tv [untitled] February 8, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST
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about 121 million. and professional services are 14 million and they consist of our rent, on our non-... excuse me, the non-city owned rent, and utilities and maintenance, are litigation and claims are about 3 million, and the annual it software and licensing support is about 3 million and other large expenses of our copying and printing services about a million dollars. and training expenses are about a million dollars, and also, included in professional services are translation, services and that is about 30,000 dollars in the year that we spent on translation. and materials and supplies, are uniform for the officers and run about half a million. i am sorry, the office supplies are a half million and the uniforms and safety equipment are about 2 million, computers
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and it hardware is about 400,000, a crime lab is about a half a million and the marine unit fuel is about 80,000. our capitol out lay is significant, and it is about 6 and a half million dollars. we pay about 800,000 on our leased financing and so we are paying the debt service on the vehicles that we have purchased under a bond. and we have the new replacement for cars and about 3 and a half million dollars and a special revenue funds and about 365 and we use for our marine unit and our id bureau. and our department charges by other departments of what other departments charge us, and in particular, the workers cost us about a 14 million dollar charge throughout the year and the it and the city wide it that supports the infrastructure and the accounting system is about 10
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million and the vehicle maintenance and fuel charges are 5.6 million dollars which is growing every year. our city owned facilities and utilities there are 6 and a half million and then we have miscellaneous smaller work orders with the sheriff and da and medical examiners and that is about two and a half million dollars. >> so, these work orders are what we get from other departments and so we perform the services and they pay us and as you can tell, the airport is our largest consumer of our services, 50 million dollars and mta. is about 8, 8 and a half million. public utilities, the library, the human services, and mosconi and treasure island, public works, and the airport, we have 179 sworn officers and 140 civilians and mta, supports 57 positions.
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so this is an important slide and this is showing our the growth in our sworn number of officers here. and so you can say that in 13, 14, we had 2201 sworn ftes, and this year, what we are projecting is 2274, which reflects the 150 officers, that we hired last year that are annualized and that is the equivalent of 55 ftes that we are going every year. and the civilians are growing slightly. and so this is good news, and so we are slowly getting up to our authorized strength. and as you know, we are and we have been funded for more positions because at me given time we have a number of officers on leave. >> so this graphickically represents our hiring plan, as you can see. the red line is the charter
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line, where we are supposed to be in the 1980. the purple line is what would have happened had we not instituted the hiring plan and so you can see that we were continuing to drop the green, arrow is where we are at now which is exactly where we predicted that we would be and so we are coming up every year with the anticipation that in december of 2018, we will be at the charter mandated level. here is our hiring plan update in 2012, 13, our goal was to hire 150 people with general fund and we did do that. and the airports funded 30 positions for us. and so we graduated 183 officers, in the current year. and we are budgeted for 150 and we have 100 people enrolled in the academy now, and then in
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14, 15, again, the hiring plan, 150 and the airport has committed to fund, 15 academy slots and that is in addition to the 150 that we have and the same thing in 15/16, 150 from general fund and 15 from the airport. so our new building is almost ready to go, within anticipated occupantcy date of november third, 2014, and we did a tour over the holidays and it is very exciting to see the structure a lot of it and very open, but, things are moving right along and the city is hiring a move management company and their name is vision's management, and the first kick off meeting with the department with our move liaisons is february 19th and so we are starting to make progress on the actual physical move of what we can take and who is going to be where the
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rfp has just concluded for the work stations and so that will be going and the dpw is handling that for us and that will be awarded shortly. >> and in our it, projects as you are well aware we have a lot going on in it. and in 14/15, we have funding for our crime data warehouse and there are 750,000 to expand some of the capabilities of running suspects and mobile applications for cased writing. in addition to it we have 400,000 to upgrade the mot ems in the control cars and so they can they can access the crime data web sites faster and the mobile data we have another half a million from coite and the smart phones have been helpful and on the smart phones we have access to 82 languages and the application and we have
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the capability to talk on 43 languages, talk to text, is that kind of an interesting feature and it is very interesting if you have a chance to have susan demonstrate that for you it is cool. and so in 15, 16, we just put in a request for the east citations which is a new initiative that has made the highest priority and requested the million dollars. and susan is taking the lead on that. and we are going to continue to expand the crime data warehouse and another 750,000 is what we are asking for again. and we are also asking 300,000 to replace the doc's video wall. the existing system is aging quite fast and so we are asking for some additional money to
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replace that. so our capitol projects in the current year we have done a lot of work out at the stables and we have the plans and the improvements for the new structure and it is a storage shed for the hay and the equipment and a retaining wall and some drainage and so that is very helpful. the lake merit and the range renovations and some improvements in the actual physical building. in 14, 15, we have funding for mission station and some security fencing around as you know, that has been an issue out at mission station and we are looking for sally port rus parking lot improvements out at the academy and hvac and electrical up grades in a number of the stations as well as the hot water supply system to make the water systems more efficient. out at the stations. on a new request for 15/16, we
