tv [untitled] February 3, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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forward in the next 5 years. in each plan there is a number of the projects. i'm happy to field any questions about specific projects and also in the back of that document i just handed you, there is a table that details each project. >>supervisor jane kim: i just want to take a moment to express how concerned i am about the pace of the implementation for the eastern neighborhood infrastructure. not happy with the remaining gap that exist and that the project delivery has been really slow. i'm trying to figure out how we are going to close this gap as well as, i'm sorry. >> i mean the presentation does go to eastern neighborhood in a couple of slides, could you address that question when you get to that point. >> we'll start with rincon
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hill, but in the neighborhoods when the supervisor is seeing. >> in the area most of the improvements where we are identifying the projects were street scapes and open improvements. that is a number of buildings and very large. and when they move forward they create a lot of revenue and there is a structure finance district in rincon hill and we plan to start accessing funds in is d in fiscal year 16. i hope you heard about a new park that opened in rincon hill, emerald park. in this coming fiscal year we'll fund a second park in rincon him. we have acquired the land many years ago and now we have money to construct the park. in the market octavia plan area, we
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have a lot of transportation improvements moving forward, haiti street two way project is also receiving funding from the market october avia -- impact fees and the golfing will be moving forward the help of the impact fees. >>supervisor jane kim: just a quick question about that photo that you have below of the bus only lane, what is that street design proposal for? >> that's for haiti street. we know that turn created a major delay for the bus. so this project the haiti street two way project removes that turn and creates a bus lane. we
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think it will have a 6-minute improvement for that. the market hey wood park is -- scheduled for redesign. the fees will supplement that bond and will start a program around octavia street as part of that. also this year, it was realized that the sale of the central freeway parcels generated more funds than originally anticipated and we were able to dedicate a large portion of funds towards improvements along the blvd. major improvements include this is what we'll be able to do in octavia and throughout the corridor. then the eastern neighborhoods which we want to spend a little bit more time
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on has a lot of transportation improvement plans. the first one that i'm going to talk about is folsom and howard in the soma area and this capital plan before you proposes roughly $22 million for that project that provided a nice leverage point. in the 16th street project is another project in the eastern neighborhoods plan area that was identified through the planning process as a top priority and largely this project we believe will be funded through the on going citywide transportation strategy. both of these projects in terms of project delivery are under going environmental evaluation right now and we'll have more work done. the impact fees are including some of the detailed design work on 16th street. for open space on the eastern
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neighborhoods we have two parks that are certainly moving forward, the 17th and folsom park which is fully funded which is in the mission district. construction is delayed for coordination with the puc and water storm management work. we spenth -- expect that project to move forward and the dath park which is working on new development and we are securing funding in the next fiscal year to refine work and planning in the eastern district. it sets the goal of adding one new park to each of the four subaefrms -- areas, the next process will be to refine our work in soma. did
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you want to discuss further eastern neighborhoods or should i move on? >>supervisor jane kim: i can wait until after. >> okay. the valley is one of the areas. this is one of few major developments. we are able to accomplish what we are calling a green connection which is an extension of the commercial improvement to connection the commercial portion to maclaren park. the transit center as i said is slightly different. first of all it's a much larger project and second of all our first year of thinking about it and the city is working in establishing a mellow roos in that area. it didn't feel comfortable developing a
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5-year strategy and wanted to see how that revenue would work with that impact fee and we see a revenue center. you can see it's roughly $10 million a year. and we are able to move forward with the street scape designs and planning for two new parks, one m ports man square and a new park on the central subway and some capital to move the street scape projects forward and the downtown rail extension. just a quick reminder of the boundaries of the transit center and the vision for the area. our process is the epic. what we do is develop a group all year long and brought the proposal to the planning commission and now i'm here before you and we'll move forward and each of these
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projects will go into each agencies budget for the next 2 years and will be before you as part of the annual budget process. so as i said before i'm happy to answer any questions about specific projects or plan areas. >>supervisor scott weiner: great. do you have any questions? >>supervisor malia cohen: i have a question about the transit center district plan. has it already been approved that a mellow roos is going to be used? >> i think that is in process. i think the plan anticipates a mellow roos. >>supervisor malia cohen: so you already heard my earlier comments about eastern neighborhoods and my concerns about the funding gap and project delivery being really slow. you saw i heard earlier in some of the hearings earlier about from the planning department about the number of units that are in
