tv [untitled] February 7, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PST
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far as the whole thing, i think the key here is that even if the sfpuc gets considerably more involved and starts doing it own work on build out and cleanpowersf and gets back in the game. i think back where we let them take the ball back. this is the moment where we need to lafco stay the drive of this. this is politics. the key with the sfpuc is that as an enterprise agency that is in charge of rate payers and keeping the system secure, they are mandated to be secure about this. lafco can really push the envelope in developing an rfp that will face the compliment crisis and we need to you keep this in-house. >>supervisor john avalos:
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thank you. >> hello commissioners. chad hose skin. we didn't hear too much about the cleanpowersf program. i was at the january 14th puc hearing and i strongly urge you to checkout the power enterprise budget information presented. a memo was available which i believe was the 14-15 two year planning cycle and indicated i think in one sentence that no work would be done on cleanpowersf by power enterprise. the focus seems to be on new high revenue customers and not on engagement. definitely a lot of information in those documents in terms of what
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the puc is thinking going forward and i don't think it do have dove tails what the lafco board is expecting. in-house scheduling is a comment that someone made earlier is something we heard the puc staff say they can do. and as mr. freed indicated that could actually not only not add to, but maybe even alleviate some of the funding issues that the puc is having. going to the rfp, we did as a group of advocates send a letter to the lafco staff and urged you to check that out and looking forward working on the lafco rfp going forward and assuming the shell contract is going forward seems questionable, but also maybe might not even matter that much. 20-30 mega
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watts for four 1/2 years while substantial may not purely maintain a plan this scope in scale. thank you very much. >>supervisor john avalos: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. there was a question that was raised in public comment. i want to ask puc about that and that is the status of the shell contract. i can speculate probably accurately but i want to hear from you. >> barbara hale from power. we have not engaged with shell. our department let us believe that we are not going forward with the cca program as was conceived since we did not get authority though go forward. we have not been engaging with shell. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you. seems like a land
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with a big thud. okay, i thought the puc, the commissioners just did not approve not to exceed rates. but have they made an occasion that cleanpowersf is dead and gone? that wasn't my understanding. they just didn't approve not to exceed rates. >> i think it's accurate to say there has been no formal vote on the status of the program. the general manager and the commission have engaged in public dialogue about the program. we've been given direction at the staff level to focus our efforts on the need to get our financial house back in order. so that's where our focus has been. >>supervisor john avalos: okay. we'll have a presentation on that at our
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joint meeting. hopefully it won't be difficult to schedule. okay. commissioner campos. >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mr. chair, i think it's the fact that rates were not approved doesn't necessarily mean that the puc still doesn't have an obligation to continue to do work on the program because as much as that issue on rates remains open, you still have a board of supervisors decision to proceed. and i think it's interesting that the proposed budget does not include any money for clean power because i think it's an interesting thing to see an agency introduce a proposed budget
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that has to be approved by the body that approved a program that they are leaving out of the budget. so, i think the board of supervisors certainly will have an opportunity at the budget committee when the budget of the puc is reviewed to make sure that the budget of that agency reflects the priorities that have been set out by the legislative body of the city, the board of supervisors. and i think that there will be a number of supervises who will expect that there will be an allocation of funding to continue with community choice aggregation. >> if i can clarify, you may recall in the past two or three budgets we have not included additional funds for cleanpowersf. we have funds available in the programmatic
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account that is set aside to fund cleanpowersf. as i mentioned earlier, that's on the operating side. we have the $19.5 million on reserve that remains on reserve. on the budget as it's proposed, though funds stay where they are. i would characterize that more as in stand still. i think last time we brought a budget to you it did not include additional funds just like this budget won't include additional funds because there was no perceived needs for additional funds. that doesn't mean there are funds that are a part waiting for cca and further direction. hopefully through the joint meeting process we'll get some additional direction. >> i guess my question had to do more for instance with the work on the rfp. >> i understand what miss hale is saying but i think there
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are funds that are available, remaining available for cca. she indicated which is sort of contrary to the direction that's been given, i think internally to staff to not work on any longer. >>supervisor john avalos: if that's the issue, then it's a version of the question that i posed earlier because if the puc expects it's budget to be approved, i would imagine that it would allow it's staff to do work that the legislative body in this case anticipates or expects that will be done on this program. >> i think that's true. the item that we drop, the mou which talks about working cooperatively with one another on developing the program and particularly dealing with issues that are a contention. which i recall when there was
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a no vote on the rate, there were a number of issues that were expressed as the reasons why. part of the rfp is to explore answers to many of those questions. >> >>supervisor david campos: i would hope the general manager reconsider working with staff on this. >> i do too. >>supervisor john avalos: i was hoping that they would work with them through sfpuc and we have funding as well and next year is what should be in line. is there currently staff that can be helpful and that are budgeted in our budget to do this work? >> the cleanpowersf program is funded as a program. staff can charge to it as they work on it in that program index
