tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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raise the frequency [speaker not understood]? >> we have not paid for any kind of special posting on facebook. we work closely with our outreach team to retweet, tweet at different organizations to get the word out there and more people seeing the posts. but in terms of any kind of formalized process, we have not conducted that yet. >> do you track sort of how many people see them? >> yes. for the link that was on the twitter post and the facebook post is unique so we can track how many people have opened the link or liked it or things of that nature. >> so, can you give us some idea of how many people clicked on the link? >> yeah, for twitter -- one
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second. facebook and twitter there's 65 clicks. most of those were from twitter. seems like the twitter poster got out a lot more and retweeted with our partner agencies. >> is that a good amount or is that not a good amount? it's difficult to kind of in the abstract know how many clicks you expected or something like that. i feel people are mobilizing around their microphones and -- [laughter] >> [speaker not understood]. >> obviously we would like the number to be much, much higher. compared to other things we're doing it's not terrible, but if we want an impact we've got to drive those numbers up. to your original question, we've never paid for additional promotion for facebook or twitter. there are things we can do
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without putting money out and we should and will be doing those things. but, yeah, it's obviously -- we're in a starting point. we need to build those numbers. >> it seems like the department has a phenomenal field outreach program, if one can characterize it in those terms, which we spend money on and all that stuff. and, you know, i don't think that spending money on social media outreach would be sort of thought of as frivolous at all. if it is, it's a totally valid way of -- >> we don't pay money for task book and twitter. we have spent money on placement of ads when we have campaigns. then we get much higher numbers. that would be one way to drive up our numbers is to do a more integrated outreach campaign and combine additional payments into that. we're always in the ironic situation where we have funding for certain parts of our programs and not for others.
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therefore, we don't have resources in some areas to really do as much outreach as we would like. but certainly we can work on trying to integrate general promotion for twitter and facebook that could then reverberate through all our campaignseses and all our efforts, not just this specific campaign. >> [speaker not understood] has a point, too, maybe here. >> guillermo rodriguez. we do track and look at our social media campaigns. we certainly have facebook, tweets, all of these items we kind of look at what is best practices. we have been experimenting with paid promotions for some of our campaigns. so, for example, last week when we -- the department launched the zero waste textiles campaign, we actually did
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experiment by paying for an additional [speaker not understood] on facebook and twitter and we have been able to track the incremental proportion of how many more viewers we've been able to see the information that we put out on social media. and it's been very positive. just a couple of examples and, again, using technology, over 300 clicks on facebook and over 290 likes on facebook, on that campaign for that extra added push, we also did a video which we've never really done on our campaign before. it's just a one-minute video on the campaign that saw a significant increase in boost. and more so from the media perspective, a lot of the web-based media reports on the campaign really just pushed our website as well as our video.
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so, we've been tracking it a lot more. we've been looking at the significant increase in uptick and we're still evaluating the effectiveness of the paid additional push from both facebook and twitter. and in some campaigns it makes sense given who our overall -- our subscribers are. in some campaigns we haven't tried it just yet. >> does this city -- other departments must have this identical problem where they are trying to do outreach and, you know, there's regulations coming in which they want people to comply with. they want people who aren't complying with them to be kind of called out by other people. is there kind of any resources the city has to sort of health departments think through outreach on social media or otherwise or is it kind of every department on their own? >> two things. one, the resources the city has, they really are
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counterparts in other departments. we periodically come together on a once a month basis and share a lot of best practices with one another, specifically around social media doing actual grassroots outreach. and, again, trying to better leverage each other's activities. so that if we're out knocking on doors, we might be able to make sure that we're not on the same place as dpw or rec and park or planning department are doing thing. so, we're sending -- sharing a lot of best practices with each other, sharing a lot of data with one another in terms of how many facebook friends do you have at rec and park? how many do we have? and also promoting -- >> [speaker not understood] friends. [laughter] >> you don't need to answer that question. >> but the answer is yes, there is a lot of collaboration, at least, among our counterparts in the other departments that work together to try to come up with better practices in order to reach a broader audience in
