tv [untitled] January 31, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PST
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>> are there any other members of the public who wish to speak. public comment is closed. madam clerk -- actually, supervisor kim. >> thank you, i just want to make a motion to rescind the votes on item 17 through 13 and take that vote again. >> okay colleagues, if we could rescind the votes from items 17 to 30, moved by supervisor kim, is there a second to that. seconded by supervisor campos, without objection those items will be rescinded and if we could, take one vote on items 17 through 30 and take a roll call vote for those items. >> on items 17 through 30, kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee i, avalos i, breed
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i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i. 11 i's. >> let's go to our adoption calendar. >> number 33 through 38 are being considered for immediate adoption. a single role call vote can be accepted. >> would anybody like to sever item 35. >> i'd like to sever item 37. if you could call the roll on items 33, 34, 36 and 38. >> supervisor kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee
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i, avalos i, breed i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i. there are 11 i's . >> motions are approved. >> item 35 advanced accurate and about women's reproductive health. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you very much. i want to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers who came out and supported this item and i think it is really important for us to sends a very clear message about how we trust women and how we respect the right to -- i think the points have been made that this is not about free speech, that
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this is about misinformation that has been put out by these fringe groups that have no backing for the claim that somehow abortion hurts women. i think that the medical evidence and the scientific evidence on this point is very clear and i do think we need to carefully look at the policies and procedures that got us to this point. i think that we need to revisit those prosee your injuries to make sure -- one of the women made that these kind of tactics are especially negative when it cams to the disproportionate impact on poor women. i have seen that myself because of the work we have done with planned parenthood where you
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have these anti choice extremists who come out and target working class middle income women as they're trying to access rights. using whatever proceeds where are coming in to educate women, but also proactive in putting out the correct information about the safety of abortion as a procedure. and i think that if we allow these groups to put up this kind of misinformation that we should also have our own information presented and that we make it clear by posting similar banners that clearly say that we trust women. i think that would be something that would move us in the right direction and again, i want to thank the women and all the people that have come out to support this resolution. i think that what is happening is
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really bad and it certainly does not reflect the values of san francisco. >> thank you supervisor campos. on item number 35, can we take this colleague's same house same call without objection? thank you. madam clerk could you please call item 37? >> this is a resolution suspension and end to firing of undocumented workers. >> thank you, supervisor chiu. >> i want to take a moment and thank the community that came out today to speak in support of this and the work that's been done on this in the last few weeks, from our janitors, from labor, and i want to thank our young people and dreamers who have been so your courageous over these years. i
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want to thank supervisor mar, yee, kim and avalos. i know this is a topic that is personal for many of us as the sons and daughters of immigrants, the grandsons and great granddaughters of immigrants. the first time i ever came to this board chamber was 15 years ago to testify and support our city's sanctuary policy. part of why wanted to move this resolution and i know many of us did and it's because of the many stories of immigrants who are having their families ripped apart. in particular, i want to mention we have heard 1200 of our janitors families have been tragically impacted by the fact that we have not been able to pass con hen sieve immigration reform. this calls on our president to stop our immigration deportations, close to 2
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million under this administration to extend the deferred action for childhood arrivals program to all eligible members of our undocument family because it doesn't do any good if we have a dreamer student who's allowed to stay whose mother and father are being ripped away. this should call to an end. los angeles and other cities are stepping up because we haven't been able to see action in congress and we need to really take leadership from our urban cities to stand up for our immigrant families. secondly, tonight president obama is going to be speaking about this topic and we really, as much good as he has been doing in our country we ask him
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to do more, to make sure that while republicans in congress have been unable to move have agenda forward, we are not victimizing innocent men, women, children and families as we move forward and this resolution is important to reflect our shared values of saying we are one city and the technical issues around citizenship do not impact that we are all human beings and none of us are illegal. >> thank you, supervisor campos. >> thank you. i want to take this opportunity to thank our brothers and sisters from local /# 87 for the leadership they have played in this item coming forward. i want to thank all of the immigrants and as a former undocumented immigrant myself, i'm especially proud to see the young people who came out to testify about their own experiences. it's not easy to do that and so
