tv [untitled] February 6, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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recommend charles pitts. >>supervisor norman yee: the next person on the agenda is ben shaeder. he has withdrawn his politics. let's move to sam pattel. is sam here? not here. next person is amelia rud bergberg. >> good afternoon, my name is amelia rudberg and manager at the hotel, a non-profit sro and along with the property management team there in the operation of sro including
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collection and eviction protection, addressing tennants concerns and mediating tennants disputes and assisting tennants in move in and move out procedures. i speak as a tenant advocate as well as someone of understanding as a reality of non-profit operations. i would love the opportunity to work to improve sro's and the quality of life of buildings in san francisco. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. any questions? thank you very much. next applicant is joshua vining. >> i have a letter. >>supervisor norman yee: yes, there were statements. we'll take that into consideration. next applicant is angela chu.
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>> good afternoon supervisors, i'm angela chu from the development center. i'm applying for the seat of the chinatown collaborative. currently i'm the committee organizer. i have been serving on the task force up for the appointment for twice already. so, on my task force role, i have been working with the task force members on several issues affecting sro tennants. in my work, i have daily contact with sro tennants and my co-workers are also working
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on tenant issues doing safety and support for sro families and members as well. we have a daily contact with the tennants as well as owners of sro buildings trying to -- the goal is to bring to safety standards in the sro buildings. we do workshops through the fire department and fire prevention and the assistive preparedness as well as doing community workshops and activities on sro safety and conditions. so far we work closely with the dph and
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working on code enforcement of these buildings. i'm glad to be part of this task force to continue to improve the conditions in sro's as well as seeking opportunities for tennants for better housing. so thank you for your consideration. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you, angela. nice to see you again. i'm glad that you are reapplying because your advocacy for sro tennants is well established. any questions? thank you. the next applicant is lisa gasca. she is no longer -- are you here? she's no longer eligible. okay. are there any
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public comments on this item. please come up. you have 2 minutes. >> hello, my name is kendra frost with the mission collaborative. i'm speaking in support of nikki alexander for the tenant seat. i have been working with nikki for over a year. she's a consistent advocate for sro tennants. i have worked on issues with her including bed bugs, issues of the 16th street bart plaza. i have seen her work tirelessly both to keep tennants in their homes and she understand the big picture especially the mission where we have a rapidly changing neighborhood and making sure some of the benefits of that change impacts low income communities. i know we have a bunch of strong applicants. i have worked closely with nikki and i would recommend her for the position and she does live in a private sro and there is
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experience on the committee and if you have questions regarding josh's application, i'm happy to answer those as well. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. anybody else? c'mon up. just lineup so we can move this along quicker. >> hello, my name is demetrius spearman. i'm here to back dan jordan. i have worked with him and i know he's always hands-on to correct issues we have in the hotel. i have worked with him also with the city sro's collaborative and watched him work tirelessly to accomplish the goals that we
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set. i would greatly recommend that you pick him. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. >> hello, my name is gail sea grave. i'm here to support dan jordan. i have worked on numerous campaigns with dan and he's great. he's agoed with people. they feel comfortable with him. he cares about people. i just think he would be really good for this appointment. so i'm recommended him. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. >> hello, my name is rosa maria. i also want to speak in support of dan jordan. myself i work as a community organizer with the code enforcement outreach program with the department of
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building inspection. what we do is we educate and inform tennants and owners of their obligation with the new tenderloin. my staff who wrote a statement of support for dan jordan couldn't be here and wanted know read his support. "good afternoon supervisors. i work with the outreach program fubded by the department of building inspection. i would like to speak on behalf of dan jordan who is one of our amazing housing peer counselors with our housing counseling program in our office. he's applied to have a seat with the sro task force. as he as a soma resident living at the hotel, dan has worked with our office to improve habit ability issues in the hotel. because of the betterment of his hotel and
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the community he serves, dan has demonstrated major leadership skills and social justice. dan has closely worked with our office for renters rights and is a peer counselor and he can work with tennants around the tenderloin in his hotel. he has a deep understanding of tennants in sro hotels and what kind of issues the sro population faces which is crucial in advocating and voicing the needs of the community. dan is a real deal with the heart of gold. i favor his application without reservation. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is -- i'm an organizing coordinator with the sro collaborative and part of the housing clinic. i here to speak on behalf of dan jordan. i met him and worked
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with dan 3 years ago when he had issues in his hotel where he lived. dan actually after meeting with me the first time, he without us prompting him he organized a tenant meeting so we can talk to the rest of the tennants in the building about habit ability and safety issues there and we worked with him and his tennants in the building and management issues. i think dan is a passionate person who understands the sro tennants in tenderloin and south of market. i think sro task force will greatly benefit from having him. i highly recommend him for the position. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. >> hello supervisors, my name is russel slay ton. i have
