tv [untitled] January 29, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST
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in in instructional time with ms. flemming and we'll figure out where we can have that discussion on an on going way, unrelated to this plan but for the future in a more appropriate setting like curriculum committee or whatever we decide would be appropriate. i want to thank you for the answers and the staff responses. >> commissioners, any other comments, questions before we have the vote? yes. deputy superintendant? speaker: i would like to thank the commissioners for the feedback and input. hopefully the changes the staff was able to incorporate reflected those documents. >> now that i would like to pick out one item is the funds we have allocated because the way the student formula to address the state budget shortfall. i think it's time that we look at this reserve and whether or not we should
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be transferring that to the general fund. one, it skips the oversight of the committee, advisory committee of those funds and we understand that at times of dire needs that we shift these funds. i think we should now look at perhaps the way we use this money addressed in the formula, but i feel it's maybe time to give some of that money back to school sites in the formula. we have asked school sites to be very patient during this time. there are schools that start school every year without paper and no budget. i think this should be a plan perhaps to wean us from this as we receive more revenues from the state and we can then use these funds to give direct relief to our school sites.
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any comments from staff or commissioners? yes? emily? >> i just wanted to reiterate my strong support of the piece kak recommendation. as part of that i want to be on record as saying i would like to see dedicated funding stream for our world language program. >> any other comments or responses? yes, commissioner mendoza? >> yes, just the a question. did we fund the development, were you the development person person at this point that we didn't utilize. i'm wondering what happened to that position and where it is now because we certainly need it now more than ever. single family --?
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>> it was staffed . we have filled that position and that person has in place for close to 6 months. >> so, is this ms. howl. that is still being funded? i didn't see that in the budget. >> it's located in the infrastructure budget on page 6 if you are looking at the legal size printout of the budget. the third line of the infrastructure budget has a 1.0 grant writer. >> that's just for the grant writer. but didn't we have, is that what it was always called? i thought we had a development position. >> i recall it being called the grant writer. >> i thought it was a higher level position because we didn't have that piece there.
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>> no. this is the position. >> okay. any other comments? anger -- angela? >> yes. thanks to the staff. you guys worked really hard of bringing up the recommendation of the piece cap members. they are long meetings and hard work. and we saw the last page of this when you guys were talking about adding a 7th period to the secondary level. we were really excited. cooper even drew a smiley face on my paper. i remember in piece we were taking about what the purpose of peace was and how to serve the community. i think the community stakeholder meetings that you
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hosted throughout the year, really touched on what the peace cap was about and insight to an amazing recommendation. i think you have done a lot of work this year. congratulations. >> thank you, ms. angela wei, you had an enormous contribution and really added a student perspective layer that was much needed and i want to also say it was a time that we were trying to cultivate our students and you really served a great leader in that respect. thank you for that time and we miss you. >> thank you, angela, i know these meetings aren't always easy to attend. i did this
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for 4 years myself. thank you to all the student members too. i think we are ready for a vote now. >> miss angela wei, logan, murase, mcdonalds, norton, wynns, fewer, 5 ayes. >> thank you very much. item i. board members proposals and then we have request to speak regarding general matters. please come up to the podium. you have 2 minutes each, please. >> good evening, my name is
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rachel treb a. i'm the parent advisory committee pack chair. last november we were here and we were looking to get a permanent location for our program. and we did get some recommendations from the central office facilities and they recommended three locations, one being everett, sanchez and the sf education hill top on brian street. none of them are permanent. they offered us a certain period of time, but nothing permanent. that's kind of what we are looking for. we are looking for a permanent location for our program. and having presented to you last november, we have moved four times since the reinstatement of the education program in the last 4 years. we have moved every year to a
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different location. that's it. thank you. >> good evening, my name is an tone on the parent committee for education program. i'm also here to speak on space. we are asking for a permanent location for our program. we feel this program is not fulfilling a potential. we spend a lot of time packing and unpacking. already this school year is half way gone and we are still looking at another move. we moved at the beginning of the school year and we have to move by april. we are asking that this issue be kept as a priority so that we can get a permanent location. we would like it to remain in the mission district. we have previously moved out to the avenues and
