tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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loser. this too maintains a certain level of peace. thank you. >> good afternoon. i came to the united states when i was 4 years old, along with my mother and younger brother to meet with my father in california. it was not easy growing with up with two working parents. i had to take care of my brother when i could barely take care of my myself /-fpls years would go by when we'd see my dad for only 30 minutes a day. we couldn't spend time together like most families do. same goes for thousands of families today. my father works id to show at the front door. by congress figures outs a real
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solution that will benefit this community would be a start to ending this harsh reality that many seem to ignore. it would grant temporary relief to those always living in the shadows. however, i stand here today happy that the san francisco community supports undocumented families. i strongly support the resolution submitted by the supervisors to urge obama to stop deportations and the audits. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is ruefus watkins and i'm with midtown park apartments. just to follow up with supervisor breed is that we would -- we had a termination notice sent to the midtown park
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apartments talking about they was -- the termination letter that responded that our leases were up january 31. we request of supervisor breed and she is trying, we would like to have a collective body just to have mayor's offer the housing to rescind the termination lease so we could have negotiations. at the moment we don't have fruitful negotiations so we need to have that termination and rescind the termination lease notice so we can go back to fruitful negotiations. it's a three party system with the city as well as with the tenants as well as with supervisors, as you are the ones who put this bill together. i have handouts for everyone and i wanted to recognize that -- you can tell midtown park apartments is recognized here today in force, but again, we
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'd like to have, as a collective body, to rescind the termination notice so we can go back to fruitful negotiations. we'd like to have that. thank you. >> thank you board of supervisors for allowing us to speak. i am also from midtown park apartments. my name is pa trish pa smith. i have raised my family in midtown, i have raised an extension of my family and i'm also an adoptive parent and i also have special needs children who have been bullied and also have a transgender child. i think this whole meeting sort of relates to midtown and
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relates to the city of san francisco. we have not been reassured up to today about our standing at midtown. on christmas eve we received a letter saying that our lease was terminated january 31. that was not a very pleasant holiday. i will read just a paragraph or more of what was said to us that day. the recently terminated lease agreement which states in paragraph 25 that in the event that the city has been paid in full, shall have the right immediately and without further notice to the lessee to enter and take full exclusive possession of the demised premises and any other space occupied by lessee by
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force or otherwise with or without legal process due to and expel or oust any all agents. this means once midtown park corporation lease agreement is terminated each sub lessor of the these is terminated as well. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name's donald, a resident of midtown park apartments. i'd like to thank supervisor breed for all efforts and concerns about midtown park apartments. i'm also here to speak personally and for the /rez can
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residents that by the termination of our lease and the wording, that it leaves us vulnerable. i understand you guys are concerned about us, but we are asking that in good faith, that the city rescind the termination of our lease. i also had some concerns about whoever the lessor that will be assigned, what financial incentive do they have as being the lessor. again, in good faith, i'm asking that the city rescinds the termination of our lease with midtown park corporation. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i'm mar shell johnson, the president of board of directors of midtown park corporation.
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those of you who are residents of midtown, could you stand please. i didn't know all you came. thank you. okay. i want them to know how relieved i am from what you just stated a while ago regarding your commitment to the declarations that's going to protect us in some way. i am looking forward to seeing it happen. i have lived at midtown park since 1968. i was a /rez resident manager for 11 years, administrator for another five, i've served on the board for 18 years at least, so i am relieved. every year that i have lived at midtown park, i have worried about this day. this is the first time i've felt a little bit at ease. i'm just hoping as i always have done, that things will get better for midtown, and for these residents. we are afraid of losing our
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homes. we are afraid of being displaced. we are afraid of gentrification coming to midtown. if you can alleviate us of that, you will be doing us a great deal of a favor. that's what we're hoping. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, speaker. >> good afternoon. we have served midtown and its residents for nearly seven years. midtown is a unique story. it's one in which affordable housing community has basically grown there for over four decades in a lease agreement with the city and when that lease termination, that notice was handed down on christmas eve, it really up ended a lot of conversations that were happening in order to make sure these residents were not displaced. we'd like to thank supervisor
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breed for your comments today. you show a commitment to midtown. as an act of good faith, we'd like to ask the mayor's office of housing in the future to rescind the termination of this lease, which is up coming on january 31. it's a situation at which as a act of good faith it could allow these conversations to ensure displacement doesn't happen in the future and make sure there is continued tenant involvement as well through the midtown board of directors so that there is faith in the community that exists there and hopefully it can be preserved in the future so we can continue to have a diverse community living in the western addition. thank you. [applause] >> hello there, my name is henny kelly, and before i speak on item 35, i'd like to speak on this item right here. i absolutely think that to send a
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letter on christmas eve hurts everyone. i think it is a wonderful thing that this many people came out and that supervisor breed is going to help them. this is an on a horrible thing. people should be able to live without this hanging over their heads. i'm here to speak about item number 35. you know something? the truth is that abortion did hurt women. the truth is is i was growing up as a young girl, i lost one of my best friends. she was raped, she had nowhere to turn, her parents wouldn't help her, nobody did. she went and got an illegal
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abortion and died from the infection. i became a teacher, i had a student who was raped and got pregnant, she didn't know where to turn. she went to planned parenthood, she got an abortion, she was saved, she wasn't hurt. she went to college, she played basketball, she became a basketball coach. now she's a social worker working with young women. she was saved by that abortion. i agree with this resolution. i hope that you will pass it. [applause] >> thank you, next speaker.
