tv [untitled] February 7, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PST
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source to the c pishgs - p. i'll call for a vote all in favor, say i. opposed? the i's have it madam secretary >> item 16 hold a public hearing under the water section and possible action to adapt a resolution of intent to adapted the water management plan for the west side. >> commissioners. >> so moved and it's been seconded any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. all call for a vote all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries madam secretary >> any public comment on matters for closed session. >> is there any public comment? on matters in closed session seeing none, >> item 18 is a motion to have
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the attorney-client prestige is there a second and it's been seconded. i'll call for a vote all in favor, say i. opposed? we will cert the attorney-client principle mad secretary you'll be reading those items. the state farmtions and stem 20 the city and county vs. pacific gas and electric company and the 71 vs. pacific gas and electric company and item 22 vs. the city and county of san francisco and item 23 mr. fowler and the legislation thank you are.
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>> we can move on ma'am, secretary to item 27. and a motion to weather to kiss close the motivator in closed session >> it's been moved forward not to disclose all in favor, say i. opposed? and the items have it the motion carries. i have one quick motivator of business. i'm going to ask the donna circulate requesting participation in formula latin the joint meeting on february 25th with the commission of the environment is that okay with everyone.
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fewer, ms. weigh and mr. logan. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> pledge of allegiance. >> approval of board minutes. we are voting on the regular meeting minutes of january 4, 2014. roll call vote. ms. weigh, logan, murase, mcdonnell, ms. wynns and miss fewer. thank you. >> item b. presentations total
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to the board of education. superintendant. >> good evening. our superintendant sends his regrets. he's out of state given some weather changes he is unable to make it here this evening or trying to make his way to san francisco. today nearly 150 sf students partook in a health care assimilation in the way that science and technology and principles apply. each team participated in exploring and research and spent time with educators and other assimilations. they were able to gain insight to career opportunities and talent to improve health care
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stimulation. students of stark elementary are taking to the streets to promote peace in the world as of martin luther king jr. junior day as they prepare to march around the neighborhood: a tribute to the life of dr. martin luther king jr. and to find strength in diversity. january 30th, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.. we would like to nouns that our progress report is available online and sfusd do the e d u. key strategies are being used to improve the learning experience for each
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student at every sfusd school. the 2013th district scorecard and the sfusd budget. this friday, january 31st, all school sites will be closed in observance of lunar new year. >> thank you. item c, recognition and commendations. deputy superintendant? speaker: i would like to call guerrero. good evening. it's my pleasure to introduce miss maya navajo she is the third class teacher for students with autism. her students
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have learning and behavioral challenges requiring a specialized program. this is her third year of teaching. one of her former students parents recommended her for this award and this is what she stated. each student requires intensive supervision just to be safe and requires real creativity and patience from a teacher to learn and to make progress in life skills. it requires tireless work well above and beyond what it takes to teach children. she spends countless hours educating children for what they need and deserve. maya states, i love working with this population and finding new and
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creative ways to help them learn and achieve their goals. integrating here students into general education classes is a focus of hers and is successful but it doesn't happen without a lot of collaboration and teamwork. her work goes beyond the classroom into our school community. last april, she helped organize our school wide blue puzzle project for project awareness. we are fortunate to have maya nava as a teacher. she is talented and a dedicated teacher. let me spell maya out for you. m is for mighty, why a is for
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action. congratulations, maya. [ applause ] . speaker: our superintendant wanted to make sure i -- conveyed congratulations. thank you. speaker: i just want to say this you to the people behind me. my principal for her on going support. it would not be possible to create and maintain such a vigorous program for our special day class students without your support. i also want to say about sunset, we would not be able to do what we do as a special class. we just have such a great school community. that makes it's possible. thank you. [ applause ]
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speaker: tonight we are recognizing the members of the public education enrichment fund community advisory committee. speaker: good evening, commissioners, my name is kathy flemming. i am the supervisor for public education richmond fund. one of my responsibilities is to serve as the district liaison to our community on advisory committee and the community of advisory committee plays a
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vital role in advising and reviewing all documents and reports and provide critical feedback to staff and to the board of education. a number of our members were present last week and in fact, i think about 75 percent of our members were present last week and this week, i think some of them are on vacation. i know one is in the mountains snow boarding and one in fresno and one in texas. we have some members to recognize tonight. first i would like to thank the commissioners for making appointments to this committee and we do have two recently appointed members. i'm not sure if they are here tonight, but jenny lamb, are you here and we have fernando marquez
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has also been appointed. nice to meet you. thank you so much. and i would like to thank our student delegates, allege -- angela wei and logan. they are pointing student advisory committee. we have student members who i believe are studying right now. they are jess is an ankh, nick hue and miguel. thank you for providing critical input. we have two cochairs. one is mark murphy, he's not here tonight. our other cochair provides leadership to our group and i would like to bring him up now to honor
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him. jeff eng. [ applause ] thank you, jeff. stand there. make a line. another member we have tonight is one of our principals, michael rhymer. principal of roosevelt medical school, where i used to work. and we have a special 4-year service award to victor tam. yeah, victor tam. [ applause ] principal of chinese education center. thank you. in addition i would like to recognize the members who could not be here tonight. which you chuck horn brook, our secretary, magdalena and frank. i think
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>> i don't think he's here, ms. flemming. brian fox. apologies. speaker: thank you, members. now we have student delegates report. angela wei and logo an. speaker: thank you. things are picking up. we did recently an acc bylaw review to reconfirm the understanding of the bylaws with the real emphasis on the attendance policy which we have been reworking and we might possibly change in the
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future. another big thing on the cac agenda is the vision 2025. february 7th, is the last vision 2025 meeting and sac will be participating again at the bayview from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.. the sac leadership team participated to include a native in the 2025 campaign. thank you. speaker: the sac's annual youth summit will be held in march. we'll have students from the san francisco unified school district. important that we -- it will bring out the leaders and we are working with the health care sign up days. the next
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sign up days are at marshall and balboa high schools this thursday january 30th, from 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.. all meetings are open to the public. if you would like a copy of the sac agenda, please contact your sac coordinator. speaker: thank you very much. going on to item e, parent advisory council. no report tonight. item f. public comment. we have one speaker. kelly. speaker: good evening, i'm speak to you about the item you pulled which is k 49.
