tv [untitled] February 4, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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did he he already go, commissioner josefowitz? commissioner stephenson? commissioner gravanis? >> i just want to pole dowries i have to leave now. if there is anything you need a quorum for, let's do it in the next 30 seconds because you're going to lose a quorum now. >> we're good. we did go through our action items and just a couple reports and whatnot. all right, so, folks feel comfortable, ideas after interviews, search committee goes out, gets community feedback, goes back, able to incorporate community feedback into the process, making sure it's iterative and that we're able to get a sense of the pool as we come down to the commission making the final decision by what names to forward. >> sounds good. >> okay. any public comment on this item? seeing none, [gavel] >> can we go to the next item, please, monica? thanks, commissioner. >> actually policy committee report, it's a possible action about the reporting that commission of the environment
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committee resolution in support of proposed san francisco mta commuter shuttle policy and power program. there was a discussion and possible action. >> you're looking at me. >> you're the ranking member. commissioner josefowitz. >> we're taking it out of order. >> i'm sorry, operations. did you do operations? >> operations committee chair's report. >> okay. >> commissioner king is gone. i'm going to give her report on the last meeting. we had a good meeting. you guys should come -- well, you guys can't come, but public should come to the operations committee meeting. we had a public meeting on green purchasing, it was great. spent a lot of time talking about some of the challenges that face us in green purchasing across the city. and also it has a chance to talk about some things i wanted to reiterate for any public that might be watching. had some feedback on
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compostable bags and green purchasing around compostable bags. and one of the challenges that we see is that people are using compostable bags to throw away their landfill waste and that that is a no-no, and that was something a lot of us didn't know when we were there in the meeting. so, that was great insight for us. also, talked about green purchasing for hand sanitizers across city departments and that hand sanitizers that contain an element called triklosan are cancer causing. good knowledge for everyone to have. the main challenges that are facing green purchasing are the same as they've been when they came before the full commission, that was an older inventory management and purchasing system. it's very hard for us to stay as on top of green purchasing as we would like to. but we are all doing our very best. and then we had a really nice very in-depth conversation around the budget and specifically around some of the unfunded mandates that are here with the department.
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one of the things that came up that i also wanted to ask acting director osman about was we talked about potentially requesting general fund money to support the hacto work that we were doing and i didn't know if that was -- any progress had been made on that or that was something we were going to do in the future. >> i had a conversation with our budget analyst this afternoon about that. it's looking difficult. let's put it that way. we haven't given up yet. so, it's actually -- for the green transportation team, it is essential for us to keep our existing team to get some support either from the general funds or from mta. we've also put in a request to the municipal transportation authority. we haven't heard back from the mta yet and our discussions of the general fund are continuing. >> keep us updated. i guess we can -- >> absolutely.
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>> great. those are the main two things we talked about and i would say come to the operations committee meeting. we get to dive into a lot of programs we're working on. >> just a note on that. the next meeting normally is scheduled for february 12. we had a discussion, and i can't remember if it was at that meeting about moving it to the 19th, which is the following wednesday because we really won't have our budget ready for discussion before then. >> we have to probably wait until commissioner king can do it. >> our budget is due to the mayor's office february 21st, which is the friday. and the wednesday before is the ideal time because we're working on the budget till the very last. >> right, right. >> so, i seem to remember we had a discussion about that. i can't remember, it was at operations or -- >> it was at operations, yeah. >> i think both were discussed because there was the idea
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since the puc joint commission date worked with their calendar which -- after the budget, yeah. >> it would have been after the budget. so, then we talked about doing it in your committee, yeah. but here's the thing. if you're deliberating on the budget and committee, if we notice the meeting as a committee of the whole, which we may be doing already, are we monica? at operations? >> we can. if there is interest by other commissioners to attend the meeting, we can on notice as commission as a whole. >> would you other committee members have objections just noticing it as committee of the whole just in the off chance? because then to your point about folks coming, if it's just as a matter of practice noticed as a meeting of the committee of the whole, folks can come there. and that would be good because there have been a couple things i saw and i remember thinking, oh, man i'd like to go, but it's too late to notice as a committee of the whole. >> so, the question is going to
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be february 19th is a problem for anybody? i think it would work for us as staff to have it any time that week, but it shouldn't be the week before because we won't have -- >> i'm curious on that point, too, if on the budget, if the work order with the puc was discussed because we have a $600,000 program that we do together with sfpuc. and after they met on their budget, i exercised, you know, the capacity of the ambassador for the commission, their ambassador of their commission, their commission president. and i said how are we doing on our partnership, on our work order? and at that time we were striking out. goose egg, zero. and i'm wondering if that's still the case -- [multiple voices] >> actually, one of the things we looked at with the budget analyst, mayor budget analyst, was the sfpuc power budget. on an overall level it wasn't broken out. the work orders to other
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departments were at essentially the same level. >> so we're good. >> we're good. trying to get verification on that. >> okay. our bigger challenge is getting the clean transportation funding from the general fund and from mta as far as i know right now. >> okay. >> these things change by the hour. but right now -- >> okay. >> we did get a positive response from the planning department. [speaker not understood]. department of building inspection ising us more money than they have in the past. we're having success in those areas. our remaining gap is around two things. it's around clean transportation. ~ we're somewhat short in climate renewables. clean transportation is a big hole in the budget. >> i'll be the ambassador for the thing over to the mta, then, to our friend. we have a friend over there, director tom nolan, i think. they're looking for ways we can work together. he's been great. >> so far we haven't gotten bad news from him. we just haven't gotten anything from him.
