tv [untitled] February 8, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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potentially so they're all new territories to work on in the city. >> if i may just finish up i wanted to say something about those sites. one thing you need to take into account is the under utilizing of the mccallister building, the older building on the site and i think we should consider that. maybe we can make some -- talk to some architects and tell us what could be done on the site, and the same thing -- and lastly i want to make one comment i am hoping that we -- i remain committed to the idea that we need to provide access to housing for our employees, particularly for teachers if we're going to remain competitive as to having teachers be able to come here in the future which we will definitely need, and i think that -- i am hoping that we will continue now having done this one deal with the city to look
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for new models because the weakness of course is the deal that we have done it will result in some affordable housing but there will be limited if any access for our own employees to that project -- to that housing because any housing project -- affordable housing or low income housing that includes federal subsidies teachers and most school employees are not eligible so we need to make a new deal and will be and i think we should pursue politically or think about other ways to build housing that is exclusively or largely for school district employees notably teachers. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. commissioner fewer. >> thank you supervisor kim so thank you mr. golden for this report. i have a couple of questions. one is at 1475
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ellis street to the church. when does that expire? >> i don't know. can i find out for you. >> and it's the same for [inaudible] garage and do we know when the lease expires and the parking authority -- >> [inaudible] >> [inaudible] >> i can get you all that information. >> okay. do you think these are leases that would be up within the next five years? >> the bush street garage, no. the other ones probably. >> oh for renegotiation. >> yeah the bush street garage was recently done and i need to check on ellis. >> and the lease for that on the bush street. >> yeah in fact we did it because we carved out spaces for the school.
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>> for redding elementary. >> they were requesting spaces and we redid the lease to get those spaces and still keep the lot available. glad tithings obviously is not one of the money makers. i think we have a long history with them -- >> i don't know the history -- >> but i can find out. >> okay. >> i know the fifth and market lease goes on for decades. >> yeah that's too bad -- actually -- yeah, that's too bad. >> there were those that thought it was a great deal and those in hindsight do not think that. >> yeah. now that we look like the price of a two bedroom condo -- >> right. 1440 harrison is a very long deal and there are a number of sites at the bottom if you look on the list there are four sites including the old downtown high school site that
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were leased to city college for instance for a up front lump sum payment of $10 million or whatever it was some years ago so there's a number of those that are floating out there where all the money was paid and the lease is good for another 50 years. one of them is the old polytechnic high school for instance. >> out on waller there. >> right. so we're no longer getting revenue from the sites, the money was paid up front, but we still own the land and will eventually. >> okay. >> downtown site was for -- i don't know if this will work but we got the money up front and used to build betty carmichael. >> yeah, that was that campus. >> and i think that we are concerned about our employer housing; however, through conversations with teachers though and it is also with the
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leadership of uasf that the last statement was they're willing to look at something other brick and mortar and rental subsidies which actually may work out better for us because we're not in the business -- we're in the business of education. we're not landlords and tenants and do we really want to -- we have some property that we rent but do we want to work with individual housing tenants? i don't know about you but as a board member i don't think i want to work with that. i feel that we should be using some of the revenue to help retain the teachers, yes, because 50% leave within the first five years but i think there is polling and surveying to do among the membership to what teachers would like. i think if we ask teachers if they would like to live together in one complex you might get different answers
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from that and personally my husband being a i wouldn't want to live in a complex with all police officers or fellow board members so there we go. i also wanted to ask you about that space i just drove by the other day at the 42nd avenue site and i am wondering all these sites we aren't currently using that site at all? is that correct? >> the 42nd site is currently used for two things. it's used for the storage for the special education department so there's a lot of records there, and it's being used as it always has been by the principal's union that maintain office there, but the building is such lousy shape we're not encouraging permits to have active events there. we have suggested to the supervisor
