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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST

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and then in the and a halfive the 1906395, are those the two same funds that you are talking about? they have two different numbers, are they the same fund? >> yeah, and i will apologize for that too. our budget person after i drafted this gave me new figures. and i believe that the 1903 is actually the correct one at this point. >> okay. >> and then, just my last would be a comment on this state of the city, which i'm generally going to be in support of this modest increase and i have been a part of the city budget process for 11 years and we have seen the mayor's budget instructions being double digit numbers and so, i mean just the 1.4 and the 1.95 for the second year of our two year budget, is great. and i think that it is very good and it goes to show that the economy of the city is good. and it would be interested to
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see the mid year controller's report and i think that our revenues are strong and, i'm always, nervous when we ask for an increase that it does not fly in the face whaf could be the reality of a crisis and you look like a fool and i don't want us to look look a fool and what we are asking for is modest and it is certainly justified. >> and i just, i just have a question on the mathematics. you say that the mayor's is asking us to do is to cut 1.4, from the general fund for the next year and 1.85, and you said that this would mean a cut of 36,752 and then you get down to the paragraph where you say in the current fiscal year it would cut the budget for the
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temporary staff of 100,000 by 2 thirds. how or why does it, when you are only, being asked to reduce it by 36,000, how does it cut the 100,000 dollars by two-thirds? >> because, the assumption was that that that is where most of these cuts would come from. and i think that with the budget, staff did was to add those two figures together and figure out that is what they would and where they would go. >> over a ten year period? >> yeah. >> do we use, do we use 100,000 of temporary? >> well, we will this year. >> and we didn't in the... and we used most of it, i think last year or the year before, and we were kind of husbanding it against a later in the year. and we got that was a year that we had to do the mid year cuts. >> what is the nature of the temporary staff? i mean, what... is it across
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the board? and different functions? >> we usually have someone during parts of year where it is very busy and like in the election time when you try to get the person in front of the desk and we have a special project that we are doing and we are moving almost all that we are doing to electronic filing and so we are work oning converting those systems to all electronic and working on the training and the out reach that we need to do to let people know. and how to do this and make sure that they are up to speed, on these processes, because electronic filing, is something that campaigns are used to, but the city officials have not used the electronic filing systems as much and so we have to make sure because we are going kind of cold turkey we are not easting into it, everything is going electronic and someone is work og that and we also get someone for six to eight weeks or a couple of months to help out. and sometimes we have backlogs
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of basic clerical work, and that is someone that is just making a few dollars a hour and frees up the staff to do the other things. >> thank you. >> i have a question about going to all of the electronic filing and will that eventually reduce our staff >> the need for the amount of staff that we have? >> it might in the long term, because, once the people who are able to do we may not need as many people, although, as the time goes by, we have also learned that either through the acts of the board or the ballot measure things we get the additional responsibilities and sometimes the state law, you know we have to function to fill those and so as there are additional laws and requirements in, and sometimes these things expand as well. and so there is going to be some back and forth of the balance of how many people we
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need. , maybe there is less clerical help and maybe we could get more auditing help and one of the long term goals would be to audit every single campaign instead of a public finance and a exampling of others and there are other things that we could be doing that we don't do as much of and in those terms and we will want to be able to expand the investigation capability. and so there are things that we want to do that we can't now that might free people up to do do i hear a motion? >> any further discussion? >> public comment on the budget? >> i move that we adopt the budget. >> second. >> all if favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> motion passes, unanimously.
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>> minutes from the last meeting, do we remember the last meeting? >> any corrections or changes on the minutes? >> i have none. >> do i hear a motion, is there any public comment on the minutes? >> if not, do i hear a motion to approve the minutes? >> i move. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> motion or the minutes will
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approve. >> executive director's report? >> okay. just two things that i want to mention. the first is, i have mentioned one or twice we have a new auditer, and she decided that she would like to come by and see the commission in action and so we welcome her. >> welcome aboard. >> okay. >> and the only other thing that i want to highlight is, and this is back to sort of budget discussions. if you look at our revenue report, which is item four, it is low, and we have done some projection and we expect this year that we are only going to pull in about 75 percent of our anticipated revenue. the lobbyist, are filing the deadline for the year, is at the end of this week and there will be a lot of last minute filers and we actually expect to pull in more lobbyist fees
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than we anticipated and the number of campaign consultant fees is down, a lot of those folks will not reregister until they start working on the campaigns in the fall. but that will be after the start of the fiscal year and so there will be lower numbers there. and then we expected. and the campaign finance fines, and we have found our way down, which is a reduction in the revenue, but is good news which means that there is less violations occurring, so ultimately, i think that is a good thing, the other thing is, that is indicative of this is just about since we have been here we have had a backlog in assessing fines and waiver and we are completely caught up for the first time since i have been here and so we don't have a backlog fines from the years coming in any more. >> great. >> and congratulations. >> yeah. >> and mr. st. croix, so you
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are the 100,000 dollars projections you think that you could capture a quarter of tha. >> we are projecting 73 and change. >> and that 73 and change, is of the $100,000 that was to balance your budget, right? >> we are not a revenue, department, and so, the, anticipated revenue does not impact our budget, like i am forgetting the words, the departments that are... >> okay. >> revenue, and the departments which are revenue producers, we are not. >> and so that does not impact our budget, and just as a point of information, too, when we do our budget, revenue projections for next year, we will probably turn them down to that 77, 75 change. >> what is the reason why those things are not being paid? we have it with the enforcement?