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will be to continue to improve the station and do the fencing around the park station similar to the mission station similar to security and doing the work out at the academy, lighting and carpeting and also looking at trying to do some consolidation of property storage at the hall of justice as we move into the new building, while free up some space at the hall of justice and so we are hoping to be able to consolidate the equipment and store it at the hall of justice and continue a lease at a private facility and the vehicles again, continue to be a priority for the department. and we have done, you know, some studies and compared our policies with other jurisdictions and the best practices would dictate that we would replace 138 vehicles every year, last year we received the funding for 30 marked vehicles only and so of course, that fell well below
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the mark this year we are schedule to get 60 marked vehicles, and we have put together a funding request for another 68 vehicles, which includes some utility vehicles and motorcycles which we have not received in 2 years, and some unmarked vehicles and so that is going to be a big push for us and it will be a struggle, i think that get additional funding but it is the priority for us and so we are looking at trying to replace some of our older cars and if you look at our chart here in the table, the 4.8 million 5.1, and 5.6 that is our central shops budget and that the main nens for what it takes to repair our old vehicles, and the gas on these older vehicles, so we are hoping to replace the new vehicles with more efficient vehicles so we can have less gas. and we did a sar yus, or carlin
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conducted a study and if we implemented a number of efficiencies retiring the old vehicles and buying new vehicles, we would safe, 1.4 million dollars by 2017 and that would be translate into the equivalent of 28 new marked cars. so as we are able, we are really pushing to try to lobby for more vehicles. and so those are, you know, my planned remarks if you have any specific questions,? >> i want to thank you, both of you, this is probably the clearist budget that we have received since i have been on the commission, it is perfect and so we understand exactly what we are doing and we have a concept of what the hiring is and we have a concept of what the equipment is going to be and the good news is that when i first started to do this, we hear from the budget and we are going to do more with less. and so we have been doing more with less for a long time and thank god that things are better right now and so it is good to see that we are getting
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more equipment and more importantly we are getting more officers. and the big thing is that a hall of justice and so there are a lot of positive things happening here and again i want to thank everybody as you did, the mayor's office and the board of supervisors and the chief, and the commissioner, and everybody that lobbied for all of these improvements it is important. and so, i think that this is the best budget presentation that we have had and the most promising and i want to thank you for the work in that area. and we are looking for more cars and i have to tell you that it is embarrassing for the cars that you see the paint falling off and i was just in new york and their cars are in the snow and they are very nice they have new cars and we don't. and i think that it is a safety issue for the officers too. >> absolutely, it is. >> so, snaoe advocacy on vehicles that we would appreciate, as well as some advocacy for the new, hall of justice, and the user bond. >> and i would gladly do that and i have noticed that the department of public works gave
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and two brand new ford explorers and they should go to us. >> commissioner kingsley? >> thank you so much for your report and your presentation. and i echo some of what president mazzucco said in terms of getting a long term picture on all of these various components and the capitol budget including the operating budget and it is very helpful to get that kind of perspective and that kind of break down. and so thank you. and so just a few questions, it looks like the expenditures for the airport and what we received for the airport nets out basically and so what we harg us or what we provie them they pay for, pretty much 100 percent >> they have been great partners for us. >> they have been and they are supplying you know, 30 extra
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positions in the academy class and what, 15 this year, and 15 next year? >> yeah, 15 next year and your subsequent, and so 15, 16. >> i see. >> so this year we are skipping because we have 30 last year. >> i am sorry, it is the 30 that were this year. >> oh, okay. >> and i am getting the years... >> any way, any way, the numbers, and it is great and it is another 60 foesings basically. are those additional officers, are they solely targeted for the airport? >> as officers retire and were able to send someone out to the airport they do but these 30 people are not designated to go to the airport and i am sure that the chief can jump in there. >> what director martin is doing and smartly i think that he is hedging that he gets his body's back faster. so, he is essentially, i
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believe that we are at 22. and i think that we are at 22, of his first 30 and he has already gotten back and so when the next class gets out. so, he pays it forward. and so he makes sure that he gets his people back. and then, they come off of this standing seniority list and so these are not in addition to the 1971, the airport compliment is separate and the 1971 is for the officers? san francisco. and right now, we are around 1700. >> okay. thanks for clarifying that. >> with regard to the revenue that comes from the fees, fines, charges. do the tickets and the revenue from tickets, are they included in that category? or did i understand that more accurately from another presentation or comment that they go into the general fund of the city? >> well this is our allocation from the portion, yes. some and the treasure...