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we put in a request, we just haven't heard anything. all we heard is we're looking at it. >> got it, got it. all right. thank you, commissioner. commissioner josefowitz. >> public comment? >> public comment on operations committee, seeing none -- [gavel] >> can we go to 15? >> committee report, highlights the october 21, december 9 meetings, january 13 meeting in review of the agenda for the february 10 meeting. report on the commission on the environment policy committee resolution in support of proposed san francisco municipal transportation agency commuter shuttle policy and pilot program. copy of the resolution is in your packet and this is a discussion and possible action item. >> so, i didn't come prepared to talk about all this. i don't have the minutes of the policy meetings, but i must say that it is always a highlight to talk about the san francisco
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municipal transportation agency's commuter shuttle policy and pilot program at any public meeting. so, i think if i have to sort of point out a highlight, that would certainly be it. >> yeah. >> and i don't think just the two of us can take action on something, but it probably wouldn't be valid. >> we can read live tweets. >> i think i'm going to skip over that and encourage everybody in attendance and all the other commissioners here to come to the next policy meeting. >> sounds great. where anyone can drop by, it's noticed as a committee of the whole. and if, monica, we could save minutes -- you may not even have to do minutes for the commuter shuttle policy item. you could just do a link to the league of pissed off voters live tweet series from that evening, can save some writing. yeah, it was good, good
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meeting. so, i don't have any comments. comments from the public? yeah, just make a line and -- [laughter] >> yeah, three minutes. let's go two. seeing none, next item. [gavel] >> next item is commission secretary's report and in your package you have a copy of the report. the statement form 700 is due april 1st. all the instructions are there to all the commissioners. and just to notice it, the 700 is to be submitted electronically, not by paper. the sanction form and certificate of ethics training can be submitted by e-mail or by fax. the original signature is not required this year. >> all right. >> all right, we're making progress. monica, thank you also for the memo that you wrote on the board of supervisors legislative activity. i thought that was really, really helpful to have that.
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>> okay, thank you. and also -- >> am i on the right agenda item? >> yes, the commission secretary report. that section. >> i thought that was really helpful. i don't know, i can't remember seeing this before. maybe you do this regularly. >> it's on the secretary's report. the legislative activity from the board of supervisors. >> yeah. it is always there? >> [speaker not understood]. also, i did notice an e-mail that was received today indicating that there is going to be a live ethics training for the officials on tuesday, february 25th starting at 5:30 p.m. at the north theater home of city arts and lectures and [speaker not understood] will begin at 5:30. the training will begin promptly at 6:00. they are also planning on giving the training on the city attorney's website. and i believe that will be available after february 27th.
