tv [untitled] February 1, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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that the gentleman is a smart, educated person, a lawyer, harvard law degree, but doesn't seem cognizant of the first amendment of the united states or any other laws which protects speakers who come to this chamber. i was given the information that supervisor breed actually sits at the desk that harvey milk used during his time on the board of supervisors and i honestly did start to wonder what would have harvey milk have said or done if he had heard a public officer say at a public meeting say i don't think we'll allow said or done something. but obviously we have no harvey milks on this board, no one willing to stand up for the
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rights of citizens to exercise not only their constitutional, but their civil rights. you'd rather sit there and look away, look down, and look at anything else but someone who's calling you out for your dishonest handling of public comment. -- your disgraceful handling of public comment and your arrogant handling -- >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> i have graphics. good afternoon. president chiu and supervisors, i have graphics. it's a shame, shame, shame, the way they messed up that game. it's a shame, shame, shame, the way they lost it. it's a shame, shame, shame, it's, like, a city at play and the
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super bowl went away, they'll be back again some day. it's a shame, shame, shame, the way they lost that game. it's a shame, shame, shame the way they missed it. it's a shame, shame, shame, it's, like, a city at play. super bowl went away, they'll be back again some day. it's a shame, shame, shame. and i want to say hope you have a happy chinese new year and i hope it's fresher than fresh, exciting, it's so exciting to me , barely. it's fresher than fresh, excite inging -- it's so exciting the parade to me, mayor lee. it's fresher than fresh, expect the best, never settle for less.
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it's fresher than fresh. and i wish you good luck with your abortion and you are woman, hear you roar, the numbers too big to ignore and i know you're going to make it soon some day. yes, you can, you can do anything, you are strong, you are abortion invincible, you are woman. [applause] >> i'm kidding. >> next speaker please. >> hard to follow that, but what a winning solution. i'm here to ask the board of supervisor and city and county of people to make sure we keep marcus bookstore. right now
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they're having a -- we need to make sure that 50,000 people -- i've been told we only have 10,000 black people in san francisco today, but we need to get this bookstore so we'll always have our history and it look like the midtown people are already right in that area. tomorrow i got an argument with a lady about this picture. i feel it's michelle obama. turned out to be maybe whitney houston. there's the first lady. she's coming to town with nancy on thursday and friday. we hope people with show her around in the city and help us out in the city and she's going to have the mayor with her today and along with the first black gay nba basketball player and we hope when she come here that we all can get together and see what black, gay, asian, mexican. san francisco is
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going through a transfer, we need to reinvest in diversity. we learned eleanor rose roosevelt the one who started the people's right. she brought everyone here. she also took the black lady to sing op ray so we know first ladies have a platform and we hope, as mayor lee said, so these stand for 420 and just remember this where medical marijuana started so denver has taken over. it started here in california. thank you . >> thank you, next speaker. if there are any other members of the public who wish to speak, please line up. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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my name is mr. banks. i haven't spoken in front of you for a while because i've been doing a lot of things in the community, but it just amazes me as i walk through different neighborhoods how clean some neighborhoods are compared to others. when people are cleaning out their apartments and have the oversized dumpsters that a struck truck has to come in and remove, it amazes me how some neighborhoods have to put a top on top of that container so people don't go through the garbage and spread it around the streets and then when you decide to walk through your neighborhood at nighttime, you wonder if you're stepping on a rat or not. if you could keep that in mind, something has to be done about that because some neighborhoods
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are just filthy. it's not even after garbage night, it's continuously because, especially since people are being pushed to other neighborhoods and one neighborhood is put against another to -- for funds to keep the streets clean, so i hope the board of supervisors can focus on that because neighborhoods are getting filthier and filthier. >> are there any other members of the public who wish to speak. public comment is closed. madam clerk -- actually, supervisor kim. >> thank you, i just want to make a motion to rescind the votes on item 17 through 13 and take that vote again. >> okay colleagues, if we could rescind the votes from items 17 to 30, moved by supervisor kim,
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is there a second to that. seconded by supervisor campos, without objection those items will be rescinded and if we could, take one vote on items 17 through 30 and take a roll call vote for those items. >> on items 17 through 30, kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee i, avalos i, breed i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i. 11 i's. >> let's go to our adoption calendar. >> number 33 through 38 are being considered for immediate adoption. a single role call vote can be
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accepted. >> would anybody like to sever item 35. >> i'd like to sever item 37. if you could call the roll on items 33, 34, 36 and 38. >> supervisor kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee i, avalos i, breed i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i. there are 11 i's . >> motions are approved. >> item 35 advanced accurate