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>> beloved san francisco, supervisors and citizens, i am lay brother steven. i travel the country talking about a new concept called citizen overlay zones. i travel from san diego to sacramento. first all, all pro-choice people out there, i do agree with you on one thing. i do not like the abortion word, so supervisors, i will only spell it for you. i'm delighted to let you know i did walk the beautiful 2014 san francisco walk for life and it gives me hope to know that
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there are caring people, not just in san francisco, but throughout the whole bay area. i even talked to one person who was from oregon. i will work with the pro-life group and let them talk with the san diego pro-life group. now i'd like to challenge all of you wonderful supervisors next year to walk with me 'cause i've already walked with the arch bishop of san francisco. before you you will have a letter. this letter is for planning citizen overlay zone life peace zone. there are four aspects of the new zones, but i'm looking like somebody david chiu to help me with it
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in the financial district, katy tang to help me with it in the sunset district and of course whoever is here responsible for the mission district to work with us because together we can establish new citizen overlay zones. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. first of all, i just want to thank you and also admire -- have a new admiration for all the things you guys have to listen on a daily basis and your attention to every topic that's brought before you. i wan to thank supervisors chiu, supervisor campos, who have taken on our resolution on item number 37 urging the federal government and president obama to end the deportations to be able to stop families from losing their jobs because of their status, as well as being able to extend back up for the
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dreamers. i want to thank every supervisor that has added on to themselves for the resolution and our incredible respect and admiration for having taken this position. this is absolutely imperative tonight. the president is giving his state of the union address. the message you are sending is a very strong message to washington dc. we hope it's heard loud and clear. we hope we can count on you to stand there with janitors, carpenters, warehouse workers that have lost their jobs and after myself there are several other speakers that have been affected. one thing that was very important yesterday when former state senator was in our local. he mentioned something. dreamers act is very important, but it means nothing if you're deporting the parents. thank you for your time. thank you.
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>> thank you, next speaker. >> supervisors, tim paulson, i'm the executive director of hundred unions in town, both in the public and private sector. we also represent workers that are citizens, workers that have their green card, we represent workers that are undocumented and their usual motto is there's no such thing assen an illegal worker or human being. we know that president obama is going to say some wonderful things today about immigration reform and we know that sometime or another, whether or not it's this session or the next, there will be some type of a change in our immigration policy that there will be a path to citizenship. we don't know when that is, but i'm going to end with a metaphor as i urge everybody to vote for
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this piece of legislation, to say we are against deportations. quite often -- wars between nations when the generals are sitting on some fancy caboose on the border and getting their fancy pens out to sign the end of the treaty or whatever end the war, the generals in the field don't know that stuff. even though there is some ink on the paper and the war is going to be over, there's a position where people are still going to die. people will still get shot -- there's a history of this in the horrible war fare that our country has been involved in too often. we hope to say today that we don't want any casualties. we are negotiating right now and stop the deportations and send that message to president
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obama and a representative is going to be -- >> next speaker. [applause] >> frank martin, i'm a leader on the executive committee for the san francisco labor council, rise on the leadership you've established today that's going across the country in a strong and powerful voice from san francisco political leaders. it's useful to consider how laws are applied in the workplace and i ask you to consider how wage and hour laws are applied at the workplace. how discrimination laws are applied at the workplace. how age discrimination are applied at the workplace and how much resources go into enforcing those laws and why is it the amount of resources and the terrible havoc that it
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creates on working peoples' families is not considered in the equation of the action that's taken by government officials. i submit to you there is the -- one of the things that we see in labor is all too often when we see these silent raids going on are in those workplaces where we have the most active and effective unions. one of the matters you might look into is how those laws are affected and if they're affected to violate other laws, either discrimination laws or wage or any variety of laws, but also labor laws, because if they're used to weaken unions and impoverish everyone, it is not being used for the intent it's stated for. thank you for your leadership and have a good afternoon. >> i'm a dreamer, student from
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city college, san francisco. you might think, like, this guy has papers, but i don't. i'm undocumented. i found out i was undocumented when i was in high school, that i was illegal in this country. and this will cause a problem to my status here in this nation , like, i won't get a job or i went told my family to move there. i kid shouldn't be separated by their families, like, every
