tv [untitled] February 8, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PST
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the if he has but the neighbors weren't not satisfied so the board didn't have a vote there was two to over turn the decision so it failed. finally, 2850 broadway street that was an encroachment permit but it was before you before and to limit the addition of the building to add the garage 36 inches the permits have been issued and there have been allegations raised the plans were inaccurate and it showed the building going down and in reality it went from 37 to 40
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photo with an increase of 3 photo per we're working with the project sponsor and now they're proposing a development merger. this has been ongoing for about the last year and those allocations for the last 9 months and even though i've suspected all the plans on the property. we request that the board continue the appeal to the all of the chair >> if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> commissioner sugaya. >> what was the address? it was 2853 broderick street. >> director ram. >> thank you. i wanted to report to you that we have the director of dbi tom and i and
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other department heads have concluded our response to the mayors executive directive on the housing we have 3 tiers the short term was for the department to implement immediately and we're directing staff to make those changes. the long-term changes and midterm changes we recommending they be taken up by the new mayors staff. and we have packet those spaet happy to share all the memos and we'll get those to you as the process moves forward. i i know that commissioner wu
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has expressed interest and we can have a different meeting on this >> commissioner wu. >> i think that would be great we can take our recommendation when the right time is when there's a work plan and we need a former hearing here for us and the public. >> i agree commissioner moore. >> did that mention the new task force. >> the mayor asked us to focus on what the departments not just the dbi planning but all the departments to help the production of affordable housing. the state of the city address he announced a larger community advocates and developers on this to tackle a larger issue of 49
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and other policy and legislation issues particularly affordable housing. that task force will be meeting for several months. the first group is larger concluded >> good afternoon, commissioners tim freeway to share with you the result of the presentation hearing. the historic presentation commission received an informational presentation on the open space element after some discussion by the commission and any public comment? you're going that preservation policies be expanded within the element the commission postponed this to march to give people
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more time to respond to questions and also to give the commissioners a little bit more time to see the approach they want to take any preservation policies within that element. i'll keep you updated on the results of that hearing. the commission also issued or granted a major permit to alter for 3 hundred post streets also known as as the apple store the vote was 6 to one the plazas and the proposed surveillance and code mainstreams the h pc in pits approval amended the conditions rewarding the fountain and the presently staff will be here with liz in case you have any questions about the h pc discussion once that item
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is on your calendar. we have a proposed national register nomination for the iron works district that's along peer 70. this is for the federal tax credits for the historic buildings located at that site. the resources commission is meeting either today or possibly next week. finally, the staff or planning staff gave an overview of our that not to my knowledge report this is a requirement of the state. every year to report back on the activity of the historic
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commission. we identified several goals just in summary the commission would like you guess to up to date the historic website to provide 0 more information to the public. we're going to continue our outreach and expand the historic program preliminary through our ambassadors program and we're going to expand our outreach with the assessor office. and this is for the property take saves applied to historic properties in san francisco and finally as part of that discussion there was a hearing for a future hearing to discuss the role of the historic preservation and promoting the
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tax credits as an economic tool. we'll have that discussion and report back to you on the okay of that item. that concludes any comments >> commissioner sugaya >> yes. mr. fry could you e-mail us a copy of the c l g report. >> sure. >> thanks. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we'll move into the any public comment? not not to exceed 15 minut members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda each member of the public can address the commission up to 3 minutes i have no speaker cards >> is there any general public
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comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners is it will place you under your regular calendar ffshg year. >> as keith will talk about we're in the phase of that process we'll be presenting to you our proposed new 2014 - 2015 and 2015 - 2016 budget. assuming there will be no changes on the resource levels, of course, that's not the case we've received the final picture of the first half of the fiscal year and this year we're seeing another unprecedented year of new revenues and projects coming in this is the second year in a
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row. we're proposing an increase of 11 new staff for the year 2014 - 2015 and we're proposed to fund the 8 positions they were not funded pending the availability of revenue to fund those positions. as you'll see we're realizing those revenues. it's an unprecedented time we're seeing applications coming in at a rapid pass and i will say that one of the unusual things the biggest bulk of the permit applications are for rehabilitation or permits to alter existing buildings so many