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>> okay. that is an important one. thank you, monica. any thoughts? okay. other comments? seeing none -- [gavel] >> thanks again, monica. >> director's report. >> director's report, or acting director. >> yes, it is attached. rather than go through t i'm just happy to answer any questions ~. there is one very interesting typo that i didn't catch in the third to last line on the report. it should have said 223,000 total on the carbon fund will be distributed. instead of distrusted. >> ooh, oh, my. >> splicing up the report, eh? >> should have said distributed. >> got it. >> didn't want it on european
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conscience. >> yeah, i didn't proofread this. ~ on your conscience i'd rather go through it. ~ rather than go through it, i'd rather answer any questions. >> commissioner? >> mr. president? >> i'm good. >> me, too. >> all right, let's do it. >> thanks, david. any public comment? seeing none -- [gavel] >> thank you. >> announcements. >> commissioner josefowitz, any announcements? >> no. mr. president? your president's announcements. >> liverpool won earlier today. other than that -- >> must be unusual. that's an announcement. >> yes, yes. and other than that, just that, i think i've got some direction here to reach out to some of the other departments. i'll just double-check on our work orders around the mta, was 1.5. >> the mta request was
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$230,000. >> 230? >> $230,000 request by the mta. >> in partnership? >> everybody else, we more or less heard from, so, yeah. that's the one outstanding one. >> and then the other announcement is we hope to finalize our agenda for the joint puc environment commission on friday. meeting should go about up to two hours. >> the agenda is a joint agenda, so, you go back and forth? how does that work? >> so, we've been -- this meeting will help inform thoughts and i've had -- i think i had heard from maybe commissioner wald had given me some ideas. so, ideas from her and ideas here today i think give a clear
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sense of what to propose and i've already proposed to the commission president some of those ideas. they wanted to hear the 100% renewable energy discussion, where our rules and responsibilities overlapped. the catalyst from puc, they were talking about look at food waste and someone says, well, turning food waste into energy. and then someone says, hey, let's go talk to the department of environment and the environment commission. >> there's a whole biofuels component to what they do that overlaps with what we do. >> that would be worthwhile. >> um-hm, that's a waste issue as well where they do their grease cycle program. we're looking at various ways of turning whatever is left into energy into some pilot programs. it would be worthwhile to talk
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to jack macy in our zero waste program and work with the puc and where we could potentially work with the sfpuc. >> thanks. commissioner josefowitz? >> i think it would be great to talk to the puc about developing renewables on city-owned land outside of the confines of the city and because the city owns, for instance, a very, very large right-of-way on which a lot of the water that is brought into san francisco from various places in the south, from the east. >> okay. >> and i don't know if anybody has -- and i think it's a real opportunity to do two things. one is to look at whether it makes sense to develop solar on that land, and the other one is to see whether it makes sense to develop in conduit hydro which is sort of smaller micro
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scale type which would put in water pipes or along water canals which can generate a really significant amount of energy -- electricity and given the sort of city such a large player in that, i think that would put -- ~ i'd like to see it on the agenda. >> that's great. we can -- that will be on the list for friday, monica, the conversation. all right. public comment? seeing none. [gavel] >> item 19, monica. >> president's announcements. >> none. seeing no comments, none. >> new business/future agenda items. >> been there, done that. all right. public comment? [gavel] >> seeing none. >> public comments: members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. >> all right. any public comment on items not on today's agenda? seeing none. [gavel] >> adjournment is 8:30.
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>> thanks, monica. thanks, guillermo. [adjourned] >> hello. you're watching the show that explores san francisco's love affair with food. there are at least 18 farmers markets in san francisco alone, providing fresh and affordable to year-round. this is a great resource that does not break the bank. to show just how easy it can be to do just that, we have come up
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with something called the farmers' market challenge. we find someone who loves to cook, give them $20, and challenge them to create a delicious meal from ingredients found right here in the farmer's market. who did we find for today's challenge? >> today with regard to made a pot greater thanchapino. >> you only have $20 to spend. >> i know peter it is going to be tough, but i think i can do it. it is a san francisco classic. we are celebrating bay area food. we have nice beautiful plum tomatoes here. we have some beautiful fresh fish here. it will come together beautifully. >> many to cut out all this talk, and let's go shop. yeah. ♪ >> what makes your dish unique?
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>> i like it spicy and smoky. i will take fresh italian tomatoes and the fresh seafood, and will bring them to other with some nice spoked paprika and some nice smoked jalapeno peppers. i am going to stew them up and get a nice savory, smoky, fishy, tomatoy, spicy broth. >> bring it on. how are you feeling? >> i feel good. i spent the $20 and have a few pennies less. i am going to go home and cook. i will text message u.n. is done. >> excellent and really looking forward to it. >> today we're going to make the san francisco classic dish invented by italian and portuguese fishermen. it'll be like a nice spaghetti sauce.
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then we will put in the fish soup. the last thing is the dungeon as crab, let it all blend together. it will be delicious. when i could, i will try to make healthy meals with fresh ingredients, whatever is in season and local. those juicy, fresh tomatoes will take about an hour to cook down into a nice sauce. this is a good time to make our fish stock. we will take a step that seems like trash and boil it up in water and make a delicious and they speed up my parents were great clerics, and we had wonderful food. family dinners are very important. any chance you can sit down together and have a meal together, it is great communal atmosphere. one of the things i like the most is the opportunity to be creative. hello. anybody with sets their mind to it can cut. always nice to start chopping some vegetables and x and the delicious. all this double in view is this broth with great flavor.
