tv [untitled] February 1, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm PST
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make sure we're being a good corporate communities. i provide management oversight and direction for the 3 enterprises that serves the puc pardon i have 3 directors that the puc implements one important water as you know julie had done that and now with the water improvement director and karen is at the helm of the sewer project and previously chris was at the helm and ches has taken a promotional opportunity on the operational side on the other hand, and we'll have a replacement. so those 3 people are responsible for the day to day management of the enlist praktsz
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facility capital needs. we have our engineer management bureaus i've talked about the functions and our structure if you look at on the left the left column is the typical needs through the life of the program project management and cost and scheduled control. we have the engineering ever design phase of a project the construction management during the construction phase. overall quality assurance which mayors with the quality control our environmental analyst functions and everything we do goes through the prourment process and our latest on the 3 enterprises. those are the specific needs
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whether a small or large project and in the right cloum there are the bureaus from within the infrastructure. to give you a snapshot of our overall work it's still the improvement program we're 80 percent through the program we have over $8 billion worth of work. so it represented the lion share of our portfolio but the sewer is the next largest one and that's starting to grow. the water as and look at the end what are we going to improve our programs. our programs getting smaerl and hetch hetchy being the
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simultaneously even though yes important. if you take all the strurgsz within the promise an engineer working on a specific project builds to the promise whereas previously contracts manager builds to overhead. the ratio is in the right direction as we end this fiscal year. we have fewer people in the indirect column and better ratio from indirect to direct. we're previously we had contracts people bill to overhead we've recourse our bill codes and start bill to the actual contract. we'll know exactly how much money it fractions a staff phase
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so we can better project our overall personal needs and how many are bill to overhead generally. so this is something i've done previously in the private sector i think it's a benefit to us here so that's one of the major changes to true up our overhead as it compares to the industry. on the next slide we have the various programs i have an upgrade i can give you verbally. as i state did water system almost 80 percent at the 78.9 and the sewer improvement program if you look at the $2.7 billion we're 1.8 percent complete there and it's initiative by the puc project to move us into the digester.
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on the power side we're 23.3 percent complete. the auctioningy where we support of the fire suppression is a billion dollar program. the hiss up program is a lot of a builds and we're just starting that program at the 10 percent there. we have the water recreational repair and replacement. it's $234 million over 13 years and we're 7 percent into that program. finally, you have the wastewater r n r and the spot sewer work which the $73 million this year and we are 79 percent ongoing through that program. next slide we'll show you generally, the history graham or
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from the staff prospective or the life of our capital program so this includes water and a water water and a hetch hetchy example h w ss. the 2 >> i pledge allegiance to the flag a our current staffing we he can see we have sufficient work to keep our staff busy and additional requirements past that. the area in green we're filling other work orders particular but other city departments like dp t work and the remainder of the unfilled need we'll have implemented through consolute a contracts. the next slide in 2013 and 14
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we have a total of 2 hundred and 89 a 6 percent there in staffing and no other in the subject years. i can go into the details of the 21 positions but the lions shire the 15 of the 21 is direct billable and auto can do draft people and the types of draft people the remaining 5 are administrative functions within the bureaus so within the increase of work we need additional help with incredible and managing overall staff and of the 5 poegsz positions two of them are going to the contract center. we opened the center in the bayview as an attempt at that do
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the outreach to the lgbt community to help them for a one to the shop to reaching out to muni and making it a one stop shop for smaller contractors they can review plans and upcoming bid opportunities. we want to include training programs to help them fill out their forms and things of that nature marry we're requesting two positions to staff the puc contracting center because that's an you important benefit. the next slide the 13, 1314
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budget is a 7 percent increase. and then the following year again staying flat except for cost of living. finally, we have for you a slide we don't have to go through but it breaks down the different contracts in particular under capital program related work orders. those are working orders we issue to other city departments in an effort to help us do our work so risk management services because the contracts get approved by the risk management and the economic and risk development making sure we help with employment and a monitoring the contract obviously every contract is approved by c mc the
