tv [untitled] February 10, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PST
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encourage you to apply go the sf purifyi or stop by any place for our clean slate program. our team looks forward to serving >> february fourth meeting of the entertainment commission, and like i said, my name is brian tan and i am the president, turn off your cell phones or keep them on vibrate just so that we have silence in the room so that we can hear everybody in the room today. if you are a member of the public, please fill out one of
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the comment cards, they are pink right up here on the desk and hand them to our staff so you have something to say on the item on the agenda and that is how do you it. and thank you to sfgov tv and the media services for presenting this commission meeting live for the public and we are going to go ahead and start this meeting with a roll call. >> commissioner hyde? >> here. >> joseph? >> here. >> lee. >> here. >> campagnoli. >> here. >> president tan. >> here >> we have a quorum and we have not heard one way or another from perez or akers. >> as long as we have quorum we can move o >> we have a fairly short agenda and hopefully we can move through it quickly. the first item is public comment, and this is for any items that are not on the agenda but do pertain to the business of the entertainment commission, is there anyone
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here that would like to make public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and let's move on to item two and approval of the minutes from january 21st. >> do you have any changes or motions? >> move to approve. >> second. >> this is a motion and a second. >> we can take public comment on this? >> is there any public comment on our minutes from our last meeting? i don't see any, so that is now closed. let's move on to voting. >> voting, sorry. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> commissioner joseph? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner campagnoli. >> aye. >> president tan? >> aye. >> all right. now on to item three, which is the report from executive director. >> good evening, as you can see there is nothing in your packet. i was on vacation last week. and so there is only really
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very view things to report. one is to reiterate that march 29th is our retreat. it will be 9 a.m. to about 1:00 and i have got it narrowed down to two locations in the city and so i will let you know, please put that in your calendars. the last commissioner hearing that was discussion around late night transportation, and there was a request by this commissioner to possibly have a hearing in the late night transportation. but since the time of our hearing, there has been press indicating that supervisor weiner will be holding, or calling for a hearing at the board level, and regarding late night transportation, and i spoke with his office today and we met for about an hour.
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regarding that sort of invitees and the content of that meeting and the potential date. and i wanted to let you know at this point, they are looking at march three, because then it will be at land use and so it will be a monday afternoon. and we will be asked formally to be part of the presentation at the front end before there is sort of testimony and public comment. >> so we will not be limited? >> correct. >> but we will be one of a few departments, so i don't think that it is for us to take all of the time on the agenda. but, i think that the... >> with the land use? >> i think that it is 1:30. obviously i am going to give you guys more concrete when it becomes clear when they actually do agendaize it. but, i just wanted to follow up with you so it did not feel like it was left hanging and there would be repetitive for us to do and i think that his
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request for the presence of transit and bart and any of the others that they can get to come it will be a much more weighty discussion and will not be last, as far as i can tell, my request is that our office begin a conversation that it will not begin and end with one hearing. because it is a very big obviously important topic for this commission. >> i have a question. first, because they are holding a hearing, why shouldn't we have a discussion here prior to that hearing from our venue owners? at least with our venue owners and people like that? >> it is not that we should not, it is just that i want to be mindful of their time and i want to make sure that... >> they don't have to come here, possibly we can ask the public to come then? if we didn't ask mta to come. >> i mean, that we can change the nature of the hearing we are having. >> sure. >> i guess that we should have more of that conversation, you
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and me off line if you want to see if there is something that is additive, if you will for the purchase of having a conversation before, maybe we want to wait to see what happens and have one after. and i think that we have many conversations about this massive topic as it warranted, i think that there is a lot of change that needs to happen and a lot of things to do. >> so why don't we just institute change. >> maybe. >> the pressure that we can put on them to change would be great. >> maybe. we will see what the best process is. so, any way, that is pretty much what i wanted to remind the commission of this week and i wanted to hand it over to sean, who we introduced last meeting but did not have a report and this time he does. >> another question about the hearing. >> yeah. >> and so, is muni planning to present the results of the survey at that? i think that it is probably just a brain storm at this point but do you know if they are going to share that data,
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because i think that there say lot of rich information in there and i think if you are talking about transit and bart and you can get lost in what we are trying to... >> i think that the form of the hearing is still in conversation with respect to supervisor weiner's office. i think that document is public. so it can be a subject of anybody's presentation. i don't know whether he will specifically ask them to talk about it or not, it is really in part of the three or four articles that have been published.
