tv [untitled] February 8, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PST
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tenderloin in his hotel. he has a deep understanding of tennants in sro hotels and what kind of issues the sro population faces which is crucial in advocating and voicing the needs of the community. dan is a real deal with the heart of gold. i favor his application without reservation. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is -- i'm an organizing coordinator with the sro collaborative and part of the housing clinic. i here to speak on behalf of dan jordan. i met him and worked with dan 3 years ago when he had issues in his hotel where he lived. dan actually after meeting with me the first time, he without us prompting him he organized a tenant meeting so we can talk to the rest of the tennants in the
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building about habit ability and safety issues there and we worked with him and his tennants in the building and management issues. i think dan is a passionate person who understands the sro tennants in tenderloin and south of market. i think sro task force will greatly benefit from having him. i highly recommend him for the position. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. >> hello supervisors, my name is russel slay ton. i have had several opportunities to work with dan on a one on one individual basis working with tennants with real issues such a bed bugs, vermins and unable to pay rent. we have been trained and equipped with the
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knowledge and the ability to help people and refer this em to the proper agencies like rav co-and dbi. we've been to some of those workshops and we know a lot. we have been educated. i live also in sro hotel. i just wanted to tell you that dan jordan has been like a breath of fresh air when he came into collaborative. he's full of ideas and he's gotten down to the basics of people's rights of peace, quiet anden enjoyment of their unit. i would really like to let you guys know that working with him has been great and i would really recommend him for this task force. thank you for your time supervisors. >> thank you, very much. hold on. is this a question for him? >> no. >> okay. thank you. is there any additional public
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comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisors, comments? supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mr. chair. anytime you have more applicants than you have seats, it's always hard to choose. i do want to thank everyone for their interest and each one of you had something to offer and the fact that people are willing to serve is really appreciated. let me share my thoughts and see where others are. with respect to seat one which has to be held by someone who is a resident of a sro. i certainly was very impressed with the presentation and support for dan jordan. and mr. jordan, you are very popular. i'm glad that i don't have to run against you because you have a lot of fans out there. but i think the fact that your
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fellow residents are coming to speak on your behalf as a testament to you and i think it would make you extremely effective. with respect to seat 2, i'm not sure why the applicant is not here, sam pattel. i'm not sure if it would be appropriate for us to move forward or not. that's an open question. with respect to seat 4, i was definitely very impressed with amelia rudberg and i think she has the qualifications to do a good job. with respect to seat 5, joshua vining sent us a letter that he could not be here for special reasons. i'm familiar with his work and those who know him know hao he's a
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tremendous advocate and i would like to make sure he's appointed. seat 7, angela chu. i think it's a no brainer. we need to make sure she continues to serve. for seat 8, i guess we don't have an applicant right now. so we are going to have to continue it. for seat 9, again i think we have great applicants, but for me what's compelling about seat 9 is that i do think that it's important to have a perspective of someone who is living in a private sro and somebody living in a neighborhood which i happen to represent 16th and mission that has a number of challenges. i think the fact that ms. frost man spoke about
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the application of ms. alexander, speaks very highly of the kind of member that she would be. so that would be my suggestion. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: i'm glad that we are in agreement. i echo supervisor campos comments. for seat 2, i don't know if any members of my committee have heard from mr. pattel or received correspondence so i have not. i would be okay with delaying that particular appointment but move with the rest. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. let me separate these things out. for seat 2 and seat 8 i would like to continue the item. >> so moved.
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>> without objection the motion passes. for seat 4 and 5, the candidates amelia rudberg and joshua vining would need a residency waiver. so somebody would like to move that? okay. no objection, motion passes. so i think this is what i'm hearing. that we would like to appoint dan jordan to seat 1, nicollette alexander to seat 9, amelia rudberg to seat 4, joshua vining to seat 5 and angela chu to seat 7. is that
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correct? >> that's correct. >> someone wants to make a motion? the motion passes. thank you. i have to go back to item no. 4. there was a procedural error on my part. so, i forgot to ask for residency waiver. and so i would like to rescind. can someone make a motion to rescind the motion? >> so moved. >> no objection. the motion passes. so would somebody like to make a motion for lily wong to be in seat 1 and winnie yu for seat 2. we have to make the motion to do the residency waiver first?