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development that are in the pipeline and even in your in the beginning part of the map that you laid out in your deck about the amount of development that's happening. we have to keep up with the infrastructure. so, i hate to be beat a dead horse. we've had hearings about it and two planning neighborhood meetings discussing it. every chance i get i'm going to be sounding the alarm. >> i think that's a conversation that is very important an taken very seriously in our department. our implementation team is moving very forward in the finance committee to develop an eastern neighborhood development capital plan. what i'm going to do is really understand how much deed there is, what the major projects are and how much the agencies are currently planning on spending what other projects are moving forward and then really understand what the
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delta is and what resources we have that correspond with that and that's something we are working on in the next couple of months. >> kirsten, what's your role with mta? >> i work for the planning department? >> i work with implementation for the citywide group. i work with adam and i'm sure you worked with matt schneider. >>supervisor malia cohen: thank you. >>supervisor scott weiner: to follow up on eastern neighborhoods. i think eastern neighborhoods whatever one is view on the rezoning is an excellent example of what happens when transit infrastructure needs aren't adequately taken into account in terms of impact fees in a rezoning. eastern neighborhoods adopted to increase density, to allow
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for more housing but a very very small portion of the impact fees go to the transit needs associated with that increase development and i think this is an issue that i have made a big deal about over the last few years and whether it's in mission bay and whether we recommended today. i have made a number of different contacts. we need a lot more housing in the city and we've started to do that, but if you build housing without robust increase in transit capacity we are creating a real problem because we are going to have a growing city and if people feel they can't rely in transit and the capacity isn't there, people are going to drive cars and we are going to have another 55,000 cars in the city and that's going to be a real mess down the road.
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so we need to never make that mistake again and i'm hoping we are heading in the right direction here at city hall. that was just a comment which i imagine you might agree with, but you don't have to say. so great, i appreciate the presentation. >> great. thank you. >>supervisor scott weiner: okay, is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we forward item 4, a motion to forward item 4 to the full board with recommendation? i'm sorry, sent to hearing. my apologies. sent to hearing. call of the chair. we have a choice to continue the call of the chair or just filing it. what would
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be the next time we would have to have this hearing? >> it's an annual hearing. >>supervisor scott weiner: why don't we continue to the call of the chair. so we'll just entertain a motion to continue the call of the chair. we'll do that without objection. okay, our final item no. 5. the clerk: item no. 5. administrative codes considering criminal history in employment and housing decisions. >>supervisor scott weiner: supervisor kim, i believe we made and amendment last week. supervisor cohen is coauthor. >> thank you. i know we have members of the public today. we did have to continue the item last week because we made some amendments that were
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substantive. i know there are some amendments that supervisor cohen will be making. i don't have any further comment before we make those amendments. >>supervisor scott weiner: supervisor cohen in >>supervisor malia cohen: all right. the goal of the amendment is to eliminate the conscious and unconscious bias that exist during housing and hiring decisions as well as promoting public safety and what we are trying to do is eliminate some of these barriers of entry. supervisor kim, it's been a pleasure to work with you and your staff. it's been really great as well as the list of advocates. well, because the ordinance is lengthy we have a new more non-substantive issues for the committee to deal with today. they have come at the request of the mayor's office of housing as well as the city attorneys office. these amendments do a number of things, fist a capitalization
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of defining terms throughout the ordinance such a high -- hyphens and commas and the deletion and the definition of person. clarify that the requirement of an applicant be provided with a background check prior. background need to be done when by adding the clause "if any" to the reference. there is to contract any waivers to prove by the contract administration. it will also had a requirement that hrc consult, a human rights commission consult with the housing mayor rules of progress and bid in quote in the contract section. move the
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reference that contractors/subcontractors must comply with police code to a new and stand-alone subsection in the ordinance. the deletion of a red dante section. clarification to the definition of affordable housing and that definition to affordable housing providers for support of services and have a master lease by affordable housing covered by this ordinance. in addition to the same tracking requirement to the contracting section required that olse tract to the board of supervisors on an -- annual basis. thank you for providing me to make these amendments to the record .