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that did not work out for our community. we are asking that it stays in the mission district. we have other native organizations that are also in the mission district that we collaborate well with and we would like and our families would like for this program to remain in the mission district. we feel it's a crucial piece of our program being successful. again, we just want to reiterate that this stay as a priority like it was mentioned earlier. we moved every year since this program has been reinstated and we could not continue this way. being relocating it's part of our historical trauma to be relocated every school year and that is not beneficial for our community and schools in the district that are identified as american indian or alaskan
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natives. we would encourage you to look at this, thank you. >> good evening. i'm a member of the parent advisory group to the indian education program. i'm here in addition to what mitchell and rachel are talking about is providing a space for our children, for our students to achieve and do well and have a sense of community. we really need that permanency. a lot of the students that have graduated last year are cottage back looking for continual support with their education and with a constant move it's difficult to say to come here and use these resources, use this
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computer and let me help you to achieve and to go into that higher education. that's a priority that our kids are needing that support. i really thank you for the attention. >> thank you very much. i think deputy superintendant guerrero. >> thank you once again for reminding us to maintain this as a priority. there has been a number of staff trying to identify a viable location that meets some of the criteria, i know some of the sites have been visited some less accommodating to those needs as others. there is a recent fourth option that's also been identified. you are going to want an opportunity to explore that as being viable. i'm glad that we were able to locate the materials and those materials and we want to make sure that those have a location where they
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can be prominently displayed in a hopefully more permanent solution to the indian program it supports. we have our facilities operator david golden and leslie in my office. thank you. >> can i ask a question about that. david they have to leave again in april. was there another location that they were housed in where they have to leave again in april? can they stay through at least remainder of the school year. i don't know what the options are or that you would want to do that, just another move in april seems like a lot. >> actually i am not sure where
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we are trying to locate a permanent home. but they as a group have to come and decide if it meets their needs and we don't want to make that decision for them. >> right now the office is located, it's a cubicle space that is shared with three other staff members from cesar chavez. it's locked in the corner of the cafeteria that is designated to undergo construction as part of the plan. at that time, they will be moved from that corner of the cafeteria to another location within cesar chavez in another shared space there. our goal in working with the district staff is to identify a permanent location that
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fits the needs that were outlined by the pack. >> they will be staying at cesar chavez until the end of the school year, just move to another space? >> that is correct. unless we are able to find a permanent space so we wouldn't have to do a temporary move while they are under going construction in that particular area and then another move after that. >> so, if i may, i think since their servicing students that it's imperative and urgent that they are in a permanent space. that students that they serve are able to go to the location and aware of the location they are at. and then also, i think that if amongst their group, if they have a representative which i believe they do, and that can actually go out to the site. i don't believe you need to get the whole group there, but you have designated representative that can okay a location,
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approve a location. i don't think it needs to wait for a whole group to be ready to go out to a site, but they have a group that can go out there and make a decision for them. that can make it much easier to accommodate that request. >> yes, commissioner, that is the plan in moving forward. it would be the chair and the coordinator and myself. >> i'm confident we'll have a solution very soon. >> i love to hear that. thank you very much for bringing that to our attention. >> item k. advisory committee reports appointments to advisory committees by board members. are there any? >> i'm appointing terry of the public and education enrichment fund. l. special order of business.
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i would like to announce the sunshining of the following proposals. 2013-2014 initial proposal for the success or contract from the san francisco unified school district to the united educators of san francisco teacher and para professional units for the san francisco board of education. members of the public are able to address these proposals tonight and will have another opportunity to comment on the proposals at the regular board meeting of february 11, 2014. i see that we have two public speakers. as soon as an solomon from uesf and david kelly from the organization.
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>> good evening, student delegates, commissioners, i'm as soon -- susan -- we are open for the contract talks and calling for raises around teachers and parents and other information that was not published anywhere. as you are well aware, too many schools are getting priced out of the city and the impact on our students is profound. this is important for para professionals. many who live in poverty because of stagnate wages. para professionals are the lifeline for these students. in putting together
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our proposal we have extending the membership on what their biggest priorities are. we have also engaged in the 15-month long community engagement process with the partners closer gap position. we find parents want the same for their students. education for their students and stronger engagement and full resources widely spent. thank you. we look forward to working with you and the director of labor relations in the coming weeks, thank you. >> good evening, dennis kelly, president of the united educators of san francisco.