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of our buildings are 50 years old. we're seeing a high number of those applications come in. that's effecting how we're going to use those in our work plan and keith will go over that in detail >> good afternoon commissions i'm keith the it manager it's, it's my pleasure to present the upcoming information. we're go over recent case permit and as well as our revenue budget and our capital requests we've made and the updated work program including the 11 positions and the proposing proposal to eliminate 4 foes and the remaining items for the budget calendar. so let me start with some recent
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case of volume trend. this bar charts represent the volume and the line represents the percent changes from the prior fiscal year. so you can see in the past 5 to 6 years we've seen department growth. last year what we saw 8 percent growth and this year i'm projecting projecting 13 percent so it's very, very substantial growth year after year. over the next two fiscal years we're anticipating continued growth but not the same growth over the next 2 to 3 years. so moving on to our revenue budget with 6 completed months the department is projecting a
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surplus of $5.2 million because of the adapted budget. this additional revenue is attributable to the applications we've discussed particularly some of the building permit trargs and subdivision condominiums. in the current year's budget we received approval for 8 new positions that director ram mentioned those positions are currently unfunded. the department is proposing to fund those 8 positions for two naive years and other for office space and work to accommodate those staff using the revenue the total amount will be over $3 million. the department fee revenue is erupted to grow by 27 percent in
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the next year budget the first reason we're assuming a 2 percent volume growth from this year into next year. our fees are automatically iktd and the rate it 2.4 percent and we'll be seeking the one time appropriation to fund those for 3 and a half millions that's in the next year's budgeted if the fiscal 2015 - 2016 we're assuming a one percent growth and then the loss of that one time appropriation we'll be asking for. the grant revenue b will increase and we'll go over the
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grant fees. we receive an impact revenue like in the area plans and the projections are going to be growing. the departments expenditure recoveries for services we perform for other departments will be declining because of major one time projects over the mroos last year's and our gentle support of 8 point millions plus it reduces it by 1.5 percent. moving on to the budget the salaries continue to be the majority of our expenditures representing more than 68 percent of department it includes health care and social security are expected to
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increase over the next two budget years. the director mentioned it includes 11 or fte positions which we annual lists to 14 and a half in the fiscal years 2015 - 2016 and i'll go into that. we'll be proposing to substitute existing positions for new and more appropriate clarifications that are more in line with the functions of the those are actual positions including the restructuring of the senior staff positions. we'll are increasing our interim position and it will include the historic resources survey. you'll see that did number one personnel services expenditure
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will be increasing due to you contracting budget and one time grant funding and increase in the budget for the tracking system. you'll see that the promise expenditures are expected to increase and that's due to the one time appropriation of $3 million for the funding for those positions over the 2 1/2 years. so moving to the new position requests we'll be requesting over 11 positions over the next two years that will be annual listing 14 and a half. the majority of those positions will be dedicated to the backlog of the substantial increases in volumes particularly in historic preservation commission and the
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environmental and transportation. we also will be adding staff for code enforcement and various citywide prongs and a dedicated for housing policy to support mayor ed lee's housing project and the packet goes into detail about those position. i'd like to ask sheila the departments writer to introduce the grant budget >> hi, i'm sheila the departments grant writer. we have a portfolio it includes $3.9 million in grant in our fiscal year. we're the lead agency on most of - more than that 23 million supports grant work and dwp and other local nonprofit
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organizations as well. the grant support a wide range from historic preservation and along neighborhood corridors and major infrastructure as well. the grant budget for in upcoming year is 3 point plus million. of the projects the first one is for the funding from the metropolitan transportation commission for priority development priority planning and that will be submit in april to support of rail generated and feasibility study. the second one to the substantial growth council is a state source for half a million to support of feasibility study. we do get about 60 thousand a year from the friends of the city planning from any t special
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projects. the fourth one is the furnished network for the substantial growth we're going to do more eco support. and the final one is fray the office of historic preservation for state funding for the state preservation work. and this table lists the number of capital requests the department has submitted to the planning committee on january 17th. the first 3 items are from the general fund and the remaining 5 items are from general impact fees collected. i won't go into detail today but there's lots of details in our memo. so this next slide is the
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revised work program which lists the number of ftes are the equality positions with the 2014 - 2015 the 14.5 ftes. appendix a goes into much greater details within each division. as part of mayors budget instructions the departments are to look at all foes carefully to determine if any foes maybe reduced are eliminated. the department is proposing to eliminate the smallest progressing and the retelevision station fee.