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day. i don't think nobody should be like that, beseparated by their loved ones. and yeah, thank you. [applause] >> hi, i'm a dreamer and also [inaudible]. it's really hard to talk about this 'cause it's something, like, you tellbecause it's something, like, you tell. it's really hard. the point is i'm a student and working at the same time because my father can't work
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because they don't have papers so it's really hard work ing ing. i just want to please to stop the deportations. thank you. >> hi, good evening. my name is lieu lieu rod rodriguez. i here because to me [inaudible] . i'm one of the six years ago the [inaudible] e verify and i know personally that [inaudible] struggle very hard to lose the job and then try to find the new job. for me it's very hard and that's why i here. and i want to say i blessing to
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live in a beautiful city, to stand up for all the families for kids, for the students and i want to request to vote on those policy because we need to send the strong message to obama and to the whole country to -- we need to stop the deportation. we come for to have better life. we have to be, like, justice, justice to the immigrants, justice to the families and thank you for bringing those policy because i waiting for the six year that and i hope we pass today. thank you. [applause]
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>> hi, my name's justine marcus and i'm an organizer with a feminist organization and i'm hear here to talk about item 35. i wanted to drive home one point that i don't think has been brought up yet, which is that the misinformation that these banners display on market street doesn't equally affect everybody and that groups, largely low income and women of color, who are disproportionately affected in terms of access to medical information, domestic violence, rape, abuse, and escalating rates of teen pregnancy, are especially ly vulnerable to this kind of information. on another note i've been in
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the overflow room with a lot of dreamers who had to go to work so they were here. thank you. >> these are the words that david chiu used to scrip me of my constitutional rights of the 22nd of october of last year. i don't think we will allow public comment for the next speaker. he objected to my single work that i started comment with, which was the word because of the heavy handed with whom you don't agree. i've been thinking about how i would best explain this statement to somebody knowing that the gentleman is a smart, educated person, a lawyer,
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harvard law degree, but doesn't seem cognizant of the first amendment of the united states or any other laws which protects speakers who come to this chamber. i was given the information that supervisor breed actually sits at the desk that harvey milk used during his time on the board of supervisors and i honestly did start to wonder what would have harvey milk have said or done if he had heard a public officer say at a public meeting say i don't think we'll allow said or done something. but obviously we have no harvey milks on this board, no one willing to stand up for the rights of citizens to exercise not only their constitutional, but their civil rights. you'd rather sit there and look away,
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look down, and look at anything else but someone who's calling you out for your dishonest handling of public comment. -- your disgraceful handling of public comment and your arrogant handling -- >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> i have graphics. good afternoon. president chiu and supervisors, i have graphics. it's a shame, shame, shame, the way they messed up that game. it's a shame, shame, shame, the way they lost it. it's a shame, shame, shame, it's, like, a city at play and the super bowl went away, they'll be back again some day. it's a shame, shame, shame, the
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way they lost that game. it's a shame, shame, shame the way they missed it. it's a shame, shame, shame, it's, like, a city at play. super bowl went away, they'll be back again some day. it's a shame, shame, shame. and i want to say hope you have a happy chinese new year and i hope it's fresher than fresh, exciting, it's so exciting to me , barely. it's fresher than fresh, excite inging -- it's so exciting the parade to me, mayor lee. it's fresher than fresh, expect the best, never settle for less. it's fresher than fresh. and i wish you good luck with
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your abortion and you are woman, hear you roar, the numbers too big to ignore and i know you're going to make it soon some day. yes, you can, you can do anything, you are strong, you are abortion invincible, you are woman. [applause] >> i'm kidding. >> next speaker please. >> hard to follow that, but what a winning solution. i'm here to ask the board of supervisor and city and county of people to make sure we keep marcus bookstore. right now they're having a -- we need to make sure that 50,000 people -- i've been told we only have
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10,000 black people in san francisco today, but we need to get this bookstore so we'll always have our history and it look like the midtown people are already right in that area. tomorrow i got an argument with a lady about this picture. i feel it's michelle obama. turned out to be maybe whitney houston. there's the first lady. she's coming to town with nancy on thursday and friday. we hope people with show her around in the city and help us out in the city and she's going to have the mayor with her today and along with the first black gay nba basketball player and we hope when she come here that we all can get together and see what black, gay, asian, mexican. san francisco is going through a transfer, we need to reinvest in diversity.
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