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>> commissioner dejesus. >> present. >> chan. >> present. >> kingsley, in route. >> loftus. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the monday, february fifth san francisco police commission meeting and wednesday, my gosh, it seems like monday. >> it is a good start to even wednesday, february 5th and we will start with a line item number one, adoption of the minutes. >> adoption of the minutes, action. for the meetings of january 8th, 22nd, 2014. >> commissioners you have the minutes in your packets are there any corrections? >> i do have one change. >> move it to you. >> i have suggested a change in a long time. this is very minor, i just want to note that during the presentation of the language
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access, and the report that we node the video, the training video. >> okay. >> she is mentioning that in there, it would be helpful. >> anything else commissioners? >> i want to thank resa and inspector monroe for preparing the minutes and it takes a lot of effort to get that ready and are there any public comment regarding the minutes, hearing none, the public comment is closed. do i have a motion. >> move to adopt with the change. >> aye. >> consent calendar and receive and file action, police commission report of disciplinary actions of 4th quarter 2013 and the request of officer john ruggeiro for approval to accept a $25 starbucks gift card from loern lopin. >> let's start with the police commission report, and you do have that in your packet and are there any corrections or comment regarding these items?
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and with reference to the request of officer john ruggeiro to receive a starbucks gift card for $25 or more, are there any questions or concerns noteworthy? >> i hope not. >> that is right. >> is there any public comment regarding these two matters? >> hearing none, public comment is closed, do i have a motion? >> i move to second. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> thank you the public is now
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address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or occ personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but, may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. >> good evening, miss bryson, how are you? >> i am focused and i come again bearing glad tidings. my name is jackie bryson and i am here to commend two officers out of our tender loin station as well as captain turner since he is the commander and the commander sets the tone for the entire station. and i have to put my positive spin on these, because, if you were just to be the facts, you may think, oh, it is a criticism, it should have gone differently, but it turned out okay. i went into the tender loin station on january 26th, to
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file a police report and the officer who was behind the counter was new to that station. and they had not shown him where all of the forms were and so he could not find the interview form that i needed to fill out. he tore that front counter area apart, looking for the form. and he could not find that form, but he did find incident reports forms and he said that i know this is the wrong form, but please fill this out. and so, for officer david lee and the star number, 398, i want to say a big thank you because it had to do with a vicious and dangerous dog and he typed in the information from that form and as a result of that, i got a call from officer denny who is in charge of the vicious and dangerous dog or bad dog unit. and spoke with him on the phone and i was told that i could go to the tender loin station and
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get a copy for the dangerous dog form. so i said please mail one out to me and use the turn address and the office of the chief of police rather than the dangerous dogs because i wanted to see if i actually got my letter and i went down to the police station and officer green could not find the form i needed even though my instructions were type in vicious for the police website, he found for bite but we have not gotten that far but he went back in and he googled and managed to find the form for me. so i got the form and i filled it out, and i took muni, and went down to animal control, and turned the form in so i now am on track for a march 6th hearing. and so, for officer green, i would like to thank you for your diligence and in going back in and having to google a
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form, and i want to thank officer lee, i don't have officer green's star number and officer lee for giving me something to figure out and then putting this in. so, again, thanks and to captain turner who is a good and positive and receptive atmosphere, at least from me. >> thank you miss bryson. good evening mr. hartz. >> good evening, commissioners, ray hartz, director of san francisco open government. as you probably are aware that i have not been here for several months because i was awaiting the hearing before the sunshine ordinance task force because i wanted it on the public record that what had happened was i felt an attempt to intimidate me at at the last meeting. first i would like to say to the committee regarding
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executive director hicks, i believe that everything that i have seen and experienced, again, in dealing with her, showed her to be a very intelligent, highly professional extremely competent individual and so for me to say something which was intended to disparage her is not something that i would do. it would be counter productive and it would make me feel like a fool and it is something that she did not deserve. and in fact, i think the character assassination that was attempted at that meeting was done by the accusation that my quote from shakespeare was intended to do that. it was not. i was very, very careful, both orally and in writing, to indicate that i was talking directly about the report that was being considered that night. now the only person on this panel that seemed to get that, was commissioner turm an who basically said, i'm not sure about the comment, but mr. hartz has a point.
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one of the things that i have learned in dealing with a lot of city commissions is that someone's right to speak will be violated and everyone else on that commission will sit there and do and say nothing. recently, at a board of supervisors meeting, as i approached the microphone having been identified as the next speaker, i made it one word comment, and nothing says the rules that i have to be at the microphone to make that comment and all of a sudden, mr. cchiu, the member of the harvard law school said that i don't think that we are going to allow the public comment for the next speaker, so basically what we are saying is that the members of a commission, if they don't like your tone or a word that you use or your voice
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or something that you say and in this particular case i had sent copies of what i intended to talk about to all members of the board supervisors and i can simply strip of you your constitutional rights. and the same thing there the members of the board of supervisors sat there and they did nothing at all. and i think that you have to remind yourselves that you take an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic and someone who violates the first amendment rights of a citizen is violate thating oath and someone pro-sits back and does not do anything is also violating that oath. >> next speaker? >> hello, my name is michael petrelus and i am a gay blogger and a transparency activist and i am here about a couple of things and i am here about a couple of things tonight and first of all, i the disclosures
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thing move forward or be dismissed and what is going on with the occ, i feel it is like a waste of time to file these complaints. and i want to move along, and about two weeks ago i happened to catch on video more nan a dozen cops arresting one drunk guy in the mission. a lot of folks were complaining that there are were so many cops to arrest one drunk and i think that you got to remember the perception that we see from that is an excess of police force, okay? and the same thing on the same theme of excess police, force, and this weekend, if you knew this in the castro, it is on the sfweekly website and one of the nudist is taken down to the ground and you have three or four cops trying to arrest him and he is in pain and he is nude. how much of a threat really is he nude.