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surety bond and the service hearing officer. those are under contract in order to make sure that the wheels of government keep rolling and we're able to use the services when we need them. finally, if you look at the breakdown of the operating budget and our multiple leoer within our division our overhead is 2.8. our overhead is 2.3 within industry standard it's my goal to make sure over the coming year we drop it number and get closer to about something .2 less than that that's our overall gone up. walk you through the various programs you can see we've
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reached my accomplishments in the water state of them primarily getting 94 percent completion it's for reaching our redundancy within our overlook program. the objectives are cal versus dam you know we've had our challenges we're monitoring that project we know it's interrogating challenges to our program but it's american people importantly project and we're paying full attention to that promise under the sewer assistant program we have the contract theiric and on schedule. we've completed the program validation phase early e earlier this fiscal year as well as finalizing the phase one scheduling and budget and
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working to advance the early completion program that is the green program. our objectives from the ssi p are bio solids those are the biggest projects and their long-term projects that will take 9 to 10 years so we're focusing on those schedules on on the hetch hetchy improvement program it's a smaller program but we're certainly paying attention to that. the champs will hetch hetchy it's all the work up country. it gives us some additional contracting challenges because most of the firms we hire is local but you know we've done in our contracts we have not allowed for computer of per
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diem. so if we need to send someone up country for two or three days but if they're up there 6 months that's part of the consultants program. we started that 6 months ago and we had a few consultants but they're getting the message we're looking for a lien team not o not to shuttle our folks up there long-term. again we're tide to the easter bond and it is a smallest piece of our overhead capital program but important for the desperation of the city. we have a couple of you have ann letter accomplishments this year, the final sequestration for gary boulevard bridge that's
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a project we're working with mta and also the resource agency permits for that same permit. the last thing i wanted to say which is not in the presentation because we're cranking the numbers up to the point of getting to the deadline to submit the paperwork but i anticipate the question how are we doing with the rambling down of the project program. it's not jelling perfectly it would be annoys to transition one person to another but the reality is the one program will be ramming up and wisconsin up down. how do we take the talented people who have learned a lot on
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with an program and use them on the sewer program. ear doing it for the benefit of the career benefit of the employees and let them you know what their career will be from one program to another. we have 87 people in the puc and next year we'll be down to 90 person and down are from that. so your point commissioner moran we're not trying to keep that organization large on or the ssi p we're at 60 people and anticipate at the end of the next year 2 hundred and 35 people on a increase in puc people for hetch hetchy and r and r work we're looking to maintain
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our staffing around the 2 hundred number and use consultants and other city departmental work orders to deal with the peaks in the next 5 year period. we'll be ramming up next year to 6 years from now and looking at the approved program we'll ramp down over the following two years if the commissioner approved at some point more work for the ssi p we'll redo the numbers look at our staffing at that point. but your goal is to try to stay flat. we're asking for 21 new positions by the way, they're all project related positions and in ever case if we don't plan for the in-house hire and the work there we will be increasing the number of consultants and while we're
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supportive of the opportunities i want to have as much talent in the house moving forward for the next 10 years. our overall plan is $8.9 million we have one billion dollars of work to do over the next 10 years so we want our city staff to get the experience that concludes my presentation >> commissioner vietor. >> i have a question about mountain town hall and how that fits into the equation. it's a power and it's going to take a big hit maybe this is a question for todd as well >> it appears in our overall aa i p kind of in the wisconsin up program cal versus went over the
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budget and we had to adjust what was going to happen in the puc. so some programs 123r years out maybe pushed to 9 or 10 years out. the overall hetch hetchy is the same speaker the overall inspection of the tunnel they're maybe a failure in the tunnel if not and the so how much money to reprogram to hiss up to the tunnel and if we wiped up we're taking critical things off the table maybe adding money to the hiss up program. we pled an analyst report looking 14 alternatives and the report comes to one conclusion
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recommended to the staff level for approval but it comps to you but it involves building a new section of the tunnel and it would be, you know, in the $500 million price range so it's an impact that we're going to have to deal with. the other piece of that which todd speaks to say how we pay for it between power and water given it's a shard resource but if something happens to it water impacts us more significantly than power >> i'll recap after we do the alloys presentation and we'll figure out how to pay for it on the waterside and on the power side we still have the same