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there is nothing else i want to achld what we are very aware of and according to responses that teachers and parents emphasized to us is that they are well aware of what their part has been in sustaining the district for the last 4 years. this is a time where they see an all good faith and all good amicablity. when you heard the audit refer to the surplus that you had carried, you all know this is well in excess of what you are legally required to carry. there was a reason to carry a significant surplus in the difficult years that we've just passed through. now is the time to take care of the people who do the work. thank you very much. >> thank you. can i have a motion and second on the membership appointment of the
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quality teaching of the committee? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. deputy guerrero? thank you carmelo. i believe we are going to have a reading of the recommendation. >> we have mike davis here. >> thank you, deputy superintendant guerrero, president fewer. i will read the subject and the requested action. subject, membership, quality teacher and education act oversight committee. the requested action is that the board of education authorize the addition of two superintendant appointed seats to the quality teacher and education act oversight committee and conduct a random lottery to assign appointment authority for one of the seven current qta oversight
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committee seats to the members of the board of education. and just as way of background, this was vetted expenseively in the rules of policy and legislation committee over two separate meetings and this recommendation was reported out to the full board of education at the december 10, 2013, public meeting. >> thank you. no public comments signed up for this. any comments from the board or superintendant? yes? yes. commissioner? >> yes, can you tell us when this would happen if it's approved by the board? >> the lottery we expect to happen right after your vote.
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>> that's exciting. okay. that's exciting. any other comments from commissioners or superintendant? seeing none, roll call vote please. [roll call vote taken] six ayes. >> i think mr. davis will go through lottery procedure, right? are you doing the lottery right now? >> yes. >> i think you need to be present to win. >> we are going to have a hat with 7 pieces of paper. each piece of paper will have one number, one through seven and we also have a schedule to pass out to you so that once you pull your number, you will know which seat you have
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chosen. >> okay. this is more exciting than i thought. i should have read my horoscope today. >> while we are doing this could i make a comment? >> yes. >> i just wanted to say for the public and we talked about this before, but the issue is when these seats come up for reappointment and how they overlap each other. so it isn't so much an issue of who fits in them since all of these people have been approved by us anyway, but rather how we will make this process more workable for the committee as to the terms. >> all right. we are going to start with commissioner haney.
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>> can i ask a question. if you select a date that goes beyond your term limit, does that just get transferred to the next board member or how does that work? >> yes, that was discussed. that seat remains beyond your term and the appointment authority passes to the new commissioner. >> mr. david at this time would you like us to announce what numbers we have so you know which commissioner the due to appoint. would that be helpful? >> yes, i think so. >> i believe because commissioner norton is not here, that last one, we'll
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read it out for her. all right. commissioners, commissioner haney? >> 6. >> no. 3 >> i have no. 4 which is jenny lamb. and commissioner norton has no. 5. >> so i actually have 7 which is the -- >> the vacancy. >> i have no. 1. >> is that it? >> when does this nomination need to be provided if their term doesn't start until june
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2015? >> commissioner mendoza, you could not end at any point. this person could have an extra 4 months. >> this is june, the first term is -- that's the expiration. so i can appoint any term. >> it would extend how many months. >> for the listening and watching public, let's name the people who are on this list and when that term would expire. mr. davis, would you please read out. >> i'm sorry, could we get some clarification, no. 1 and no. 3. >> no. 1 is commissioner moffit's and no. 3 is myself. mr. davis would you like me to read these names? >> i will read them. >> thank you very much. if
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you can give the names and when the term will expire. >> okay, so seat no. 1 has been assigned to commissioner months of moffit's. that is held by guerrero, that term expires june 2014. seat no. 2 has been assigned to commissioner haney. it's currently filled by franco, the term expires june 2015. seat no. 3, has been assigned to dr. murase. it is currently filled by jim fong and the term ends june 2014. seat no. 4 is assigned to
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president fewer, it is currently filled by jenny lam. the term ends june 2014. seat no. 5, is assigned to commissioner norton. it's filled by michelle parker and the term ends june 2014. seat no. 6, is assigned to commissioner wynns, it's filled by jamal watkins and expires june 2017. the seat is assigned to commissioner mcdonalds and that will go through june 2017 once it's appointed. >> can you just clarify both of those two, they would have to be reappointed. their term
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expires june 2015. if reappointed they can serve that. >> i read their second term expiration. >> thank you. and then seats 8 and 9 is a superintendant appointee which we just added. >> those are for superintendant appointment and they go basically from a term ending june 2015, second term ending june 2017. >> thank you, mr. davis. item m discussion of other educational issues. i believe deputy superintendant guerrero has an item. >> we have an opportunity this evening to hear the awareness and john burke accompanying her. i think we
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