislative analyst office on the impact of these harmful drinks, we learned that sugary drinks are costing san francisco citizens, at a minimum, $50 to 60 million a year, and that's just from diabetes and obesity costs alone. it's a big cost to our city. i also wanted to alert colleagues and the city that you may start to see a number of these ads on big boards and around different -- especially low income neighborhoods and i wanted to thank shape up sf coalition in san francisco for launch this three month campaign called choose healthy drinks. it'll include a number of these
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posters that pose a question to communities. you wouldn't eat 17 or 22 packets of sugar. why are you drinking them? in the next three months and hopefully longer, shape up sf, which includes our department of public health and the ymca will be kind of championing this and educating our communities. i want to thank them for educating my office and communities on the dangers of unhealthy beverages. i also wanted to say that i'm inviting everyone else on this board and in our communities to come to supervisor london breed's district on the western edition for community meeting on the rapid service on geary. it's a form coming up called let's get geary moving and it's really going to help involve
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more of the western addition neighborhoods on fill more street and geary areas as well. in 2012 we made significant progress on this project and it included a delivery time and date for the rapid geary system from 2012, we moved it up two years to 2018. it's a great opportunity to learn about the program. go geary is working hard and other districts that the geary corridor get their needs met and have their voices heard as well. the meeting is in the japan town cultural and community center and the jcc of northern california. it's thursday january 30, 6:00
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to 8:00 pm. >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor wiener. >> submit. >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. >> submit. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam clerk. i have several items for introduction. i'll start off with work around climate change. by all accounts we are well behind the steps necessary to really combat climate change, globally, nationally and locally. i'm concerned about the direction the city has taken in recent years when we've actually had a board of supervisors prior to any of us who were on the board that set standards for how we were going to meet or climate action strategy as a city. i'll read some of the steps that were taken. in 2008 the board of
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supervisors unanimously passed the san francisco climate action plan that established green house gas emission limits by the city. we're then 40 percent below 1990 levels. these green house gas reductions apply to city departments, but to all sources within the geographic limit within the city of san francisco. as part of the environment code it says beginning in january 2010 and thereafter. the department of environment shall report to the board of supervisors on the city's progress on achieving the green house gas limits under this ordinance. i understand the department of environment has been working for some time on an update to the climate action strategy, but we have not received a final report. one has been given to my office that has not been actually
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authorized. it is signed by the mayor. the major signed this strategy but it has not been re'sed yet and i'm very concerned that when the report stated this unequivocally that moving to 100 percent renewable electricity is the single biggest step the city can take to reduce gas emissions and the administration has voted against implementing our clean power sf program, i'm concerned we are moving back ward as a city when it's clear we should be moved forward on a clear climate action strategy. i hear a lot of lip service given that we're doing everything we can to improve the prospects for future generations for climate change. people talk about justice for planet earth, but i think it's as long as it's business first. i don't think that's the right approach. we're considered to be leading
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the effort around climate change, but i think that's a very dubious thought. as we heard from the mayor very dubious arguments about why he did not support the clean power sf program and why the utility commission has worked to put that program on halt. we're trying to get that back on track. this administration also did not -- had a seat that was vacant for two years on the bay area air quality management district. two years a vacant seat. clearly this administration has not been working on climate action and now we have a delay on the climate action strategy that really has to get moving. this should have been released on october 2013, what year is it today? 2014. we have to move quickly. i'm requesting a hearing to be heard on the status update on where and when this report will
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be issued and the content of the report as well if it ever is released publicly. i got my start in politics working through children youth and family services. i got my degree in social work at san francisco state university, and while i was in school in social work school i did a lot to learn the landscape of services and programs for childrens and families in the city. i had an internship for two years as an intern. then another three years as a staff. in 1991 coalman and community groups associated coalman and children's community led the effort to establish a children's fund, a ballot measure that was put on the ballot by decision and loaded up here to the department of election in wagons that were filled with petitions signed by
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residents of san francisco. that passed in 1991 and again in 2000 was reauthorized and extended for 15 years. i was part of that campaign working closely with stephanie, who is now working in the da's office. and in that process i learned the landscape of how our city has benefitted from the children's fund program. it has been remarkable the ref /hraougs it has caused and how we think about children, how we care about children, how we develop young people from early age and make sure they have active and exciting things to do in their lives to make them productive citizens and residents of san francisco with brighter futures. this ballot measure, charter amendment needs to be reauthorized soon and today i'm requesting that the city attorney draft a new version of the legislation. i know the mayor has a process he's been engaged in around i want to honor the great findings that have been found
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out of this mayor's process, but i want to stay true to the grass grassroots effort in that is really going to be bold, supporting families, young people and a real future for people in years to come. there are a lot of recommendations that have come from the coalition. folks who are involved with the children's fund coalition and one thing they want to make sure is they are really looking at how to factor in equity, ensuring that neighborhoods that are underserved, have less capacity to establish the services in them for young people can have a leg up and can be supported by city departments to make sure that we're not losing young people through the cracks. i tell you it's neighborhoods that are underserved or have the great /*esz consent /trags of children youth and families in this city and neighborhoods
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in district ten. this will be a request of the city attorney and i hope to have your support and sponsorship with me when it comes to full board and i'll already consulted with several members of the board. i know many others are interested in how to move forward in having a strong children's amendment when we reauthorize it again, one that we can all be proud of and one that will really serve our communities and have a community development focus for the city. lastly, i have -- yesterday an icon of the united states, the united states left passed away at age 94 and i was -- i kind of liked the music of pete /saoeger, but what i liked about him was what he meant to
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peoples' movements all around this country and around the world, his influence. he was certainly an icon of the folk revival of the 1960's, but his music was really a means to an end. his end was making the world a better place. the new york times said his agenda paralleled the concerns of the american left. in the last 60 years, wherever there was a struggle for social and economic justice, odds are you would find pete seager and his banjo cajoling ing crowds to sing along. from the civil rights movement to vietnam protests to occupy new york to recent campaigns on climate change, he seemed to be everywhere. he maintained a contagious
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optimism that should give all of us hope who continue to struggle. i would like to play a brief clip of 2012 interview where he explains his hope for the future. [music] >> hundreds of millions of people around the world realize they have to start working in their own neighborhood to make things better and be wary of change and progress. >> thank you colleagues.