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san francisco. again, an example of our textile campaign within the first few days of that announcement and the heavy social media and the heavy push to our website. over 2000 visits within, you know, the announcement offsets a significant uptick. we have a monitor so we don't have crashes. we don't expect these kinds of large volume of folks. again, very much designed to run our campaigns, our check-out [speaker not understood] campaign had probably one of the best uses of our website businesses downloading information [speaker not understood]. it is an overall aspect of our outreach and communications. >> great. i'm glad it's a focus and i hope you keep working on it so we can get more than 65 clicks. >> absolutely. again, for us it's been looking
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at individual campaigns and developing good standard practices that we can roll out to all of our program areas. >> thank you. >> any other comment from colleagues, discussion? any members of the public that want to talk about our outreach presentation? seeing none, thank you very much, christie. great. >> next item is improvement of the department of commission on the environment's 2013 annual report. sponsoring speakers on this item are commissioner johanna walled and melanie nutter. >> commissioner called? >> yes. for the last couple of years the department and the commission have produced a single integrated annual report. each body, the department and the commission are required to file reports with the mayor's office on an annual basis
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explaining the benefits and the value added and all the good things that we do. so, i think this marks the third integrated report. the section on the commission was abe lee coordinated by our commission secretary monica fish who is now an expert at putting this document together. it, its content represent item that were chosen by the various commissioners for inclusion in the document as well as a
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representation of many of the activities that we undertook, including in particular the passage of formal resolutions. and now i'll turn it over to melanie to talk about the much more extensive department report. >> thank you, commissioner wald. so, commissioners, as you've seen, you have this annual report from 2013 and because it's quite detailed, i think it's probably best to see if commissioners have any specific questions about programs that are detailed in the annual report. but in this report you'll see the first full documentation of our biodiversity program and accomplishments. that's one highlight from this annual report. there is also quite a bit of information about adaptation and smart cities which is new to the annual report, as well as our americas cup accomplishments and eco districts. so, 2013 was a fantastic year for department of the environment and i did really want to thank some staff who
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helped to put this annual report together. donny, mark, and page were really great team members in making sure this was completed by tonight's commission meeting and ready for distribution to the larger sfb community. i'm happy to take any questions. 2013 was a great year for the departments. >> director nutter? commissioner gravanis. >> i just wanted to congratulate staff on their work on this report. i think it's fairly well done, very readable, very attractive. one just little bone to pick. if there are going to be very many copies printed that we not use reverse drop out [speaker not understood] as a way of saving ink because it's more environmental. i realize this is meant to be read on a website. i'm very hopeful we have some way to track how many people visit and look at it because i think it's a wonderful tool to get across to the general public how much the department is doing.
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>> colleagues? yeah, i think it's great. it's a great document. i really like the photo on page 1, 2, 3, maybe 4. >> egret. >> the egret. i love the photo. i would love to know where it came from because it's a great photograph. a really great photographer. [laughter] >> the director. >> owe kay, very well done. ~ okay >> [speaker not understood]. >> it's very nice. there was one thing that i felt was interesting. there was enough time to get information about the zero waste textile initiative in there and that was a really great event. we were talking about the
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metrics, commissioner josefowitz was talking about the page views. this might be in guillermo's shop. that was so popular on the facebook post we had like 75,000 views just on that post there. so, just to get a sense of what we can do with social media. is that right, about 75,000? so, good, great event and great you had the ability to put that in the annual report, too. well, colleagues? all right, seeing none. any public comment on our annual report? seeing none, thank you very much. [gavel] >> okay, the next item. >> review and approval of commission on the environment draft resolution file no. 2014-03-coe expressing thanks to and recognition of director melanie nutter for her years of service to the department and commission of the environment. this is a discussion and action item. speaker today is commissioner joshua arce.