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this is in another section. i'm talking to you about k 2 in that case. i would be happy to talk to you about k 2 if i can understand it. i beg of you, please look at k 2 and translate that for us. i think i have a general idea of what's going on, but the language is flabber gassing. i ask you to tell us what this resolution is about. speaker: their mr. -- thank you, mr. kelly. we have mr. dana who will speak on the audit on pages 3-17. hi. speaker: good evening, board members, president fewer, vice-president murase and
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guadalupe guerrero. sorry about that. i have invited leonard dana from the 12-13th district audit to give you the board, a short presentation pertaining to the sfusd 12/13 audit. in addition, mr. dana is able to answer any questions after his presentation. also present is the manager on the audit. nathan middleman. mr. dana? speaker: thank you for accommodating us. i have another time commitment item tonight. i won't take much of your time. but just to let you know we have completed the audit and submitted the audit to the state. just to let you know that all of the opinions are unqualified meaning they change the wording this year. now they are called unmodified
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opinions which means it's a clean opinion. everything is fairly stated and that goes for the financial statements, state compliance and federal compliance as well. we did not make any audit adjustments during the year or during the audit as well. that means the audits going forward are for the district which is obviously a very important item. i did want to let you know nathan here has been on-the-job for 5 years. he's kind of a fix you are around the district office and he basically runs the job. if you have any questions, i would probably ask that nathan answer them. he has been with the district for a number of years and handles the job very well. it goes without saying that we get all of the cooperation we need from sfusd staff, both people in the business office and remember we are always out at sites in
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a lot of different areas and we get great cooperation from everybody and it makes our job a lot easier. i know last year we made a big deal about the fact that we had no findings in the report and i get the audit got mad at you but this year there is one and this relates to the ace program. this is a program where you just have to be diligent in terms of the sign in and sign out procedures that you have. we did notice a few sites where not everything was up to snub. we do these early in the year and sit down with management to go over the find gsz ings that we have and initiate corrective action. they have put in a corrective action plan that meets our criteria. it's something that we need to continue to watch.
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we have ace's comments in almost all of our school district reports. so it's not that unusual. but it's something that needs to be looked at. the only other thing i would mention is we put a schedule on the back of the audit report that deals with the audit results and gives you a time line of how you have been spending your money. the only thing i want to caution the district is i just happen to reading it tonight that while our reserves are adequate and they are over the state minimum level, the reserves have been falling. if you look at that report you will notice that we dropped from in 11 we had over $51 million, now we are down to $31 million. that is planned, but again it's something that i would
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encourage you to keep your eye on that one. it's the only point that i have. this is also a point in time where you have a question for the auditors, this is a time to fire away. >> any questions? commissioner -- wynns? speaker: i want to ask about the findings. >> when you have as many sites as you have. >> i think you understand why we might be concerned because we had these findings for a number of years and they it turned out it was really and the explanation was it was a hard program to get at what you are saying now, it's complex and we have a lot of sites, it's hard to do. it didn't seem like it might be
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that bad and when we found out how bad it was, we were legitimately concerned. do you have a way of telling us what you think of the scope of this is? >> do you mean district wide? >> no. i don't mean district wide. is that some of doing a terrible job of signing in and signing out, is it a lot of students or is it just getting from the pretty good up to what we would want? >> there is some sites where it's spot on. there are other sites where students sign in
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and don't sign out. the level of documentation that supports the level of elements is not always there. so the past find ings were much more broad. the district follows these. what we found this year is not what was two or 3 years ago. >> that's exactly what i wanted to know. i also have one other question which you can probably answer. so if we had the student information system working better, would this make this easier or is it not going to apply to these programs? >> that system is more for the districts attendance for the district regular k-12 attendance. the ace program is tracked differently. >> this is done by pencil forever or do we have a plan? >> there is a plan to a
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separate new system not the synergy system to do it online. >> we'll be kicking and screaming out of the dark stages. >> who is the staff person that commissioner wynns should be addressing ? >> kelly is in charge of the program. >> thank you very much. any other comments? seeing none, thank you very much. >> one last item. we have two more audits coming up in the future. the tax and go bond audit. >> thank you. item g. consent calendar. can i have a motion and a second, please.
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>> motion and second. thank you. any items withdrawn by the superintendant? >> yes, we do. president fewer. item 2 m on page 28 of your agenda. the contract name is to be contributed in the subject requested action and background from the university of california ken center of university of california san francisco. and 14b on page 63 and 64. the defendants service are corrected to 1-29, 2014 through 3-31-2014. and page 88-90. the original dates of service to july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2014.
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amended dates of service are corrected to november 1, 2013, through march 31, 2014. >> thank you. any items by the board? seeing none. any items severed by the board? none. roll call will take place under section 0. item 8. the superintendant's proposal. this has been moved and seconded. commissioner murase? >> the committee as a whole met on january 24, 2014. with a report on the public educationen enrichment fund that we are scheduled to hear tonight. several committee members board members expressed concerns that were
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