tv [untitled] February 8, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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and the economic violate northward and will have a spiraling effort on sutter and post. our streetscape committee we had the opportunity to ask questions they added some issues you mainly the fountain and i think they treated that fairly and it's in the project also the wall around stockton we were concerned but they've opened it up with an 8 to the window and this connects the interior space with the sidewalk. so in summing it up we're excited about the project and urge you to support it. thank you
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>> good afternoon commissioners i'm kevin i'm the executive director of the hotel council of san francisco i serve on the board of supervisors for the improvement district. i'm here to support this on behalf of the hotel. when our guests come to san francisco they come to the aspect last year about how far of our city and it's also to shop. when a adversity comes and stays in our hotels they spend more money outside the hotel than win. the project that the apple store is proposing that will help market the city around the world and to have this type of site and this attach iconic flag store will benefit the entire city as well as the visitors who
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come here. when you look at the to the traffic that will come to union square inside and outside the store the space between hyatt and people will be able to enjoy it is a big chance even when you're walking around the properties. conference come to san francisco not only recommended to apple but to do apple businesses. had you see visitors coming here to visit the city we fully support it from the council and we ask you do the same thank you for your time >> thank you. >> good afternoon.
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my name is keith ward. i'm a security officer with w w. i've lived in the city for 3 seven years. i'm not against the apple project additional please excuse me. i've got my smart phone pictures. we've foouth fought hard to create and maintain heath public spaces so far all the citizens and the means to enjoy them. this project and other like it that avoid carefully community represent the undoing of what san francisco as a great city can be and is now. we shouldn't let apple or twitter are any other companies getting deals in san francisco
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that are not available for the average san franciscan. you must release the fox plaza not two for a away from here a coffee shop the lady got her rent raised and she's gun. the other companies won't abide by or when a tenant st. is paying a certainty amount and the landmark can raise the rent you're going to lose tenant and old school people and lose san francisco from what it was. i'm much older than you i imagine you are about 35 or 36. think about it in about it do
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give overlooking apple or twitter or anyone else you're not going to give deals to mom and pop small businesses >> patricia boyd an individual sense. i'm not against that i want to make sure that the designs you approve if they get chang's changed liquor what happened to us they must come back to this commission for any changes. this is a high commercial district the design is borrowing but i think they could do better but my point is if present the design it should come back to the position if there's changes
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bus i've lived through that one i'm still getting the complaints. okay. thank you >> thank you. sue hester i must admit i wanted to see the other side. i've been a tenant of miss floods family since 19 in this area which is a a long time. when i started being a tenant there there was pitch battles about what would happen around union square there were lawsuits and hearings from the planning commission. when you say an international icon i think levies. that's an international icon
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that's the tenant there now. now, it's the occupied by on the icon levies. i knew ruthie was involved in her neighborhood. her fountains are extremely special in the city. what we have to the that present time i've never met the attorney from the aclu. the process is short kishthd the planning department only knows what's going everything is between the developer and the planning department. the public is no where. where did is the public going to be. you are the public 1, 2, 3, 4,
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5, 6 not mr. ram you're supposed to be the public but you're not. and so you have got to make sure that the information comes out to the city and to the rest of the urban washed mass. but we understand what is being proposed. there's been a lot of concern about this project because it's a very important intersection. right now it's kind of weird to have a cross-line behind the building behind the levies this but sunlight comes down there what are the sunlight issues i haven't the fainted idea but there's not been the public process that will tell the rest
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of us what's going on and you're giving away development rights i get environmental reviews and i read them. what - if i don't know, you know, i don't anybody knows my landmark knows ms. flood knows but i don't >> thank you. >> any additional any public comment? scenes. opening it up for questions. commissioner sugaya. you have a general question. under what we're being asked to consider under 16 it says downtown authorization that has a number of compliments does it mean if we vote on this is it
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similar to an action with a conditional use that runs that with the land but not specific to the current tenant. the action you're taking don't run with the land and not the tenant. however, the action i'm asking for is the downtown project 3089 authorization you are about to give you see those for projects in the downtown. typically those projects in the do not come before you seeking the exceptions those this the the fully convalescent with the thirty 89 criteria so effectively the only component of this is the design review component so hypothesis wise they will