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>>supervisor jane kim: i second those amendments. >>supervisor scott weiner: with that said, let's go to public comment. i have one public comment card. >> thank you for your attention on this important issue the land use hearing when we had over 50 people out to testify for the community support. i'm here for legal services for prisonser with children receive this as a critical human rights issue to end discrimination against people who have been formally incarcerated and i urge you to adopt this as amended thank you very much.
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>> thank you mr. chairman and good afternoon, it's a pleasure to be here in front of the board. i'm marsha rose. i'm quite familiar with this issue. my organization published a guide to housing rights of people with criminal histories back in 2008, i believe and we've worked on this issue with legal services with civil rights advocates throughout the country for a number of years. we were involved in earlier discussions about this ordinance but somehow we were not included in the recent discussions and i did write to you with a number of recommended amendments. some of which i believe supervisor
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cohen's amendment will cover but unless there were some that weren't specified without seeing it in writing. one item that i did want to call to your attention is to #9 -- the look back period for housing it's currently drawn as a maximum of 7 years, of course if there is a maximum that people can choose to do but in general when you have housing requirement for providers you have more specific requirements through contract or other federal or state provision that preem. the 7-year look back is a very long look back in terms of housing access and it is being changed all over the country even by quite conservative housing authorities that don't have the same political
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spirit of inclusion that san francisco does. >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you. i will ask you you i question. you can make your final point. >> certainly. i want to make sure the local operating subsidy program we were under contract with supportive housing to work with the mayor's supportive housing and department of public health and human services to screen with the aim of screening them in and maintaining housing security and the look back period in those guidelines is three 3 years for a misdemeanor and five 5 years for a felony. i would urge you to consider shortening the look back period in this ordinance. thank you for your tremendous pioneering work on this. if we can be it assistance to you in helping you implement thiscious we are happy and proud to being in
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san francisco with this progressive inclusion policy. thank you. >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you, ms. rosen. next speaker. >> good afternoon, committee members. my name is roxanne with civil rights. i help coordinate our second chance legal clinic each month residents of san francisco come to our legal clinic looking for help to overcoming the barrier they are facing a past arrest or conviction record. this new policy is vital in eliminating unnecessary barriers an allowing people to access meaningful jobs and housing. these opportunities are critical for successful
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reentry. an allowing people to stabilized their lives which in turn stabilizes families and economies and promotes and increases the economic social fabric. please vote yes on this legislation and thank you for all the work that you have done so far. >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you so much. is there any additional public comment? yes. please come forward. >> i will be brief. i'm very excited. for the first time in six 6 years we have left right and center act of this board and with people of san francisco and the groups of san francisco working together on a major expansion of human rights. it's a very exciting moment and shows what we can do. i want to thank national housing law project for the thoughtful amendments. always at the last minute things come
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uptaking a look over them with some of my colleagues with affordable housing and we find them very reasonable in line with what they expect to do. >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you very much. is there any additional public comment on item no. 5. if there is none, we'll close public comment. supervisor cohen and supervisor kim has moved those options of amendments. we'll take those without objection. >>supervisor jane kim: i want to address miss rows and we talked with the mayor's office of housing and we included the language brought in that definition and we appreciate it actually being able to make that clearer. i believe that has been included. on the look back issue, i would like to make it three 3 years as well. this has gone through the
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issues and i think there is a general agreement upon that. of course i understand what you are saying, you can certainly advise housing developers do do a shorter look back because it's not a mandated 7 years, you can always do less and still be within the jurisdiction of this policy. so i would encourage that advocacy to happen but this is a good way to move forward and also consistent with other legislation that have passed this year most recently with the immigration due process for all legislation which include a 7-year look back and policy makers perspective it's better to be consistent and can be confusing to a lot of stake holders. i agree and very sympathetic to your advocacy and appreciate that you have come forward to talk about that. so, supervisor cohen has made i believe also a motion to move this forward with recommendation. i would like to second that motion. i
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also thanked your office in particular andrea and this is certainly a moment us legislation we are very excited we are going to be able to do this together. >>supervisor malia cohen: i would like to address andrea also. thank you, we couldn't do this without you. >> >>supervisor scott weiner: the motion is to move item no. 5 as full recommendation to the committee as a report. i'm supportive of this legislation. it's long over due and we have a significant challenge to make sure that people can get work when they come back into the community. they need work and housing an that's how we ensure that people are successful when they we enter into our society. this will help them
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