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>> i am going to turn it over to sean who was out on patrol twice now, since you met him. and at one point, the patrol was with commissioner joseph. and so he had some interesting experience and so i am going to send it over to him for his first report to you and so be kind as well in terms of questioning >> thank you, and good evening commissioners. the last two weekends were enlightning and educational. i completed a few sound tests, first initial sound test for a couple of venues that i wanted to mention. club malibu, 3395 mission,
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drake, at 508 fourth, and tunnel top and 601 bush, and project one gallery and human video game at 550, 15th. i followed up on a few complaints that had come in and existing complaints since my start day. one at folsom, at that particular establishment, we were advised the front house and engineer and manager to cut the low end frequencies to stop the noise issues that the residents were complaining about. at 719 harrison, i advised the owner manage tore keep the front door shut during performances. and we did get a complaint for hot dog sven der, not a street vendor, but at 2241, called lucky dogs that were selling the dogs after hours and i
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witnessed that personally. and i gave warning to the operator in person and the owner over the phone. blue sushi, the staff hosted the occasional dj night and i witnessed karaoke in action the evening of my visit. we will be following up with them regarding permitting. and i believe that we have a report from a naier of 1 odus which was an after hours party that was three weekends in a row. lasting from 3 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.. commissioner joseph and i arrived on the scene 315 a.m. approximately, and made a call to san francisco police
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department, and they arrived, three cars and we were able to shut down the party within approximately 30 minutes. >> general notes over the course of two weekends, i believe in my experience, in the city and over the course of twot weekends, i think the very busy corridors broad way and soma and polk were all less attended than i think that i have seen. personally. i did verbal warnings, and with the neighbor policy and the incident to report was a visit to the parlor, and issued a good neighbor policy to them and spoke to the managers about
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their policing the sidewalks >> i went out to the hot dog stand and that is a long term ongoing problem of selling hot dogs after hours, getting that done. >> i understand. >> i think that he was talking about the premise, an actual premise, >> yes, i know exactly what he is talking about. i am talking about those. >> informal ones? >> the one across the street from the formal ones. but i will stay on them. >> just a suggestion, in the future it is actually helpful for us to get a written sort of incident and if you can prepare that in the future understood. okay. >> that is okay. i am not pointing fingers i am just saying. >> did i miss what you said about, did you say something about lacacina. >> i left it out of my report. >> okay. >> they are here tonight, so we can talk about it then. >> thank you.
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>> could i ask one question about blue fin tuna. where is the karaoke? >> behind in the rear of the bar side there is a glass incased room. >> okay, thanks. >> and 1 odus was that a house party or a venue? >> commercial property. as far as we could tell. we didn't actually enter the premises. but yeah, it was kind of wedged in between two commercial businesses it looked like a very non-disscript office door. >> got it. >> any other comments from commissioners? >> one more question for josylyn. how are you doing on that second inspector position? >> we are moving forward. it is part of what i like, the classification process to not
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hire another temp, but hire the second person permanent and make this position permanent. so i am sorry, that is a great question. >> all right. >> all right. and if there is know other commissioner comments we will open it up to public comment, and is there any comment on the director's report? >> no, seeing none, public comment is closed. >> we shall move on to our next item item 4 which is the police department comments and questions. >> officers, any other officers please come up. >> well commissioner and staff, steve methias from the central station, just a brief run down of the last two weeks and not too much is going on, a minimal amount of violence in our district. different things that i have, two subjects were arrested at the ruby sky, 420 mason street at 2 a.m. and the subject was upset about having to leave at
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closing time and so he responded by throwing his drink in the security's face and then he shoved him and so the security took him out and as they were going out the wife jumped in as well of the suspect so they were both arrested. and there were some thefts in the district, and in kennedy's bar and jones. and the irish bank, and hotel adasia, ruby sky and the rec room. and the last one, we had a battery outside of the hungry eye, that is 546, broad way, and right on the sidewalk on february first about 1 a.m.. and the victim was sucker punched and knocked unconscious, and the hunger guy was able to provide the video that shows the assault and so it is an ongoing investigation. questions or comments? >> all right. thank you, officer. and any public comment on the police comments and questions? all right.