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problems. h m improves has that coordinated but before we get a green light we have to solve where it's going to be paid from >> commissioner caen i would like to request a new organize chart that shows the names of the directors. >> certainly. >> commissioner moran. >> thank you. on this information the old graft from lecturer i put it together with the one that was presented and a couple of questions. the old one showed us going from the peek of wisconsin up i say
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it that way. of about 5 hundred and then it shows, you know, on the counter year we're down to about 340 where do those people go >> most of them were consultants. >> actually, it's shown under the green bar which i assume - >> i don't have lecturers graft but on page 12 of this year's. >> yeah. i have that. >> so the black line on the bottom of that bar at the 2 hundred number represents the puc staff. so we have basically stayed constant at the 2 >> i pledge allegiance to the flag people at the puc so none of those people have left because of the lack of work but above the black line is work we
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contract out to dwp. or other city departments and that's by work order. i couldn't tell you whether or not the hi drastic division e division has grown and the remainder by consultants. those are specific contracts for specific projects so those consultants knew at the end of the contract that's it >> i think you just told me the green that's above the two hundred is other city employees. >> and consultants. >> and consultants and - >> and the gray is one hundred percent work that is consultants. >> i 0 thought what i was looking at that i thought would be useful is something that
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shows the city employment and how they've changed over time but fortunately it was contracted i thought that's what the green and gray dlaefgs was and the resource among other things practices is and how we plan for that over time. >> sure. >> that's a request from staff. and the other thing my conclusion profoundly isn't right by my own misunderstanding we're making more use of city employees and less use even if contractor >> what i will do is go back and take the at the other city departments and break that number out further. in addition to i'm remembering
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to the technical staff this is like the city attorney's office >> right. >> and support - >> thousands of them. >> laura. >> we use the city attorney's office on the front end as we prepare documents and the like and on the back end if we get into issues of claims or litigation of that nature but i'll go back and try to break down the city contracts to give you a sense of number one puc folks we use on an annual basis. >> you said the 16 were directly billable. why are they budgeted as part of the operating if their project related? >> i think part of this is kind of a distinction of language so when they talk about project
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funding. so i mentioned the operating budget earlier this was like the different operating budget than what you're referring to >> that didn't make it clearer (laughter). >> sorry about that. >> when i'm referring to operations tights all project repelled. for example, i have a contracts person is not working in the field he would but i have to have that person to complete a project it's all project related as the puc's budget about the specific enterprises and a providing those services. as an example in the construction management bureau i'm asking for a 148382 to
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manage our job project given the demand of work we anticipating using more of our jobs program to mistly doing the job well. that's a person who will not be bill to the prongs that's part of my overhead >> and you were saying there's the 215 and the 16 were directly billable. >> correct. >> what confuses me their coded an n which i seem u assume is the operating positions. other places like this they've been classified as the o m which is the off budget >> we'll go back and revisit that we might have used the wrong coding.
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its work is all project related >> all those positions so far as i know are off budget. >> even the 5. >> the off 5 are part of the infrastructure not part of the water water and power enterprise. >> okay. good. thank you >> thank you, mr. cruise. >> thank you now we have to go through the external affairs and the chair requested any public comment? after that >> there are no speaker cards. >> no speaker cards. >> dr. jack jackson do you have
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a comment on the infrastructure. because i'll take that comment >> dr. jackson. when you talk about infrastructure i was at a meeting at city planning two or three days ago and all of a sudden puc comes up about getting properties to bill. when we and nothing was mentioned about the infrastructure part of that was done at 18 hundred oakdale. my understanding in going to meeting is that sun born where they rode the plants and things at they haven't been able to do the job in the community.
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out of all the numbers i hear about jobs i want to know how many of those jobs have gone to zip code 92424. because most of the people that come into my community don't live there that they make decisions but don't live there. they don't know about the structure of the community. i want you all to be cautious, you know, about all the things you're not aware of what goes on, you know, into hunters point shipyard and we're another a dangerous level i hope you take into account we need your help to stop the madness in my community >> thank you, dr. francisco >> commissioners what we need
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to do is do an economic analysts of the bayview. we've been talking about a lot of on the capital investment and a everything but even as we're talking so many years the democrat graphics of the bayview has changed dramatically. you all would be shocked to know that at one n time in the city 24 percent were blacks. now down to 4 percent. and i'm saying this economic analysis should deal with the contribution of those blacks who came from the south and contributed ke
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