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i'm very proud of you and appreciate your courage. and i say -- [inaudible]. i was reading online that it is reported by the white house that president obama is supposed to make an impassionate speech about immigration reform and i'm very grateful to that and as someone who has admired and respected the president, i'm grateful to see that, but we need more than just an impassional speech. we need action. that impassionate speech without any action is simply not going to cut it and it pains me to say this, but when it comes to deportations, barack obama has a worse record than george w
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bush and the idea that so many of us fought so hard to get him to where he is and that we would face that reality is shameful and i really hope by taking this /po position that san francisco, los angeles and these other cities make it clear that what's happening right now is simply unacceptable. thank you. >> thank you. with that, colleagues, could we take this item, same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted and madam clerk, could you read -- [applause]. >> could you read the in-- this meeting will be adjourned in memory on behalf of the for the late mr. tom pate and mr. barry leblanc, for the late mr. tommy
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smith and on behalf of supervisor avalos for the late mr. pete seger. >> is there anymore business in front of the board. >> that concludes our business for the day, mr. president. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. i'm nicole and lindsey, i like the fresh air. when we sign up, it's always so gratifying. we want to be here.
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so i'm very excite ied to be here today. >> your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. >> last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering. without that we can't survive. volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160
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acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling.
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commissionerers a happy new year, it is kind of the end of january, but it is still the beginning of the year and we have not seen each other for quite some time and i hope that you had a great holiday and it is good to see you again, and happy new year to all of you in the audience as well and we are glad that you could join us today. roll call? commissioner renne? >> present. >> commissioner andrews? >> here. >> commissioner hur? >> here. >> commissioner keen, n >> here. >> are there matters that we are going to be discussing or do not appear on the agenda at this time? >> good evening commissioners my name is dr. derek kur a whistle blower, please note bill 496 that took effect this month has expanded protections for whistle blowers and it
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prohibits anticipation retaliation, whereby the employers retaliate because they believe that an employee may disclose information to authorities. it reminds us that retaliation sometimes proceeds the actual whiesle blowing, the employee finds information, collects it, and then gets a layoff before they can file the complaint. i would also like to acknowledge your unprecedented finding of a conflict of interest by a city official, even though she happens to be a good person. previously, such complaints were routinely dismissed and complainants were thrown under the bus, it took you over two years to adjudicate our complaint former health director dr. mitch cats, for two years he collected over $10,000 annually from health management associates, a for profit corporation, working for his department, with his
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approval. you dismissed that complaint and our retaliation complaint, it took a lawsuit to get vindiation and 150,000 settlement which cost the city an additional $450,000 in city attorney fees. your inadequate investigation and habitual dismissal of whistle blower complaints is a type of official misconduct, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioners, my name is fransico dacosta and i have appeared before you before, and i too want to state to you very
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clearly that when a ballot (inaudible) was put to create this commission san franciscans, and we are still here wanted the right thing to be done. and so in adjudication given to you, we some of us whistle blowers, some of our advocates, some of us who have experience are retrained and work for the department of defense, serve three generals, so we know from experience the good, the bad, and the ugly.
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we saw this with the hearing, linked to the sheriff which in the end, was adjudicated in his favor. but i am here to state to you categorily that there is corruption in some city governments rampant corruption, the empirical data and you and others who can do the right thing do the wrong thing. you and others instead of looking at it and setting a standard, you let down the constituents of san francisco. so today, we will hear about a
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case, it is a very clear-cut case. and this case is so convaluted that some people are so arrogant that defying ethics that defying morals and defying standards, what we are saying is, it will be working until we get our benefits, until we get our pension. this type of arrogance is uncalled for. and this type of arrogance commissioners, is something that cries to heaven for justice. thank you very much. >> any other comments from the audience?