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and about women's reproductive health. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you very much. i want to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers who came out and supported this item and i think it is really important for us to sends a very clear message about how we trust women and how we respect the right to -- i think the points have been made that this is not about free speech, that this is about misinformation that has been put out by these fringe groups that have no backing for the claim that somehow abortion hurts women. i think that the medical evidence and the scientific evidence on this point is very clear and i do think we need to carefully look at the policies
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and procedures that got us to this point. i think that we need to revisit those prosee your injuries to make sure -- one of the women made that these kind of tactics are especially negative when it cams to the disproportionate impact on poor women. i have seen that myself because of the work we have done with planned parenthood where you have these anti choice extremists who come out and target working class middle income women as they're trying to access rights. using whatever proceeds where are coming in to educate women, but also proactive in putting out the correct information about the safety of abortion as a
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procedure. and i think that if we allow these groups to put up this kind of misinformation that we should also have our own information presented and that we make it clear by posting similar banners that clearly say that we trust women. i think that would be something that would move us in the right direction and again, i want to thank the women and all the people that have come out to support this resolution. i think that what is happening is really bad and it certainly does not reflect the values of san francisco. >> thank you supervisor campos. on item number 35, can we take this colleague's same house same call without objection? thank you. madam clerk could you please call item 37? >> this is a resolution
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suspension and end to firing of undocumented workers. >> thank you, supervisor chiu. >> i want to take a moment and thank the community that came out today to speak in support of this and the work that's been done on this in the last few weeks, from our janitors, from labor, and i want to thank our young people and dreamers who have been so your courageous over these years. i want to thank supervisor mar, yee, kim and avalos. i know this is a topic that is personal for many of us as the sons and daughters of immigrants, the grandsons and great granddaughters of immigrants. the first time i ever came to this board chamber was 15 years ago to testify and support our city's sanctuary policy. part of why wanted to move this
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resolution and i know many of us did and it's because of the many stories of immigrants who are having their families ripped apart. in particular, i want to mention we have heard 1200 of our janitors families have been tragically impacted by the fact that we have not been able to pass con hen sieve immigration reform. this calls on our president to stop our immigration deportations, close to 2 million under this administration to extend the deferred action for childhood arrivals program to all eligible members of our undocument family because it doesn't do any good if we have a dreamer student who's allowed to stay whose mother and father are being ripped away. this should call to an end.
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los angeles and other cities are stepping up because we haven't been able to see action in congress and we need to really take leadership from our urban cities to stand up for our immigrant families. secondly, tonight president obama is going to be speaking about this topic and we really, as much good as he has been doing in our country we ask him to do more, to make sure that while republicans in congress have been unable to move have agenda forward, we are not victimizing innocent men, women, children and families as we move forward and this resolution is important to reflect our shared values of saying we are one city and the technical issues around citizenship do not impact that we are all human beings and
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none of us are illegal. >> thank you, supervisor campos. >> thank you. i want to take this opportunity to thank our brothers and sisters from local /# 87 for the leadership they have played in this item coming forward. i want to thank all of the immigrants and as a former undocumented immigrant myself, i'm especially proud to see the young people who came out to testify about their own experiences. it's not easy to do that and so i'm very proud of you and appreciate your courage. and i say -- [inaudible]. i was reading online that it is reported by the white house that president obama is supposed to make an
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impassionate speech about immigration reform and i'm very grateful to that and as someone who has admired and respected the president, i'm grateful to see that, but we need more than just an impassional speech. we need action. that impassionate speech without any action is simply not going to cut it and it pains me to say this, but when it comes to deportations, barack obama has a worse record than george w bush and the idea that so many of us fought so hard to get him to where he is and that we would face that reality is shameful and i really hope by taking this /po position that san francisco, los angeles and these other cities make it clear that what's happening right now is simply
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unacceptable. thank you. >> thank you. with that, colleagues, could we take this item, same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted and madam clerk, could you read -- [applause]. >> could you read the in-- this meeting will be adjourned in memory on behalf of the for the late mr. tom pate and mr. barry leblanc, for the late mr. tommy smith and on behalf of supervisor avalos for the late mr. pete seger. >> is there anymore business in front of the board. >> that concludes our business for the day, mr. president. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. hub.