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>> so, colleagues, as we all know as we have been talking about in our different times when we get together where it's a few days now at the end of the week of this weekend, director nutter is leaving us. and we thought that we wanted to thank you and to commend you for your achievements. we wanted to do that on our agenda. we thought, why not? we didn't kind of know where to put it on the agenda. we said why not put it at the beginning, you know. you can't say thank you enough. and, so, maybe one thing, colleagues, if it's okay, maybe monica can read our resolution that we have to thank director nutter for everything she's done for us and for the city and for the environment. >> commending director melanie nutter, department of the environment. approval of resolution commending director melanie nutter for her service to the department of the environment and to the city and county of san francisco. whereas mayor gavin newsom
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appointed melanie nutter director for the san francisco department of the environment in august 2010 and whereas melanie nut r has continued to direct the department of the environment and provide san francisco's leadership under mayor edwin m. lee and whereas melanie nutter directed the department of the environment of 110 staff for the past 3-1/2 years and helped to make san francisco the greenest city in north america, and whereas melanie nutter helped champion environmental policy achievements in san francisco, including such accomplishments as -- i'll read four of them, but there are many, many accomplishments. successful implementation of the mandatory composting cycling policy that has helped move the city toward the goal of zero waste by 2020 with an 80% diversion rate. successful implementation of the mandatory composting and recycling policy and expansion of the plastic bag ban to all retailers most of which has helped the city toward the goal
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of zero waste of by 2020 with an 80% diversion rate. working with the america's cup event authority to develop the cup sustainability plan and zero waste help cut to 85% diversion rate elimination of single use plastic bottles at the event as well as carbon neutrality. advancing san francisco's commitment to becoming the electric vehicle capital of the united states with the installation of over 86 turbo charging stations and 78 charging stations on residential property. so, many of the other accomplish manieses are noted in the draft resolution. and also whereas melanie nutter has led the department in helping small businesses through the energy watch program in the [speaker not understood] business program and reducing energy use in an array of toxic reduction program, supporting the community to the department's public outreach and education program, creating jobs and opportunities to the
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environment now, green jobs program and assisting larger businesses he through the department's partnership of business council and [speaker not understood] change. and whereas melanie nutter has changed the physical and cultural makeup of san francisco in ways that will benefit the community and promote long-term well-being. now therefore be it resolved that the san francisco commission on the environment commends melanie nutter for her contributions to the city and county of san francisco and be it further resolved that the san francisco commission on the environment wishes melanie nutter well on her future endeavors. >> thank you, monica. (applause) >> colleagues, before we hear some thoughts from our director, any thought, expressions from colleagues? commissioner stephenson. >> i just want to say thank you so much for all the work you've done over the last years and especially how ably and beautifully created your team. i think you've done a really
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wonderful job working with the team and you have left for whoever is going to step into your shoes a very solid working group and i appreciate all the work you did. >> commissioner josefowitz. >> i'm not sure i'll be able to speak for four pages about your accomplishments. so, but i think that's just like the sort of length of the motion, it's just a testament to the impact that you've left on the department and on the city. and i don't know if i could maybe offer a little friendly amendment, but in the result i think we should thank melanie, maybe not only for her contributions to the city and county of san francisco, but also maybe to the environment. >> already did. >> our impact is felt beyond the city. and i think that's one of the really exciting things about our department here, is that what we do is felt beyond the city not just in terms of the direct impacts, but also in
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term of setting an example for the rest of the state and the rest of the country and the rest of the world. and i think you've done a great job as an ambassador, and your work will be felt beyond just this city. so, thank you. >> commissioner wald. >> well, i want to second the thought of -- the suggestion of commissioner josefowitz. and i also want to thank melanie particularly for one of the accomplishments that she had on her watch, and that is the move to the new location where many of the years which i had the privilege to serve on this commission, we have discussed again and again the need for moving from our former location to a place that better served the needs of the
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department and better expressed its values. and i think it's a wonderful testament to your leadership and to your success in this position that you were finally able to pull it off. and i think it's fair to say that that -- the new space will stand as a legacy to your leadership. and i thank you very much for that. >> commissioner gravanis. >> i'd like to second -- i guess it hasn't actually been moved so i will move adoption of this resolution with the change suggested by commissioner josefowitz to make sure that we include our thanks for the contributions to the environment. >> second that. >> moved and seconded to add -- actually, just a friendly amendment to the motion. if we could first take the addition of and to the environment to page 4 line 6 after san francisco as the first piece. >> if you feel it's necessary
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to be that formal, yes. >> we have tom owen here. he watches these things. i see him out of the corner of my eye. that's okay with the seconder of the motion? can we get approval, actually before we take action, we have to hear from the public, yes. so, that's great, that's great. you know, i think the move is key. a lot of the work around the move were lead platinum at the open house, folks came in and said, this is amazing. and i know how hard you worked on that. and there are so many thing that you have achieved. so, thank you. what do you think? do you want to share some thoughts, pearls of wisdom with us? >> sure. so, first and foremost, i just wanted to say thank you to all the commissioners. it's been a real honor and privilege to be able to work with you in this capacity as the director for department of the environment. i've really appreciated all of your support, your advice, your leadership. and i think the department and the commission are in just a
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fantastic position to grow off all the success we've documented in this resolution and that is in the annual report. so, i'm just -- i'm really thankful for all of that and i do look forward to staying in touch with all of you and continuing to support the work of the commission and the department. and i did, of course, want to thank the department of the environment staff, some of who are in the audience. it's really a credit to them that we were named the greenest city in north america and that we have so many incredible accomplish manies. i just really felt so honored to walk in every day to that new beautiful space that really represents our values, to work with a team that are passionate and committed and focused and dogged about what they do and what they want to achieve, which is have a sustainable city. so, again, for all the staff in the audience, ul for all the work you've done and long hours and everything that you've done to make san francisco a sustainable city ~. of course, i want to thank david, the deputy director who has been my partner in crime
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through this past 3-1/2 years. it really is -- i think it's been a really fantastic working relationship just having david as a partner, somebody who knows the city system inside and out, coming from outside the city i didn't get the city processes at all. so, to have somebody who really understands it, of how to continue to move the work forward and how to continue to operate a successful and thriving department. so, just lastly i wanted to thank former mayor gavin newsom who appointed me to this position and our current mayor, mayor lee for the opportunity to serve the city and county of san francisco for the past 3-1/2 years. and thank you. best of luck. and i look forward to seeing you in other venues, continuing to support san francisco as a sustainable city. so, thank you very much. (applause) >> we have at least one member of the public that would like to speak, [speaker not understood].