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have to go through the redesign process >> to a follow-up if apple were to construction that project and two years from now they ban it and someone comes next they can move in as it is. >> it is - >> they wouldn't tear it adopt. >> the levy building effectively. >> let's say they build this building and move and it becomes vacant and levies moves back in and at that point, the new tenant wouldn't have 80 come back. >> right. >> so it's effectively liquor a conditional use where we approve
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it for this particular use i mean whatever and not role approving it's not single letter to apple itself. >> correct. >> commissioner moore. >> i have two questions one say, i prefer we operate the motion you opened with the motions together and we motive have difference of opinions. i think there is very little disagreement that the levies store at that corn is ready for reconsideration there's no question in this room using our love and other things with this that apple would be a great store at the location a wonderful move. there's no question about the architect has been asked this
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building is well known for it's architecture and i want to see a this in which the architect updates this building. the review of the this is not in the approved commission its load by the historic preservation the building is what it is. i like to add a couple comments about two areas and some of them are more difficult to describe. one is the zoning administrators power to potentially issue the reading by which the energy code by the local and state is occur vend we all know people who
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practice in europe that there is glass available which indeed meets energy compliant standards and i hope we would make every effort to encourage the architect to bring the only into inclines. i'm not trying to circumvent our later reading i've not read it in the material that's why i raise it. moving on. and i'm not change our power by expressing this disappear >> if you liquor i can talk about that. what is the before me is a variance that has a transparency requirement it's not getting
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into the double or single pain those efficiencies standards are under the. are you of the building department. the architect will kline client with the building codes and they can address the issue that's been investigated and how to address to satisfy the building requirements. i want to clarify that >> does this commissioner in following up on this explanation has the ability to add a conditional recommendation we're supporting it in kind of do we have that possibly. >> what's before you is not the building permit per say it's a review of the building permit but it's under the building inspection so i think it's best
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to if you liquor - >> i'll answer that question. we're using a inside comblaz so we have a glass panels we are going to use heat strengthened and we have to shots even if laminated glass what we we have a how performance so heat is stopped. the slowing down doors is dependent on the weather and having the demeanors open it is a positive thing. we're using heating and cooling in the floor. we have to comply with the code anyway so all those clauksdz
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have been done and the glazing is based on that >> here you're making an applied commitment as well as to the city code of compliance. >> right. >> i appreciate that the material itself obviously since last june there were articles in the paper that this project didn't do that i want to make sure it's mentioned. i like to direct the discussion towards the plazas design. while i like the now recessed facade and the idea open stocking to that street i have a great disappointment will be the - one of the things it doesn't do is diesel with the issues of assessment assessment even throughout the this looks like
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an afterthought at best. the city has a very, very strong commitment to universal accessibility and we have an officer who deals with it and it's unusual in public plaza to use outdoor lifts we have two of them their difficult to use and most people need to reassess them from inside the building. so we have to follow the rouldz open the stockton street side there's a lift and on the plazas itself. those who two are points of access how they have to easy themselves across the plazas and come up to the private porch to the apple store and enter the
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building and have to go back into the, if you know area of the back, if you know area of the apple store to the elevator and go down or come up that's an indirectly way of handling that. the box planters isolate a narrow portion and there's too many tables for people to informally stroll through. if the hyatt is providing x press which didn't expiate when the plazas was there. the two demeanors coming out of the lobby of the hoyt are actually blocked by planter so there's not an the president of the two spaces flowing together that's a miss statement saying oh, the "x" press will be sold
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from the lobby when both doors are blocked. one of the elements that's completely unaddressed is the fact that the alley coming from stockton correcting through - coming from sutter connecting there the plaza has been go forward. the alley is blocked by planters more than three-quarters of a width of the alley a bloke. the original idea in the earlier 70s we tried to electro more alleys to a breakdown the alley you have the alley on bush street and jackson square area and on and on this alley is completely go forward. this gets me to the point as i started the plaza itself is two