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>> good afternoon president and commissioners, i'm dr. sandra mendis and i am currently the president of the california healthcare foundation but served many years in the city and county of san francisco in the department of public health culminating in the director of being in the direct of the public health and i left there and went to the san francisco foundation, where the foundation runs a program that is really focused on cultivating multicultural leadership for public service. and you going to hear a case this afternoon on item three. about an employee of the puc who i have known for more than 15 years, miss elli, and she was a very successful candidate through the multicultural follow ship where i worked with her. and i watched her send in her work, really on behalf of the very disenfranchised community running the community
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development program and she then left the foundation and went to work for a not for profit where again she was quite successful in her leadership work and i watched passionately and i feel like the violations of ethics that were committed were ones that were in fact done not out of malic and really not fundamentally out of self-interest, but out of a passion and a drive to serve a very under serviced community. and she has melt a extraordinary meeting at puc and i think that the staff has done an extraordinary job of trying to be fair and assess this i come here in support of her and staff. this is a dedicated and dedicated public service who made a number of violations for which she has tried to
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enumerate for the best of her ability and i hope that you take the recommendation of staff and understand that you have a committed and talented employee. and she will learn from these missteps,ty. >> thank you. >> good afternoon and, happy new year, i was not going to speak. i was going to wait on your decision. until she started talking about julia, and you know, it is sad that we in bay view hunter's point and that is what i represent, and the problems that and i am talking about julia ellis and in the 70s we had the expansion of the sewage plant and there was mitigation because of the expansion of the
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sewage plant where we were able to get the city to build a community college and it is called south east community college. now, when this commission was set up, it was set up with the fact and my understanding is that was to take care of the pipes that is breaking and the funds that we the voters voted for and the first time it went on the ballot, i told, the director that i was not going to support it because the city had been lying to my community. and there is no sewage plant in any other community. the community benefits.
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i felt it was a conflict of interest but i supported it because of the fact that she supported local hiring. i thought that she was going to be a good individual for the community and then it all started and she tried to take control and still trying to take control of the south east college and the areas that we came together and did a mitigation about and i am tired, and i am 80 years of age and i have been coming to these meetings at city hall for 50 years and i will be going to the puc commission meeting tomorrow morning at 11:00. and where i was not going to say a word because i just want to see where you all are going to do your job, that you were supposed to do and so i just came here and to just to see, what you were going to say, about this case, and you have to deal with the case, whether she commit it or not. and that is your responsibility.
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and not mine. and not any of us in the audience and talking about how good, someone is. and if you did wrong, you paid the penalty. and if it was me, i would have gone to jail, thank you. >> any further comments from the public? >> if not, we will proceed to our first item, which is in fact, the juliet ellis and >> and you have the settlement gret before you and the stipulation document and a couple of notes about this, this is a joint settlement and so there were three negotiating parties and the respondent and the two enforcement agency and because the fppc has heard and accepted the settlement agreement in a public session, we are in an unusual situation, because our regulations require that this is things be debated
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in closed session and however since it has been debated publicly, the city attorney has advised us to do the same. and so the staff and the city attorney will represent any questions that you have about the document in the settlement. and anything that is in this department, and if we go. off of the document, and into some details about the investigation, we may have to pull back from there. the bottom line in the settlement is that altogether there are several findings of violation of state and local law. for the purposes of simplification they have settled with the respondent for $3500 for a violation of section 8986 of the government code and the ethics commission has four counts of finding a violation in here. the first two counts reflect that the same section of the
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code that has been adopted for the local code and so for the purposes of the settlement, the state portion of the settlement covers the two and for the other two countses, two and three and four where we proposed and the respondent accepted 2500 each for those two and a total of $5,000 local for a grand total of the settlement for $8500 from the respondent and additionally, the respondent has repaid in the figure 17? >> approximately. >> approximately $17,000 in salary that she received as the acting president of the board of directors green for all during the terms of the violations at least having incurred in the settlement agreement. and so that again, the staff and the city attorney can answer any questions that you might have about this document. >> commissioners? >> yes, thank you, madam chair. i have a number of questions about this. and first, in regard to the way
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