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>> i see. >> the collector collects the money and a portion is allocated to it. >> so we don't get all of it, but we get a portion of it. >> no, we don't get all of it. >> okay, all right. >> maybe that will rise, in the next few years, as we you know, focus on the vision zero. and the capitol assets, and the facilities and so on, is there a process before the budget or at another time during the year where somebody goes out and does a examination of all of the district stations and all of our facilities and is that where this comes from? >> yeah, absolutely. and our facilities, manager, goes out with dpw, and they did a very thorough assessment last
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year, and it is a ten year plan and then they update it in the fan and together, they come up with new priorities and those are heard and due to the capitol planning committee, january 17th and then they look at the totality of the project and kind of divy up the money. >> i appreciate it and you know, we will do whatever we can to help promote receiving additional funds for your identified items in the future. >> thank you, commissioner loftus? >> thank you so much for your presentation, again. you know these are not things, that are easy to break down and it speaks about them and it is great to see the positive news and so congratulations to you and i have some kind of three types of questions. one is just about civilian positions, and another one is about the crime lab and another
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one is about whether this includes us getting the heat fixed at bay view station and i know that is a small issue. >> i think that the hvac was spoken to. >> 2014. >> it is the heat. >> okay, great. >> and that came up at a community meeting and come up a few times and i know that the chief and many people have worked on it for some time and find a way to loop back with them. one thing that came up to come up on the commission is what we are doing and this might be a position for the chief around the civilian positions and i see in the next three years that number of ftes is flat around 500. we have the plan that is turning the officers back to the street and carlin and maureen have been on top of it and when it remains flat it means that we are hiring back and retirements are not impacting us and so we are trying to get back above, i believe it was 52.
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>> 52, >> 52 was in the budget bang when now assessment chiu was in large and we are on track at least plus or minus ten percent and some of the process takes a while and then your other question about the crime lab, director again spoke to that a little bit and that is where we would appreciate the support of the commission as that is the second easter bond for the new crime lab. >> and is that separate from the bond for the new hall of justice? >> yeah. >> the bond for the new hall of justice is one and those moneys are going to the entire public safety campus which includes the new police headquarters. and none of those moneys go to the new crime lab. the new easter bond that will be on the budget in june, will go towards a new medical examiner's office, and traffic company, and the crime lab. >> and when i say hall of justice to me like old school that includes the da's office
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and the courts and all that have, is that not included? >> so for now, the certain compliment moves to the new public safety campus, and then on the new bond, a certain compliment will move to that building, and i don't know as of yet there is a plan to move the courts and i know that there is another bond being considered for a replacement jail, that would sit where the current mcdonalds and poa buildings sit at 6th and brian. >> and yeah, the courts are a state-funded function. and so that is what the state right now. >> yeah. >> okay. so, yeah, it was then supervisor chiu who asked me the question of the civilianization and so thank you to the department, it sounds like you guys are all working together on that. >> and we can add a slide for the board of supervisors presentation if that is something. >> right, we are still in the process. we have a lot of offers and
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backgrounds out and so you know, come the budget hearing time we will have completed our hiring process, for the civilianization. and we would comment that the mayor, would like to keep this, you know, the number of the employees, flat and we are sort of unusual in that we are hiring the officers, but, what the mayor is concerned about is hiring too many new hires even though the city is doing well because this happened in about 2008 when we hired a lot of people and then we crashed. and then, so, it has spiked our pension and so we have been instructed to try to keep the number of civilians or the number of employees flat. >> okay. >> including... >> yeah. >> exclusive of what we have already been approved for? >> right. >> in terms of the time line for advocating for the crime lab and i know that is there what is the time line in terms of us getting involved and being helpful? >> i have spoken twice, i believe, so far, at the board
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of supervisors on the easter bond two and then i actually went and spoke in support of the replacement jail as well. because the current jail, the building is not seismically sound and when you speak to the vulnerable populations and obviously the incarcerated are vulnerable populations they are not asking for another jail in addition to the 6 and 7th floor. the 6th floor has no prisoners, the only prisoners on are the 7th floor, and so the new jail will be significantly smaller but it will be seismically sound and it would not be the line jail that they have upstairs, which i think that everybody is agreed needs to be vacated as soon as possible. >> yeah, that building and the fact that there are other members of the public safety