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code. so those funds are sitting there, staff is not working on it. they will continue to sit there. so to the extent we are given direction to do particular community choice aggregation, clean four sf work, we have the financial resources to perform that work. that's the point i was trying to make. >>supervisor john avalos: okay, the system of the rfp could do that work? >> where we are direct to do that work yes. >> by your staff, by your commission? >> yes. and through the joint meeting process, perhaps that's the venue to discuss these items and to come to some sort of agreement as to what the going forward efforts should be. thank you. >> thank you. i appreciate that. seems like a road we've been on before. experiencing
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a yogi bear moment. okay. we can go to our next item. >> item no. 5. executive officers report. i have no report. oh, i'm sorry, there is an announcement for our public seats are vacant. there will be applications available online, they are available right now on the lafco website for the sitting member and the alternate. we'll be posting a notice on our website. we have it up, right? the information is available. thank you. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, colleagues can probably do some help with the outreach to fill those vacancies and get the applications in for the seats. let's go to public comment on the executive director's report. we have no one coming
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forward for public comment. close public comment. next item. >> item no. 6, public comment. >> our next item is general public comment. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> next item? >> item no. 7. questions or comments. >> colleagues, any questions or proposals? seeing none. public comment. >> for sf green. especially for agenda items if you are going to have a meeting with the puc. the budget issues were raised earlier today . i know a big problem that was part of the budget. it's now $20 million more per year. it's good to find out how we got stuck with a new inter connected agreement that is going to be that much more
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money. i don't -- i think it due to be approved in 15. especially that brings up another item besides cleanpowersf for their 10-year projected budget, the sfpuc has agreed to remove $30 million when we have been trying to get it up to $5 million a year. we need to find out what's going on with the pg & e interconnected agreement and find out why, when we've seen evidence that minnesota solar is beating fossil fuel or price, in usa -- austria -- this is benefit for these departments and not
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liabilities. it doesn't make sense when we are in a budget crunch to be cutting things. we need to find out from the sfpuc what the heck is going on. that is the key number, that $20 million a year that's digging in. they have a big water project that they say is a surprise and we have to look at that because it's half a billion dollars. those energy things are something we should really dig into. >>supervisor john avalos: perhaps, sfpuc staff are not here but they can comment. we have a joint meeting in the inter connect agreement. i think there is a discussion that they are -- appealing that 20-minute price tag. >> jason freed. lafco staff.
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what i remember and what they are planning is now is they don't have the agreement. when they are projecting farther out. i will double check on it and i think they are projecting all the stuff may not be there so they have a higher price down the road. it's better to do it that way because the current one will be continued and to find out it's not right. i think budgeting towards the worst case scenario in that case. i will double check that for you. >> thank you. okay. we just had public comment. we can close public comment. our next item. >> item no. 8. adjournment. >>supervisor john avalos: colleagues, we are adjourned. have a lovely weekend. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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operate in every cities there are 62 chapters. our chapter was formed in 8984 we fulfilled 24 wishes. our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. we send verizon's it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. dismissals is a 5-year-old boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old he's 5 hose now in remission he had his port
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removed hose monopoly on the chemotherapy. this particular wish the parents wanted to wait until he had energy. i began assigning this wish with the family in march and started to understand the two miles how are we going to achieve that i made a bold statement into turning this into goth am city. it codify catapulted. so, now it's a much for ininaccurate indicate from the divorce. people starting twoet and
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reposting and it went viral. it was incredible about make a wish he wanted to be thinking about being batman. there's been a lot of super issues that have happened cross the country but i think that can only happen in san francisco the mayors on board and the city hall it's an incredible outpouring and i love how san francisco is in the spotlight here and people around the world sending their love to san francisco. you kids we thank you for your encourage and we wish we can erase the pain we hope this is the day of magic and that you'll
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remember this forever. bat kid forever in san francisco >> san francisco is unique in this way and it's part of our compassion and we have a civic duty to be involved and people are stepping forward if in huge way. it's about san francisco and it's inspired by miles and about every child who has a severe
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[gavel] >> good afternoon, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, february 4, 2014. madam clerk, could you call the roll? >> yes. [speaker not understood]. campos present. president chiu? chiu present. supervisor cohen? cohen not present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim? kim present. supervisor mar? >> here. >> mar present. supervisor tang. >> present. >> tang present. supervisor wiener?
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>> present. >> wiener present. supervisor yee? >> present. >> yee present. and supervisor cohen. >> present. >> cohen present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, are there any communicationses? >> i have no communications today, mr. president. >> and could you read our consent jedv? >> items 1 through 11 comprise the consent calendar. thea items are considered routine unless a member will object. the item may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, would you like to sever any of these item? madam clerk, could you call -- sorry. could you call the roll on items 1 through 11? >> on items 1 through 11, supervisor mar? >> aye.
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