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but your heart into it. make something that you, family, and friends will really enjoy. >> i am here with a manager at the heart of the city farmer's market in san francisco. thank you for joining us. tell us a little bit about the organization. >> we're 30 years old now. we started with 14 farmers, and it has grown out to over 80. >> what is the mission of the organization? >> this area has no grocery store spiller it is all mom-and- pop stores. we have this because it is needed. we knew it was needed. and the plaza needed somebody. it was empty. beautiful with city hall in the background. >> thank you for speaking with us. are you on the web? >> yes, >> check them out. thank you. >> welcome.
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the dish is ready. >> it looks and smells amazing. >> thank you. it was not easy to meet the $20 budget. i checked everybody out and found some great produce. really lovely seafood. i think that you are going to love it. >> do not be shy. cyou know this can run you $35 to $45 for a bowl, so it is great you did this for $20. >> this will feed four to six people. >> not if you invite me over for dinner. i am ready to dig in. >> i hope you'll love it. >> mmm. >> what do you think? >> i think i am going to need more. perhaps you can have all you want. >> i am produce the that you have crushed this farmer's market challenge by a landslide.
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the first, we're going to have to tally of your shopping list and see what you actually spend that the farmer's market. >> and go for it. >> incredible. you have shown us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the farmers market on the budget, that for the whole family. that is outstanding. >> thank you peter i am glad that you like it. i think anybody can do it. >> if you like the recipe for this dish, you can e-mail us at or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we
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and welcome to the special meeting of the joint city and school district select committee. first of all we would like to thank the staff at sfgtv that record our meetings and make the transcripts available on line. and a special thanks and our clerk today and are there any announcements? >> there are none. >> thank you. and i will have a motion to excuse supervisor avalos who couldn't be here at today's meeting. we have a motion and i want to recognize that we have supervisor farrell as well as president fewer, commissioner wynns and
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commissioner norton and happy new and it's great to be here and i am looking forward to chairing the process again this year. madam clerk can you call the first item. >> thank you. this is a hearing on the unified school district surplus property portfolio and sponsored by you. >> thank you madam clerk. so this say hearing that our office had last year working with commissioner mendoza and i worked on many years ago at the board of education when we examined the list of surplus property from the school district and started to look at what are ways that we could utilize district district property in a way that benefits the school district. we had a
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achievement a couple of months ago. i know the commissioners worked on a resolution which included a swap with the city and county of san francisco to build affordable housing on 1950 mission as well as 1101 connecticut. am i getting that address correct? for sf hope strategy in exchange for the parking lot site on 555 franklin and the school district can develop and has a lease for as well so this is an overall strategy around surplus property to learn a little more about t the mayor of san francisco has made a commitment to see what we could do on the city's end and how we strategize our surplus property as well and we david golden from the school district here today and i would like to
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open up the presentation to him. welcome. >> good afternoon commissioners and supervisors. actually i'm impressed how i draw audiences these days so clearly the word was out that i was speaking today. so this is not the first time that the school district has certainly talked about surplus property. two or three grand juries later, a whole lot of school board presentations, a lot of public interest and comment over the eight or nine years that i have served as the chief facility officer for the district and we have been working diligently on this issue and other property related issues for a long time, and i want to walk you sort of where we are and what we're up to. i
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think we've had a particularly successful last one or two years after 25 years of general inaction so i think things are finally coming together for a fairly successful strategy. one of the things you should know is the district has a very active real estate working group which is comprised of deputy superintendent lee, chris armtrout, our general counsel, don davis, myself and our business officer joe grasoy and we meet every week and discuss issues of real property and transactions so there is a continued on going presence regarding leveraging surplus property, generating revenue for the district and trying to make the best possible business decisions we can for some of
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the finest -- actually property portfolio in san francisco. so to go to the first slide, and i don't know if he's going to call it up on the tv screen, on the projector. can you do that? >> [inaudible] >> okay. so san francisco for those of you that are not familiar -- i know supervisor kim certainly is very familiar. we have over 155 of the finest real estate in our portfolio in san francisco. over 9 million square feet, thousands of classrooms. once upon a time we served over 90,000 students and today we serve about 55,000 but the number of programs and things going on in our
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