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come on up. >> okay. >> my name is steve ocastalato and i was walking last night and i was trying to get some reports on where there was a double stabbing. and at one a.m., last thursday. and which i don't want to go on record in terms of it, because it is a case that is pending and stuff but that is pretty serious and it was pretty violent and there was one of the persons had to go out in an ambulance. and it centered around columbus and broad way and i will share some of other information off line but the thought that that would be important to note. thank you. any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. we will now move on to item number 5. which is hearing and possible action regarding applications
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for permits. so the first one we have is columbus cafe. >> and this first one is ratiba hararah doing business as 901 columbus cafe, her son who is the manager is here today and they have been actually been on the corner and been doing business for years, coffee and beer and wine and they would like to add some live entertainment. you should have letters of support from some neighbors included in your binder. >> all right. so, we have been in business for about 12 years, just very standard cafe operation. >> could you speak closer into the mic? >> sure, sorry. that was our 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. and i am sorry, 8:00 to 10. and what i am hoping to do is
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tuesday nights from around 7:00 to about 9:30 p.m., to bring in an mc, who will host and sort of head this sign up, open mic, acoustic singing and spoken word and poetry type of thing and i have seen him in action before throughout the city and it is a very professional set up, and i think that it would be a great compliment to my cafe just once a week for now any way. i have reached out to the neighborhood. starting with captain of central station. he gave me some pointers on who i should speak with specifically. and some general ideas other good neighborhood organizations to notify as is required by the entertainment commission. so, i went ahead and did that,
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starting with steve who just spoke here earlier. we talked about reaching out to the tal hide community center and i did, martinez who is the executive director over there and actually spoke with ashley who was the assistant and we posted a letter of our intent with the specific information on which hours we would like to hold this event and which type of entertainment will be there as well as my personal contact information and that has been posted and i thought it would be prudent to contact the hotel upstairs for my cafe because it is a residential hotel and there are about 80 residents that live there at any one time. so i reached out to the manager and the owner of the hotel. and a very good relationship with him as he has owned that hotel for the whole 12 year duration that i have owned my cafe. and he told me that he has never had any bad complaints or fielded any negativity, regarding my cafe and said that, i'm welcome to provide
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you with his direct contact information and should anything arise he will contact me directly. and so we have a good relationship and i let him know exactly what we intend to do. aside from that, there is not really like a development organization in my specific area. so, captain tom referred me to the fisherman's wharf community business district as well as the china town, and it is a ccdc, and i believe that the china town development center and i did reach out to the directors of both of those. one member who sits on the board of the ccdc her name is fay darwami and she is a strong supporter of this and thinks that it is a great asset to the community and also lives in the neighborhood and has boys who go to school in the neighborhood. so she also heads another
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neighborhood organization called street utopia which is highly involved with representing neighbors, and organizing various neighborhood interests. so, she provided me with her contact information too and she could be reached here. all of this, i have got a copy here that i could happy to hand you guys. and i have got several more names on here and i don't want to bore you guys but the jist of it is that i have tried to reach out as best as possible and i have made my best effort to notify the neighborhood and i have heard nothing but support of what i am trying to do here, that is it. >> great, thank you so much. we have some questions, and you can stand up there and commissioner joseph. >> hi, so let me understand what you are doing and you are going to have computer speakers and bookshelf speaker. >> correct, that is correct. >> and you have an open mic so
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you can have a microphone and it is going to come out of the bookshelf speakers and the computer speakers? >> exactly. there is a computer which controls like the microphone instrument balance. so vocalist and guitar that will be the computer speakers set up i guess and we have a stereo system for the cafe with about four or five bookshelfs. >> and they are more for the performer than for the public. >> i was going to say that is not going fly with the computer speakers. >> and so your mc is going to do what? >> he will have a sign-up sheet and he will just sort of start everything off by introducing, what it is about. and he will also plays the guitar. he kind of sets the tone. and sings a little bit and then interacts with the crowd and reads off the sign up sheet. >> and so the open mic is for music or anything?
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>> right. primarily i have seen him in action before and it is music and poetry and like the spoken word, which i suppose is poetry. yeah. >> okay. commissioner lee? >> so, the brain wash you are similar to that, is that what you are trying to do? >> more or less and we have the comedy as well. and i would be open to it. >> and your place is about the same size as it. >> it is smaller and it is 1400 square feet. >> it is actually about the same size as the cafe area. >> all right. commissioner hyde. hi. so first of all, thank you for being so thorough with your community out reach, that is amazing. and so what i wanted to ask you since you were so thorough, if there were any positive feedback that you could say from doing that stuff? >> yeah, yes, there was very positive feedback and that somebody to bring to the attention, and bringing it to my attention, what would i do
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if it got too popular, and what would i do if i have a line of people out of the door and that is something that i had not thought of, until he mentioned it. and i think that i have come up with a good solution and that would be to work with the mc to have a sign out that is further out in advance and maybe a couple of days and we just limit the attendance to the people who sign up and that way we don't violate the fire code and we don't disturb the people in the neighborhood by having a bunch of people looking through the windows. aside from that, nothing really came up that i don't feel that we have already covered. >> great, thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> i have one quick question. >> yes. >> so obviously hiring the mc and putting in the microphone is going to cost a little bit of money. >> not entirely. >> okay. >> do you see it in some way increasing your business?