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of that district that potentially it could be a farmers market site in the interim. there are a number of things we would entertain as a community asset while we figure it out, but you're right, right now very low use. >> so actually i think i would categorize that as vacant because we don't have permanent office there. we don't have a school there we have buildings that actually we can't house or educate children in, right, because they're so broken down but it's also a eye sore of that community of single family homes so i am wondering what maintenance do we do to clean up the area? i drove by the other day and granted it was quickly on a motorcycle and i was wondering there is garage and debris and to be good neighbors are we constantly maintaining that site? >> and the answer to that question is we are supposed to be and one of my phone calls
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after i leave is call willy green in custodial and do policing and clearly when you have sites not heavily used you wind up with trash and debris and we want to be good neighbors. i agree. >> and i think that was a problem on 1950 mission and garage there and in front of that and to be a good neighbor we should keep that clean so the one at seventh and loton and i believe you're talking about the garden which is north of the site. >> that's not ours. >> yeah, that's not ours but i'm saying there is a garden but actually what is south of the site isn't ours either. that belongs to the water department of city and county of san francisco, whatever, so both of those, noght and south are not our site but the north site is already a community gardin there with open green space there and the south is also the reservoir
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of this huge big area, right, and so when you spoke -- when we explored about housing on 7th avenue when you spoke about there was enough room for housing and open space were you considering the property that's adjacent to the south and not to the north but to the south as the open space or were you looking at open space and housing within the property that we own? >> yeah. what i was considering commissioner is that the end of a planning process that would be fairly contentious there would be a compromise between a moderate housing density with some open space opposed to a totally built out site. if i had to guess of the eventual outcome would be there would be some give and take on our property. >> okay. >> but i think that's a planning process i am speculating. >> okay. great. yeah, well
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you know what? i have to say one i am looking at this list and we have made movement on this; right? page street that's done. 1950, 1101 connecticut and font street and they're done and this list is shrinking fairly within the last couple of years. >> yeah, and the chinese -- jackson street is back to being a school. >> yes. and then i wanted to ask about cook street. you mentioned they're bursting at the seams and going over to that other site. are they all moving over there and will that be vacant site? >> no. early learning has a huge proposal to take over head start. i think we are anticipating that we're going to get some portion of that and we are anticipating we have to hit the ground running really fast.
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the combination of sort of expanded interest in pre-k and now with tk essentially being more and not less. i'm speaking out of my area of expertise. they have needs for staff so where city college was previously at the havard site on the other side of the building we are now our preschool programs will take over part of that space and new special needs classrooms there as well, and there will be administrators on the second floor which has been predominantly empty for a long time. >> right. >> that plus gloria davis which is predominantly administrators so there's a lot of programs in the district and a lot of things that need. >> right. i think what would
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help with the mapping out in the future of our real estate is one is looking at the future needs even 20 or 25 years from now about where we might need schools and i am just say out at the park merced area there is going to be a huge development out there, right. we will see a huge increase of the family housing being built of needing a school out there and frankly we don't have a site out there and the schools out there can't accommodate such -- they're smaller schools so i think that type of planning about what we will need. the developers there they're going to have to also pick it up for us i feel because they're building it and their families are going to need schools somewhere but we don't have a school space there so i think when i'm looking at surplus property or property that is vacant or newly vacant
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or not utilized it would be helpful to have a plan also has we project out the age of school age children in san francisco and where we night need the space to actually educate them. as we see here we have little vacant property surplus property. everything is being used. i think there was a time when enrollment was down and people freaked out and you're going to have all these schools empty so what are you going to do with them? but now our enrollment is up and people are choosing our public schools because they know that this is the finest school district in the united states, so i think we will -- with all of the extra housing being built particularly in that area we're going to need, so it would be helpful if we could look at this with a projection of maybe what san francisco may look like so we can arksz comidate before we get rid of properties we may need that property to swap it out to
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build schools where the most of the housing is being done you know. >> and just in response to that, so one of the steps that we have taken for precisely the same reason we recommissiond and finished a new demographic study so we have a new set of demographics of growth throughout the city, and that study actually is kind of interesting in that for instance if you're in fresno and you build an apartment or a house you might get two students or three students per unit. in san francisco for instance in a lot of cases we're figuring one child for every two units for all kinds of obvious reasons. we think a lot of growth is out in the bay view principally. we also have a school assignment system that makes it sort of interesting to say who goes where and why. in a pure sense