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had several opportunities to work with dan on a one on one individual basis working with tennants with real issues such a bed bugs, vermins and unable to pay rent. we have been trained and equipped with the knowledge and the ability to help people and refer this em to the proper agencies like rav co-and dbi. we've been to some of those workshops and we know a lot. we have been educated. i live also in sro hotel. i just wanted to tell you that dan jordan has been like a breath of fresh air when he came into collaborative. he's full of ideas and he's gotten down to the basics of people's rights of peace, quiet anden enjoyment of their unit. i would really like to let you guys know that working with
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him has been great and i would really recommend him for this task force. thank you for your time supervisors. >> thank you, very much. hold on. is this a question for him? >> no. >> okay. thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisors, comments? supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mr. chair. anytime you have more applicants than you have seats, it's always hard to choose. i do want to thank everyone for their interest and each one of you had something to offer and the fact that people are willing to serve is really appreciated. let me share my thoughts and see where others are. with respect to seat one which has to be held by someone who is a resident of
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a sro. i certainly was very impressed with the presentation and support for dan jordan. and mr. jordan, you are very popular. i'm glad that i don't have to run against you because you have a lot of fans out there. but i think the fact that your fellow residents are coming to speak on your behalf as a testament to you and i think it would make you extremely effective. with respect to seat 2, i'm not sure why the applicant is not here, sam pattel. i'm not sure if it would be appropriate for us to move forward or not. that's an open question. with respect to seat 4, i was definitely very impressed with amelia rudberg and i think she has the qualifications to do a good job. with respect to seat 5,
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joshua vining sent us a letter that he could not be here for special reasons. i'm familiar with his work and those who know him know hao he's a tremendous advocate and i would like to make sure he's appointed. seat 7, angela chu. i think it's a no brainer. we need to make sure she continues to serve. for seat 8, i guess we don't have an applicant right now. so we are going to have to continue it. for seat 9, again i think we have great applicants, but for me what's compelling about seat 9 is that i do think that it's important to have a perspective of someone who is
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living in a private sro and somebody living in a neighborhood which i happen to represent 16th and mission that has a number of challenges. i think the fact that ms. frost man spoke about the application of ms. alexander, speaks very highly of the kind of member that she would be. so that would be my suggestion. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: i'm glad that we are in agreement. i echo supervisor campos comments. for seat 2, i don't know if any members of my committee have heard from mr. pattel or received correspondence so i have not. i would be okay with delaying that particular appointment but move with the rest. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. let me separate these
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things out. for seat 2 and seat 8 i would like to continue the item. >> so moved. >> without objection the motion passes. for seat 4 and 5, the candidates amelia rudberg and joshua vining would need a residency waiver. so somebody would like to move that? okay. no objection, motion passes. so i think this is what i'm hearing. that we would like to appoint dan
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jordan to seat 1, nicollette alexander to seat 9, amelia rudberg to seat 4, joshua vining to seat 5 and angela chu to seat 7. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> someone wants to make a motion? the motion passes. thank you. i have to go back to item no. 4. there was a procedural error on my part. so, i forgot to ask for residency waiver. and so i would like to rescind. can someone make a motion to rescind the motion? >> so moved. >> no objection. the motion passes. so would somebody like to make a motion for lily
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madam clerk, anymore items? >> the clerk: that concludes the agenda for this good morn tuesday, february 4th, 2014, this is the special meeting of the building inspection commission. i would like to remind everyone to please turn off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda is roll call. >> president mccarthy? >> here. >> mar. >> here. >> clinch? >> here. >> lee. >> here. >> mccray. >> present. >> melgar. >> here. >> commissioner walker? >> here. >> we have a quorum and the next item is item two, discussion and possible action on the proposed budget of the
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department of building inspection for fiscal years 14, 15, and 15, 16. in order to pass, it will have to have a vote of five out of the seven. >> good morning, my name is gale and i am the acting chief financial officer for dbi and i made the presentation of the budget at the last meeting. i am happy to say that i have not made any changes to. and the only question that i have received between the two meetings was whether or not we had any funds available for promotional activities related to the 25th anniversary of the earthquake, we don't have anything specifically for that event but we do have funds for promotional activities in the department as a whole. and we can definitely do something with the existing funds that are in the budget. but that is the only request that i have received in the last 2 weeks. i do except some minor changes
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to work orders and i thaneds one of the work orderses is going to go up a little bit and the hsa worker is going to be down and they all come out in the wash and minor charges over all and i have nothing else to present at this time. >> i think that this might be the quickest meeting, and i just wanted to obviously take you again and the one thing that and we did talk about this last week and more and more the expansion plans and the office, and i know that it is director has talked about a numerous occasions the key for me and you have, and i forgot the dollar amount but i think that it is over a million dollars that you for to do the investigation and how to expand the space and all of that? >> and so in this current fiscal year we have $400,000 to do a facility master plan and