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>> i would hope so. but, it is not necessarily the point of doing this. do i see it increasing the business? yes, i do. but i don't really know, because it is kind of hard to say because we do happy hours and we try to do other fun things any way. so i think that it is going to maintain the business and just add some diversity if anything and which would be huge for me. >> and it is good to have diversity in your business for sure and i was curious if you had some kind of a performer that that might bring me an extra $200 a week or something. >> i don't really have a figure on that. >> yeah. >> i expect more people to come in and do it for fun, than to spend a ton of money. >> thank you. >> great. is there any other commissioner questions, and go ahead and have a seat and we will bring up the police to come and speak on your permit.
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>> thanks. >> hello, steve, and i met with the applicant as well as my captain and we have gone over the business plan and as far as calls for service, a minimal amount, and it is actually a very well run business, and he has been there for 12 years, and he has a good track record. and we went over some of the different issues as far as the noise problems or even kind of, regarding the lines and stuff. and so, i liked the idea that he had regarding, you know, if it does get to this point where there are large crowds to do something on-line as far as reservations. and we also talked about, if there were lines having the staff to communicate that to the people in lines, and so that they are not getting angry, so that they are not getting inside and we also talked about maybe, if there were people that were not going to get in to refer them to the other businesses that have similar things in the area. and he seemed very receptive toward that and so the central
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station is recommending approval on the permit. >> thank you. >> i have a question. >> yeah. >> and are you limiting it to that one night? >> we are not limiting it, he would like to, and he does not plan on, going, much fast just the tuesday, and however, with the limited live, it really, it reduces our exposure, we are not talking about a nightclub that is going to be operating at 2:00 in the morning and the most that they will be able to go for is ten and so it is a great problem and just because it gives the businesses an opportunity to provide something, a little bit of extra, and it does not expose law enforcement to the public safety concerns or if it does, it is kind of slowly giving them more and more. so, it was or was not too hard avenue decision for us at central. >> great. thanks. >> thank you. >> so is there any public comment on 901 columbus? >> seeing none, i will close
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the public comment. the commissioners now the item is now with the commission and i don't know if there are any other comments or i am happy to entertain a motion. >> i would like to move to approve, but i do have a question for staff, limited live goes until? >> ten p.m. >> it has not moved to eleven? >> no. if the business is able to conduct their business in a secure and safe fashion, in a year we can apply to have extend to eleven, but that is the maximum they could ever go. >> i just wanted... i was confused by that. so they have to have the permit for a year. >> yeah, no matter what. >> and then we send it to the police station for their approval. >> great. >> i move to approve >> i second. >> there say motion and second. >> okay. so, commissioner campagnoli? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> yes. >> commissioner joseph. >> aye. >> commissioner hyde. >> aye. >> commissioner akers. >> aye. >> commissioner per hes? >> aye. >> and commissioner tan. >> so moved. >> that motion pass and we will
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move on to our next permit applicant which is drake, do you want to take that? >> i need to recuse myself on this, they are kind of close together, so i think that it is better. >> see you later. and hopefully the record shows that commissioner akers and commissioner perez are now present with us. and so go ahead and take it away. >> this is doing business as drake at 508, 4th street and as you know it is a lounge and restaurant located south of market but this area is zoned for service, light and industrial and sli, zoning prohibits entertainment, but there is that little section in the planning code that does allow for 12 events a year under the rent party exception and so the applicant is here to get a poe and a place of entertainment permit, the southern station has provided a list of conditions included in the binder. and park is here to talk. >> and excuse me.
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president tan, commissioners, mark grame here representing, kingston wo and the drake and he is present today with us and with his manager. and now, this is, i think that i have put some pictures and it was a beautiful space it was designed by a well known architect and i believe that it was the tenth anniversary party. and it is basically a gas show, a lounge and it is located next to the utah hotel on 4th street. planning code as you know, about i think that it was 1989 and they down zoned almost all of the south of market. and therefore, entertainment is not permitted in this district. however, under section 205.3 of the planning code there is an exception that allows one entertainment event per month, 12 times a
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