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we would be building most of the new schools out there. i think -- i mean park merced is a classic case. we're sort of waiting to see what happens and we have a different challenge out there which is where is there available land even to acquire and purchase even to build a school? out in the bay view i think we have other options where we might be able to partner with a developer to get them maybe to build a school for us. i think that would be the intent of treasure island if they ever build four thousand units there and you're right and the problem comes and things are shifting incredibly fast, and the one thing i know for sure is chinese immersion is the classic case. we close the school. we then reopen the school and the
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chinese emmerkz and open the school and it's going great guns. yesterday's discarded school is today's great story. >> right. i am wondering supervisor kim maybe we could ask her if we could have that study at one of our next select committee meetings, the demographics, so we can take a look at what the latest information about san francisco and what their projections are, so i think that has to do with what's in the pipeline, right, for the housing and what people are building. i just want to make sure we're going to be able to accommodate and seventh and loton and swap it out with someone to buy property in a place where we really do need to build a school, so i think that i really -- until we sort of get a projection on it i feel like we really can't move on very much yet because we don't know
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it -- supervisor kim i was going to request at one of the next meetings that we look at the latest demographic and the projections for san francisco and where the building is going to be and also about hope sf how many family units, how many two bedroom units? are they affordable? we can almost assume that low income and affordable housing units -- those children will attend our schools for sure so it will give an idea of what the future population is in that area. >> right. and the demographers [inaudible] o'keefe is heading up that enterprise. they have a good presentation. they're skilled and thoughtful people. i think they will give a lot of information. >> and does the city and county of san francisco have that same demographic information and maybe we can do that. >> we can continue this item to
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the call of the chair. i can talk to either the planning department or one of the city departments to see who the appropriate presenter would be. we did through the board of supervisors institute a dashboard from the planning department to get a sense of the bird's eye view with all of the residential units built in the city and what percentage is affordable and ami so i am happy to have them come in and present that. it's actually 8,000 units on treasure island and even after the board of supervisors approves developments it doesn't mean they get built so we don't finance these private ones and treasure island and the shipyard are major developments we're waiting for but it's good to collect all of the data points together with the mayor's office and with all of these groups
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and the real estate division to continue the discussions. i know the mayor's office is convening the work group there and it would be good to have a representative from the school district there to see what role do they play in achieving the goal of building all of these units and is a hefty goal and even with all of things we're seeing is unprecedented and we used to do 1500 a year and doing 5,000 will take all of us doing heavy lifting and addressing the crisis. thank you so much for the presentation today. if there are no further questions or comments -- >> can i ask something? >> sure commissioner wynns. >> i wanted to see and i see mr. armtrout is here and i don't know when the appropriate time is but to have a hearing on the
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after school -- >> yes. >> after school coordination program pending. >> supervisor farrell did call for this hearing i believe in november. at the beginning of november i planned to agendize this in february. supervisor farrell if you have any additional comments but we will make sure that dcyf as well as the school district is there. i am assuming that supervisor farrell's office will be organizing the series of presentations along with you because i know commissioner wynns you also sponsored the same resolution at the school district and looking forward to that as well so if we can have a motion to continue the item to the call of the chair i will make sure that we have another presentation from the city's perspective and what is happening with the developer's perspective and also the city's perspective as well and i think it's good to have a 101 in how affordable housing gets built
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and there are complications at the federal and state level around the ami and commissioner fewer brought up and we get 60% subsidies for that and our first year teachers and families are under that it excludes a number of sfusd professionals and how do we build at that rate and leverage the dollars and i think in santa clara they issued certificates and they controlled who lives there and we can't do with federal or state dollars for affordable housing but it's an interesting and important conversation so if there are no further comments i will -- >> [inaudible] >> we have a motion to continue to the call of the chair and i will take that motion without opposition. [gavel] . thank you. are there any other items or announcements madam clerk?