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cleaning the water were. we offer free service to san >> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store.
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>> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to parts of the city that i don't come to. this will make the city a more susta [gavel] >> good morning, everyone, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for wednesday, january 29th, 2014.
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my name is supervisor mark farrell, i'll be chairing this committee joined by committee vice-chair supervisor eric mar as well as supervisor avalos. i want to thank the members of sfgov-tv covering this meeting nona smith and melkonian. and the clerk am i wouldtionv. do we have any announcements? >> yes. [speaker not understood], completed speaker cards and copies to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted on today will appear on the [speaker not understood] unless otherwise stated. >> okay, thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 1? >> item number 1 is an resolution authorizing a 10-year lease of 37,289 square feet at 1145 market street, for office space for employees' retirement system from 1145 market street, lp, a california limited partnership, for $119,228.21 monthly for the period of july 1, 2014, through june 30, 2024. ~ monthly. >> ms. [speaker not understood]. >> good morning, chair farrell, [speaker not understood], updike. a quick update.
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since this is for retirement lease 1145 market street, we are continuing discussions with ownership, hearing concerns loud and clear from both this committee and as raised by the budget analyst, and working to repackage a slimmed down lease with lower fiscal impact and also hopefully a reduced foot print. we're in discussions with ownership as well as my client, the retirement system on that's correct working closely with the budget analyst's office. we'd like to return on 2-26 at which time we should have a renegotiated lease and an amended resolution for your consideration. any questions, happy to entertain them at this point. >> thank you, mr. updike. i think we'll be able to entertain that. first we'll move to public comment. so, is there anybody in the public wish to comment on item number 1? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> can i have a motion to continue item number 1 to our meeting on february 26? so moved. can we take it without
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opposition? so moved. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please call item number 2? >> item number 2 is a resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit owners' association for administration/management of the renewed and expanded property-based community benefit district known as the "central market community benefit district," pursuant to california streets and highways code, section 36651, to commence following board approval. ~ district. >> thank you very much. i believe ms. connor is here from owd to speak ton this item. thanks for being here. >> good morning, chair farrell, supervisor avalos and mar. today you have a resolution [speaker not understood] renewed recently expanded central market cbd. in order for the city to transfer assessment funds collected by the city, we need to execute this management contract. the document is a template we use for all our cbds and is adjusted for each one. if approved by the full board, it will allow us to transfer the funds as early as next week. we anticipate it will bring approximately over a million
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dollars to the cbd over the period of fiscal 13-14. if you have any questions, i'd be happy to answer them. >> colleagues, any questions? okay, thank you very much. we do not have a budget analyst report for item number 2, so, i'll move now to public comment. anybody wish to comment on this item? good morning, supervisors. i just wanted to introduce myself. i'm phrase i ebber line, the central director for the [speaker not understood]. we are very eager to start delivering our services to the neighborhood. particularly, the sixth street corridor which is new to our district. thank you very much. >> okay, thank you. any other members of the public wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can i have a motion to send item number 2 forward with recommendation? we can take that without opposition. [gavel] >> madam clerk do we have any other business in front of us? >> no, mr. chair. >> thanks, everyone. we are adjourned. [gavel]
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>> joining me is the vice-president with commissioner hwang, hurtado and fong will be absent this evening. to my left is our city attorney and he'll provide any information tonight and victor pacheco. i'm cynthia goldstein, the executive board of director. we have matters before the board. carla is here representing the bureau of urban forestry and also representing the planning commission commission with the planning department. duffy will be here senior building inspector representing the department of building
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inspection and john fong with bureau and mapping. mr. pacheco please go over the meeting guidelines and conduct the swear in process. >> the board request that you turn off all phones and pagers and please carry out conversations in the hallway. the procedures are as follows. department representative have 7 minutes to present their cases and 4 minutes for rebuttals. people must include their comments within the 3-minute period. members of the public not affiliated with the parties have up to 3 minutes each to address the board but no rebuttals. to assist the board in the accurate preparation of minutes, members of the public who wish to speak on an item are asked but not required to submit a speaker card to board staff when you come up to the podium. speaker cards
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