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privatized for me. i regret that the large porch is different from the councilman which when the gentleman explained the diagram in this diagram if you want to bring it up it's the third slide the mrnt was sitting at the glass edge of the apple store and gave for room to the plaza. there was an essential door rather than two side doors by having the semi private prove that that is two removed to be useful for the plaza and is future aging sent by the two demeanors. when the energy on the second
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floor spills out into the placing and the store become visiblely more connected. there's too much furniture in the spates. all i can do is go up there and sit. that's not enough. there needs to be room to stand and gather and do other things. i think the open space can i be critical for a moment it's old-fashioned and we have some new open space behind the mention plaza that is colonel it has sproidz and elements of informant and formality and i believe the open space should be required to be redesigned there's a much stronger be appreciation for accessibility and with more multiply function
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of interpretation how it can be used. it can not be only available for apple. commissioner borden >> well, i do building this is a much improved project than what was presented. i'm supportive of the design. in terms of the way it meets the street on the post street side and the way it is open and transparent to the rear. i do think that commissioner moore brought some accessibility issues that i hadn't contemplated i think making it level on the plaza side would actually be a noise edition. in terms of the tables and chairs i actually find on union
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square there's not enough tables and chairs i don't think it's because the pace the way it is it's not been used i think that tables and a chairs will activate it and make that more existing given it's outside an apple store but i don't think that the furniture is particularly a problem but the accessibility issues the do you code is a challenge. i like you've opened it up on the stockton street with the air and the virtual connection. i was going to say about accessibility >> right. >> that hyatt hotel access remains. we've included a list to get
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accessibility. i think incorporate a ramp from street level into that plaza it's an leveling to the change it takes up - and a i mean on the backside at grade or making it so it's a ramp >> we've looked at the slouksz and have been it's a balance of how much you want the plazas to lose with the ramp. we put the list next to the staircase is so a clear user can go next to the staircase so we can look at ramps implicit but definitely from stockton street >> i didn't think from stomping intoxicate. there's two issues obviously
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what you're doing in your space and i don't know if the hyatt is planning on doing anything with your space >> it's the whole public plaza. the alley we haven't it's been outside of our boundary and our boundary line and work that's a separate issue for us. we've talked with the hyatt. i think in the changes need to be made with the designing i think we are working on what's the best thing whether we get more existing we like the simplicity. we liquor the simplicity of the building design. i'm less inclined to not add
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strange shapes maybe that's what you meant. certainly we are - our consultant has been working with us >> i think that's the only for me, the only pressing issue. maybe put the tables and chairs maybe not symmetrical but generally it's a great project p that moves the traffic at the corner of city clerk's office ton street it gets congested and having the traffic flow up through union square maybe move over to that place to find a respite is annoys. i like the fact you can see the trees it creates a visible connection optimum supportive >> commissioner wu. you have a couple of questions about the legislation.
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this definition of a secondary structure is that new to the planning code does it expiate otherwise in the code >> it's being introduced in the planning code. >> so, you know, there have been other points of view legislation we've tried to do something for the district but there was concerns from the commission and public. is this function liquor an su d this seems like it's complicated is there no difference >> effectively there's no difference in terms of the end result pits limiting for development capacities on some parcels. i know i think taking a step
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back when the legislation was draft we explicit know how many parcels are would building effected. they wanted it to be a constrained number of parcels. i think when we saw it was only affecting one parcel there is better ways to graft this and by all means if the commission has a different idea those are recommendations we can forward onto the board >> not having it in front of me i know thinking about an su d maybe an alternative way to do this. interrogating new definitions for this project is a little bit clumsy for me i'll loaf it there
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for new. with regard to the questions that commissioner moore raised. the variance and a transparency question is that about the building form or does it extend into the plaza. >> for section 145.1 is for the plaza itself would not have the transparency itself but to follow up on the special obvious district i think through either method through the code amendment or the special use amendment you'll be describing the allowances in the as a way so you'll have to use the same terminal so i don't know if an su d would be more simple. >> that's helpful.
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