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[gavel] >> good afternoon, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, february 4, 2014. madam clerk, could you call the roll? >> yes. [speaker not understood]. campos present. president chiu? chiu present. supervisor cohen? cohen not present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim? kim present. supervisor mar? >> here. >> mar present. supervisor tang. >> present. >> tang present. supervisor wiener? >> present. >> wiener present. supervisor yee? >> present. >> yee present. and supervisor cohen. >> present. >> cohen present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of
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allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, are there any communicationses? >> i have no communications today, mr. president. >> and could you read our consent jedv? >> items 1 through 11 comprise the consent calendar. thea items are considered routine unless a member will object. the item may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, would you like to sever any of these item? madam clerk, could you call -- sorry. could you call the roll on items 1 through 11? >> on items 1 through 11, supervisor mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye.
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supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. there are 1 ayes. >> those items are approved. [gavel] >> and could you go to item 12? >> item 12 is a resolution to approve an agreement with the nonprofit owners association for administration management of the renewed and expanded property-based central market community benefit district for a period commencing upon board approval until june 30th, 20 28. ~ >> colleagues, can we do this item same house same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 1 is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code by adding article 15 a to provide for the establishment of assessment districts to finance public realm landscaping improvement and maintenance of outdoor spaces and to authorize the purchase of real property with the assessment funds.
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>> colleagues, same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first read. [gavel] >> item 14. >> item 13 -- item 14, mr. president? item 14 is an ordinance amending the planning code to repeal pro he visions of and establishing new provisions for the 1500 page street affordable housing special use district for the property located at 1500 page street and to amend the zoning map to amend the affordible housing and modified height and bulk limits. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i know there's been a lot of concern ~ throughout our city about affordable housing and a number of the challenges that we face, and many of us are working on legislation to try and deal with that particular issue. but i do want to take this opportunity to highlight this project because this is a great example of what the city is doing right. this ordinance will create a special use district for a
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great project in the upper haight and this is a project for housing opportunity for development only disabled individuals. and in this particular project we have mercy housing and the arc working together hand in hand not only to rehabilitate these units and provide them to this particular population, but the arc, which is really the expert organization in working with individuals with mental challenges will be at hand to provide social services. so, this is just absolutely an incredible project. we have a number of organizations that traditionally in this particular area disagree on almost everything that comes out to the public. they actually have all come together, including the haight/ashbury improvement association, hank, and the hate ark bury merchants, the urban school located right next to this project, they all have
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agreed to support this project ~ because the outreach efforts were amazing. the communication with the community was amazing. and tim dunn in mercy housing in particular deserves the credit for their amazing outreach. i think this is going to be a wonderful project for the community that provides a great housing opportunity for a community that experiences challenges with access to affordable housing. so, i'm truly looking forward to the day that this opens and just want to thank everyone for their hard work on bringing this together and look forward to moving this project forward. thanks. >> thank you, supervisor. colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? without objection this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> colleagues, why don't we skip over our 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. special orders and go to item 20, madam clerk. >> item 20 was considered by the land use and economic development committee at a regular meeting on monday,
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february 3rd, and was forwarded to the board as a committee report with the same title. >> colleagues, would anyone like to discuss this item? item 20. >> yes. >> supervisor kim? supervisor cohen. >> well, okay. supervisor kim, would you like me to go first? >> that's okay. i apologize. i thought this was item 29, so, i'll start. >> okay, supervisor kim. >> this is something really exciting for us to celebrate. many of you know that i've been working for the last year and a half -- year with supervisor kim. you heard me speak about the importance of this legislation when we introduced it last week. this legislation supervisor kim and i have been working on is really borne out of our desire to provide real employment opportunities and housing opportunities to individuals that have a conviction history.
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one in four californianses have a conviction on their record. i represent a district with the highest percentage of individuals who have this conviction history. and data tells us that access to housing and employment opportunities are key components to preventing recidivism and supporting public safety in our communities. the legislation is really long overdue and this is -- certainly think supervisor kim agrees, this is landmark legislation and it's long overdue and i believe it will help eliminate the conscious and more importantly unconscious bias that exists when hiring and housing individuals with a conviction history. as a city it's time for us to help change the perception of people who served their time, paid their debt to sew satiety and want to be productive workers in community. this legislation is not designed to give individuals a preference. rather, it's to ensure they are judged on qualifications, not their prev
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