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>> under the city law, once a revenue is more than 70 days old, we refer it to the department of the revenue and they pursue this in court and what i will do is for example chris jackson was making payments for a while and then stopped and so that was referred over to those folks. the bdr can get a judgment in
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court but it is tough to enforce. >> any other questions or comments? >> thank you. >> public comment? >> public comment on the executive director's report? >> hearing none, we move on to items for future meetings, which we touched upon earlier in the meeting. commissioner keane do you want to propose something? >> what i would like to do is i would want to give a thought and madam chair and maybe put something in writing and transmit it to mr. st. croix, and would that be the way to do it? >> and then, it could be calendared for our next meeting, or there are a couple of procedural changes that i would like to suggest.
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but i don't want to just come out with something off of the top of my head. >> okay. any other commissioners? >> items for future meetings? >> okay. any public comment? on items that we have discussed? or that are not on the agenda? >> hearing none, i think that we can move to adjournment, do i hear a motion to adjourn the meeting? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> the january, meeting of the san francisco ethics commission is here by adjourned good night.
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(music) >> herb theatre,open rehearsal. listen to the rehearsal. i think it is fun for them, they see our work process, our discussions, the decisions we make. it is good for us. we kind of behavior little bit
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when we have people in the audience. msk (music) >> we are rehearsing for our most expensive tour; plus two concerts here. we are proud that the growth of the orchestra, and how it is expanded and it is being accepted. my ambition when i came on as music director here -- it was evident we needed absolutely excellent work. also evident to me that i thought everyone should know that. this was my purpose. and after we opened, which was a spectacular opening concert about five weeks after that the economy completely crashed. my plan --
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and i'm absolutely dogmatic about my plans --were delayed slightly. i would say that in this very difficult timefor the arts and everyone, especially the arts, it's phenomenal how new century has grown where many unfortunate organizations have stopped. during this period we got ourselves on national radio presence; we started touring, releasing cds, a dvd. we continue to tour. reputation grows and grows and grows and it has never stopped going forward. msk(music) >> the bay area knows the orchestra. you maybe take things for granted a little bit. that is simply not the case
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will go on the road. the audiences go crazy. they don't see vitality like this on stage. we are capable of conveying joy when we play. msk(music) >> any performance that we do, that a program, that will be something on the program that you haven't heard before. string orchestra repertoire is pretty small. i used to be boxed into small repertoire. i kept constantly looking for new repertoire and commissioning new arrangements. if you look at the first of the program you have very early, young vibrant mendelson; fabulous opener and then you have this fabulous concerto written for us in the orchestra. is our gift.
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msk(music) >> and then you have strauss, extraordinary piece. the most challenging of all. string orchestra work. 23 solo instrument, no violin section, now viola section; everybody is responsible for their part in this piece. the challenge is something that i felt not only that we could do , absolutely could do, but i wanted to show off. i can't tell you how aware i am of the audience. not only what i hear but their vibes,
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so strong. i have been doing this for a long time. i kind of make them feel what i want them to feel. there is nobody in that audience or anywhere that is not going to know that particular song by the fourth note. and that is our encore on tour. by the way. i am proud to play it, we are from san francisco. we are going to play that piece no matter where we are. >> hi today we have a special
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edition of building san francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about san francisco's earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. ♪ >> the next episode of stay safe, we have alicia johnson from san francisco's department of emergency management. hi, alicia thanks to coming >> it is a pleasure to be here with you. >> i wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in san francisco. >> well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to
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know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. >> how long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in san francisco. >> it depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. >> what kind of neighborhood and community involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. >> it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors and your community. go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. it is important to have a
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battery-operated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the community around and how you can communicate with other people. >> one of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. >> yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. so a title to a home, a passport, a driver's license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any vital information on your computer. back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. >> in your home you should be prepared as well. >> absolutely. >> let's take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. >> we have no water, what are we going to do about water? >> it is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis,
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both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. >> we have this big container and also in people's homes they have a hot water heater. >> absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well >> what other things do people need to have aren't their home. >> it is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. >> here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. and this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. >> yes. >> so in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. >> having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be
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working right away. it is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. >> and here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. >> i hope that you have an alternative one at home. >> oh, i forgot. >> and in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. >> i have them right here. >> good. excellent. that is great. additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. >> i am okay and i will meet you at... >> exactly. exactly. water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. >> we have matches here. and my spare glasses. >> and your spare glasses.
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>> if you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. if it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. >> inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. >> very important. >> we have a little first aid kit. >> and lots of different kinds of batteries. and another spare flashlight. >> so, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we don't have damage? >> one of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. becoming prepared is not that difficult. taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra every-day items on hand helps to make the difference. >> that contributes
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dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. >> absolutely. >> if you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. >> we are all proud of living in san francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. >> so, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. >> absolutely, it is my pleasure. >> and thank you for joining us on another edition of building
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>> i would like to