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and the last thing has to do with chief, you again, and you appeared recently at a press conference with ron con way regarding a million dollar reward for some gun control stuff. there is a problem in the community where we are not getting transparency from sfcity. regarding a lot of the public policies they are developing for here at city hall. and every time that i see you appearing with ron con way, i wonder, you know, is or was the chief were to appear with me calling for the transparency of sf city, i don't know, and i just kind of feel like the perception is really reinforced that you are too close to him and you are not... >> and it is just there and thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening, everybody. >> you all know who i am, and i will state who i am any way.
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maria bailey, and really quick in short, i see, the differences that are happening around the city and i'm really proud of mayor ed lee for zero tolerance on crime and so forth that is a good one and now, you know where i live and you know that i don't like crime, and the corruption in any area, but, i would like to see once again, i am repeating myself, more patrol on foot in cars and under cover, if you could do that, that would be fantastic because the crime still exists and you know that. and so thank you very much. much report. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening, miss brown. >> hi. >> my name is paula brown and i like to use the overhead. as usual. >> i am here concerning my son, aubry who was murdered on
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august 14, 2006. this case is still not solved and still yet to be solved. and i am still looking for justice for my son and i keep showing these names of the people or the perpetrators that were there that shot my son on that day and i am showing these in hope that somebody will recognize who these persons are and come for forth. and give me some closure. so, i keep showing these names because of that and i am not only for my son, but i am here for all of these young men that have been murdered and these are all unsolved cases and i speak for those mothers also and we are just looking for justice.
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for our children. but again, i want to keep showing these names of the people that were involved with my son's case, especially thomas hannibal and paris moffett and those are the ones that i know more about. and i will keep my son's memories and this case open because it is a cold case. and i always show this picture of all that i have left of him, and my memories. is him laying in the casket and me looking at him. no mother should have to go through this. and this is something that i will have to be doing for the rest of my life. but, it is for my therapy and for my closure. and keep me going that i continue to do this. and hopeful that this case will get solved one day. and that is all thatvy to say. >> thank you miss brown. >> thank you.
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>> good evening, first of all i want to welcome joe garity and it has been a while buddy, i see that you have a star on now, gave him another one, loftus is returning in june, i heard, i heard. >> i heard it. and i know how cool it is. and sorry, we are on tv. >> okay. >> and i have a good friend called me today, clyde have you heard? and i said what? president obama on the floor. and you see, and call the president and he said mr. president, my father says that you are spying on me. president said, that is not true and that is not really your father.
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let's talk about something more serious and you were here chief when he came to san francisco and he ran into a motorcycle cop and he turned really kind of bad and he was not in uniform and that happened to me last wednesday. and i am walking down market street, and there are two harley davidson cops, and they stand by the car and chitchat and so i walk politely, who is watching that driver, and they said what? do you remember that case and he pulled out a gun and shot two motorcycle cops in the face and he looked at me and said get the... out of here or i will arrest you, the motorcycle cops and how you guys not all of them, and as i was talking to the deputy chief, and they are not all of them, some of them have this attitude that
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they are above everybody and that is the wrong attitude and honestly it is chief, you need to talk to them or their boss and i mean that it is not cool. it is not cool at all. and i walk down the substation and i walk in and there are cops standing there and what is the choice any way? and what are you talking about? that is not it, and that is not an appropriate question and that is not an important question and i don't do drugs. and get out of here or i will arrest you. >> we are talking about the community service, or friendliness? and i mean that we have a lot of great cops and we have 1650, give or take, but we got a few bad ones, take a look at them and take care. >> next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners my name is stephan, and i want to talk about not a good hire but a great hire.
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and what i mean by that is eddie santos is the head of the alu and it is one of those thankless jobs that you get where there is a high volume of new applications and a high volume of transfer application and people want the applications processed but it is a process and it takes time. and i think that he has the right temperament for the job and he has the right leadership skills for the job and it is a job that you have to have a lot of experience because you have to size people and situations up and you have to implement the conditions that are assure that the community is going to be safe and a better place. so i just want to say this, sometimes you g get it and you are just thrilled about it and i think that it has a bright future and to have eddie at the helm and i think that we also need to look at our budgets because of the high volume of work, that that unit has to take on, that he has the resources and the staff to
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