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so we have partnered with the department of public works and they have hired a consultant and they have looked at our existing staff and space and come back with a recommendation that we need more space and the question now is there is fine tuning that is going to happen with how many people do you think that bewill grow to the near term and how many conference rooms do we need and we are going to expand that analysis a little bit into, once we determine exactly how much space we need and what spaces or what are our options and that is going to happen this year with the money that is already budgeted. so if we decide that we need the current building is 66,000 square feet, if we decide that we need roughly 95,000 square feet, these are very ballpark numbers, then they will say okay, if you need 95,000 square feet you can add on to your building at this cost, you could move into a building in the civic center plaza which
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would be about this cost or we can build a new building and it would be about this cost so next year i suspect that they will finish all of that type of analysis and we will be moving forward with whatever option and the consultation with us and the mayor's office and there are a lot of people that will be involved so we will take the next step next year and starting over towards whatever resolution seems best, so all parties involved. so what we did since we don't really have an idea of what that resolution is going to be, at this time, we put a half a million in next year's budget for general planning for whatever it is that we decide that we want to do and then we know whatever that is going to cost money. and so we put in another million in the following year, a million and a half between the two years. as you guys know, that we have to and you have to approve the budget today, hopefully and, then it goes to the mayor's office at the end of february and the mayor does not actually present the budget to the board until june first and some time
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between now and june first if they have a better idea they may change those numbers and may say we have this perfect building at the corner of market and van ness and give the exact amount of space for x, money and then we might change what is in the proposal that the mayor will put forward to the board, but we don't really know, so the money in the budget is a place holder. >> commissioner walker, so they will do that without us approving it or having any say about it? >> i will expect to come back to you guys to have a say. >> that would be good. >> yes. and my understanding is that you guys need to have a say, the mayor's office, well obviously will have a say and so will the capitol planning committee and we have been clear that all players need to have a say before we spend what is likely to be a significant amount of money. >> great. >> is there a time line when the mayor has to get back to us about any changes, for example, if they get the budget in february, do they have to come back to us before by april or
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march. >> they don't have to come back to this body at all and so they can make changes all the way up to the week before they present the budget in june. and they generally do that in consultation with me and the director. but, it does not necessarily come back to this body. and any large changes we will communicate back to the body but we may not know when they are and may happen at the last minute. >> but we do as a commission have an opportunity to go to the budget hearings and voice our concerns. >> you always have that opportunity. >> i guess that the big thing and what i am hearing is, even if we were to hire more people, now, which we look like we are going to be constantly building here, we don't have anywhere to put these people, it is not a hiring problem that we have right now, the bigger problem is a space problem. >> that is true. we could add a few more people into the existing space, but we could not add a significant number of people to the existing space. the other part of the discussion that we have been
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having recently with the department of real estate and the mayor's office is could we do a satellite office? is there another office in the close vicinity to dbi that we could rent for more space? and that is still in discussion and one option that was given to us was too far away and so they are looking for an option that is a little closer as a possibility for hiring more staff. >> all right. okay. i think that will be our big challenge, when we first, twoiers ago we were trying to get on it three years ago trying to get back on a mode of hiring people now we are catching up now and the next problem is to keep that flow of nutrition, and of good people coming aboard over the years, where are we going to put them. i think that this should be a big focus on that. so, but otherwise, congratulations, well done. >> thank you. >> and hopefully they will not give you too hard of a time at the supervisors, and the budget committee may i say. >> is there any more questions? i see none, and it looks like we can call the motion. >> okay.
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>> is there public comment on this item? >> seeing none, is there a motion? >> i move to approve the budget. >> i second. >> a motion, and a second. so the roll call vote. president mccarthy? >> yes. >> vice president mar? >> yes. >> commissioner clinch? >> yes. >> commissioner lee. >> yes. >> commissioner mccray. >> yes. >> commissioner melgar. >> yes. >> commissioner walker? >> yes. >> the budget is approved and passes unanimously. >> and as a reminder, our next regular meeting is on february 19th. >> okay. >> and the next item is adjournment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> thank you. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> aye.
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year, it is kind of the end of january, but it is still the beginning of the year and we have not seen each other for quite some time and i hope that you had a great holiday and it is good to see you again, and happy new year to all of you in the audience as well and we are glad that you could join us today. roll call? commissioner renne? >> present. >> commissioner andrews? >> here. >> commissioner hur? >> here. >> commissioner keen, n >> here. >> are there matters that we are going to be discussing or do not appear on the agenda at this time? >> good evening commissioners my name is dr. derek kur a whistle blower, please note bill 496 that took effect this month has expanded protections for whistle blowers
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