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she's wearing a disguise. [laughter] >> to keep the lights off of my eyes. i'm [speaker not understood] and i just want to take this moment to thank melanie since i haven't been able to be at any of her other going away celebrations. melanie, there's one thing i want to say to you and that is thank you for being a champion of the environment ~. first and last and always, and i hope that that's something you take with you wherever you go next. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. other members of the public? and as i said, we still have her for at least next few thing we're going to do, and we even have a couple surprises in store as we go through this hearing. but if there's no other public comment, we can close public comment and move on to our next item. thank you again, melanie. >> you have to vote. >> oh, we have to vote. i try to focus so much on the
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public comment piece. okay. so, it's been moved and seconded to add "and to the environment" to line 6 on page 4. it's been moved and second. all those in favor please say aye. >> aye. >> and then can i get a motion to approve the resolution? put it on the record. so moved by commissioner wald. second by commissioner wanned. all those in favor please say aye. >> aye. >> approved. thank you, melanie. [gavel] >> [speaker not understood]? i was trying to be efficient. less co2 with less words. okay. so, thank you for that. we'll ask for the nays here on out. next item, please, monica. >> nomination and election of commission on the environment officers. this is a discussion and action item.
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>> all right. it's that time again. it seems like it was just a year ago that we did this. in fact, it was. well, i don't know quite what to say. i've got the honor to be the president on this commission for 12 months and it's been an honor to be in this role. i really don't know what to do at this point so i'm just winging it. i guess one of the things to do is to bail me out here. commissioner wald. >> yes. i would like to nominate commissioner arce to serve another year as chairman of this commission. i have in the past made it clear i don't think there is kind of like a lifetime appointment and that it should
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be rotated among interested people. but i've also taken a position that more than one year is needed to really do this job with maximum efficiency and efficacy. that's one of the reasons why i would like to nominate commissioner arce for another year. i would also like to say that i have really appreciated his enthusiasm and his new ideas for the commission and the department, and i think we have benefited from those. and last but not least, i think it is important that we maintain a measure of civility at the commission at a time when there is so much change going on in the department. and i think that we can best
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serve the needs of the department -- well, maybe not -- that may not be the best thing we can do, but one of the best things we can do is to keep him on as our leader. so, i nominate him for another term with pleasure. >> thank you, commissioner wald. thank you. thank you, commissioner wald. >> second. >> i guess is there a second? >> second. >> thank you, commissioner stephenson. and then deputy city attorney owen, do we go for the next -- >> at this point you should ask if there are any other nominations. >> any other nominations, colleagues? >> for president. >> any other nominations, colleagues? okay. so, at this point i'm honored, i would love to serve. i love this commission. i love you all. i love the department. i love what we do.
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i love where we're going. and i think it's going to be a fun year and i think it's going to be a lot of, a lot of challenges, but a lot of opportunities. so, if you'll have me, i'd love to serve again in this capacity. now what? >> no, don't we have to have public comment? >> yes. >> you're getting good. public comment. [speaker not understood]. >> should we do the other officer? we have -- >> it's up to the chair. >> sure. if it's okay with colleagues, maybe we can hear nominations on the vice president officer. >> how many officers do we have? >> we have two, president and vice president of the commission. >> okay. >> commissioner gravanis. >> i'd like to nominate angela king for commission vice president, but i think it would be nice to know whether anyone has inquired as to his willingness. has anyone spoken with him? this is why some organizations
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choose to have a nominating committee so that these kinds of questions can be asked before we do our actual elections. >> so, i did broach the possibility when i talked to commissioner king and he informed me that he was not going to make it tonight. i said that, you know, we're choosing officers and your name could come up. and he said, if it was the will of the commission for him to serve, it was the will of him to serve as well with honor. ~ and enthusiasm. >> great.
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