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this table shows the foes we currently charges for the past year and a half. it shows the revenue we've collected from caesar's and collecting on those foes none of those fees generate any significant revenue for the department. the cost to the department of administrator are so minor we feel are unjustified. the department will not suffer an impact here. this proposal is presented conceptually and it will need to come back for a more form hearing later on in the process. yesterday, i delivered this same presentation to 9 historic preservation commission and their supportive and asked the program how to uh-huh.
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>> staff. the commission had a dialog with the historic preservation commission about the work program and how staff will continue to address the progressing times and the backlog. in two weeks i'll come back asking for your approval the department budget and then we'll submit the budget to the mayor's office on february 21st if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> commissioner moore - off any public comment on this item? >> sue hester.
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at some point there needs to be a general discussion of why this department is an enterprise department rather than supported by general funds my prospective is enterprise departments start to be expectations for those who pay the fees rather than an extension of the citizens. i'm just throwing this out one of the issues on the enterprise department and this department in particular to put this mildly we have two notorious, notorious logs that are in the department for 8 years and one of them is an academic of arts university
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this is out of compliance with the planning code as possible and it it takes to ridiculous extreme doing environmental review if you don't do a competent review second one 130 el camino da mar i get the messy cases. those are going both enforcement cases and they've never been back to this commission. i have a couple of other questions. my other questions is when you're dealing with the expenditure budget, you know, we role could be helpful i'm the only person who asked for this. if you require the department to
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have an organizational charter it should be on the website and available to any member of the project i don't know who's in charge of long-term planning. this is the first time i haven't known in 40 years. i can't tell people how to go up the food chain people come to me for help if i don't know not everybody can knew. if you don't require it require an organizational chart they're not listening to me oh, they're working on it why is it not in the budget. that's it for now. the enterprise is a big question
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>> thank you any public comment on this item? okay public comment is closed. >> i expend the same climate i'm a principal in support of what you were saying i only have a couple of questions it's my need for clarification. on page not - on package two talking about the revenue budget and comparing the mayors mandated for the reduction you're showing 42013 - 2014 and 2015 - 2016 if there's a drop with would the number be that larger it's honorable >> you're talking about the general fund. >> yeah.
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>> so the way the reduction is circulated to the fiscal years there was some one time funding for specific projects in 2014 - 2015 such as the street tree planting so the reduction of the fund is not including that one time for example. >> oh. >> it's a reduction to our base budget. >> but that's a big hit and that's something i need to think about ahead of time because it is a large drop. having said that, package 3 the code enforcement is a discussion that popped up in the paper there's an incredible increase and people are questioning this breaking down something think
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the hill people fell off the scalpel and they didn't have a license and so no permit or approval. so why is the increase with such increase with the volume of activity in building such a small one that it's personnel increased on code enforcement in package 3. so the code enforcement activity we're proposing to increase we 1.5 ftes and is that the one >> that's the one i'm referring to. >> certainly it's a small number but it represents about a 20 percent increase in the department staff. >> we're a small tight-knit
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team and late last year, we are increasing we'll probably double our code enforcement do you have over the next couple of years and certainly in the department is in favor of the new positions we want to be more efficient would code enforcement. it's a good discussion what the city wants and expects. are there's multiply department for example, the planning department wouldn't be involved in the building scape =. so the question is also the coordination is what supervisor weiner was getting at this week and we think it's a discussion to have in the future and we appreciate more resources in code enforcement we'll have other funds to help but at this point this
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