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family in particular the da's office given the seismic challenges is difficult for the people whose loved ones go to work every day and hopefully we can get everybody to a place where we can work in a safe place and so thank you for your presentation. >> any further comment? >> not public comment, from the commissioner in >> i just want to say, that want to thank the mayor and the board of supervisors and the chief and by keeping with this process of hiring new officers, and finding ways to get more officers out on the streets, especially because we are affected by this drop program and probably more retirements than any other police department proportion ately if you look at it and i don't know if there was a police department in the bay area that had the drop program where we lost four or five officers and i think that you have to give credit to those that were involved in this and you need to look across the bay or in oakland or look and see what what happens to the cities that decided to save money we are going to cut back on the number of police officers. and i think that the result of
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that is pretty obvious. and whereas here, we have kept it and we done a lot less, and we have done more with a lot less. but, you know we have enhanced it and i think that we are doing a lot better. and so i want to thank everybody and the commission has been fighting this battle for three years now and i want to thank all of the commissioners and the chief. >> thank you. >> any questions for the chief regarding all of this? or should we move into the director hicks? >> call the next line item. >> i have one question for the chief. >> on the 192 the vehicular manslaughter was that a misdemeanor or a felony? >> i believe that the officers at the scene conducted with the da and charged its a misdemeanor but admissions made after the fact may result in an elevation of that charge. >> thank you. >> 4 b, occ director's report and discussion and review of recent activities present of occ summary of cases received
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december 13, monthly comprehensive statistical reports and companion reports for the periods january 1 through december 31, 2013 and, january, 1, through december 31, 2013, medation of complaints in december of 2013 and adjudication of the complaint in december 26013. the presentation of occ 2013 first amendment compliance audit of the san francisco police department records purchase su ant to the department general order, 8.10. and occ budget presentation for fiscal years, 14/15, and 15/16. >> thank you, and director hicks welcome back. >> thank you very much. president mazzucco. members of the commission, and chief, and members of the audience it is good to be back. so, let's see, four reports five minutes. well, we will start with occ recent activities. last week i participated on a
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panel in santa rosa at the junior college and the panel was organized by the local aclu and in response to the community out cry over the shooting of 13-year-old andy lopez by deputy sheriff lopez, and had a replica gun and so the community is organizing around wanting the civilian oversight and so i was invited to be part of a panel which included the community activities as well as the independent police auditor mark smith from bart, and the theme is that the occ is the gold standard in law enforcement and explained what the gold standard means to you i soak about how we structure the
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investigation and how it is structure and in addition to the out reach that i did last week, sam ramerian in january, and did out reach with san francisco women against rape, where she discussed occ complaints or complaint process and the policy projects that she is working on and in addition, she met with the criminal justice committee with the commission and met the new youth commissioner and discussed the occ policy projects. moving to medations this year, the occ has mediated 7 cases and our immediatation coordinator donna salazar has been invited by lapd to talk with them and in los angeles about our immediatation program because they are going to lunch
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the medation program as well and they have also ex-tenlded the invitation to one of our mediaters. and today i attended along with other department heads and meeting in the san francisco puc. to talk about the current drought condition, that at this point the lack of rain fall and snow fall, slated to be the worst in california's recorded history, and how the mayor will be proposing an executive order or issuing an executive order for the city departments to reduce the water usage by ten percent. and that concludes my report on recent activities. and let's see. what is the next one? >> the next one is the summary of december cases. and you have in your packets
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the statistical reports. i will not go through them in great detail, but the number of cases we received last year is similar to the one, and the number that we received in 2012. 727, verses 740. and then the percentage of the sustained cases in 2013 was 6 percent as it was in 2012. moving to medation of complaints in 2013, for the entire year of 59 cases were mediated compared to 63 mediated cases in 2012. mediated cases in 2013, comprised 8 percent of case closures and that is the same percentage as in 2012. moving to adjudication of
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sustained cases and sustained complaints, in december, the chief adjudicated four occ sustained cases in december. one of them was a neglected duty for an officer failing to recognize that the complainant was limited in english proficient and it is closed because the officer is now retired. in another case, an officer violated the language access department of general order, and the officer was admonished and retrained. and in a third case, the officer failed to collect traffic stop data, this officer received a written reprimand because in 2011, the occ sustained the officer as well for the same neglect of duty violation and so that
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