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>> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i have a few items today. i'm going to start with a in me city hall. she passed away on january 6, 2014 at the age of 91 after a short illness. mrs. griffin married herman griffin on january 21, 1999 shortly after the supreme minority races to marry whites. it was a first state court decision to invalidate a nation law on the basis law on the rendered 19 years before the
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supreme court struck it down in all 16 remaining states, primarily in the states that had joined the confederacy. miss griffin worked through her from 1960 to 2010 2001 when she retired at the age of 79. she also ran the clean scene laundry mat. she was a surrogate mother to many of her customers. the griffins were married for 42 years and she is preceded in death by her husband mr. herman griffin and is survived by her two children and her daughter daughter-in-law allison griffin.
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thank you colleagues. today also i'm introducing two hearings. i am calling for hearing involving the public utilities commission and department of environment to begin planning for what may prove to be the worst draught we have faced in years. 2013 was the driest year in record in the bay area and 2014 is projected to be even dryer so we need to prepare. we have some of the best tap water in the country. it can be easy to forget that this water has to come from somewhere. the reservoir system through a marvel of civil engineering is still dependent on the river and the snow pack and the sierra nevada. that snow pack is now only 15 to 21 percent normal levels. 2.6 million people throughout the bay area and beyond depend
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on this water. the dry weather not only reduces water supply, it makes the whole system and the whole state more vulnerable to fire. when it comes to water, we are not as invincible as we may think and on january 17, governor brown declared a state of emergency and is calling for californians to reduce their water usage by 20 percent. san francisco citizens have relatively low consumption so the sfpec is asking customers to reduce usage by 10 percent. i'm calling to the committee to consider how we're going to meet these goals. the other
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hearing i'm calling is -- has to do with the pedestrian safety advisory committee and the report they just issued. they report to the board of supervisors on their activities -- excuse me. the pedestrian safety advise vise other committee just issued a report to the board of supervisors about recommendations for 2014. we have seen tragic increase in pedestrian accidents and i know some of my other colleagues have taken a lot of leadership on making sure we put this issue at the forefront. 2013 was the deadliest year in the last ten years. with all the growth in our city, we have to find a way to make our streets safer. the pedestrian safety advisory committee a 23 board is the yet
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we rarely have an opportunity to hear directly from them. the committee just released its annual report for 2013 and i think now is the right time to have them present it to the board of supervisors so we'll be hearing their report at rgao committee. we have a hearing with the neighborhood services and safety committee two weeks ago and i think we could all benefit from further discussion and a chance to hear directly from our representative on the pedestrian safety advisory committee. so i have one more item and it's regard inging ing some -- yesterday you all received an email from the mayor's office housing director in olson lee regarding midtown
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apartments in district five. i know there are a number of residents to give public testimony with regard to their concerns about midtown. i know recent changes between the leads with the midtown park corporation and the city has brought a lot of uncertainty to the residents. i want to ensure everyone that this change does not impact the town residents. their leases are not terminated. i'm very committed to the five principles that the board of supervisors passed in 2007. number one, no displacement. number two, long term affordability. number three, tenant involvement. number four, ensure a safe, sanitary and decent housing. and number five, explore alternative ownership structures. colleagues, the city and county of san francisco have failed to ensure
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safe and sanitary and decent housing for the midtown residents. the termination of the lease between midtown parks corporation and the city has no impact on the resident leases period. we have made that clear in writing and i am making it clear at the board of supervisors today. the new management organization for midtown will be mercy house inging. in fact, mercy housing will be at midtown this week talking to residents in person to answer questions about the changes and the next steps for them to move forward. i submitted a letter that was delivered door to door explaining this as well as providing the midtown residents with a contact person they can meet with to answer their questions, as well as office hours that will be made available to them in order to work the them on an individual basis to address any questions or concerns they may have.
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mercy housing, with their years of experience, will also address the unsafe conditions that any residents are living in and work to eradicate these problems. a few things have to happen. we can't continue business as yule. usual. the city must act. starting in march, each household will go through income certification to determine their rent. if anyone's rent has increased because of the certification, i have worked personally with the mayor's office of housing to give residents five years to gradually increase to the appropriate rent amount for that particular household. that has never been done in the city of our history. . the city will need accurate how hold information to make sure there is an appropriate sized unit for every resident after
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the renovation. i appreciate and admire the volunteer work of the board of the midtown park corporation. they have worked tirelessly over many, many years overseeing midtown. i want to thank all board members for their dedication and time. i'm passionate and committed about making sure the midtown residents, many of them who are friends and people who are not my biological family, but i consider family, people that i care about, who live in midtown. i'm committed to making sure that each and every resident is treated fairly, that the five principles passed by this board of supervisors are followed and midtown park apartments restoration is successful. this will be a very difficult process. ultimately, my goal is to make sure no resident of midtown is displaced. we all know the horrible history of san francisco because
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